persimmon / 1458 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: I'm total in denial one is happening!
All I know is we are doing a joint party with my other April LO and it is just going to be immediate family. I still haven't picked out an invitation, shirt or theme either!
Total denial over here! I am very emotional because this is my last baby and it really really went to fast
persimmon / 1114 posts
@Canoli: totally here you on the denial...I just can't believe a full year has gone by...this is my BABY!
No real thoughts on birthday...toying with not throwing a party because we will be in Disney just days before. However, as a 2nd child myself, I feel like I HAVE to do something so that he gets the same attention his brother did (although who knows if this is a thing boys actually think about). It was so easy with his brother bc it was summer and we just had it in our yard. I feel like April the weather is too dicey (in NJ).
pear / 1622 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: We'll probably go to the park too. We have one near us with kiddie boats, a train, carousel, and playground that we'll either go to on his birthday or the weekend after.
My inlaws are not coming into town till later in the month so it will just be DH, me, and the boys. We'll probably make LO2's cake a donut - that is what we did with LO1 - we have a great cake donut place near us. And there will be balloons for both the boys since they love balloons so much.
I wish we could have an extended family birthday party for LO2 - since we call him Little Peanut, I would go with a peanut oriented theme with either elephants or baseball stuff.
cherry / 215 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: We are doing a rainbow theme since DD is our rainbow baby! We are inviting only family, and keeping that to just the family we see more, since DH has such a big one! It is going to be at our house, and I am hoping for low key.
I love the letter idea! I might have the guests write a message in a journal for her or something. Maybe start a birthday journal for every year? I may need to google this....
apricot / 400 posts
Hello everyone! I decided to check on whim to see if anyone was still posting since *gasp* our little ones are almost a year old! I'm happy to see I'm not the only one freaking out. How did this happen?
We are doing a Where the Wild Things Party. The invitations read "Lucian is a Wild One." I'm doing way too much crafting but, like @bloved, I feel like I have to because I did so much for DD when she turned one! Plus, let's be honest, I love doing it. I just wish I had more time...
Here's a photo of my little big boy. Let's see some of yours - the last photos before they become toddlers!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@MrsRoo: You are my Sunshine is on my list of possibilities LOL
@Canoli: I think I'm in a bit of denial too!
@bloved: ha, you could call Disney his bday present/party!
@rockinghorse: aww, the rainbow theme is sweet
@poppygirl15: So cute!!
I'll post a photo in a bit, I'm on my desktop (at work lol) and I'll have to log on my phone to get a pic.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@autumnleaves: I missed replying to you in my other post LOL that park sounds awesome! The parks around me are just normal - swings, monkey bars, etc.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@autumnleaves: the day you have planned sounds really fun-filled. If we were having a party I had a theme picked out too- modern bear- and planned to serve cub claws. Asking our family to come visit on a set date is an imposition though.
@poppygirl15: what a happy boy! Is he already getting hair cuts?
apricot / 400 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Ha! Yes - you have good eyes. He's already had three! He got his first at 6 months old. He was born with a full head of hair it and was turning into a mullet. I was so emotional when my DD got her hair cut for the first time at 2.5 years old and with him I couldn't get him to the salon fast enough!
persimmon / 1114 posts
@poppygirl15: oh my goodness- so cute!!
We officially have a walker. One day shy of his 11 month birthday and Nate took his first independent steps. It's almost-to the day- the same time his big brother did.
Here's a photo of my little guy (excuse the drool!).
pear / 1642 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: lol- I was similarly overwhelmed with dd1s first birthday. In the end our venue chose it for us. We were at a campground so the sunny colors just popped. Found a beautiful invitation/decoration set on Etsy and just ran with it.
@poppygirl15: what a great party idea! I love where the wild things are. He's so handsome!!
@bloved: what a cutie! And walking already! My dd2 hasn't taken steps yet but she's trying. Big sis walked at 10 months, but I'm happy for dd2 to take her time and be a baby for a little while longer.
Here's my big girl:
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@poppygirl15: amazing! were you a hot mess the first time you had his hair cut? DH bought LO some natural hair gel to give him the Rubio. He doesn't even have enough hair for that style to slick down. Lol
@bloved: and people say boys walk late(r). Not your guys! He's adorable!
@MrsRoo: your baby girl is so pretty just hanging out! What's your bday theme for her?
Bear having fun with paper at the Dr.'s office.
persimmon / 1114 posts
@MrsRoo: adorable! And yes, I would be happy if my baby was a baby a little longer! I am having such a hard time with him growing up SO fast.
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: what a cutie! Love that shot. My boys are early(ish) with the gross motor but late on the talking. Big brother was almost 2 before he really spoke and little brother is not looking like he will be any faster!
pear / 1642 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: He's sooo cute! Thank you she's having a joint party with big sister who picked Trolls as the theme.
