honeydew / 7091 posts
@kodybear: Ugh, I hate pumping so much too - I can't believe I'm here AGAIN! I have a 10 day trip at Christmas to San Diego, so that's my goal. I don't really know how I'd be able to pump on that trip. We're wanting to go to the beach, Sea World, spend whole days at various family members houses... definitely not conducive to pumping. I'd REALLY like to try to nurse again after she's 2 or 3 months old, but I tried to switch at 3 weeks and got mastitis, so I'm a little scared...
honeydew / 7091 posts
@Mrs.Someone: No, I know I need to. She can nurse the one side just fine once she can get latched on after 10 minutes of trying... (definitely a believer in nipple confusion now!!), but I think the other nipple is flat or something. L couldn't ever nurse that side, even when she was 5 months old with a great suck and a big open mouth. The pain I have on that nipple is enough to actually make me scream each time.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@swurlygurl: Boo Do what you need to do to keep you happy. Its definitely not worth the pain! My LC said it actually has little to do with the nipple, since baby latches on to the areola. DS's problem was that his mouth was so tight he was a chomper and didn't suck correctly. It took 2 sessions of craniosacral therapy to fix it.
honeydew / 7091 posts
@Mrs.Someone: Hmmm... that's probably our problem too - just an incorrect latch where she's chomping me. I have noticed that she has a very small latch with a pretty closed mouth when we attempt nursing, even on the easy side.
Whoever said that nursing was easy and natural was just wrong. I know soooo many people that have problems!
pear / 1974 posts
@kodybear: I really try to keep up with tummy time, usually after a diaper change during the day once and at night - but no longer than like 5 min at a time bc he also screams! i just get a little paranoid bc he does like to sleep in the swing and i don't want him to get a flat spot. I try to get him engaged with toys but he doesn't seem interested, he seems more interested in following my face around so i try to get down on the floor and talk and sing to him.
@swurlygurl: i am waiting for that magical night when he goes longer than 3.5 hours at night - what is your trick??? he is unbelievably timely waking up every 3 hours at night for a feed!!
after 2 "good" nights - he decided after his 430am feed he wanted to be WIDE awake and play and wanted absolutely nothing to do with the swaddle and swing - i didn't get him to bed until 6, then he was up at 730, 930, and then i killed myself.
also, i just clipped a little bit of his finger skin while trying to clip his murderous talons that have been ravaging my skin while nursing - it wasn't bad but it bled and he screamed and i screamed and i am so high strung right now, even though he is peacefully sleeping on my chest. god forgive me, i love this little boy so much but sometimes i am actually ready to go back to work to get a little sanity back. now i feel so guilty having said that.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@swurlygurl: Let me know if you want any info on crainosacral. Fixing his latch seems to be solving several other issues: he can get more from the breast, and seems to be falling asleep after a feed easier. And I think its going to lead to me pumping less often (yay!) Every baby is different though!
@chibee: Sorry you had a rough night! We avoided clipping DS's nails for the longest time (loved that newborn clothes had mitts built in). Then the second time DH did it, he clipped the skin twice Sad for all of us, but he survived. My doula suggested biting the nails off since you can feel what you're getting pretty well. Definitely not for everyone though...
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs.Someone: yay to pumping less often! When J was in the NICU and i was pumping every 3 hours for a week i was SO miserable, pumping is the worst!!! I would now seriously consider biting his nail off bc this was honestly traumatizing for both of us - you should have seen us, my husband and I running around with gauzes and scrambling to find alcohol swabs and neosporin and i literally made a whole hand "cast" out of the gauze, it was highly stressful and actually ridiculous.
i wish i could enjoy this newborn stage more, there are so many moments where i can just stare at him forever but the past week or so has been really difficult and i feel like i'm losing my mind. i think i need to get out of the house more, i haven't gotten out of pjs in almost 3 days.
cherry / 163 posts
@chibee: I know what you mean about cutting his skin. I did the same thing and it was sooo traumatizing!! Every time I saw his little wound it hurt my heart. I'm sure he forgot about it soon after it happened but it still made me so sad! Also, your description of "his murderous talons" made me laugh I have days that I think I should be "enjoying it more" and I actually had a conversation with a women yesterday about how stressed and unsure I was the first few weeks (still am sometimes!) and she was like, "oh really? Wasn't it all sooo natural though?" And I was like, "um, no it was not! I didn't know and still don't know what I'm doing half the time!"
