wonderful pea / 17279 posts
LO turned one yesterday. His morning started with ear tube surgery. After the initial fussiness he was back to normal except for his appetite. He had a chocolate cupcake (fail ). Today we are going to the park and giving him his fruit loaded cake.
pear / 1622 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: how was the park? My little guy's birthday was Thursday but it was his 3rd day of having a fever so we went to the doctor and didn't do anything fun. The doctor said it was a upper respiratory virus but then he had a mouth ulcer this weekend and wonder if he had hand foot mouth. Yesterday was better and he enjoyed his birthday donut. We'll make it to park as soon as we can.
Is any one else's little one putting everything in their mouth? We are having to baby proof more with my second because he puts everything in his mouth. I read that when they swallow foreign objects like paper clips, coins, etc that symptoms can be similar to a respiratory virus so I've been worried that he inhaled something he shouldn't have. Last week I caught him with a pollen pod from a pine tree one day and a paper clip another day - both in his mouth. I have no idea where th paper clip came from. So stressful!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@autumnleaves: the park turned out to just to be our backyard. DH took him on the patio to play with his new walker/ scooter and then discovered LO is not a fan of grass blades. I couldn't convince DH to let him to try a real park with a swing after he climbed all over him in the yard trying to get away from the grass.
A is still putting everything in his mouth too! He learned to open cabinets a week ago. We are baby proofing this weekend I hope.
pear / 1642 posts
@autumnleaves: @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: oh yes, K is putting EVERYTHING in her mouth. It's such a pain!!
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: my niece is like that with grass, it's so funny watching her try not touch it when we are outside.
K turned one on the 18th, and big sisters bday is today, so their party was on Saturday. Neither of them ate their cakes and were too distracted by everyone singing to them. Still waiting on miss K to start walking!
persimmon / 1458 posts
We had my 3 year old and the babies birthday party on Saturday! He turns One on Sunday and I just can't believe our babes are one!
persimmon / 1114 posts
Happy Mother's Day April Mommies!
Anyone having thoughts of another? I am constantly vacillating (to no end really. My husband is pretty firmly done and it took Ivf for the first two so no reason to think the third would be different). Sometimes I want another one SO badly. Sometimes I think I just want to be pregnant again (which is crazy bc I hated being pregnant last time...although, come to think of it, I think that's why I want it. I feel like I "wasted" that pregnancy). And other times I think having a third would be crazy and break out into a cold sweat just thinking about it as a real possibility.
So, clearly, all over the place! How about the rest of you? Done or planning your next?
nectarine / 2690 posts
@bloved: I think we'll have another. DH seems to be on board with #2, we just haven't figured out timing yet. And since my mom watches P, we have to make sure she's comfortable and ready to watch another too LOL
Ideally I'd like to start trying this fall, so P will be over 2 when the second would be born.
cherry / 215 posts
@bloved: Yes, we are definitely thinking about number 2 over here! Although, we flew with DD this last week, and that was pretty good birth control I am in grad school as well, so I really need to time birth to coincide with next summer break or graduation NEXT December.
@JennyLayneAZ: We also use Grandmas for baby sitting, so I suppose I should make sure they are up to it! DD is hard enough to keep up with as it is!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@rockinghorse: LOL yeah so is P. Every stage is hard in a different way lol its like there is no good timing to bring it up to my mom...so i'll just talk to her when we get closer to trying.
pear / 1622 posts
@bloved: we are done. When I was younger I wanted 3 but as I got older I realized I'd be lucky to have 1. I feel like my family is complete with 2 kids and I am so happy but when I see a family with 3 kids there's still that feeling I wish it could have been me. I did my best to enjoy the last pregnancy but you never know what you are going to run into and it was hard with having a toddler to take care of.
My 13 month old started daycare this week and we already got a note that we need to work with him so he doesn't toss his plate. We don't give him a plate at home - he just eats off the tray. He's like a bull in a china shop tossing everything everywhere. Diaper changes are so hard right now.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@autumnleaves: OMG diaper changes are horrible for us too right now! I know someone with a 10 month old who described changing her daughter as wrestling a baby alligator, and I thought that was pretty spot on lol it just keeps getting worse though!
cherry / 215 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: I hear you! DD basically screams during most diaper changes unless she has her paci, another distracting object, or sometimes I can distract her with peek-a-boo.
