Hey new mommas and those x2 or 3!
How are you feeling? How's baby doing?
Hey new mommas and those x2 or 3!
How are you feeling? How's baby doing?
kiwi / 506 posts
Yay!! Thanks for starting this.
Baby is good. He has breast milk jaundice and his umbilical cord stump looks funky. You'd think being a second time mom I wouldn't stress out about these things.
pomelo / 5228 posts
Oh, the hormones I'm very easily annoyed, and when I get thinking about the wrong thing, crying often happens.
Otherwise, the biggest challenge is feeding. Baby seems to eat well, but can only really latch with the shield.
And I don't really have much time for HB lately... Oh well.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
Thanks for starting this!
I'm doing well! My incision is still sore, but that's to be expected. I've gone to half on my pain medicine which means more discomfort but I hate feeling out of it.
Baby is doing great - my only real complaint is that during the day he seems to like to eat every 2 hours - which keeps me from being remotely productive, but that's what husbands are for, I suppose
@Mrs.Someone: Hormones are the worst! Hang in there!
@Aandmklover: How is the jaundice going? Are you doing the lamp?
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
We are hopefully heading home tonight at the 36 hr mark. I feel great (sore but bleeding going down) and he's eating good (although nips already sore).
cherry / 163 posts
@Mrs.Someone: that's exactly how I felt the first week! I cried a lot!! I, too, am using a shield. Baby apples was never really able to latch on in the hospital without it so I've been using the shield pretty much exclusively since we got home. I keep telling myself I'll try and wean off of it but even with the shield sometimes it's hard for him to latch- especially if he's really upset. Are you going to try and wean off of it?
@BakerBee: Baby Apples too wants to eat every two or so hours, day and night! And sometimes it's every hour- those cluster feeds are rough! I don't know how people go out in public when they have to constantly nurse!
Baby and I are doing well but I basically have a constant worry about everything- is he eating too much or is he not eating enough, is he not sleeping enough, does he have colic or is he just fussy? Does he have gas? Does he have reflux? Will he get fussy if I go to the store or Go for a long car ride? Ahhhhh!!!!!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Apples4Teacher: I'd like to, but it kindof feels like the stars have to align: baby patient enough, me patient enough, etc... My doula pointed me to a tool that pulls the nipple out, but you have to be really quick to stick baby on. He latched a tiny bit after using it today, but I just don't have the patience to stick with trying right now.
bananas / 9357 posts
Hey ladies! Happy to join you all here. We are hopefully heading home early afternoon tomorrow (I hate how long it takes to get discharged!). Not looking forward to spending another night in the hospital but since she was born at 2 am, we have to.
Second time mommies, holy crap are uterine cramps much more painful this time? Every time she nurses, i get pretty bad cramps. I don't even remember feeling them with my first.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@mrskc: I've heard second time cramps are worse. Mine aren't terrible but I'm staying on the Motrin
pomegranate / 3604 posts
@mrskc: YES. So much worse! but my overall bleeding is less, so I guess I'll take the trade-off? (Except for one super scary looking massive clot....that was gross/scary to see).
I keep meaning to actually update properly but I'm always on my phone and it's just a pain to write out a long post.
pomelo / 5220 posts
Hi august mamas! I didn't expect to join august since I wasn't due until September 12th! I've been home since august 6th but my little preemie is finally home after 13 days. So far, 2 weeks out, I'm feeling great! Especially now that the stress is reduced!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@mrskc: that's what I've been reading! Last time I didn't even take any Motrin!
@psw27: Welcome and congrats!!!
pear / 1616 posts
@mrskc: i didn't take motrin after the hospital last time so i felt the cramps last time. this time i did take motrin for a couple days after and could still feel the cramps! so i'm sure they are worse this time around since i could feel them with medication!
@psw27: yay welcome! glad you are both home now!!
we are doing good over here! so far the 1-2 kid transition hasn't been as hard as 0-1. just trying to juggle watching the toddler and making sure the baby gets fed! but lo#1 is doing great after a couple days of adjustment and is constantly asking for baby, esp when baby is napping
nectarine / 2460 posts
Yay! Congrats to all the August mommas!
