papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: he is just adorable!
I'm seriously jealous of those of you who are getting sleep! S woke up at least every hour last night. It was brutal!
Here she is:
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Cherrybee: P was up all night too good thing our babies are adorable, right? Lol
@autumnleaves: so cute!
persimmon / 1114 posts
Hey ladies-
Despite having a 3 year old, I've apparently totally forgotten what a 6 month feeding schedule should look like (I blame an extreme lack of sleep during these past three years). So what does a typical day look like for you? How often/how much solids? Formula?
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@bloved: LO is an eating machine!
Wake up- gets 4-5 oz bottle w/ probiotic drops
2 hrs later- oatmeal mixed with 2 oz Prunes
30 min-hr later- 4 oz bottle
2 hrs later- 4 oz veggie
30 min-1 hr later- 4oz bottle
2 hrs later- 4 oz veggie or fruit
30 min-1 hr later 4 oz bottle
2 hrs later- 6-8 oz veggies
30 min-1 hr later 3-4 oz bottle
When we first started solids a month and a half ago he ate twice at daycare and drank five 6 oz bottles.
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: wow, he IS an eating machine!
For S:
7am: 7oz formula
10am: small bowl of porridge and 4oz formula
1pm: Some toast fingers or fruit sticks (she just gums them) & water (in her cup so she barely gets any)
2pm: 7oz formula
5pm: bowl of pureed veg and fruit
6pm: 7oz formula.
1am: usually wakes for a feed at night, 7oz formula
nectarine / 2797 posts
@bloved: @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @Cherrybee:
I feel like my LO barely eats now! He doesn't have a lot of interest in solids yet and is 7 months next week:
7 am nurse
10 am 5 oz BM bottle
12 pm either fruit or veggie puree about 2 tbsp, oatmeal
1 pm 5 oz BM bottle
4 pm 5 oz BM bottle
5:30 nurse at pickup
6:30 fruit or veg in mesh feeder or maybe a little puree, but usually not interested at this feeding.
8 pm nurse to sleep
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@Cherrybee: yeah, that's why I give him probiotics and prunes daily. I didn't want him to get constipated eating so much. His daycare teachers say he just loves mealtime. Thankfully, he takes after his father when it comes to his metabolism.
@mamabolt: Umm if I was still able to get liquid gold I bet I would have little interest in food too. How do you like the mesh feeder over spoon feeding him?
persimmon / 1114 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @mamabolt: @Cherrybee: Thanks ladies. This confirms what the daycare worker was telling me. I think I am seriously under feeding my son! Currently I do about four 8 ounce bottles a day and maybe one purée but some days not even that.
Oh well- knowledge is power! Little man is going to be happy that more food is coming his way!
pear / 1622 posts
Our schedule is
6:00/6:30am -BM
8:00am -half to 3/4 jar of purée
9:30/10 - BM
1:00 - BM
4:30 - BM
5:30 - half to 3/4 jar of purée
7:00 - BM
When he has a bottle of BM it's usually 6 ounces but as E eats more, hopefully he'll drink less milk. He weighs almost 20 pounds and everyone comments how big he is.
We've been worried that he's constipated because he can go 4 days and not poop. He woke up the other night crying multiple times in the night I think because he was so constipated. After that we started to give him a dropper of prune juice when he eats the purees and we think that's helping but not sure yet.
Right now he's only eating peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes (BRU had a good deal on Earth's Best jars) and once he finishes those we may start him on Stage 2 fruits and veggies.
I asked the pediatrician at the 6 month appointment about the thumb sucking and he said it's not an issue now that we can visit it if E is still sucking his thumb at 18 months.
nectarine / 2690 posts
I feel like I just updated but so much happened in the last two weeks! Piper is now sitting up unassisted, crawling, pulling herself up, and has a tooth poking though (finally!). It all started on 10/17 - her six month mark exactly. Like she decided ok, I'm old enough now to do all this stuff. LOL
@autumnleaves: I hope you guys got the constipation worked out. Piper is a beast if she doesn't poop daily!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: ha ha! I feel the same way. All of a sudden milestone explosion. I saw LO legit crawl for the first time on Halloween. I can't believe one of the April babies has a tooth already! Awesome!
