Hellobee Boards


August 2014 - Postpartum Chat!

  1. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @chibee: You're doing the best you can. Its important for us to be happy too!

    Pumping sure is exhausting. A whole feeding session still takes about an hour and a half with burping and diaper changing. I have my LC coming back tomorrow morning, so hopefully she can figure out the problem quickly, and give me tips on how to streamline everything.

    And right now I'm waiting an hour or so until I can feed E again, then I'm going to skip pumping and head to Target so I can get the right bottles and pumping flanges.

  2. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @chibee: I'd be most worried about the reflux with the dream feed. We don't burp LO after it because that usually wakes him up, but he's okay with that and sleeps just fine. I'm not sure the same would go for a baby with reflux issues

    And pregnancy totally seems like a distant memory. I catch myself lying on my stomach, which felt like such a novelty the first week pp but now I sometimes think "Wow, 2 months ago I couldnt do this..."

    I feel physically back to normal, but I so am not. I have a giant pooch still. I've started working out a little bit, but its depressing. I have no core strength and get exhausted so easily. It's going to be way harder than I imagined to get back to my old self.

    DH and I also tried DTD once after getting the all clear from the doc at 6 weeks - OMG AWFUL! I had heard horror stories on HB but thought I'd be immune since I had an easy recovery. Not the case. And now I can't muster up the courage to try again Poor DH

  3. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Apples4Teacher: I'm worried about this transition too. I've been back doing half days for a week and a half with DH home with LO in the mornings, and I can already tell its messing up his routine. I'm not sure DH is following nap instructions well cause when I get home in the afternoon I've got a fussy, overtired baby who won't nap and just gets crankier as he gets more and more tired in the afternoon. Thankfully it hasn't messed with his night time sleep yet. The only solution I've found is that for one nap I have to let him CIO for 10-15 min and then he'll get his whole nap and be a good baby again. But they won't do this at daycare. And I wonder how he'll nap with other babies and noises too since hes used to a quiet dark room... I guess I'll find out next week

  4. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    Am i the only one having a hard time with LO? I'm having so much trouble getting him on a routine - he just sleeps when he wants and eats when he wants, and i'm still going back and forth from nursing and supplementing to formula - am I really messing him up by not being consistent? He's really hard to get on a routine - he will sometimes want to eat every 2 hours or every 3, sometimes he refuses the breast (today he is just screaming his head off every time i try to nurse) sometimes all he wants to do is nurse every 2 hours, I am going out of my mind, I can't figure him out. He wants nothing to do with sleeping in the rock and play, I can put him in there when he falls asleep in my arms but he wakes really easily in it. At night, he will only sleep on my chest, and i know this is dangerous but he refuses to sleep in the pack n play, his crib, and sometimes even his beloved swing.

    I really feel like i'm screwing it all up - i feel like i am the reason he refuses to sleep more than 2 hours at a time, because I can't get a routine down. I dread feeding because it's a different issue every day, I dread night time because i know he won't let me sleep - ahhh i thought it was supposed to get a bit easier as they got older and bigger and i thought i would have adjusted by now?? what is wrong with me?

  5. Mrs. Milk

    blogger / apricot / 310 posts

    @chibee: hell no you're not the only one! as much as we have a 'routine' every single day is a different version of it. i am constantly questioning if what i did caused this or that.

    for example, today, here are all the thoughts i've had just TODAY:
    - why won't he sleep more than an hour after i put him back down in the early morning? (he woke up at 4:45 after going down at 2; nursed etc. until 5:45. woke up at 6:45. i finally got him out of the crib at 7 when it was clear he wasn't going back to sleep.)
    -what do i do wrong when i put him back down? (DH takes the first wake up, i do all the rest)
    -he nursed for ten minutes on one boob and fell asleep on my shoulder while burping. do i wake him or let him sleep? (i let him sleep. he woke up 45 minutes later and nursed for less than ten minutes on the other boob.)
    -ok he has officially had one 'feed' over the course of 1.5 hours. he's yawning again. why isn't he hungry? why is he tired?
    - he's asleep again, after nursing on one boob for less than ten minutes. does he get apathetic because the latch his wrong and therefore give up and sleep? do i wake him? put him down? (again, he slept on me)
    - ok, for reals. he has to be hungry now. it's 1 PM!
    - why did he only nurse one boob? now he's screaming when I try to give him more even though he's acting hungry.
    - ok, we'll let him sleep.