And yes, we literally will swing him with our arms while he's in the car seat...haha...ridiculous!
I hope your LO has some better sleep nights! My LO seems to be in the every-other-night pattern where one night he sleeps fairly well and then the next he's up every two hours. Ugh!! But we can do this!!
I also found that the days I got out of the house I felt better (even though he still screams like a banshee while in the car half the time!)
@Mrs.Someone: I would like info on cranisacral, especially since we are still using the shield! He still eats almost every hour and a half and I wonder if it's bc he's not getting enough??
And we are still searching for a home day care...sigh. I feel like it is so much harder now that LO is actually here and not just an idea, you know!?
nectarine / 2460 posts
@chibee: Don't feel guilty about looking forward to going back to work. I've been back a couple weeks now and it is SOOO nice sometimes to have peace and quiet without worrying about when LO is going to start screaming again. I enjoy my work day and I enjoy the time I get to spend with him, even if it is short. And I know he's being taken care of really well. The main guilt I feel right now is guilt over not feeling guilty, if that makes sense. Everyone asks "How are you doing, really? I mean, don't you feel sad all day?" but I don't, and it worries me that so many people think I should... The only thing that makes me truly sad is when I pick him up and he doesn't smell like his usual smell anymore, he smells like daycare
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Apples4Teacher: Here are a few links with a bunch of info:
If you look for someone, make sure you find someone with good reviews or who comes recommended from a trusted source. Its made me nervous having the guy putting (light) pressure on baby's head and body, but I knew he came well recommended.
You very well could be dealing with similar issues that we had. The shield makes it harder for baby to get enough out of the breast before falling asleep. It then caused my supply to go down around week 4 because he wasn't emptying them. Both the LC and Ped suggested feeding for 15mins on each side, then pumping and giving a bottle. Its important to pump so the breasts still get emptied and supply doesn't drop. The routine is exhausting though!
Yesterday was our first day without the shield and I suddenly pumped way less, so I think it means that baby is now able to empty them most of the way
bananas / 9357 posts
@swurlygurl: woo hoo! That is awesome sleep!
@kodybear: we do tummy time multiple times a day. Usually right after she wakes from a nap. BUT she has torticollis so it's important that we do it to strengthen her neck muscles and she's already got a little flat spot from favoring her right side. I think they start grabbing objects around 4 months if I remember correctly. It's so funny when they discover their hands and just stare at them.
@chibee: @Mrs.Someone: I have these nail scissors and they are great! Never cut DS or DD with them.
@chibee: Don't feel so bad with using the swing so much. DD is a swing addict too. She takes all her naps during the day in her swing. It's magical! I'll be so sad the day that it stops working. We use it to get her to sleep for the night too. Swing + swaddle + hair dryer has been our magic recipe to get her to sleep. Then we transfer her to the rock n play.
honeydew / 7091 posts
@Mrs.Someone: I would definitely love information! I'm assuming it's what you responded to @Apples4Teacher: with? I've never even heard of this problem, which is shocking considering the amount of time I spend online...
@chibee: Haha, my 'trick' is to keep her awake from 6 - 9 and give her three bottles in that period (easy with EPing). IDK if that's why she sleeps so well, but it seems to work. Although yesterday daycare said she was awake almost ALL day, and then she was literally impossible to wake up from 5 pm - 10 pm. DH spent a solid hour trying to jostle her awake to feed her, and we even tried force feeding her, but she would. not. wake up. So, last night's sleep wasn't so awesome
Oh, and nails, I clipped off a whole corner of her finger! I seriously started crying and freaking out while she didn't seem to mind after an initial shock. I still gives me shivers to remember the 'crunch'
After 4 weeks I was SO ready to go back to work - don't feel guilty! @JennyPenny: I know what you mean, I felt guilty about not feeling guilty And yes, she smells so different now! When I picked her up one day she had crusty spit up in her hair and it made me sad that she wasn't being 100% doted upon like I would if I was home
@mrskc: I love the 3-4 month stage when they finally start becoming aware! It's so much fun to watch them learn and explore and smile more
nectarine / 2460 posts
I think I may have given myself a clogged duct from exercising I'm doing the Jillian Michaels total body revolution. And ended up putting on 2 sports bras and a tank with a shelf (yes, I'm aware this is crazy) just to keep my boobs from jumping all over the place. But I worry it may have been too much compression since I've read that that can cause clogged ducts. And this morning I appear to have one. I don't know if I should let the ladies flop or find a different solution. Suggestions?
