pear / 1974 posts
@kodybear: i always do give him a bottle after a feeding but i got so desperate 2 nights ago that i tried giving him a 4oz bottle (he usually breastfeeds both sides then gets a 2oz bottle, of which he finishes about 1oz) and he would not have it!! I ended up nursing him for a bit that made him fall asleep but of course he was up in an hour.
@Apples4Teacher: LO is fussy for me at night always! he is perfect during the day, then he just turns when the sun goes down - i really really dread the night time these days.
kiwi / 645 posts
@kodybear: DS has baby acne too (and DD also never had it). From the little I researched it seems like time takes care of it, and in our case it started a week ago and is slowly going away. I wash his face really gently (with water only) morning and night.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Apples4Teacher: Weaning off the shield is slow going... It worked great when the LC was here, but its almost impossible to do on my own because I have to hold my breast carefully and his hands get in the way! Its a little better when DH is here to help though.
Here's what she suggested: Start feeding with the shield, then somewhere around 3/4 of the way through (a little sleepy, but not too much), quickly pop the shield off and try to get baby to latch onto the breast. Angle the nipple up to the top lip and try and get him to open wide. Keep trying until you have success or until baby gets angry (and if so, but the shield back on).
I'm going to contact her and ask if she has any suggestions on what to do with those hands!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@chibee: Unfortunately, I think it just takes time for baby to "get" when day and night is. DS just started sleeping 3-4 hours at a time at night in the last few days, and he is 4w. I was told feed a lot throughout the day to help them figure it out. Also, keep the lights/sounds up during the day, and low at night. He'll figure it out soon!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Mrs.Someone: I was just going to ask about feeding schedules because stemming from my last question is that I fear that feeding on demand during the day maybe is causing him to not know how to sleep for longer stretches at night.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Apples4Teacher: One more thing about weaning off the shield. The LC said that the breast has to be firmly against baby's chin, and the hands will relax. I tried it and it worked better, but he still didn't latch for long and got angry. I'll keep trying though.
@T.H.O.U.: I'm sure there are plenty of theories, but my doula said that feeding more during the day helps them sleep better at night.
I had quite a rough afternoon yesterday. DS took a good nap in the morning, then no sleep again until midnight or so! He kept wanting to eat, so I kept trying, diaper changing, etc, hoping it would put him to sleep. I think he might be having gas problems. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I'll make sure to mention it.
pear / 1616 posts
i follow the moms on call book with both lo#1 and lo#2. the main points being feed every 3 hours during the day even if you have to wake them up from a nap, no naps more than 2-2.5 hours. they say feeding them more during the day will help get longer stretches at night.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Mrs.Someone: thanks!
I'm sorry you had a rough day. We just bought some gripe water to see if that helps.
blogger / apricot / 310 posts
hey all! help! DS is 4 weeks 5 days old today and the last 36 hours have been…trying. he was diagnosed with reflux a week ago, and has been on zantac 3x a day and it seemed to helping him be more comfortable, but two nights ago it seemed to stop working. he was so fussy and had crying jags that seemed inconsolable for about 3-4 minutes, and was fussy at the breast as well. it stopped during the day yesterday, but happened all again last night (AND his sleep worsened- until last night, we were getting a reliable stretch 4-3-2, from about 9 PM to 8 AM. last night, he didn't sleep longer than 2.5 hours and had a much harder time getting back to sleep.) Sadly, this same fussiness continued into today and we've oscillated between eating for 10 minutes, getting angry/crying/fussy at the boob, passing out on me for about 45 minutes or until i put him in the pack and play and he wakes up. this has happened since 9 AM today and i am worried he is sick (no temp, from what i can tell) and i'm not helping him OR that this is a particularly difficult growth spurt (the 5 week wonder week maybe?) but it seems… more challenging than the first growth spurt he had 2 weeks old. he doesn't seem to get full when he eats because he gets so upset.
does this sound familiar at all to anyone? any suggestions?
cherry / 163 posts
@Mrs.Someone: thanks for the tips! Hope you have better and better luck with weaning! I've tried a few's like the shield is so...large around and I'm...not so LO seems very confused when I take off the shield lol. Sorry you had a bad afternoon. I also think LO has gas issues. I cut out most dairy and put him on gas drops (with a blessing from our Ped) both seem to have helped. I also try and hold him upright for a period of time after feeds (not sure if you said you did that already) which seems to help his digestion.
@yellowskates: I'm so sorry to hear about your recent struggles! I know how heartbreaking it is to have a fussy/upset LO and not know how to help! Could it be a gas issue? As I mentioned above I've cut out dairy (milk,cheese,cream but I still eat things with dairy inside of them if that makes sense) and give him gas drops before feeds. It seems to help (on most days...some days he's fussy either way!) perhaps you could try that? We tried gripe water but it didn't seem to help at all.