    I just got back from a long walk with him, and he's been asleep since about 3 PM. it's 5 PM and he hasn't had a good bit of milk since about 1:15. I am freaking out about why he isn't screaming in hunger. It's been 4 hours!

    I also spent today worrying that he isn't as hungry, and isn't getting enough milk from breastfeeding in general. I am going to a drop in breastfeeding group tomorrow because i'm so worried, even though i have little to no evidence that he is not happy/healthy. i'm just worried. and of course i'm worried they'll find an issue with my latch and i'll have to relearn this whole breastfeeding thing…

    oh and keep in mind i listed breastfeeding as one of my favorite things! but it's still DEEPLY frustrating when it doesn't go well. like when he screams at the boob despite seeming hungry. or when he takes six ounces (!) from a bottle in the middle of the night but only will nurse for maybe 7 minutes on one boob most of the time.

    DS also has no sleep schedule and has to go to daycare /something in two weeks. With no schedule. And I have no idea how to get him on one.

    So… yeah. Not alone

  6. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @yellowskates: i'm sorry you're having these problems but it makes me feel so much better - these questions you have, are exactly my train of thought throughout the day that i have 50 times. For example, today he refused my right boob. WHY?? Then before I could even google, he started to scream at both boobs. Then I gave him a bottle - then he spit it up. And this week it's the rash/eczema/baby acne on his face that is stressing me out. Your LO's night sleep schedule sounds like mine, except he refuses to sleep in a crib or anywhere else besides right ON ME. It will get easier one day right? Isn't that what everyone says?

  7. Mrs. Milk

    blogger / apricot / 310 posts

    @chibee: haha, it's ok! some days are better than others, and sometimes i can stifle the thoughts in my head. mostly it's trial and error and each day i am sure we get lots of it right. if our kid is happy and healthy, we must be doing SOMETHING well

    I am off to see if my little guy will take my right boob after refusing it again after he ate on the left side when he woke up an hour ago

  8. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @chibee: @yellowskates: I'm sorry you ladies are having trouble setting up a routine. I honestly believe its not your fault - its just that different babies have different personalities. Like adults, some people love routine while others love spontaneity. I know that's not really helpful for trying to set up a routine, but I don't think its your fault.

    Now, I think I was blessed with a baby who naturally followed a routine without much work on my part - but I did find one book really helpful in getting him there - The Secrets of the Baby Whisperer. It really helped me to pay attention to the cries and find signals for what they meant. Theres even a chart of common signs for different kids of cries!! And I also tracked everything in the BabyConnect app so I could see patterns.

    But even with all that help and having a somewhat predictable baby, I still find myself having similar mental dialogues. "Why is he making hungry face after he just ate and kept pulling off the boob!?" "Is this a gas pain cry or an overtired cry? Should I try to help, and how!?!" I think its just part of being a mom...

  9. Mrs. Milk

    blogger / apricot / 310 posts

    @JennyPenny: i definitely agree! I would say my little guy is on a sort of routine - it just shifts every few weeks or so. he has reliable times of day/scenarios when i can count on good naps, but they shift by an hour or so each day. i just feel so much for @chibee's constant questioning of it all! and when things change - like going from eating two boobs to just one - it throws a wrench in my confidence

    what i have had a revelation about - from some stuff I've read from the baby whisperer actually!- is that if my guy is fussy at the boob, not gassy and in general, is unexplainably sad, he's tired. i've started to just try to get him to sleep a bit when he gets like this and it works WONDERS. the different kind of cries is also huge! i feel like i recognize hungry and tired/fussy and usually gassy/fussy but if the book would help even more, that's just one more reason to buy it! thanks for the rec

