Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: that's wonderful! congrats on the outing & poop! R likes being worn too, but honestly it's still so hot outside here that I'm immediately sweaty!

  2. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @buttermilk: Yay!!! Go R and mama!

    @Mrs. Microscope: Awesome!! We live in the ktan over here, too. It's basically the only way I can get anything done with a toddler running around.

  3. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope glad to hear mspi diet is working!! LO goes back to the GI on Monday, today has been a horrific day for his reflux so I am thinking elimination diet is probably the next step for me... Also totally jealous of the babywearing. So far, M is not interested, but I think he's just so fussy and generally miserable all the time that he's going to be unhappy no matter what. Plus he runs SUPER hot and prefers to just be naked under the AC vent, LOL.

    @buttermilk way to go mama and R!!!! 10 oz is awesome!

  4. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @MrsADS: It seems so weird to me that he runs hot! L gets cold even when we have the air on 73. She actually starts shivering, even in a footed sleeper.

  5. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    I had my post partum appt today. I was told I healed nicely, but scored high on the PPD questionaire so now have Xoloft. We also dropped off C's stuff at daycare for her to start Monday. So.. pretty emotional day. I can't believe my leave is over already!! Where did those six weeks go?

    Also made a decision about pumping. I'm going to do it four times per day (twice at home, twice at work) until I dry up just so I can be guaranteed some alone time at work. I'm a huge introvert, so I'll need it. I don't care if I only get out a quarter ounce- they can't tell me I can't pump!

    C's daycare is down the road from a farm store, so we picked up strawberry rhubarb pie on the way home. Oh goodness. That was good for my mood but OH needs to hide it so I don't eat the whole darn thing.

  6. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Ms. RV: I'm an introvert too, so I love your plan!

  7. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @lilteacherbee: I'm also wearing the baby everyday, I have to to get out of the hiuse with my three year old! Do you ever notice that your incision or lower belly is sore after wearing him? I'm noticing it more this go-around and im assuming it's because I'm doing more this time, as opposed to sitting on the couch nursing/napping with the baby like I did the first time.

  8. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    You guys, L just took her whole meal via SNS at the breast! She's never stayed on long enough to finish a bottle that way! And she got some from me, because I got less on that side when I pumped after. I feel so happy! The worst (realistic) case scenario has gone from never nursing to needing the SNS long term. I'll take that!

  9. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @Torchwood: Yay that's awesome!

  10. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Torchwood: that's great news!! you must be thrilled!

  11. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Torchwood: you did it! Woo! Way to go L!

  12. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @Torchwood: That's so awesome!

  13. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    Dropped C off at daycare this morning for the first time. Ugh. Of course she started smiling back yesterday so when I put her outfit on her on this morning she was smiling back at me making it very difficult to want to drop her off. But five minutes later when I put her in her seat, she was nodding off. She is not a morning person apparently!

  14. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Ms. RV: So sweet! Is today your first day back? Good luck!!

  15. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Ms. RV: what a cutie! She looks confused and sleepy! my girl is also not a morning person!

  16. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    Well after 10 days, R finally pooped. And omg I have no words. It just kept coming!!!

    Like, is it possible that her 10 ounces of weight gain in the past week was just all poop????????!!!!

  17. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @Torchwood: woohoo! That's awesome!

    @Ms. RV: oh my gosh- so cute! Hugs to you- I know it's hard to leave your LO with someone else but it does get easier!

    @buttermilk: lol! I remember DD having a similar episode after a week or more of not pooping as a baby- it's like how can such a small human have so much poop!

  18. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @buttermilk: oh my! I can't even imagine!

    Finishing ythe last few newborn diapers... At over 7 weeks old we are officially moving up to size 1!

    Also, the last of the visitors are leaving today. Time for real life to start

  19. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @buttermilk LOL I can't imagine. M didn't poop on Saturday and the Sunday poop was like... well, it just kept coming and coming! 10 days though

    We took LO back to the GI today. His reflux/GI symptoms are still pretty awful even after 2 wks on strong reflux meds (Prevacid and Zantac). The GI feels like he might have a food allergy or intolerance. So, I'm officially on an "elimination diet" - no dairy, soy, seafood, nuts, eggs. He says I don't have to cut out wheat YET unless I do this and he's still not better. But, most sources of wheat (like pasta, packaged bread) has soy or eggs, so I can't eat a ton of it anyway.

