cherry / 215 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: It's funny how we can look back fondly after all of that!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@autumnleaves: our ped told us to hold off on nuts since BIL is allergic- epi pen allergic. I will ask again at the 9 mos check up b/c I'd love to share my favorite snack with LO.
@JennyLayneAZ: I don't know if we are ready this cycle, but DH talks about a second like its a given. Lol My doctor recommends waiting until 12 months between kids unless AMA and then she green lights at 9 mos. If we tried right now we would be pushing it. I am concerned about a RCS. My first was such a breeze, but I hear more horror stories with the second like incisions not closing up.
@rockinghorse: my big fear is work. going back to work has not been the same for me. Technically, I didn't go back to my old job, but it feels like I am still adjusting. I am worried what another maternity leave will do to me.
Sleep Training we never got around to it for the 10+ days I was off over the holidays because LO was sick. He sleeps through the night, but he sleeps in our bed now. I don't mind the co-sleeping except that we can't leave him alone in case he rolls off the bed. I want him back in his own crib, just so I can move around the house freely!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I keep putting off sleep training because I don't know if I can handle it lol but then we have nights that she wakes up 5 or 6 times after we've gone to bed and I know I have to do it. I just don't want to fail. But I need to sleep!
AMA is another reason #2 is on my mind. I'll be 34 next month, and DH will be 40 in May.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: I feel the same way. If I don't try sleep training, then there's no failure involved. Lol
cherry / 215 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: We did a kind of modified sleep training that didn't involve CIO around 11 weeks, and have just stuck to the principals of it ever since. It was no magic bullet, but by 4 months just 2 night feedings, 5 months 1 night feeding, and 6 months none. Now she stays in her crib 12 hours overnight and puts herself back to sleep. Naps are a while other epic fail back of wax... DH and I were just talking how amazing it is now. It was horrible until 4 months! Good luck with your own adventure!
persimmon / 1114 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I think about a third one all of the time. Which is funny, because I hated being pregnant this last time and swore up and down it cured me from ever wanting a third! But I am having such a hard time thinking this is my *last* time doing each phase and putting away each outgrown outfit. However we have a ton of fertility issues (both boys are IVF) and I am AMA so I am pretty certain we are done.
We have not tried peanut butter yet but might give it a go this weekend. Pretty sure he will not be allergic because he accidentally grabbed big brother's donut last weekend and ate almost 1/3 before we noticed! (the things that I feel like never happen with your first!).
Sleep has been terrible here! My 3 year old still does not sleep through the night. The baby was sleeping through the night but between getting 4 teeth at once and a series of colds, plus moving out of our room into his own, we have completely lost it I know I have to try to cio but I just don't have the energy (and am petrified he will wake up big brother!).
nectarine / 2690 posts
@bloved: ugh, teeth. Pipers third (1st on the top) popped through new years day, and the other top one is getting ready to break through. It's been a nightmare. And I can see the next top teeth under her gums so they're not far behind. and she's getting ready to walk.....all these things are not helping her sleep at all.
I chickened out and didn't cio this weekend again.
cherry / 215 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: Don't stress, mama. Do it when it feels right!
I feel super excited today because DD sat in her high chair and fed herself some puffs, scrambled eggs, and bananas! So I got to feed myself instead of her!!!! I got some puffs and those really got her to understanding feeding herself. It is also awesome because if I need to get something done in the kitchen I can put her in her chair with some puffs and she will occupy herself! AAAHHHHHH!!!!
She has also pretty much gotten real crawling down, pulls herself up to her knees in her play pen, and has started doing downward dog. Lots of interesting changes coming I am sure! Oh, and she will throw her pacifier out of the crib so I have to come in and give it back to her at night. She has this huge grin on her face when I open the door. She has my number!
nectarine / 2690 posts
You guys my mom just texted me that Piper took 3 steps unassisted. I missed it , I'm so sad!
cherry / 215 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: Wow! We just sorta got crawling! These kids need to slow down!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@rockinghorse: I know, she's growing up way to fast! I've said from the beginning though that she doesn't like being a baby lol So I'm SOL!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: ahhh! You'll see her take 4 in no time! Walking already? These babies don't stay babies for long.
pear / 1622 posts
@rockinghorse: that is great - definitely helps when they can feed themselves. I should try scrambled eggs soon.
@JennyLayneAZ: wow! She's a go getter!