  10. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @chibee: Hang in there! We have no real routine yet either. Some days he is predictable and other days not so much. Naps were awesome yesterday and horrible today. My 20-month old was happily screaming as she played and woke him up when he finally was starting to fall asleep. At night he only wants to sleep on me or in the swing. I'm not too worried about it because we had the same thing happen with our daughter. I promise it gets better! She was like that for a couple months and eventually became (and still is) an awesome sleeper. It will get better with time....I'm reminding myself of this too as I'm majorly sleep deprived!

    I haven't been able to read through everything, but have you tried swaddling and white noise at night? The miracle blanket was a life saver with our daughter and she started sleeping in the crib with it. (Our son unfortunately hates the miracle blanket of course and it doesn't help..goes to show every baby is different).

  11. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @yellowskates: I have recently noticed the same thing! There have been many cries which I had named "angry at the world " cries, but I am increasingly thinking that they're due to overstimulation or overtiredness. And I'll add that the baby whisperer book was huge I helping me distinguish tired cues from hungry. I used to think every time LO was sticking his tongue out it meant he was hungry, but the book mentions that if they stick their tongue out but their mouth is tight around it (as opposed to wide open) then it's usually a self-soothing attempt cause they're tired. That recognition alone got me from 16 feedings a day down to 8, since I was feeding him all the time thinking he was hungry,..

  12. smores

    cherry / 163 posts

    @chibee: you're not alone!! We have no routine...it changes everyday! I can't distinguish any of his cries- they all sound the same to me! I just always feed him but then I worry I'm over feeding him and causing him gas. He eats every hour and a half during the day unless there is something major to distract him like a walk or the music class we go to. I am worried about my diet too and am eating so much crap bc I have cut out so many things including almost all "gassy vegetables" so then I feel horrible about myself!

    I cosleep almost every night bc sometimes that's the only way to get a couple hours of sleep at a time but then I feel guilty that it's not safe. We have NO nap routine and I get so confused when people say to "put your baby down to sleep" like the EASY method...I would totally do that but no where do they say how to put your kid down??! The only consistent way this kid sleeps is if I nurse him to sleep and then it's only sometimes during the day and now it's only been when I nap with him so I'm getting nothing done around the house and to make matters worse our daycare provider whom we found in April has decided to relocate so we are scrambling to find a replacement and I was already freaking out about daycare!!!

    Gaaaah!! And I just laugh when people suggest driving him around bc he HATES the car and almost always screams when we drive somewhere so I feel like a prisoner in my home and like I am a failure at motherhood!!

    Sorry to vent but just want to let you know I commiserate!! The only comfort I get in regard to sleep and a routine is that a lot of people say for the first 3 months do whatever works and not to try and set a schedule but that the baby sets the schedule so I'm just trying to go With the flow and not stress about the lack of schedule and hope it will all get better when he gets a bit older!!!!

  13. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    I can soooo relate to all the struggles you've posted about. My guys are almost 6w and I had started to try and get them on a routine of putting then down to bed between 7-9pm with a dream feed between 10-midnight. The dream feed attempts haven't worked out so well as they'll either wake up, need a diaper change, or will wake up as soon as we set them down in their crib. So then we bring them into our bed with us since that's marginally better than getting up and going to their room every time to give them their pacifier when their fussing turns into cries. I'm trying to figure out if it's just too early for them to try and get on some sort of schedule. I polled a group of Fb mommies.. And since all babies are different, some said they got their babies on a schedule very early, while others said they didn't get their LOs on a schedule until 8w or 3+months. Sigh.. And to make matters worse, it's DH's really busy time at work and he needs to maximize on his sleep and so waking every few hours really isn't helping with the mood in the house.