LO is 2 1/2 weeks now which blows my mind. I think we're in the middle of a growth spurt too. He was eating every 3 hours during the day, and every 4 at night pretty consistently for the past week. Then yesterday and today its every 1-2 hrs during the day and every 3 hrs at night. I hope its just a growth spurt and it'll be over soon. I got so spoiled by my consistent and predictable newborn
apricot / 403 posts
Happy to join you all here! LOs are 5 days old now and are relatively on the same schedule, give or take 30 minutes.. Which is ideal since I really don't know how I'd feed, burp, and change diapers for 2 at the same exact time.
I think my incisions are healing well from the c section but I'm definitely not taking it as easy as I should be. DH has been so amazing and he loves spending every minute with them, which I love! But I want me some baby time too! we've been supplementing with formula (tho it feels more like we are formula feeding and supplementing with breast milk) bc my pumping sessions just aren't producing that much yet (less than 1oz per boob)
Anyways so I've been nervously anxious about when DH goes back to work bc he has just been so amazing with the twins and he'll be so busy with work once he goes back and I'm not sure I'll be able to survive on my own.
bananas / 9357 posts
How are all you ladies doing?
My milk came in yesterday and ack I forgot how uncomfortable the engorgement is. DD is nursing like a champ tho. Typical newborn tho and has her days and nights mixed up.
My bleeding is just like a light period at this point which is nice. I remember bleeding heavier for longer with #1. Just my stitches are bothering me a little.
Hope you all are doing well!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@mrskc: yup my milk came in also around day 4. Glad he's eating though.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@mrskc: @T.H.O.U.: @Aandmklover: @kodybear: love to hear more about the 1 to 2 transition!
Glad you're all doing well!!!
pomelo / 5228 posts
All is going well with baby, just getting really tired of my inlaws staying with us I never do well with house guests anyway, but it sucks that they also take up some of DH's time. Plus, my MIL has made some comments about feeding that annoyed me.
bananas / 9357 posts
@locavore_mama: It's been really easy so far! Definitely going from 1-2 has been much easier than 0-1. I think the hardest for me is feeling a lot of guilt about not getting to spend as much time with DS like I used to. He was my whole world just a few days ago and now I have 2 and it's an adjustment having to split my time between them. DH is home and has been handling DS mostly.
DS is somewhat interested in her. It seems each day gets better for him. He says baby and likes to look at her and wants to touch her. It's been tough trying to teach him to be gentle with her. He gets upset when I'm nursing her and he wants to get into my lap. I have him sit next to me and he likes to play with her feet. He's watching a lot more TV than we like, but whatever. I'm nervous tho when DH has to go back to work and I'll be taking care of both of them all day.
pear / 1616 posts
@msmug: i'm in awe of how twin mamas can handle 2 newborns but it sounds like you guys are doing great!
@mrskc: oh engorgement! i forgot how painful it can be in the beginning as well. i tried to take advantage of it tho and build up my supply. so far i've been able to get alot more milk than last time around. hopefully it doesn't start to dwindle! as far as postpartum recovery, i'm still bleeding almost 3 weeks in! boo. its light but still annoying. i have alot of very angry stretch marks too that hopefully will fade alittle with time.. besides that i'm feeling good! i'm holding on to about 14lbs still tho where as last time i was down to 8lb at this time. booo i know its way too early to think about losing it tho but it would've been nice to lose a couple more lbs from l&d!
@locavore_mama: its alot easier going from 1-2 than 0-1. the baby sleeps alot so things are pretty much the same as they were before. alot less stressful this time around. lo#1 adjusted pretty well. the first day she was sad but i think it was more because i was staying at the hospital. she remembers that i was in the hospital around 30 weeks as well so i think she just knows that i stay at the hospital so she doesn't like going there. when we got home tho she was back to normal and loving the baby. she always wants me to get the baby even if hes sleeping in his crib, always petting the baby, trying to give him his paci and blankie. shes doing great! i still think she has some separation anxiety from me which i'm not sure if its just because of her age or partly because of the baby as well (she's 21 months). just trying to give her as much attention as i can.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@locavore_mama: a few things have helped us.