My little guy is getting closer to crawling. Still no teeth. He did get his first fever and ear infection over the weekend
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @autumnleaves: I know this all happening too fast! Where has the time gone?! Hope your lo is feeling better autumnleaves!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
I think DH is on the road to sleep training LO again. LO has STTN since 2 months old, but for the last 6-8 weeks he's co-slept with us/ me for part of the night at first and then the entire night. I'm OOT and DH reported LO cried for 35 minutes before STTN in his crib. There's no way I could have let him cry that long.
If all goes well tonight, tomorrow night then I just have to stick with it on night four. Give me strength!
How has sleep training/ CIO going for you guys?
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Oh, I'm so jealous! I haven't tried yet, LO's 4th tooth is trying to come through so she is cranky and emotional right now. My mom can't get her to take a nap in her crib at all this week. Plus the walking milestone. Ugh, too much at once!
I still haven't seen her take steps yet, but she has every day for my mom!
persimmon / 1458 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I can't bring myself to sleep train this time around! I think I'm too exhausted with 3 kids and just want sleep however I can get it. My little guy slept through the night at 1 month old and then shortly after I went back to work he started waking and I have been bringing him in our bed ever since. Oh well it won't last forever right?
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: aww man, that has to be frustrating at this point not to see her walk yet. Maybe you will get a chance during the day this weekend. With this rate, she's going to have full set of teeth before one!
@Canoli: yeah, sleep by any means necessary! DH finally understood after last night why it was easier for me to co-sleep. He also signed up for a grocery delivery service while I was away. One kid let alone three is exhausting! How are all the siblings getting along?
nectarine / 2690 posts
So yesterday was Pipers 9 month well visit. Here are her stats:
17 lb 12 oz (45%)
28 in long (75%)
17 1/2" head circumference (60%)
anyone else have updated stats? I swear she feels heavier than 17 lbs!
pear / 1632 posts
Hi mommies! Just checking it to see hoe you all are doing! I cant believe our babies are 9 months old already!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@jh524: I know right, I swear we were just pregnant! LOL
So ladies, P slept through the night last night! (****knock on all the wood***) She kinda forced us into CIO on Saturday night, when she woke up at 10 and didn't want to sleep without being held. So, I tried for 2 hours to get her back down, DH tried for an hour, and then I finally convinced him to let her cry. She cried on and off for about 40 minutes and then went to sleep Then last night she cried for like 2 minutes and slept from 6:30 until 5:00
pear / 1622 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: that is great news!
We had our 9 month appointment today and E's doing well! He laughs so much and has been so happy - it has been awesome. No teeth yet - I wonder how rough it is going to be when they start coming in. The doctor also said E is due for a growth spurt which I take to mean we will have a few sleepness nights in our future.
I was worried I was not giving him enough BM - he's down to 4 feedings 5-6oz a time but the doctor didn't say anything about it.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@autumnleaves: ugh, teeth. I hate them lol I feel like she is just going to be a teething monster for the next 2 years. Yay for a good check up! I think p is getting ready for another growth spurt too, she didn't grow much from her 6 month check up.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: STTN! Thats awesome! DH did CIO with LO to put him back in his crib. I'm trying to mimic the success. Night # 8 if I do.
@autumnleaves: our doctor said the same thing about a growth spurt. Was E coming along on his curve? My LO was down one or two percentile categories.
Weight 20 lbs, 70%
Height 29.25 inches, 85%
I don't remenber his head circumfrence, but the percentile is down from last time.
Wouldn't you know he has a double ear infection! It's number five. For the most part he's hit all the milestones they asked about except saying real words like dada, standing with both hands free, and cruising. What are your LOs saying these days?
Our ped took a look at the school menu and was concerned. Yay, I get to be that mom again at daycare.
He has one little bottom tooth that has been trying to make an appearance for a few weeks now.
pear / 1622 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: not another ear infection! Poor little guy!
E was 40% for height this time compared to 72% at 6 months. His weight remained in the low 70% and his head went from 44% to 55%. Both DH and I are 5'7 so I think he'll stay around average or below average for height.
He doesn't say any words yet but a lot of babbling. I like to think when he says mama he means it but I can't say that he does. I love listening to all the sounds he makes! It will be interesting to see what his first word is. LO1 said this and that a lot and then sock or shoe and dada. Mama came later.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I hope last night went well for you! P woke up around midnight, but didn't cry for too long.
I think she has a peanut allergy though she had diarrhea all day yesterday and now has a very angry diaper rash.
She's not talking yet. She babbles a lot and says ma sometimes but I don't think she means to yet lol like @autumnleaves: I like to think so, but I think its wishful thinking lol
cherry / 215 posts
I completely stopped with the BF about a week and a half ago, and I'm wondering how long my boobs are going to hurt! I was OK for a couple of days, then had to express one side, now they both hurt.