  14. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @Mrs. M: how did you get your daughter to sleep in the crib?? Today I tried to let him nap in the crib - i swaddled him (he used to like swaddling now he just fights it so hard) and rocked him (if i just set him down in the swaddle he will just fuss and fight it and cry) until he was drowsy and carefully set him in the crib on his side, pat his back a little and he actually ended up taking a 45 min nap in the crib! But at night - he will ONLY sleep on me or in the swing and it just makes me feel uneasy like i'm doing something wrong. do they just grow out of this phase?? I resort to letting him sleep on my chest (on the couch, I KNOW this is horrible, but that's where the swing is and where I feed him, since my glider from PBK is STILL NOT HERE) so i can at least get 2 hours of sleep at night.

    @Apples4Teacher: i feel like i wrote what you wrote - i'm exactly the same way - when people are like how many naps does he take? i'm like naps? how are they different from night time sleep? he sleeps the same amount the same way in the same place??? I'm on total survival mode and I will just do whatever it takes to get him to be happy.

    @msmug: maybe one day we will all wake up and find out babies magically on a glorious schedule where they take predictable naps and sleep 6+ hour stretches a night. or maybe we will just all die of exhaustion.

    Question - J either has eczema, baby acne, or cradle cap of the face - poor little guy had beautiful skin a week ago and it is looking sooo bad!! anyone else having issues with LO's face? My pretty boy's face is looking terrible!!!! I've already switched detergent (dreft to free & gentle), stopped using all fragrance-d things for myself and him, cut out dairy from my diet - just waiting to see if these things will work. it's something new every day!

  15. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @chibee: girl, thus is my second and the last week or two have been bad.

    I am surviving and not worried about a routine yet. She barely sleeps!

  16. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    Ladies, if you don't already have one, get a yoga ball. It is by far the fastest way I've been able to get baby to sleep. Also, I've noticed he sleeps better if I put him down drowsy but awake. However, its a crapshoot as to whether or not it will work when I do it!

    Today was a good day for us. I had the LC come in the morning. With supplementing, E has gained 5oz since Monday! SO close to 8#: 7# 15.5oz. She thinks he need more cranial sacral work, so we have an appointment on Monday. Until then at least, I'm still pumping and supplementing. In the afternoon I had my doula come over and help, so I got a reasonable nap

    The downside is pumping has been crap today for some reason. I'm not keeping up with demand, and only have 6oz left in the freezer, and 3 in the fridge (he takes up to 2oz at a time). DH is home the next 4 days, so I'm going to work hard on pumping and can hopefully catch up.

  17. smores

    cherry / 163 posts

    As much as it sucks to go through this sleep exhaustion, it's nice to know I'm not the only one!!

    @chibee: DS had some cradle crap between his eyebrows, strangely enough, last week. The nurse at our Ped office suggested baby oil and combing it with a baby comb. I only combed it a few times and DH put oil on it a few times and it seemed to clear up. Hope his clears up soon too! And mad props for dairy free! I'm trying to do the same and it's tough! You're doing a great job!!

    @Mrs.Someone: my mom has a yoga ball! I'm going to see if I can borrow it! So glad he gained some weight! What is cranial sacral work?? Pumping is hard! I don't ever get very much and always have to pump everyday day for a week if I want to go out for an evening it seems!

    DH just got DS to sleep and it didn't include nursing! Although we used another "sleep prop" lol. I swaddled him and then put him in the car seat and swung him back and forth (and no- he still hates the swing but likes the same motion while we swing him in his car seat, of course!) I know it's bad for him to sleep in the car seat but he'll most likely wake soon so I'll take it!! I just keep reminding myself some experts say do what works the first three months so...I guess we'll keep doing that! Annnnnddd he just woke up, oops!!!

  18. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @chibee: Sounds like you are doing what is best for your LO! If it makes you feel better, I slept on the couch last night while my son slept in his swing and he eventually slept on the couch with me too. I never had to do this with my daughter so I'm just going with the flow! It really does get better as they get older! It's never perfect (as there most likely will be sleep regressions here and there), but in my experience it's nowhere near the hell of the newborn sleep deprivation days! Even doing this for the second time I question myself (mostly feeding and sleep related), but I keep reminding myself it will change tremendously soon! My daughter was the opposite of your LO and wouldn't nap in her crib, but would sleep in it at night. She loved the miracle blanket and white noise, and after a little rocking would usually go to sleep. For naps she only liked the swing...so weird!