@autumnleaves: aww man, I thought I replied 5 days ago. Constipation is still my biggest fear since LO is on solids now. Is the prune juice working well for your son? Every morning LO gets cereal mixed with 2 oz of stage 1 prunes. He poops a couple times a day even on the weekend. Although we sometimes see him strain to poop he doesn't look pained. Our ped told us to keep feeding him cereal because of the iron; otherwise I would just give him prunes by itself.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I think she is working on the second tooth now too, poor thing. I was wondering about the rice cereal so I'm glad you mentioned what your ped said about the iron! Thanks for that!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: oh, and yay for crawling! It's so exciting , but so nerve wracking at the same time huh?
pear / 1622 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: thanks ladies! He is doing better with a daily dose of prune juice and veggie purée diet. We ran out of veggies and gave him baby oatmeal and he was backed up for a couple days so we ended up giving him more prune juice then and it helped.
E is starting to sit on his own and it looks like he wants to crawl but he always ends up rolling. This is such a fun age!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@autumnleaves: oh yeah the oatmeal backed piper up too, so I have it for back up but don't feed it to her on a regular basis.
Yay, everyone's babies sound like they're doing really well!
How are you guys doing? I had my annual last week and I haven't lost any weight since my 6 week check up. Blah. I am going to start walking at lunch now that it's not a million degrees out, but guys it was 100 last week. I mean come on already! And I don't want to spew a bunch of excuses but I've got em lol so anyways, time to buckle down and lose this weight!!
kiwi / 631 posts
Hey girls, I've been trying to keep up, but with work and baby it's hard. Liam is working on sitting up, and still has not teeth. He's finally taking solids better and still hates tummy time. We are going to PT for tortelitious (sp?), and started nebulizer treatments for some breathing issues this month. He needs a surgery for his penis which got pushed back because of the breathing thing. But he's such a happy (and flirty) little boy! I finally am weaning from the pump after pumping for him 4 times a day since Liam was 6 weeks old. Since he never effectively latched, I've been giving him about 40/60 BM/ formula. It's sad that he will loose that nutrition source, but I'm loving my free time and not having my nipples ripped in and out of a tube.
@JennyLayneAZ: My weights been horrible. When I went back to work I didn't have time while also pumping. I'm currently weaning from the pump, so my goal is to make it to the gym twice a week after Liam goes to bed.
cherry / 215 posts
Hi all! Can't believe DD just turned 8 months on Christmas Eve! Its all going so fast!
Tell me about the solids you guys are doing. Right now we are pretty much at oatmeal cereal and fruit in the morning and pureed fruit and veg at night, and I need to ramp it up! I tried giving her little tiny soft pieces of turkey and carrot today, and she really isn't getting the chewing thing. She just moves it around in her mouth until she feels it is soft enough to swallow, and gags half the time. I know practice makes perfect...
What are you guys doing?
pear / 1622 posts
@rockinghorse: it is crazy how fast time is flying!
We aren't doing that much more than you. We want LO to be at 3 full meals by 9 months and right now he is getting a stage 2 pouch or jar at 8am and them half a pouch in the middle of the day and another full pouch at dinner time. At one of his last 2 feedings he gets puffs and he is able to put those in his mouth and eat them most of the time. We have given him a banana to chew on a little bit but aside from that no other solids.
I plan to try roasted sweet potato and pieces of avocado soon. Does your LO have teeth? Mine does not yet.
When my first son got teeth is when he started to be more interested in eating the solids and he really liked fall of the bone chicken.
cherry / 215 posts
@autumnleaves: She has 2 itty bitty front bottoms (that are so cute I just want to eat her face!!! ), but she is only interested in chewing off my fingers and nipples with them so far..
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@rockinghorse: DS has been eating solids (purées & cereal) four times a day for a few months now. He doesn't have any teeth, but can gnaw on celery sticks and apple slices pretty well. DH isn't ready yet to move on to table food- heck I had to sneak in Stage 3 Beechnut! DS is still all vegetarian.
Here's a pic from Christmas morning. He loved playing with the stick on bows and really wanted to explore each gift. We never got around to setting up the tree and I think next year it might be fun to open gifts in our bedroom again.
persimmon / 1114 posts
@rockinghorse: hey! I love when this thread updates.