We had a weird couple of days. LO did not nap for any extended period of time yesterday and is finally down today for the first time (crossing my fingers!!). He would fall asleep while nursing only to wake up 5 minutes later fussing and crying. I couldn't figure it out! I don't know if this is why but I've changed nursing positions lately (from football where he was basically sitting up to cross body where he was lying down) anyway, I went back to football hold and he finally fell asleep for longer than 5 minutes! He's also been spitting up a lot more so while cross body/cradle is way more comfortable for me I don't think it was helping his digestion causing him to wake up! Fingers crosses that's the reason why!!
pear / 1974 posts
@yellowskates: ugh this is how he is sometimes at night I haven't gotten longer than a 2-2.5 hr stretch of sleep since he's been home. He will feed and fall asleep on me but as soon as I put him down in the pnp next to my bed he starts fussing and by the time I finally do get him down I have maybe an hr until the next feeding. Yesterday he was like this even during the day and it was truly exhausting to say the least. He has reflux also and gas drops don't help so i just try to burp him frequently and I have to keep him upright after every feeding for a while. I have no advice for you since I'm going through the same thing but hang in there we will somehow make it through.
blogger / apricot / 310 posts
@Apples4Teacher: @chibee: thank you both so much, if even just for the commiseration!
my MIL left work early to come over this afternoon/evening which was such a saving grace, and I spoke to the ped, who ok'd an increase in his zantac dosage to see if it helps. i'm not going to pump tonight like i usually do just in case he wakes up super frequently to feed- i'd hate to feel super empty if he's up again in an hour!
sending everyone amazing thoughts and wishes for newborn-STTN-vibes (you know, like a solid 4 hour stretch at least for each of us! )
pear / 1974 posts
Ahh as if bf isn't hard enough the last two feedings he is refusing to do it - my problem with bf wasn't him he was always great latched great first try, it was always my stress of supply worries and supplementing confusion. This evening and night he screams and pops off as soon as he latches on (and poorly) inlet it go on 10 min before giving up and giving him the bottle. I thought it was a fluke but he just did it again and took the bottle fine. And went down easy. I've been contemplating switching to formula exclusively, is he just trying to make this decision easy for me??
pomelo / 5228 posts
@yellowskates: We're going through similar stuff right now, except its during the day and luckily not at night Unfortunately, I think its all normal newborn shenanigans...
@Apples4Teacher: Do you keep him upright after feeding? We noticed that helps some with the spitting issues. Also, I feed in football hold simply because I can't get comfortable with cross-body, but DS is already getting too long for it
@chibee: A happy mama is just as important as a happy baby, so if BFing is causing too much stress, do what you need to do! Though if you want to try and stick it out, have you tried seeing a lactation consultant? If you find one that comes recommended, it can be very helpful.
nectarine / 2460 posts
To all the mommas looking for sleep suggestions - we added a dreamfeed a couple weeks ago and it has been great. Before we got sleep in a 4 then 3 then 2 hr stretch which I think is exactly what @yellowskates was saying. Then we added a dreamfeed about 2.5-3 hrs after the last feed. So I feed LO around 7:30 and put him down, then DH does a dreamfeed from a bottle around 10-10:30. The first few nights we did this he woke up again around 1:30-2:00, but very quickly started going to ~4:30 which is where we're at now. So we pretty much always get a stretch from at least 11-4:30, often enough he'll go till 5:30 or so and twice we got a 6:30 I can't say for sure that the dreamfeed did it or if its just him getting bigger/older. But its really nice that his sleep corresponds with when we try to sleep.
As for me, today was my first day back at work I'm doing split half days with DH for the next two weeks to ease myself back into things, but it sure was hard to leave LO behind today. At least once I got to work it wasn't so bad. But I am absolutely exhausted from both not being able to take a nap and having to actually do stuff.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@JennyPenny: awwwwww glad your first day back was OK! Being able to ease back in is a great advantage!
pomelo / 5228 posts
Yesterday I went to a breastfeeding drop in group that is facilitated by my LC. I still haven't had any luck getting DS to latch without the breast shield, so I wanted her to take another look. Though I did get him to latch on my left, but the pain was so awful.
She thinks that my supply went down in the last week because of the shields And according to her scale, he didn't gain enough weight. So she gave me a tincure, and referred DS to craniosacral therapy for the latching issues. We go in on Thursday.
blogger / apricot / 310 posts
@JennyPenny: wow! that's amazing. can you share how you guys work the 'dream feed'? do you pull him out of where he is sleeping or leave him be?