Also, if anyone is interested the Total Body Revolution is much easier at the start than 30DS, so it seems great for moms just starting to get back in shape. I say this only 3 days in though, so we'll see how I feel in a couple weeks
pear / 1974 posts
@swurlygurl: ughhh the "crunch" i'm cringing as i'm thinking about that for my LO also!!
@JennyPenny: it definitely could be from the compression! when i was looking up weaning, they strongly advised never to "bind" your boobs as some might tell you while weaning bc it can clog your ducts! hope you find relief soon!!
what am i doing wrong?? J was up till 3am last night, then got up again at 3:45am, back to sleep at 430 - but up again at 8. I am going out of my mind - he did so well before and we are all over the place again and i am seriously losing it.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@swurlygurl: Yep, same info!
Ugh, I'm in so much pain today. I think DS's latch still isn't great, so my nipples are suffering. Overnight I put the shield back on after 5 minutes on my left, then laid in bed with that breast throbbing afterwards. Luckily DH is able to take care of him so well. Had a little pity party for myself after DH left this morning dreading feeding DS again. Latching at least was better today, but they still hurt a ton Sent a message to my LC, but haven't heard back yet.
cherry / 163 posts
@chibee: so sorry to hear about your night. Sometimes we would have a really bad night and it would be a one night fluke type thing. Hope it is just a fluke for you!!
@Mrs.Someone: thanks for the info! I need to look into that! I also want to go to one of those breastfeeding drop in meetings...I'm just nervous they will try and get me to wean off the shield or tell me I'm doing it all wrong and I'm afraid to mess with what is working!! Sorry to hear you're in pain! Hopefully it gets better soon!
This kid does not nap unless I nap with him(nurse him laying down) which is great for me but bad for my housework...I shudder to think what daycare will do to get him to sleep!!
pear / 1974 posts
@Apples4Teacher: i sincerely hope so - i cannot physically continue this more than one night! You know, I've never mastered the lying down nursing position - and it is everyone's favorite! We've only done it a handful of times, but i think it's because i'm fairly small chested and it's hard for me to maneuver him right? I have no idea.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Apples4Teacher: I don't think people would be judgemental at the meetings. Though I've only been to one group! Its basically a place to talk with other moms and ask the LC a few questions. She brings her scale to weigh babies too. If what you're doing is working for both of you, stick with it!
@chibee: I haven't quite figured out lying down either. DH helped me do it once, but it required way too many pillows. I think it works better when baby is bigger and better at latching on? Also, is your DH helping you much? Maybe you can convince him to do all but breastfeeding one night to give yourself a break.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Apples4Teacher: that's what our group is like. Just an open group to kinda chit chat with but ask questions if needed.
Sorry I haven't been posting much. The one handed typing is hard. Or I use talk to text and things get garbled.
C is doing good and was over 14 lbs today at 6.5 weeks! He's huge. Still not sleeping great but obviously a champion breastfeeder.
pomegranate / 3604 posts
@Mrs.Someone: @chibee:
have you tried putting him on his side and nursing him that way? I managed to nurse LO laying down when he was first born by also putting my arm under his head to raise him up a little. Maybe try that ?
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs.Someone: same here - it takes too long for me to get the positioning down for the lying down nursing and he gets fussy and impatient! Also, i've been wanting to go to a breastfeeding group - how would i go about finding one? Through an LC? I'm dying to know how much LO is getting per feeding bc he has been nursing for a drastically shorter amount of time the past week and of course i'm paranoid he's not getting enough!
