Hellobee Boards


April 2017 moms!

  1. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @psw27: Last time, I scheduled it around 30 weeks, so probably the same this time around. Crazy to think that by the end of Feb, I could know her birthday (if she stays in until the scheduled date!)

    Both of my babies had huge heads (>95th percentile) and I'm 5' with a narrow pelvis. During the c-section with DS1, they had to vacuum him out and were shaking me like crazy trying to get him unstuck. This little lady is not measuring as big as her brothers, but of course, her head was the largest body part they measured (almost a week ahead)

  2. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @lilteacherbee: My DS1 got stuck in my incision when they were pulling him out....they had no idea he was going to be so big lol! My incision ended up being super crooked at the end because they had to make a cut while he was right there! It ended up being fixed with my second csection, even though I kinda liked it haha.

  3. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    I'm hoping for another vaginal. I've had 2 so far but I'm tiny and they have brought up emergency C-Sections both labors. This time I'm thinking about trying unmedicated since last time my epidural didn't take.

  4. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    I'm also hoping for another vaginal. Everything went quite smoothly with DS so fingers crossed I get lucky again. I have no strong feelings for medicated vs. not. I got an epidural last time and it saved my sanity, but I do think it might be nice to try unmedicated at some point.

  5. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    I wanted to wish all my April mamas a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!!! What are you most excited about this Christmas/Holiday?

    DS is finally at an age where he can open his gifts and actually get excited. I'm sure I'll be hearing a lot of "open" on Christmas morning from my darling.

  6. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @bubblegum: you too! DD is super excited about going to grammy's house for Christmas, but we found it today she has strep, so we're having to delay going until tomorrow. Thankfully we can still make it for Christmas eve. She hasn't been sick since I can't even remember when and of course right before Christmas. *facepalm*

  7. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    Add me to the list of tough love mamas. It might sound mean but I weaned my oldest off overnight bottles around 6 months by diluting it over the course of several days, per the pedi's recommendation. She had crazy food allergies and was on Alimentum formula so I was more than happy to drop the overnight feeding/spitup routine with that stinky formula! DD1 had so many sleep issues, including stopping all daytime naps at 8 months!! For nighttime sleep training we had a rough go of it, and after a few weeks of failed attempts we eventually just went into her room to check her, tell her "goodnight" or "time to sleep" and left the room. Didn't pick her up or calm her crying. It was a total power struggle and she put up quite a fight! We were spooled with DD2, she naps and sleeps all night.

    @MissLace: Do you think your daughter would drop the bottle if you weaned her with the dilution method? Might be worth a shot. How is the sleep re-training going? Hugs. It's no fun but keep the goal in mind. She won't remember any of this and you'll eventually get your precious sleep back.

    I had 2 vaginal births, both pretty much the opposite from each other. I was induced almost 2 weeks late with DD1 and was seconds away from an emergency c-section with the NICU team present for delivery due to complications. With DD2 I delivered her in the car on the way to the hospital. Yup. They are currently watching my placenta previa with DS so I'm not sure if I'll need a c-section. Hoping for vaginal unless the previa doesn't resolve on its own. It'd certainly be nice to have a set delivery date to make sure my parents can take the girls rather than scrambling last minute (at least that's what I'm telling myself if a c-section is inevitable).

    @bubblegum: Merry Christmas!! How did your anatomy scan and additional monitoring go? Hope it was just a blip!
    My kids have been singing Christmas carols since Thanksgiving and are totally into the concept of Santa this year. It's adorable. I've been using the holidays/guests as an excuse to enlist DH to help me deep clean the house. I've had sciatica nerve pain starting early on in this pregnancy and I'm pretty sore but it feels good to get that nesting out of my system!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

  8. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: ughh not sick right before Christmas!! Hope your babe feels better before Santa comes!

  9. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    Wow, sorry for the huge post!

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Oh no! Hope she feels better soon. Strep is no fun, especially over the holidays!

  10. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @MapleMoose: Thank you! It went well thanks for asking They got her heart rate which was 142 and the additional pictures they needed which was awesome because I didn't have the pay the co-pay since they had me come in. Awww that's so amazing that they're so into it. Keeping the Christmas spirit alive. Aww I'm sorry to hear that but thank god your hubby is there to help. Enjoy your Christmas!!

  11. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Oh no, hope she's better soon!