@Mrs.Someone: I'm sorry about your supply! sending you lots of good thoughts for the follow up and that your supply builds back up quickly!
nectarine / 2460 posts
@yellowskates: we pull him out of his crib but avoid any other stimulation, so no diaper change or reswaddling unless it's really necessary. The first few nights DS stayed super asleep and we had to kind of force the bottle and he only drank about half, which it now occurs to me is probably why it didn't work very well for increasing sleep....duh! But then after a few nights he seemed to get the hang of it and will drink his whole 3.5-4 oz bottle. DH holds him upright for a bit with some rubbing, not patting, in case he needs to burp, then right back down in the crib. Good luck if you guys decide to try it! I hope it works well for you too. We actually got another 11-6:45 stretch last night
pear / 1974 posts
@JennyPenny: 11-6:45 - what a dream!! is dreamfeed possible with a breastfed/supplemented/reflux baby you think?
@Mrs.Someone: breastfeeding is SO stressful isn't it?? I'm sorry he's having latching issues! My issue is that I am now trying to cut out dairy from my diet to see if it'll help with his gas and fussing and I realized I eat a LOT of dairy.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@chibee: Yep, I now totally understand why some people wean early! Our mental health is important too. I hope you get to the bottom of J's reflux soon...
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs.Someone: he has now started projectile spitting up - not sure what it's from, the formula i give him to supplement or my breast milk - but he has been super fussy at the breast too, i'm 80% closer to weaning. i give you so, so much credit for working so much harder at it than i am.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@chibee: Sounds like you're working pretty darn hard to me! Have you talked to your ped about the spitting up and fussyness?
pomelo / 5228 posts
We're having some rough nights... We have a hard time getting DS down for a nap (or the night) after 6pm or so. He seems to want to eat constantly, and I don't get enough time to refill. Last night we didn't get him down for the night until 2am, then he slept for 5 hours. Is anyone else having this problem?
One thing I want to try tonight is DH giving him a bottle at bedtime after I feed him. I just pumped after the first morning feeding, since I seem to be most full at that time. Hopefully it will make a difference!
pear / 1616 posts
@Mrs.Someone: how old is your lo again? he might be going through the 6 week growth spurt/wonder week!! hopefully in a couple days it'll pass. and we give a bottle at night too to make sure he is nice and full and to get that long stretch of sleep!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@kodybear: He is 5.5w now, but this has been going on for a few days I thought the wonder week was from 4.5-5.5? So maybe that is it.
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs.Someone: i have a hard time putting J down at night after a feeding - for some reason, he seems to be wide awake after his night feedings and dozes off right away during the day after his feeding. No idea, this baby is a mystery - every day is different.
Does pregnancy seem like a distant memory to you guys? I was just sitting on the couch and looked down at my stomach and it seems like ages ago it used to be huge and tight and uncomfortable! I thought my pregnancy would never end - and now it seems like I was pregnant years ago, it's a weird feeling!
Also, how are you guys recovering? I feel maybe 80% back to normal now - still having really, really light bleeding and I still don't feel right down there but no pain really. I used to have pretty strong core strength (by no means did I have a 6 pack or anything, just strong ab muscles from pilates/working out) and I noticed it is ALL gone and scared to work to build it back up. Has anyone started working out yet?
cherry / 163 posts
@chibee: how is the bfing going? Sometimes I wonder if my LO would sleep longer at night if we supplemented with formula??
And pregnancy seemed soooo long ago. I wish I would have enjoyed my sleep more!!
@Mrs.Someone: sorry to hear you're having some rough nights...if it makes you feel better, we are too!! For the past two nights LO has been waking up every hour and I've been feeding him for 30-40 mins and then holding him upright for 20 and then finally putting him down only to wake up an hour or so is exhausting!! I too hope it is the 8 week wonder week and will be over soon although he won't be 8 weeks until tomorrow. For both our sakes I hope it gets better soon!!
For those going back to work: anyone else worried about how your LO going to daycare?? I can't imagine how he'll establish any sort of routine and am starting to freak out I won't be able to pump enough, he'll never sleep so I won't ever sleep...he'll only want to nurse to sleep (which is what we're doing now...) sigh...I'm just freaking out just thinking about it!!!
kiwi / 645 posts
@chibee: I'm re-joining the gym soon. I have my 6-week post-partum visit next week so I figured I would wait for the go ahead from the OB. I feel pretty weak in my core areas too and also my lower back sometimes. I know from the first time around it will most likely get better though!