Side note, have you guys been doing self breast checks while BF? I have been pretty bad about it, and now of course I can't. I guess I have to get back into the routine of it all.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: no fluke...two nights in a row, no MOTN crying in his crib again! Once an allergy is suspected is there an official test to confirm? Peanuts are everywhere.
@rockinghorse: I didn't check my breasts before let alone when I BFing.
@autumnleaves: @JennyLayneAZ: I'm not too concerned about the indistinctive babble, but a What to Expect(ing) article definitely highlighted where I can step up language development.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Congrats on the STTN Piper has slept through the night all except two nights since Saturday, so, better than nothing! I haven't called the Dr about the peanuts yet. At this point she's getting "pure" ingredients and/or baby food (no peanuts) so I'm just going to steer clear of them for the time being. I will follow up with the dr though.
I'm not concerned with her speech development at this point either. I was a late talker, and I'm just fine lol
persimmon / 1114 posts
Had Nate's 9 month check up today:
22lb 11.5 oz
His head went from 75% to 90% - not a big concern but something we will keep an eye on.
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: congrats on sttn! Nate has for the past week but I am still too worried it is just a fluke!
@JennyLayneAZ: oh no! Hopefully not an allergy! I was so mad bc the other day my mil took it upon herself to give Nate peanut butter when she was watching him! Thankfully he was fine, but peanuts are no joke and not worth messing around with!
cherry / 215 posts
@bloved: We had ours on Wednesday.... We had to fill out this questionnaire before we came in, and do some little tests with her (can she pull up to standing, does she clap when you tell her to, does she say anything purposefully) and our answers for the communication stuff weren't great. This is stuff like clapping on command, playing peekaboo on command, having words for things, etc. So then the MD points to the other end of the room and says she should look where he is pointing and then look back for confirmation. Well... not so much. Also, her right butt cheek has an extra bit of fat underneath compared to the left. We need to "keep an eye on this". So basically I felt pretty crappy leaving.
persimmon / 1114 posts
@rockinghorse: omg that questionairre was killer. There were (embarrassingly) so many answers that I did not I was handing him the pen and seeing if he would give it back to me (spoiler alert: he did not and apparently was supposed to). We did not do great on all that stuff either. But my doctor was very nice about it and said really a lot they mainly just want to see by 12 months, so I am assuming same for yours. Try not to worry. I remember with my first I was so worried because he DID NOT talk until almost 2 - at 3.5 he is one of he chattiest kids you could ever meet. I think it is such a spectrum!
cherry / 215 posts
@bloved: Thank you! I really needed to hear that! I mean, I'm glad my ped is thorough (I mean, who notices a lower butt cheek?), but damn, dude has me sweating over here!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@bloved: @rockinghorse: I had a questionare but it was "are you concerned about any of the following" and I wasn't LOL Piper doesn't clap yet, I wasn't really worried about it. Sometimes she'll give me something, sometimes she won't LOL And a butt cheek, seriously?!
Ugh you guys Pipers 5th tooth came through this weekend. Seriously, we aren't going to get a break from teething at all!!!
nectarine / 2690 posts
Hey ladies! How is everyone? Anyone have concrete plans for your 1st birthday parties? I'm stressing out over here lol
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: give us a run down of what you're thinking so far?
We are just planning a picnic in a park. I still have to scope out a decent park- sad, but this will be LO's first park experience. I have to find a bakery to make him a "healthy" cupcake.
ETA: No party or other family members. I will ask his grands and other family members to write letters to him that we will keep and give him on his 18th birthday. I need to get on that request!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: All I know is that it'll be at our house on the 15th lol I haven't nailed down a theme, time, outfit, cake...nothing.
We haven't taken LO to a park yet either, I feel so bad!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: may I suggest ???
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: That's adorable! I think that's my problem though, I like everything LOL and I think I'm putting so much pressure on myself to chose the right theme since she only turns 1 once, and time is running out. I just need to decide on something and get started so I can send out the invitations!
pear / 1642 posts
I cannot believe they are already turning one! @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: that party is gorgeous!
We do have plans for her birthday, but as it's a joint party with big sister (turning 4 six days later), the party had been pretty much picked for us. Haha- so it's Trolls themed.
For my dd1s first birthday we did you are my sunshine and everything was pink yellow and orange (sunset colors) at a campground and I loved it! Kinda bummed my two are so close together and that I can't do another first birthday that's just what I want
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