We are currently on 3 meals a day. He gets cereal with a fruit purée in the morning, a fruit for lunch and then a veggie purée for dinner. actually now he is getting two pouches at lunch bc daycare was really encouraging me to increase his food.
We've mainly stuck with just purées other than puffs and mummums. However, On Christmas morning we forgot the diaper bag when visiting family, so then had to have Korean pear and cheerios. He did an awesome job with that so it makes me want to start trying more solid foods (it just makes me so nervous too!)
My little guy had no teeth for so long and then in the last couple of weeks he wound up getting four teeth all at once! I think that's going to make a big difference in getting him eating solids.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@rockinghorse: DD is eating 3 times a day. Rice cereal & Fruit puree in the morning, protein & veggies at lunch (all purees, she gags otherwise), and protein & veggies for dinner. I tried the stage 3 and she gagged so hard she threw up, so I put that on the back burner for now! She has puffs also and she can feed them to herself, but they usually just get stuck to her hands lol so I feed them to her. I need to give her some small pieces of food to start self feeding, I know she can, I'm just afraid of her choking!
She has the two bottom teeth and she's working on another one coming in. It's been a rough couple nights! Poor thing was whimpering in her sleep last night between wake ups, I felt so bad for her!
@bloved: I get excited when I see someone updated on here too lol
I'll post a picture from Christmas in a bit
cherry / 215 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: Awww look at that big girl! I am likewise afraid of choking! Almost irrationally so. Glad to hear other babes are still on the purees! I'll move it along eventually
@bloved: I know, I also love the updates! It is funny how reliably we all posted when we were pregnant and had new babes. I guess the realities of life have set in now!
Vent time!!!
I keep going back and fourth between cutting down on nursing, stopping nursing, or continuing on full force! I can't make up my gosh darn mind! DD gets formula here and there, and she takes it well. When I am home with her I usually bf her, then make a little bit of formula to top her off. This is mainly because MIL has me convinced she is too skinny! She was in the 50th percentile for weight at 6 months, and we don't see the ped again until later this month. All this skinny talk has me worried, especially since I don't know how much she is getting when she is nursing. And MIL (who is our main babysitter) watches her she is always giving her 8 oz of bm at a time, and swears she just gulps it all down. I know she isn't getting 8 oz out of these boobs every 3-4 hours when I am with her! Anyways, all this talk of skinny babies and 8 oz of bm at a time makes me want to just stick with formula so I KNOW. And I'm sick of pumping... And I want to wear a real bra.... And I don't want to have to worry about, "oh, but I will need to pump or feed her before this or that" or whatever... But it is cold and flu season, so I know if she gets sick bm will help.... But formula is expensive....
The list goes on and on....
Thanks for listening!
pear / 1622 posts
@rockinghorse: I go back and forth with continuing with pumping or not. My goal was to make it to 8 months/end of this year but like you I feel like I should keep going because of cold/flu season and other reasons. I decided when I stop I am buying new bras - I am so ready for some new bras. Thinking of trying Third Love.
@JennyLayneAZ: precious!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: she is darling!
@autumnleaves: @rockinghorse: first of all pat yourselves on the back for BFing all this time! It's truly a labor of love. If you stop now before you *have* to will you regret it? Sometimes I think how great it would be to BF LO at this age because he knows me/ who mommy is. Then, I think about what it would have taken to BF all this time- PUMP- and I am happy with formula again.
LO moves to the next room at daycare when it reopens next week and I spoke to the new teacher at length this past Friday. They want the kids on table food (school food) in this room. She tried to compromise- the first month can be a transition while you introduce table food at home. I firmly, but politely told her we are not setting a clock on this.
persimmon / 1114 posts
@rockinghorse: congrats on making it this far with breast feeding! That is awesome no matter what you decide. That being said, it is such a personal decision that I think no one can know but you. Maybe give yourself "permission" to quit and see how you feel? That may sound silly but I gave myself "permission" to supplement this time (vs my first son where I was adamant that I would EBF) and I found I was so much more relaxed and weirdly able to breastfeed longer and enjoy it more- I think partly bc I did not feel like I "had" to. I don't know if that helps at all, but just know you can't make a wrong decision!!