    @regberadaisy: Oh my, this has been us the past two days! Our toddler is going through a sleep regression out of the blue and our newborn won't nap. If I wasn't bf'ing I would've had a margarita (or two or three) tonight!

  19. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @regberadaisy: i literally can't even think about two of these - how do you do it????

    @Apples4Teacher: i'm gonna have to try the baby oil today! poor thing i feel so bad when i look at his face.. the dairy free is SO HARD and i literally end up not eating much bc i just don't know what to eat!! are you actually physically holding the car seat and swinging it?? haha the things we do!

    @Mrs. M: I tried close to 45 min to get him to sleep in the crib last night - i swaddled him and tried rocking him to get drowsy and he fought and screamed the swaddle so i just said f it and put him on my chest and called it a night on the couch. he is now happily napping in his swing. I could kiss that swing.

  20. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    I just want to pop in and say that I am still here reading along. I am thinking about everyone and will be back active once I go back to work (ugh, just saying that makes me tear up).

  21. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Mrs. M: yes!! I can't depend on her to sleep at least 2 hours to have a beer. Sigh. I'm not willing to bust into my miniscule stash.

  22. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Oh my gosh!!!! LO and I just had a conversation! He was making babble-y noises with consonants. And every time he would say something ("a-goo", "baa") I would respond back and he would smile and get really excited and then do it again!!! This went on for about 5 minutes. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited.

  23. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @JennyPenny: so exciting!!! LO makes random noises that aren't fussy noises and that makes me really excited haha i can't wait till he actually interacts with me!

  24. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    This is delayed but did someone start a facebook group?? I vaguely remember it but i never asked to join and i'd like to if there is one!

  25. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @chibee: yes! Wall mrskc and she can add you to the group. Hope everything is going better! Once we are out of the "fourth trimester" things will get better!

  26. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @chibee: wall me your email and I can send you an invite!

  27. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    I ladies! I just want to quickly say that I've been following along with all of you. It's just hard to find the time to sit down and reply to everyone.

    We have been doing well. DD is 6 weeks and she is doing good. Still dealing with her witching "hour" every evening but it hasn't been as bad since we know how to deal with her now. She's such a dream during the day. Little miss loves her swing and will nap 2+ hours in it. Usually takes a long morning nap and then another long afternoon nap in her swing.

    She has torticollis. We are going to PT twice a week and have to do neck stretches with her at home as much as possible. She favors turning her head to the right so she has gotten a little flat spot from always laying on her right side. We got a noggin nest for the swing so it keeps her head straight and she sleeps on her side next to me in bed at night so hopefully it doesn't get worse. Doc and physical therapist said her case is really mild. But I still feel bad for her! And I feel bad that she is already getting a flat spot. Hopefully it doesn't get worse and it corrects itself.

    Hope you all are doing well!

  28. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @JennyPenny: Awww the interaction is the best! DD has been like that for a couple of weeks now and it's so much fun! I talk to her and she gives me the biggest grin and coos back at me. I LOVE it! My favorite times of day is our "conversations"

  29. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Today was DSs first day of daycare. So far I already know he missed his morning nap My guess is he'll take some time getting used to sleeping when there are other babies/noises around instead of cozy in his crib in a quiet/darkened room. *FX* this doesn't mess with our awesome nighttime sleep. He slept 11-7:30 last night

    @mrskc: Well its good you noticed early, I'll bet it'll resolve itself quickly and easily since shes so young.

  30. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    I've been following along, but I hate responding on my phone. I'm back at work now so I can participate again!!