    @bubblegum: My boys are at fun ages (3 and 16 months), so I'm excited! They're the only grandchildren on both sides, so they're gonna be pretty spoiled Christmas is my absolute favorite and it's even more fun with kids!

    @MapleMoose: Hope you get to have a vaginal birth, but if not, I've had 2 scheduled c-sections and they're not too bad! The convenience factor is especially nice with LOs at home. I'm also pretty sore this time, too. Third pregnancies are rough!

  12. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @bubblegum: That's great news! Now you can relax and enjoy your holiday worry free knowing baby is healthy!

    @lilteacherbee: Those are such fun ages! Everything is new and magical. This year we have my kids and two granddogs that will be completely spoiled by the grandparents and great-grandparents. Being able to schedule the delivery would give me piece of mind after the crazy delivery I had with DD2. Of course I'm still hoping it doesn't come down to that!

  13. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    @MapleMoose: so far so good with the re-sleep training! Night 1 was wednesday and she was put in her crib at 8:30pm (she unfortunately fell asleep in the car on the way home from daycare from about 5:30-6 which obviously isn't ideal), and screamed consistently until 10pm when she finally passed out. we were there to calm her (which didn't work at all), but we refused to pick her up out of her crib, we would just lean over the railing to hug her/talk to her. She only woke up once at 11:30pm and cried for a second then went back to sleep on her own until 6:15am. I actually didn't even wake up for the 11:30 wakeup, my husband told me about it, but he never went in there.

    Night #2 was last night and she went in her crib by 8:30 (same thing with the nap in the car) and barely whined and was asleep by 9:15pm. She woke up once at 3:30am and screamed for 10 minutes (and we didn't go in) and she put herself back to sleep then slept until 7:15am.

    So definite progress! i just wish the ride home from daycare wasn't a 35 minute drive in pitch black...my husband tried to keep her up and will talk/sing to her and blast music, open the windows, but without fail she falls asleep about half the time.

    As for the bottles, i tried a new cup yesterday that a lot of my picky friends kids took to right away and they all swear by, and of course she just swats it away and wants nothing to do with it. i may puree some berries and put a little in her milk to make a "smoothie" in a sippy cup and slowly lower the amount of fruit until its just milk.

  14. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @MissLace: That's definitely progress! You're doing great! That first night is the hardest for sure. She's obviously a quick learner, already starting to self-soothe after a few minutes. I hope the progress continues!! Good idea about the smoothie, maybe even some chocolate or strawberry milk or even some hot chocolate made with milk (add a little hot water then the rest is cold whole milk so it isn't hot, just lukewarm) to entice her to use a big girl cup. I'm not above bribery!

  15. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    Happy Holidays ladies! We celebrate Christmas over here. Hope you are all doing well and healthy. One week until New Years! Have a great day!

  16. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @littleblessings: thank you!! Merry Christmas!

  17. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! We just wrapped up Day 1 of potty training over here and it was a success! Despite the fact that I have a nasty sinus headache that non of the pregnancy-safe meds can touch

    Also is anyone feeling insane pressure on their lady bits already? It's coming and going for me and feels super early for this...

  18. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @JennyPenny: had you tried Excedrin for Tension Headaches? It's Acetaminophen with Caffeine. My OB suggested it because I just started getting migraines with this baby.

    @psw27: hope your holiday has been nice

  19. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @JennyPenny: I definitely had some stabby pains last week. It was weird but went away!

  20. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @littleblessings: it's been tiring! But that's life with a toddler and visiting dozens of family members. Yawn!!

  21. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    Hope all of you ladies had happy holidays! Ours was hectic for sure!

  22. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Awww I hope your lucky little boys enjoyed Christmas!

  23. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @MapleMoose: Thanks love! It was great! Little mama even got some Christmas gifts

  24. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    How's everyone feeling overall these days?

    I'm battling serious cravings, heartburn, and the occasional migraines. My (face) skin is also SUPER dry! I'm also getting really antsy to get moving on the little lady's nursery.

  25. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @bubblegum: They did! So.much.stuff. I've been trying to go through their old toys before bringing out all their new stuff and I'm tired!

    @ValentineMommy: My main symptom is complete lack of energy! I miss the days when I could nap whenever! I'm just so exhausted and my boys never stop moving. My acne is also still out of control. Ugh!

  26. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @lilteacherbee: That's awesome! I can imagine how drained you must be.

  27. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @lilteacherbee: I am right there with you. DS2 never stops going. It's exhausting!!! I fell asleep on the couch last night with him giggling in my face!