@bloved: I know! Just when I had learned to relax and savor the baby moments after number 1, baby number 2 is growing so much faster!
apricot / 400 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I thought I was going to tear up when my son got his hair cut for the first time, but I was just so relieved to have him looking cleaned up! Your son is so adorable! My son agrees that the crinkly paper at the doctor's office is the best.
@bloved: Ah! So cute! And walking already! Congrats! I think my son is going to be walking by the time he turns one. I'm both excited and nervous for the trouble he'll get into...
@mrsroo: She's so sweet!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: real shoes! She is such a big girl! So cute!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@poppygirl15: @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: thanks ladies! She loves those shoes, she didn't like the first pair (they were purple) lol
apricot / 400 posts
How are the birthday parties coming along? We had ours on Sunday and it was a big success. Little man wasn't too sure about icing and cake, but was quite impressed with everyone singing to him.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@poppygirl15: he looks thrilled on his birthday! So handsome!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@poppygirl15: aww, yay! So happy yours was a success
Our party is coming up on Saturday. We're kind of having a mish mash theme lol we got some animal decorations, a finding Nemo cake for the guests, and a smash cake for her that'll be "girly". For her presents we just got her a chair and two stuffed animals. DH didn't want to go overboard since people will buy her presents too and she was a bit overwhelmed at Christmas.
persimmon / 1458 posts
@poppygirl15: adorable.
We are doing a joint party next Saturday with my middle son who turns 3 on Tuesday. We are doing a whale theme but it's super low key with just our parents and siblings at our house. We are going to do a waffle bar.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Canoli: a waffle bar sounds awesome! We're doing a taco bar. I keep thinking I'm going to forget something. I think I've made 3 different shopping lists lol
pear / 1642 posts
@Canoli: @JennyLayneAZ: your parties sound delicious. I wish I was doing a fun food bar for my kids!
I have a theme, location, and time (next weekend) but not much else. Just ordered the personalized decor from Etsy, so hopefully this week it will start to come together.
apricot / 400 posts
@mrsroo; @jennylayneaz; @canoli: thanks!
@autumnleaves: yes, I did! I'm lucky because my sister is really into baking, so she has things like mini cake pans. Here's a pic with the fondant crown.
@canoli: love the waffle bar idea!
persimmon / 1458 posts
@poppygirl15: Do you happen to know what size cake pans these are and how many did you use? I'm going to make my own for the my little man and this looks exactly like the size I want.
apricot / 400 posts
@Canoli: it was a 4 inch cake pan. I did 3 layers to get that height (which meant I baked 2 of the 4 inch cakes, cut both in half, and then used 3 of the rounds. I layered some icing in between, but not much; it didn't end up adding to the height much. Have fun baking!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
It's been a minute since we did the round up. Happy Birthday babes!!!
3/28: @AMommyThang: Waylon
3/31: @MaisyMay: Samuel
4/3: @mamabolt: Henry
4/8: @Cherrybee: Seren
4/10: @PoppyGirl15: Lucian, @auggiefrog:
William nn Liam
4/11: @JH524: Connor
4/12: @Eieio:
4/14: @Den mom: Miles, @iluvboba637:
4/15: @AKCoffeeBean: Abigail
4/17: @JennyLayneAZ: Piper
4/18: @MrsRoo: Kennedy
4/19: @Bloved: Nathaniel
4/20: @Turd Ferguson: , @autumnleaves:
4/21: Mrs. Lemon-Lime: August
4/22: @Lauraeva: Anna
4/24: @rockinghorse: Baby J
4/30: @Canoli: Reid
nectarine / 2690 posts
The party went great She dug into the cake pretty good but didn't really eat any of it LOL she only ate one lick off her hand. She really likes her new chair
ETA: I can't believe she's one today!
cherry / 215 posts
Amazing parties ladies! Ours is coming up this Saturday, but she doesn't actually turn one until Monday. Then her MD appointment on Wednesday. Anything interesting happen at the 1 year appointment?
Also, she is almost out of formula, so I bought some whole milk to start the transition. Of course, all of these stages with changes are stressful. Over researching how this is all supposed to go...
Also, I might have just started a list on Amazon to keep track of what I would like for baby #2. I think this means I'm starting to get ready to try again soon! Anyone else?
persimmon / 1114 posts
I love seeing all the parties! I can't believe how much our little ones have grown! We did not do a big celebration here; instead, big brother helped me make a cake and we celebrated as a family of 4.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@rockinghorse: we just had her 12 mo check up yesterday. It was pretty much the same as the others. Shots were given (chicken pox, MMR, and Hep A. I think there was one more lol) And the only thing extra he did was ask to see her walk since she's walking to make sure there weren't any problems there.
We're also getting ready to transition from formula to milk. For the most part she seems to have grown out of the milk sensitivity but I'm still a bit nervous about her tummy, but so excited to not have to buy formula anymore at the same time! And yes, I'm ready to start trying for number 2 too lol I'm just waiting on DH to catch up lol
@bloved: Sounds like a perfect little celebration to me I kinda wish we had planned something small, since 80% of the people we invited didn't show up anyway. Talk about too much food
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