The first day we were home from the hospital she needed some one on one time with one of us.
Having some special snacks (like individual cups of fruit or applesauce) has been a treat for her and keeps her occupied rather than rushing the baby when she gets home.
Just a few things we hadn't thought about. We didn't do any gifts (from her to him or him to her) but she did enjoy wearing her big sister shirt.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@mrskc: @kodybear: @T.H.O.U.: thanks for sharing!!! I have been hoarding her big sister shirt for her to wear when she comes visit us at the hospital.
bananas / 9357 posts
@kodybear: My red angry stretch marks from DS are even angrier now. lol My stretch marks take a really long time to fade tho. I know it's hard not to focus on the weight at times. Be kind to yourself. You just had a baby! I was a little bummed when I only lost 10 lbs after L&D tho. Have 25 lbs to go but trying not to focus on that right now.
pear / 1616 posts
@mrskc: i know, i really shouldn't think about weight at this point! part of it is my bro is getting married next week and i wanted to make sure i fit into my bridesmaid dress as i had to pick a size while pregnant!! haha. i think it barely zips up but i think it'll work... or else i'll have to pin it haha oh well.
nectarine / 2460 posts
Yeah, my weight loss has stalled with 17 lb left to lose. I'm trying to eat healthy and go for walks but that's all for now. I'm going to start Jillian Michaels once I get the ok from the dr.
The lactation consultant at the hospital recommended introducing a bottle at 3 weeks so today we gave LO his first bottle of breast milk. It went perfectly well. He drank all 3.5 oz. DH fed him while I pumped and I got 8 oz!! In my morning sessions I've been getting 2!
Also, my maternity leave is half over... When did that happen!?!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
I'm a week out an am down 20 from the delivery. Still really bloated though.
bananas / 9357 posts
Ugh, you guys I have mastitis. It's awful. I woke up yesterday feeling achy, and my left breast was so tender and it had red streaks on it. I went to urgent care and got some antibiotics. I was such a mess because I had to leave dd and I didn't want to leave her. I hope I start feeling better soon. Thank goodness DH is still on leave.
pear / 1974 posts
@mrskc: I hope you feel better soon!!
Is anyone else crying all day every day? I can't tell if it's hormones or I am so stressed from pumping and going back and forth to the hospital to visit little jack in the NICU. I am having a rough recovery on top of it and I feel incredibly overwhelmed and depressed. When will it stop??
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@mrskc: How are you feeling? I've been thinking about you.
@T.H.O.U.: I'm down 20 too, but like @JennyPenny: I've stalled out it feels like it's stalled. My husband keeps reminding me that it's not even been 2 weeks ... This was after watching me try to get into my normal jeans today.
@chibee: The first few days were rough. I'm 2 weeks post c section tomorrow and I feel more like my self the past few days. I know it's hard, but make sure to take time for yourself. My sister had a baby in the NICU and she always talks about how emotionally exhausting and draining it was. Let other people help you and just remember that you and your body have gone through a lot. And, of course, if you start to feel like you are getting under your emotions, don't hesitate to call your doctor.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@chibee: I was crying a lot at first too, the hormone crash is rough! Just remind yourself, its completely normal and it should level out soon. 2w PP and I'm definitely feeling less emotional.
pomelo / 5228 posts
Sorry I haven't been around much! I mostly read HB on my phone now while feeding, and can't type one-handed! Baby is doing well, though didn't quite gain enough for his 2w appointment. So now even more feeding, so exhausting! And I never shared his birth story, so here goes:
We were at a friend's house on Saturday night (1w before due date). I was having some contractions, but I had had them the night before too, and they didn't turn into anything. My friend said that many women have them for days, so don't get too excited. They started up again at around 1:30am Sunday morning. I didn't even bother waking up DH, since I didn't think it was real. I got out of bed to get through one at 3:30, and my water broke! So I texted my doula and called L&D. They asked me to come in right away to get checked out.