  28. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @bubblegum: @ValentineMommy: Thank goodness DH is a teacher and he's off work until next Tuesday! He took them yesterday while I napped for 2 hours- glorious!

  29. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @littleblessings: Any plans for New Years?

    @JennyPenny: Congratulations on the successful potty training! Hoping the progress continues! And I hope you feel better soon. I'm dreading the lightning crotch and pelvic pressure. I'm wearing a support belt due to the sciatic nerve pain so maybe that's why I haven't felt it yet. Definitely having uncomfortable BH tho.

    @ValentineMommy: We had five Christmas celebrations in 2 days. Whew, it was exhausting but really fun! Luckily DH had Monday off so we took it easy, played with the kids and all their new toys. We actually took down our tree and decorations yesterday so it feels a bit more organized but I still need to put some of their old toys away until DS is ready to play with them. I'm having constant nerve pain and getting a bit uncomfortable when bending down or picking my kids up, but otherwise I feel great! I had such bad heartburn with my first two, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It's super annoying!! Are you going to ask your doctor for a prescription for the heartburn?

    @bubblegum: Yay for baby gifts! Isn't it adorable to see those little outfits? Only a few more months until babies start arriving!

  30. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Whoot whoot!! That must have been heaven!

    @MapleMoose: YES!!! And I haven't seen clothes that little in such a long time it was precious to see it and finally see some pink in my house! I can't believe how quickly this has gone by. Once it's the new year its game time.

  31. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @MapleMoose: Unless it gets worse, probably not. I had it with both boys, as well, so I've learned to just live off of Tums lol! Where is your nerve pain? My doc diagnosed me with SPD, and it's SO uncomfortable....I've been wondering how much longer I'm going to be able to work in the office.

  32. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @bubblegum: I nearly fell over when my OB told me I'll start having appointments every other week after the holidays. Can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone!

    @ValentineMommy: I hear ya, I've consumed my share of Tums these past few years. I have sciatic nerve pain from my lower back through my entire leg. The support belt and a heating pad help a bit. I spoke with a physical therapist and she pretty much said there's nothing I can do as it's anatomical with the pregnancy. I just googled SPD. Yikes! Is there anything you can do to help with the pain?

  33. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @MapleMoose: No way!!! It's already that time?! That seems so soon.

  34. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @MapleMoose: How far will you be then, when you start the biweekly appts? I feel like it was around 28 weeks? Is that where you'll be? I can't believe I've done this twice and can't remember lol As for the SPD pain, the best I've been able to do is sit in bed. That's the only way I've found to make the pain go away. And I'm sure you can guess how frequently that happens with two little kids and working full time So far it's only been really bad on the days that I walk a lot or do too much, but the doctor has already cautioned me that it's going to get worse as the baby gets bigger.

  35. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Hah, a chance to sit and relax? Foreign concept, right?! Several times they have adjusted my due date because the baby is big, so I will be between 26-28 weeks when I go for my next appointment, depending how you count it. I'll have my glucose tolerance test and that will be the start of the biweekly appointments.

  36. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @MapleMoose: I'm hoping we will all be healthy for New Years. SO had the flu on Christmas Day. We also don't have cable or anything so I'm hoping I can video chat a friend so we can watch the ball drop. I have no doubts that both LOs will be able to stay awake past midnight. They are awful sleepers. Lol. I'm hoping I can whip up a lovely dinner. That's our only plans

  37. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @littleblessings: That sounds like a good way to ring in the new year, together with your family. DH and I are taking the girls up to the center earlier in the evening for an annual children's celebration that our town hosts. Then I am making them go to bed at their normal time since they are too young to understand the festivities anyways. I'm not even sure if I can stay awake that late these days!

  38. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @MapleMoose: I excited for the New Year. A nice fresh start. I think it will be a great year since we will have our babies. I have my next ultrasound on the 3rd. Most excited for that!

  39. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Hope everyone had a great Christmas and and enjoyable Hannukah. I was thinking about my bad eating habits the last few days and wondering how everyone is tracking with weight gain. My orepregnancy weight bounces from 145-155 lbs. so far I've gained about 12 lbs. how about everyone else?

  40. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    @yellowbeach I've gained 11 lbs so far. At my last appt my dr said I'm on track to gain about 25 lbs total, which I'm not sure if I believe since I gained exactly 50 lbs with LO#1. Only gaining half that would be sweet though!

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