@sera_87: this is basically the way i try to do it but it feels unnatural to me for some reason??
pear / 1974 posts
It's 1am and I am walking around my house in pitch dark wearing lo in the bjorn - even my dogs are sound asleep. That is all.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@chibee: our bf group is through our hospital.
I'm sorry you're up!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@chibee: is he asleep? If so, can you lie down with him in there?
I found the breastfeeding group though my LC.
pear / 1974 posts
@T.H.O.U.: duh! I remember seeing flyers for it when lo was in the nicu!! I should call them.
@Mrs. M: @Mrs.Someone: he was asleep and until I took him out and wide awake again! After nursing him is asleep on my chest and it is 245am. I gave up on sleeping i just decided to surrender to him and his needs and not worry about my sleep and what time of the night it is and I actually feel less stressed now.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@chibee: I'm glad you feel less stressed, but try and lay back on a couch and snooze! I hope your night gets better...
bananas / 9357 posts
@chibee: I'm sorry you had a rough night. Can you try side lying nursing? Practice it during the day. Use some pillows behind your back for support so you can kind of angle your boob to his mouth. Hopefully he will just fall asleep next to you and you can get some rest.
honeydew / 7091 posts
@chibee: Ugh How much longer are you home for? I would definitely recommend not stressing about a schedule until you have to. If he wants to party at 1 am and sleep at 3 pm, you should too
I'm stressing about my stupid pumps. I have an Ameda from L, and got a Medela this time. The Medela is MUCH better. I hated transporting the pump back and forth from work, so I was excited to be able to leave one at work this time. I need the better pump at home because my two morning pumps (3 am and 6 am) are my highest volume and when I'm most full, and my evening pumps (6 pm, 8 pm and 10 pm) are the lowest so I want to make sure they're getting the best stimulation. That means taking my Ameda to work. But, I know I'm getting less output from the Ameda because I was EPing for 4 weeks at home and I know what I should be getting. I really don't want to start transporting my pump again though
cherry / 163 posts
@chibee: I would also recommend nursing him for a bit in the position he likes and then try and switch to laying down. That's what I did the first few times with LO as he would get upset to with all the fussing around too. Also it's easier for me on the couch because I have the back of my couch to support my back. I'm glad you're feeling less stressed though. I told myself last night I wouldn't look at the clock each time LO woke up thinking if I didn't know how much sleep I was/wasn't getting maybe I wouldn't be so tired!
Our group is also through the hospital but someone added me to a closed breastfeeding Facebook group for my area and there is a list of ILBCs there and drop in groups , perhaps you can find the same?
I also want to join our Facebook group! Is there a private way to "wall" someone? Like a private message?
pear / 1974 posts
@Apples4Teacher: yes! message mrskc - as in post on her wall and click the box that says make this a private message.
@swurlygurl: i'm home for another 7 weeks - then he goes to MILs for the day when i'm at work. i think i'm stressing because i like a routine for myself, i know, i shouldn't expect so much of a newborn but when i hear of other's perfectly scheduled baby i am insanely jealous, esp ones that actually have a "bedtime"!
@mrskc: side nursing is a little uncomfortable for me, and because he has reflux i have to make sure i burp him really good and i'm afraid i'll fall asleep without burping him!
as of right now, it is just past midnight and he is swaddled sleeping in the swing. I tried putting him in the RNP and he lasted all of 5 minutes. I am literally watching him from the couch in fear and anxiety of when he's gonna wake up - this is no way to live!
pear / 1974 posts
@swurlygurl: i loved the ameda i pumped with at the hospital! i guess all hospital grade pumps are awesome. i don't think i am diligent enough to start pumping at work so i plan on weaning lo before i go back to work - kudos to you and all other pumping and working moms!
bananas / 9357 posts
@Apples4Teacher: you have to have gold to private wall someone. I can add you to the group by sending an invite to you through email. I'll post my email on your wall. Email me, then I'll have your email to be able to add you.
honeydew / 7091 posts
Who's all back to work? My brain hurts too much to try to remember... haha. Anyone else feel like they're mentally dying while at work? Pretty sure I'm losing it.