We got to triage around 4:30am. Sat in the bed for a while getting monitored and they said I was "too happy" to be in active labor, so they sent us to go walking and have breakfast. When we got back, we were told they couldn't admit me yet, so it was back in the bed for more monitoring. Then all the delays... Not enough rooms in L&D, then not enough nurses to staff the rooms, etc. I complained, but I still didn't get admitted until around 1pm I think.
In the meantime, the doctor told me she wanted to start pitocin, but I asked her to check how far along I was first. She noticed that there was still a bit of a water bag, so as soon as I was admitted she broke it and labor picked up. I was only 3cm at that point though. I then got in the tub and stayed there for a long time, eventually contemplating the epidural since it hurt so bad.
My doula showed up (she had been at another birth), and she helped me stick it out a while longer. I finally decided I was done with the tub, and actually felt better out of it. The doctor again wanted to try pitocin, so she checked me again and found I was barely at 4cm. I agreed, since I was tried of the pain and we all needed some rest. Such a good decision
About 4hrs after the epi/pit, I was checked again and was at 9cm! We were all surprised that it worked that fast. 10cm came pretty quickly after that, and time to push. By the time I was pushing, I had a really bad headache and backache, and I was on my side which caused reflux. I couldn't even drink water because it made it all worse. Luckily, pushing only took 50mins. And baby came out screaming and peeing
Wow, that was long!
bananas / 9357 posts
@BakerBee: Feeling much better! Thank you!
@chibee: Hang in there! I imagine it's both the hormones and the stress. I can't imagine what stress you are under with having a baby in the NICU. When will he get to come home? With my son I remember crying a lot. It's a tough transition having your first child, at least it was for me. For me things got easier and I felt better around 4-6 weeks pp. This time around things feel easier but I have still had crying moments this past week. Things will get better and don't be afraid to talk to your doctor if you don't start feeling better.
cherry / 163 posts
@chibee: I'm so sorry to hear your little guy is in the NICU. I hope for a speedy return home. I'm sorry you're feeling down. It must be hard with your little one in the NICU. Hugs. I too, have been crying a lot. Some days are good, some days are tough. Have you talked to your doctor about how you're feeling?
blogger / apricot / 310 posts
hi all! I am super grateful that this postpartum thread is here - the 2.5 weeks since my little guy was born have been such a roller coaster. I only feel like I've been leveling out for real for the past few days- and that's probably because we've had three great nights of sleep (all different configurations, but adding up to about six hours for me and a bit more for hubs.)
I actually was reading through the August 2013 postpartum thread last night because I felt like I was losing my mind with the emotions and the tiredness and all of the worry of 'is this normal'? It was so comforting to actually read so much of what I've felt/feel from moms who were here just a year ago. If anyone else needs that comfort like I did, check out their thread.
@chibee: I just wanted to chime in and say YES. You have have it even harder than most, having to go to the NICU to see your little one. I was a hot mess the first two weeks, and still have hours each day where I feel completely overwhelmed/sad/angry/resentful/not like myself at all. You are so amazing from what I've read about you just on these threads, and I'm sending you good thoughts. You are not alone in these feelings!
@Mrs.Someone: love that birth story! thank you for sharing - i can't believe you sat in triage/non admitted for hours!
I've never done this before, but I'm inspired by a little check in from the August 2013 PP thread. Wanna play?
2 Things You're Loving About Newborn Parenthood:
2 Things You are Not Loving about Newborn Parenthood:
Here's mine:
1- All the little noises my son makes - cooing when he sleeps, the snorts when he's super hungry and just about to latch.
2- Breastfeeding. It's not always perfect and sometimes I feel so 'trapped' by being his sole source of food, but when we get a good latch and he does those big gulps, I get a wave of exhilaration I never expected.
Not Loving:
1- So. Tired. (Sleep deprivation). This was something I expected but could not actually prepare for. I get anxiety about the nights, not knowing if we'll get a cluster feeding/sleep schedule of every hour sleep and an hour awake, or if we'll get lucky and get a few 2-3 hour chunks. And the not knowing how long he'll be awake each time - 45 minutes if we're lucky and sometimes as long as 2 hours, which is killer at 4 AM.