@Apples4Teacher: Sorry you are stressing about going back. I went back to teaching (for a few months to finish the school) with my first when she was 11-weeks old and it went much better than I imagined. Pumping at school wasn't easy at first with limited time to do it, but in the end I made enough and never had to supplement. I even had a 2 hour total commute which I was sure was going to mess with pumping/timing of when to pump, but it didn't. Wishing you the best of luck!!!
pear / 1974 posts
@Apples4Teacher: bf is going ok - i have a lot of ups and downs and a lot of trial and error and every time i want to give up, when i pick him up when he's hungry he looks for the boob and i don't have the heart to deny him! Yesterday i tried not supplementing until towards the evening to "tank him up" for the night - but no, this little guy just doesn't sleep long at night, and totally did not work anyway. And I am going back to work when he's about 13 weeks, so I have about 2 months to go and I really get depressed. I work 2 hours away (so 4 hour total commute) and i am out of the house from 630am to about 730pm - it is terrible and i don't have a choice (can't look for another job, etc.) but thankfully my MIL who lives 5 min away is taking care of him at her house but it still sucks, u know? I'm worried about pumping at work, lugging all my pumping stuff on the bus, feeling engorged on the bus ride - ahhhhh how do moms do it?
pomelo / 5228 posts
Ugh, the last 2 nights have been rough. We tried to top off with a bottle (of BM) last night, but it was an epic fail. When I was finished feeding him at the boob, he spit up a ton. Then after the bottle he spit up a ton more. I couldn't get him to sleep until after 1am (the night before was 2am). And he cried most of the evening. Not sure what to do DH thinks its over-stimulation and we need to just wait it out?
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs.Someone: this is basically every night for us, exactly - the spit up at the boob, refusing to go down until 1-2am - how long does he sleep once he does go down? J is good till maybe 4am, and that's my "long" stretch for the night usually.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@chibee: Wow, sorry to hear it 2 days of it and I'm having a hard time. His first stretch of night sleep is usually 3-4 hours, so same.
pomelo / 5228 posts
Had a little luck with catnaps tonight... First with the paci, then with the new exercise ball we just got. The ball put him out really quickly and I was even able to get him into the crib for about 15mins. At least we're on the right track!
apricot / 403 posts
Can someone explain wonder weeks to me? I get it at a high level.. they'll reach a new milestone and so they'll be fussy before it? I googled it but I'm confusing myself.. My boys are about 5.5 weeks old. They dont seem particularly fussy *knock on wood*.. What are other symptoms? Is 6 weeks a wonder week? or a growth spurt?
And how many ounces are your LOs eating? I know if you're BFing, it's hard to gauge. I EP and supplement with formula.. and my boys are eating around 22-26oz a day on average these days.
pear / 1616 posts
@msmug: yep! thats basically it. they are going through some mental development and because of it they are extra fussy, clingy, hungry, etc. the wonder weeks are based on your due date, not when they were born if that makes a difference. so for me, my son was born 2 weeks early so we hit all of the wonder weeks alittle later than most. i find that they aren't exact but pretty close to when they are estimated to start.
i ep too and my son is eating about 26oz a day. i think he can eat more but from what i read online 26oz is pretty avg for breastmilk fed babies. my daughter was given both formula and breastmilk and at 1 month she was at 24oz and 2 months 30oz if that helps!
pomelo / 5228 posts
Today didn't start out very well.. I went back to the breastfeeding drop in group and according to that scale, DS only gained .5oz in a week! From there I went straight to the pediatrician to find by their scale he gained 4oz in 10 days. Better, but still not good. But the last weigh-in from the ped had him gaining great - 1oz/day. So I have no idea what happened. My supply is good, but baby for some reason can't get it all out They told me to offer him both sides for 15mins each, then a 1oz bottle of pumped milk, plus pump after the feed. No idea how I'm going to manage that all on my own. Waiting to hear back from the LC as to when she can come back and help.
Anyway, the summary here is breastfeeding sucks
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Mrs.Someone: I'm sorry
How many times is he feeding? My guy is about 15 min per side but at times is eating almost every 1-2 hours. Maybe you could ask about increasing the number of feedings instead of adding the pump?
Also I've heard the LC scales aren't good to measure growth but really just within the same day to measure amt taken.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@T.H.O.U.: Every 2-3hrs normally, but today has been an anomaly because of our rough morning. I had a really hard time waking him up to feed 3hrs after his last feed too. I don't know that I could convince him to feed more often until the evenings.
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs.Someone: I hear ya breastfeeding is continuing to be tough for me as well. I did this whole nursing, supplementing, pumping routine for a couple days to increase supply and it was seriously exhausting and i gave up, it really is incredibly time consuming!
I almost quit one day - i gave him formula all day one day in an attempt to quit and pumped just enough to relieve pain but he was screaming at night and after trying everything the boob shut him up, so back to nursing. I think my reasons are mostly selfish - I'm having trouble with my diet (i'm trying to eliminate dairy, avoiding caffeine, spicy foods, and J does not like a lot of garlic in my diet) the stress of the nursing and constantly wondering if he's getting enough, too much - I really want to give up! but at his 1 month checkup yesterday, he had gained a pound in a week so i feel guilty depriving him of something that's obviously working for him and helping him grow. Feeding is so stressful!
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