We had family in town all weekend, so K was held ALL day long. And of course people like quiet sleeping babies, so she was literally only awake to eat and when I changed her diaper (funny, people beg to hold her, but no one wants to help with bottles and diapers! ). That did not make for good nights...
If people could die from being tired, I might be concerned...
I tried napping while pumping at work, and my pump shifted/slipped for like 2 minutes and got my work pants all wet
pomegranate / 3604 posts
I get a year so I feel like im just starting my leave. I cannot believe you girls are back to work already - I couldnt do it. Major props, seriously.
pear / 1974 posts
@swurlygurl: i still have about 6 weeks left to my leave and not looking forward to it!
cherry / 163 posts
I go back in November...seriously dreading it and constantly thinking about getting a new job. Having summers off is great but having a job that requires working when I get home...I'm seriously scared that it will be horrible and I will be a tired, stressed out person. A bad mom and bad teacher, ugh.
@swurlygurl: I agree no one wants to help out with the tough stuff or middle of the night wake ups!! Haha. I always tell people they are welcome to come over at two in the morning to hold him then. No takers though. Sorry to hear about your work pants!!
So LO has taken some actual naps the last few days and actually in his crib!! Of course his night time sleep has not been too great! But this is like the first time he has slept in extended amount of time in that thing and he slept in it last night for a few hours! I hope we can keep it up and by we I mean me because to get him to sleep in his crib at night means nursing him in his nursery in the rocker and sometimes I am just too tired to do that!
How's everyone else doing?
pomelo / 5228 posts
Ugh, my breastfeeding issues keep getting worse Last night we noticed some bloody spots in E's spit up. Then at the next feed I saw it on my nipple. It got worse at each feed, so I decided to just pump this morning. Then he had some really horrific spit up Luckily DH is the one that found it. I accidentally saw the mess and just lost it!
I went to the BF drop in group this morning and the LC wants to have E evaluated for a tongue tie, so that appointment is on Thursday. Luckily the guy that does it in this area is kindof a friend. Until then at least I'm going to be feeding from my right and pumping my left and I got a prescription for All Purpose Nipple Ointment to help heal quickly. I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to pump enough though We'll see. Its so tempting to just give up...
pear / 1974 posts
@Apples4Teacher: i am so jealous you got LO to sleep in the crib! I tried last night and he lasted 20 min, then 10 min - i said forget it and put him in his swing. I feel like he will be 3 years old and still sleep in that damn swing!
@Mrs.Someone: i think you are so amazing for keeping up with BF even with all the issues you're having. I really don't have any tangible issues other than LO being angry with my fast letdown on the left and slow letdown on the right yet i think about quitting every, single, day. Is the blood coming from your cracked nipple? Sounds so painful i hope the ointment works for you immediately!
Last night was one of the first nights ever that sleep has gone somewhat "ok" for LO - he slept from 9-1230, then 130-5:15 (!) then again from about 6-9 - this is an immense improvement from the night before, where he stayed up from about 10-3am (yep) then up every hour. He is very inconsistent and i have no idea what the trick is. Also, we keep the swing in the living room so i've been sleeping in the living room for weeks now and i would really like to go back to my bed. It's kind of inconvenient for us to move the swing into the bedroom since I like to feed him on the couch. Sleep is the most stressful issue right now, i feel like i'm doing everything wrong by letting him sleep in that swing and he HATES the crib!! Will he magically be ok with the crib one day or will i have to work super hard to train him to like it???
pomelo / 5228 posts
@chibee: Thanks After all this, I will never judge a formula feeding mom again, we have no idea what she went through before that.
Yep, the blood is coming from a cracked nipple. And it looks like my other side is starting to crack a little too. Hopefully I can pay more attention to his latch and prevent it from getting worse.
And really, we all struggle majorly with something! Your sleep issues are no easier than my BFing issues. I need a pump to feed the baby, you need a swing so yours can sleep! Both very important. We lucked out and have had a decent sleeper since birth (knock on wood!) Hopefully we both get through these issues quickly.
I'm thinking of walking to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription, its about a mile and a half away. Getting some fresh air would be good for me!
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