    Um, yeah, 4 weeks PP and back at work. To say it sucks to leave my baby so early is an understatement. BUT, I love my job, and I love love love my daycare provider, so I'm okay with it. I'm just SO tired. Excited for a paycheck again!

    Recovery: This recovery went so so sooo much better. Recovering is what I was most scared of because it was so bad with L. Apparently I just tore REALLY bad with her, because I tore this time and it wasn't a bad recovery at all! So, besides the extra weight (UGH) and the never-ending bleeding (seriously, when does this stop?!), I'm back to normal

    Feeding: I think my boobs and nipples are just broken. I've come to accept that I just can't BF. Already EPing again, started on day 3 when I finally realized that screaming from pain at every feeding just isn't normal... haha. At least this time I'm pumping enough to not have to supplement! At 4 weeks I already have almost 80 oz in the freezer (but not producing much extra anymore). I'm getting about 25-30 oz a day, but I hate it so much I lost my supply at 5 months with L and switched to full time formula then (she was 1/2 and 1/2 by 4 weeks), and I'm so ready to just give up and go to formula again. EPing sucks! I spend about 4 hours a day just pumping - I have so much more I could be doing with my time, like snuggling my baby

    Sleep/temperament: Sleep isn't horrible, thank goodness. At night she generally goes down around 11, wakes up at 3, wakes up at 7. She naps a lot still, which makes for a very easy baby! She's an easy baby just like L was - I count my lucky stars every day! I guess that makes up for all our feeding problems.

  31. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @chibee: I don't think you should worry too much about a schedule and sleep yet. DH pressured me a lot to get L in her crib early on, and that's what I regret most - I wish I had just held on to our good night's sleep together as long as possible. Soon she wanted nothing to do with cuddles and I haven't gotten her to fall asleep on me since she was 12 weeks old
    BUT, if you don't sleep very well with him on your chest, then I can understand the frustration. I don't sleep well with K (she's very noisy and wiggly when she sleeps) so I've had her in her crib since week 2. It still takes an hour or two to transfer her to her crib though. I'm deliriously tired at nights when I'm trying to get her to sleep. I've started dreading nights because I hate feeling that tired!

  32. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @regberadaisy: @Mrs. M: Going to 2 kids is much more difficult than I thought! I am mentally exhausted. Even when both are being well behaved, it's just hard to have to take care of both! Especially the mornings, oh man the mornings... L and K both wake up about the same time which wakes me up. So I have 2 kids that need to be fed and I NEED to pump because by now I've started leaking from 2 crying kids. Both diapers need to be changed, I have to start warming K's bottle, I need to cook L's breakfast, I have to pee, my boobs are KILLING me, L is screaming for Minnie, K doesn't like her swing right now, K's bottle is still cold, L is crying at the microwave because her oatmeal isn't done yet, I want to cry because of all the drops of milk I'm wasting on my shirt because I need to pump... haha. I should try to get up 30 minutes before the girls, but good grief I need my sleep! Plus, if I tried to get up 30 minutes early, they would just 'know' and would get up too. (DH leaves early for work so he can't help )

  33. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @swurlygurl: um we are eping twins! i eped with my first bc of latch issues but couldn't produce enough so i supplemented from really early on. this time around i went to eping on the 4th day and have been able to produce enough this time around (although my supply is slowly decreasing now..). i lasted a year providing at least half bm for my daughter.. but im not sure i want to do the same this time around. the thought of eping for another 10 months makes me want to throw my pump out the window. i hate hate hate pumping, all the cleanup washing etc. bleh. haha but i told myself to get to 6 months first.. so we'll see. i wouldn't be surprised if i have to start supplementing anyway.

    so far things have been going well here. he's not really a good napper (maybe 1 good nap a day, the others are catnappy). i felt like my daughter slept all day and all night for the first 3 months. this dude actually has (and needs) more awake time or else he won't nap well. so now i actually have to figure out tired cues ;-p he sleeps well at night though (abt 8-9 hr stretch) so i am thankful for that. probably catching up on all the sleep he's not getting during the day! he's a good baby though, he just loves his snuggles alot!