A couple of my friends that have kids her age or a bit younger are pregnant already, but I'm OK right now with just enjoying DD until the timing is a bit better.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@rockinghorse: Yup, dd has to have her paci, a toy (usually something that I keep for diaper changes only so that its interesting), and I usually end up singing itsy bitsy spider, the abc's, row, row, row your boat, etc LOL and its still a struggle. have to be quick!!
You guys, I discovered she has two molars yesterday?!?! I have no idea where they came from LOL They obviously came in within the last week, but I didn't notice because she was also getting one of her fronts in (4th on the bottom). So all of a sudden she has 10 teeth! We've all been sick for the last 2 weeks too, but now I know part of her behavior was her teething.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
I think a second LO is very much a hypothetical unicorn. We have a name picked out and everything, but I don't think we have it in us to do it again.
LO started walking Memorial Day weekend. For about a week after he still crawled mostly, but now he's actively seeking opportunities to walk. I'd say this past weekend he officially became a toddler (whining, flailing). Thank goodness he shakes his head "no" because figuring out what he wants is a task well at least on the first try.
cherry / 215 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Ummm, ya. The whining and flailing is in full force. DD shakes her head no as well... but at everything, even when she wants it. Very trying at times!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @rockinghorse: Yup, dd shakes her head no too, whether she means no or yes LOL She is climbing everything you guys. I don't know how to baby proof that! LOL so I just block her from climbing whatever dangerous thing she's trying to climb and then she cries and cries.
Just curious, I was reading the thread about what size diapers your 2 year old wears, and a lot of people were answering size 5. Well, dd is in size 5 now, and has been for a while now LOL so, what size are your lo's in? I wonder if she'll just stay in this size for quite some time now?
We now have a 3rd molar coming in! bottom left.
cherry / 215 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: no help on diaper size here, we are cloth diapering
but yes, climbing is getting ridiculous!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@rockinghorse: ha ha, I have noticed that too. Offer him water- no, no, and then offer it again, and hands reach out for the water.
@JennyLayneAZ: LO is in size 5 too! I didn't respond on that thread because well, I must have a big 13 month old. LOL
Our little guy isn't too much of a climber, but he is still interested in feeling surfaces and textures. We added soft foam around our stone fireplace hearth. He doesn't run into it, but he loves to climb on it to get full access to the stone and the glass covering where the wood is kept to bang on both. Every time he even thinks about it we tell him "Stop." He knows it's a no-no now. In a way rules are baby proofing?
What books are you all enjoying with your LOs? Mine is into Curious George and Dr. Seuss' Foot Book.
pear / 1622 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: My little guy likes lift the flap books like Dear Zoo and Where's Spot. He also likes Brown Bear. He is getting more into reading - it's wonderful.
We had our first ER visit with him on Friday - he had a febrile seizure at daycare on Friday. Everything is OK now (I think) - he has his second ear infection in less than a month and maybe some other virus. I am worried - if he'll have another - or how often this will happen - daycare may not be the best place for him then during the day. Hoping it was a one time incident.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@autumnleaves: oh my, the seizure must have been super scary. How long has he been in daycare? What would be your alternative care option?
Oh yes, Brown Bear is a fun one! I'll have to check out the other two you mentioned.
pear / 1622 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: He has only been in daycare for a month and has had 2 ear infections and Hand Foot Mouth. So far with the HFM, he does not have blisters in his mouth but I suspect there was a fever on Saturday and yesterday he started to have a few bumps - one on his mouth, one on his hand, and one on his foot but not the toes and then he has blisters on his bottom. I thought it was a continuation of the diaper rash from the ear infection med but now wonder if it is related to HFM. Daycare called me today to let me know 2 kids were picked up early today because of the HFM - so it is going around. I hope he already got the fever related to it. I asked DH to go to the daycare and give him more Motrin.
I think the only other option is a nanny and that will be more expensive than daycare
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: LOL that was exactly what I was thinking, "wow, my kid must be HUGE" lol but she's not, she's just tall.
@autumnleaves: Oh my goodness, how scary Sorry about the daycare situation
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@autumnleaves: that's a lot to do deal with in your first month. I hope he gets better! When my LO had HFM the fever was one of the very first signs. Hopefully, the same with yours.
nectarine / 2690 posts
Hey ladies! How's everyone doing? LO had her 15 month check up yesterday. She's growing like a weed! Updated stats:
21 lbs 10 oz Weight (55%)
32 1/4" Height (95%)
18 1/4" Head circumference (75%)
Biggest difficulties right now are naps and food. She hardly wants to eat anything lately and her naps go between super short to non existent. Fun stuff! She's also teething of course.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: she's so tall! What size clothing and shoes is she wearing? LO's appointment is next week and DH thinks he has a hernia because his belly is so big.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: mostly 18 month clothes, but her problem is she needs the bigger sizes for her height but then it's usually baggy up top lol and her shoes i think are 4s? Lol we have some 5s but they're a little big still.