2- Constantly questioning myself. I have had to fight the 'is this normal'? questions for everything- breastfeeding, naps, nighttime sleep, swaddling, crying, etc. I had to stop using an app that tracks feeds/diapers/sleeping because I was obsessing over his 'schedule' and comparing it to previous days, trying to make out a routine.
Anyway, sending everyone thoughts of good sleeping and good eating and good health to you and your babes!
pear / 1616 posts
@chibee: i definitely cried alot during my first. i think it usually happened when i was bfing, i think the stress of it and the sleep deprivation as well as hormones of course caused it. it only lasted about the first 2 weeks. i tried to distract myself with watching comedies (the office!) while bfing and stayed around dh and it helped alot. this time around i think i'm too distracted trying to take care of my toddler that i didn't go through that this time. but its normal with all the hormone and changes going on!
@Mrs.Someone: thanks for sharing! can't believe how fast you went from 4 to 10cm and how little u pushed for a first pregnancy! congrats again!
@yellowskates: great idea! heres mine:
1- I got my first smile today. i was putting him down for a nap and he looked at me and smiled big! of course it could just be a gas smile but i'll take it!
2- love seeing my two babies interact. my girl loves her baby brother and loves helping to calm him down and get his paci or blanket for him. shes a great big sister!
Not Loving:
1- sleep deprivation of course! we are getting some good stretches at night but its still not enough sleep. heh i need 8-9 hours of sleep to feel rested so obviously that isn't happening anytime soon
2- pumping bleh. i'm pumping to keep my supply up since last time i didn't make enough milk to feed dd so i'm trying to make sure i have enough. so far i make more than enough for him so hoping i can keep it up! but pumping is a pain for sure!
pear / 1974 posts
@BakerBee: @mrskc: @yellowskates: @kodybear: thank you for validating my craziness!!
Good news is that Jack is finally home!! I am seriously, SERIOUSLY overwhelmed and feel like i have NO idea what i'm doing. The first couple of hours - DH and i literally looked at each other and went what did we just do?? and then felt horrible. Then his parents came over and i felt so much better bc my MIL helped me change him, and held him while i ate. I've been pumping while he's been in NICU and putting him to breast every time i could when i visited him, but i really hate pumping and my supply seems a tiny bit inadequate but i am supplementing with formula anyway so i really REALLY don't want to have to pump... ok i am rambling bc i need an outlet - he's finally sleeping in his bouncer after his feeding (is this bad?) and i'm on the couch catching up on emails and whatnot.
2 things I love:
1. i am so, so grateful he is home and out of the NICU, and that he is one of the lucky ones in the NICU who had a short stay with a very minor issue. I'm just loving having him off all wires and iv lines and getting to hold him in the privacy of my home without other babies crying around me and machines beeping. On the other hand, I can't say enough for NICU staff - they are seriously underappreciated and i just can cry thinking about how good they were to jack and us during his stay.
2. my dogs are totally obsessed w/him! I love watching them obsessing over them, it makes me love them so much more!
not loving
1. I have no idea what i'm doing with breastfeeding, and feeding in general, and he hates to burp, and the nicu staff thought he had a bit of reflux and stressed importance of burping, leaving him upright for a bit after he eats, elevating his sleeping area a little bit on the head side, it's overwhelming, and feeding has been really stressful in general.
2. DH just started grad school - it is terrible timing, no fault of his own, i wish i could have his attention 100% of the time which is unrealistic but it makes things a little bit harder to manage.
bananas / 9357 posts
2 things I love:
1. The little sounds and faces she makes. I love her coos and little grunts. And I just love to watch her sleep. She makes the cutest little faces while sleeping.
2. Waking up in the morning to my baby girls sweet face. We are cobedding about half the night right now. I love having her curled up next to me while I sleep and waking up to see her sweet face.
Not loving:
1. sleep deprivation. So tired!
2. Getting mastitis. That wasn't fun. I never got it with DS and I hope I don't get it again. It was awful.
bananas / 9357 posts
@chibee: Glad he's home now!!! After my son was born, my DH and I had many moments the first couple of weeks where we were like "what have we done?!" It can be a tough transition going from zero to one kid. We both used to dread/feel depressed when it started getting dark out because we both dreaded the night wakings! Hang in there!
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