    @chibee: i agree that i would just do whatever it takes to get some sleep. if he sleeps best in the crib or in the swing or whichever, i'd just go with it. my daughter loved the crib from the beginning so we had her in there for naps/bed time. this guy likes being held more so we try to put him in the crib for naps but if hes fussing too long i just hold him or put him in the swing. thankfully bedtime he will sleep in the crib. i can't sleep in the same rroom as the kids bc i wake up to every little movement and sound they make!

  34. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @swurlygurl: you're a better person than I am - I tried the crib transition and after 45 min I gave up, i just wanted some sleep for myself!

    @kodybear: I have basically given up on the schedule thing it's impossible for me at this point!

    after so many sleepless nights and feeling guilty about swing use, I discovered Troublesome Tots where they actually urge you to use the swing at night for use which made me feel at ease, and I have now discovered the holy trinity of sleep - swaddle, swing and binky. My problem was that he always initially fought the swaddle so hard that I would just give up after a minute but after just letting him fight it and rocking a but I noticed he sleeps so much better with it. And if the swing and swaddle makes him fussy still, stick a binky in his mouth (and hold it there because he always cringes and tries to spit it out immediately) his eyes literally roll back as he starts to suck. Granted, his longest night sleep is never more than 3 hours (and once 3.5!!! It's the small victories) but our motn ritual has been much less stressful now that he goes down much easier. Now if he will only sleep longer I would die a happy woman.

  35. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    Just popping in to share today's victory. We just went a whole feed without the shield!

  36. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @chibee: Glad sleep related things are better! My little guy is still obsessed with the swing, but for the past few nights will go in the Rock n Play after his first motn feeding. It's interesting to see how things are changing already!

    @Mrs.Someone: Awesome news!

    @Swurlygurl: Sounds like we have similar fun days! Yes, I should wake up earlier too, but I'm too tired. Going from one to two kids is no joke! My toddler was quite a handful today and after my usual 11-12 hour day home alone with them I was exhausted. Maybe it gets easier when the sleep deprivation is over?

  37. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    Are you guys doing any activities with ur babies? I'm slacking on tummy time but I try to remember to do it once a day (but it ends up bring once every couple..) I totally forget what age they start grabbing toys or at least stare at them.

  38. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: That's awesome!!! Any more luck without the shield? I feel like the shield might be the answer to my BFing problems, but I really don't want to deal with the hassle of it, and then get stuck with it Not that pumping is any less hassle-y

    @Mrs. M: I sure hope it gets easier! It's not even like they're bad, ya know, just... a lot to handle alone.

    @kodybear: Hah, I slack so bad at tummy time. I asked daycare to give her 2 tummy times each day, so hopefully she's getting some. I did do it a little last night, but she screams bloody murder the whole time. I even lay on the floor with her and talk to her, rub her back, show her small colorful toys so she has something to look at... nothing works. At least for the first 4 weeks she spent most of her time laying on me, so she wasn't getting flat spots I don't think that my 5 minute tummy time once a week is really doing much good though... haha!

    K slept from 11:30 to 6:45 this morning!!! I'm sure it was some crazy fluke, but I *really* needed that. To be fair, daycare said she was awake a lot yesterday, AND she was awake from 5:30 - 11:30 last night. It took me two hours to get her to sleep because she was so overtired.

  39. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    1 month stats from her Dr appointment yesterday:
    11 lbs 1 oz 95%
    22.25 in 90%
    15 in head 76%

    DH took her to her appointment which was sooo weird for me. I've been asking him a million questions about what the Dr asked, if she evaluated K for various things... I think I'd just better go to the next ones, hah.

  40. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @swurlygurl: I couldn't get him to latch on my right slide last night without the shield, but left worked out (though it hurts a ton). And so far today, no shield My nursing setup in bed might somehow be harder for him to latch, so I'm just going to keep at it and see how it goes. Have you seen a LC? Mine has been a big help.

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