I hope your LO is ok!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: DH diagnoses LO with ailments all the time like sleep apnea. I'm sure the baby is fine.
She sounds tall and lean. I am so curious what LO's stats are going to be. I think he's on the stockier side and have been debating getting him some 2T tops. I can't believe we are basically finished with onesies for him.
We started swim lessons and he seems to enjoy the singing and splashing. LO is still very interested in books. We ordered the new Teddy Ruxpkin for him and hopefully the bear can share in some of the reading task.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: lol too funny about dh, mine is kind of like that to a degree. She has a bruise on her leg right now and everyday he exclaims "is that a BRUISE?" yes dh, its the same bruise shes had for the last 4 days. she's fine, she's not dying, calm down. lol
We totally gave up on onesies like 4 or 5 months ago. She just doesn't want to stay still long enough to get all the buttons clasped so she wears shirt & shorts or dresses (mainly dresses right now) for ease lol
persimmon / 1114 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: ah! Thanks for mentioning this. I totally dropped the ball and did not realize they were supposed to have 15 month appointment. For some reason I thought we did not go again until 2! Appointment made for next week (not with the doctor I like, but beggars can't be choosers!).
nectarine / 2690 posts
@bloved: ha ha, whoops! There's another appointment at 18 months too, just a heads up
persimmon / 1114 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: haha thanks! When I called I asked about all other upcoming appointments o got that one on the books too! Whew!
pear / 1622 posts
E had his 15 month appointment today - it was so nice to go in for a wellness visit instead of a sick one. We have had 7 sick visits since he started daycare 2 months ago. Last week he was out of daycare all week with a fever.
Today's appointment went well. E is not walking yet - he took 2 steps this week and has made a lot of progress in the past few weeks - I think he will be walking by 16 months.
He's going to see an ENT soon to see if he is a candidate for tubes and he is going to see a pediatric neuro since he has had 2 febrile seizures. He is feeling good this week and I hope that he stays illness free for a long while.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@autumnleaves: aww man, daycare has been rough on your little guy! Have the fevers and seizures stemmed from ear infection? LO has had his tubes in for 3 months now and has had one ear infection. The tubes' draining can look a little funky though.
pear / 1622 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: One fever spiked to 103 and was related to an ear infection and the other (102) was with an URI/virus. I feel like I need to give him motrin more than I would like.
I really hope the tubes work for my little guy. Seeing him sick and having to take so many antibiotics is awful.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
DH took LO for his 15 mos check up a week ago. He's in the 90th percentile for height and weight. Thankfully, his head is a little smaller. LO had another ear infection, which reintroduced him to the yummy pink stuff aka amoxicillin. We are ready to try for #2. I stocked up on my OPKs.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: eeeeeek! How exciting! I am ready to try too, but we need to figure out some financials before we start trying since I don't think my mom is going to be up for watching another one. We do have a loose timeline if things work out, that we'll start trying around November/December. I want to start trying before I turn 35 (February), but we also wanted P to be firmly in her 2nd year of life and maybe even potty trained before a potential second comes. Anyway, congrats!!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: yeah, the realization I truly wanted another baby hit me like a ton of bricks the other day. Daycare with two is not going to be fun, but still less expensive than a nanny for us. DH is OOT every week starting later this month til Christmas. I'm hoping the fertility gods realize we need the O days to fall on the weekend. Cheers to us for almost being 35!! My bday is next month.
pear / 1622 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @JennyLayneAZ:
to you both!
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Ugh another ear infection - I hope your little one feels better soon. My guy has his surgery for tubes scheduled August 18th. He got sick over the weekend but so far it has not turned into an ear infection. It is crazy how many kids get ear infections and need tubes. I have 2 co-workers whose little ones are also having surgery this month for it. Is there something in the water?
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@autumnleaves: yeah, going through the tubes process just shows you how common it is. Almost every ENT surgery prep room the day of our surgery was filled with LO's getting ready for tubes. Good luck to your little guy!
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