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: that's crazy that they are saying solid food only! I thought formula/be was supposed to be the main source of nutrition before one? Or do you mean table food (versus purees) in addition to bottles?
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@bloved: they want the babies eating table food five times a day- breakfast, lunch, and three snacks in addition to formula/ BM and bottles of water. His 9 month check up is in a few weeks and I will bring a school menu with me to get the ped's input. So far she has said sips of water is okay, but not water as a formula bottle replacement.
cherry / 215 posts
@bloved: Thanks! That is actually a great way for me to look at BF! I am going to give myself permission to cut down on BF/pumping, and if my supply dries up, it dries up. I think she actually gets frustrated with how slow the boob is compared to a bottle now, especially when she wants to be exploring...
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Wow! That is crazy that they want that much solid food! I think your strategy sounds like a great approach. I mean, the day care can't go against your pediatrician's recommendations! Sometimes I feel like I need to get a MD note for certain things to get my MIL to listen to me! I may employ this strategy in the future
cherry / 215 posts
@autumnleaves: I will have to take a look at Third Love! Its crazy what a big deal I can build BF up to in my head, when really it will be fine either way...
nectarine / 2690 posts
@rockinghorse: Good luck with your decision about breast feeding. FWIW, Piper was in the 50% for her weight at her last check up (at 6 mos) too, and I'm not worried about her weight at all. She's just not a chubby baby. Well, let me rephrase that: she grows in stages lol she'll get chubby and then she'll get super long and skinnies up. That's how she's been since the beginning.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I would love to lol I'm not sure where DH is at with having a second and I know my mom (who's also our daycare) is not ready for us to have another. Plus I know "they" say to wait 12 to 18 months after having a c section to conceive again.
So at the very least, if we try again soon (or at all) it won't be for another couple months. I think if we could get Piper to sleep that would sway things for DH. I know we'd all be a lot happier if she started sleeping through the night.
I was going to sleep train this weekend actually, but I just read a blog post by Mrs Bee that shows the best and worst months for sleep training, and we're apparently in the worst time right now. So now I don't know what to do
Sorry for all the rambling. I'd love to have a second, I just don't know if its in the cards for us yet or at all. I'd be ok if we just have one, but I really would love to have another.
How about you?
pear / 1622 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: it is funny that you are bringing this up today! I was just thinking about when I was approaching 9 months PP with LO1 is when got my period back and started tracking it to prepare for TTC LO2. We are 2 and through unless something unexpected happens.
Has anyone given their April babies peanuts yet? I think we may have given that bamba peanut snack at around 10 months with LO1 and it worked better to give him a little bit of peanut butter in oatmeal. He wasn't allergic.
cherry / 215 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I think about it a lot lately! Which is funny because I hated pregnancy and childbirth, and the newborn stage is really, really hard! I must be far enough out that I don't quite remember just how bad it was DH wants one immediately, but I am in grad school, so we have to time it for June/July 2018 due date until I graduate. So we can try during Sept, Nov this year, or anytime after March next year. But thats OK, DD is still a handful and so needy! But she is so cute!
@autumnleaves: We actually started doing peanuts around 5 months, just some peanut butter tastes from our fingers (during business hours). She has gotten it a bunch now, so I'm hoping that means we are in the all clear!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@autumnleaves: I think my mom has given her a taste of peanut butter, and everything was fine. I still think she has a milk sensitivity but everything else seems to be ok so far. I gave her some mac n cheese one day and she was not a happy camper after that. Really gassy, poor thing! I'm hoping she grows out of it.
@rockinghorse: I also didn't really enjoy being pregnant lol I thought I'd never want to do it again but now I feel myself missing it in a way. I really hated complaining about it because none of my issues were the "norm" - no food aversions, no morning sickness, nothing like that. But I was swollen from 20 weeks or so on, I had horrible pain in my lower back/butt that was apparently not quite sciatica issues because my doctor was stumped, and then the last tri we really had to keep an eye on my b/p which thankfully didn't get horrible. And then Piper was colicky as a newborn to boot. So I have the same feelings about it as you LOL
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