    We're doing a test today through Thursday to try to figure out if it's an allergy/intolerance. We are going to feed him Alimentum (allergy formula) and I'm going to pump. The GI says if it's allergies, by Thursday there should be a noticeable improvement. I'm starting my elimination diet today so if he's better on Thursday, then we switch back to breastfeeding. Apparently it takes a few days for everything to get out of my milk. So, we'll see how it goes. I am nervous about giving him the formula (don't really want to ) but I see the reason and at this point, would do anything for him to feel better.

  20. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: tough!! Hang in there, hopefully you get to the bottom of it by the end of this week.

    Well today has been fun, NOT! Omg she is driving me nuts. Wtf is this - growth spurt, colic, low milk supply? All day long she has been wanting to nurse, but also too sleepy to nurse effectively, but wakes right back up as soon as I get her to sleep. And of course wails anytime I am not holding her. I've been trying to get a decent nap out of her all day and just finally put her down at 4:30. Last night was rough too, up multiple times when she normally sleeps a 6 hr stretch. Typical one month old fussiness??

  21. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @buttermilk: Could be a wonder week? Isla was like that at 5 weeks which apparently is normal wonder week behavior. She barely even napped during that week and was always wanting boob.

  22. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsStar: I heard about that book but I don't know anything about it. Worth the read?

  23. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @buttermilk: I haven't actually read the book itself - just what I've read from google. There's a phone app for it too which I've been meaning to get.

  24. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @buttermilk: I am a believer of it though, means they are working on a new skill - once Isla was back to normal she had learned to control her hands and arms.

  25. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @buttermilk: there's a wonder week right around a month. I got the app!

  26. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsStar: @Mrs. J: that's crazy ok I gotta look into it thanks gals! She is 5 weeks today so it would certainly line up!

  27. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @buttermilk: @MrsStar: @Mrs. J: I always found the wonder weeks to be spot on with DD. It helped to know these fussy periods were phases and linked to some type of development. I'd recommend just getting the app- the book didn't really have much additional info and more expensive!

  28. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @buttermilk: I also suggest the wonder weeks app. It's reassuring!

  29. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    P is so fussy today! She will not let me set her down! Using the ktan, and lots of arm carrying, but it can't get stuff done! Ugh. It's laundry day, I need to make the bed, and the sink is full of dishes to be done, and I need to get dinner started. I sure hope this isn't a new trend for us!

  30. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: maybe she is going through a wonder week too! this has been my life for a few days now but yesterday was so much better just bc I was able to anticipate it and give her what she wanted aka ME lol. I still don't know how I would manage to eat anything if it weren't for DH. How in the world will I ever make dinner on a regular basis??

  31. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @buttermilk: babywearing, prepping stuff when you can, freezer food, takeout lol

  32. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    We had a scary day Monday. I gave M a bottle of Alimentum Monday afternoon to start our "3 day trial" to see if his GI problems are from allergies. Well, apparently he had some kind of bad reaction or intolerance to the Alimentum. In 2 hours he spit up/vomited probably 20 times, like projectile, was HYSTERICAL, choking, and one time stopped breathing - only for a few seconds but it seemed like a lifetime. I had to flip him over on his belly and beat on his back and all this vomit came shooting out his nose. It was so scary, I was shaking for the rest of the day. So we are back to breastmilk and back to his "regular" reflux and GI issues - nothing compared to that one time. Today actually seems *maybe* a smidge better (knock on wood) so I'm hopeful maybe the diet is starting to work.

    And he's in the baby carrier right now!! He was super fussy this morning so I said well, might as well try it. He cried and I almost took him out but I walked around the house for a few minutes, he calmed down, and after about 5 mins went to sleep!!! Of course, I need to pump, take a nap, do stuff that I can't do when I'm wearing him, but it's better than holding a screaming baby.

    I have my PP appointment on Friday with my OB. I'm only 4wks out but she wanted to see me then - I guess due to the episiotomy? Anyway, things feel very...weird down there. Like I am worried maybe some of my stitches popped out and I am not closed up enough (TMI). I am still feeling kind of achy/bruised occasionally, and sometimes feel like a bulging pressure feeling. So I'm worried something is wrong.

  33. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    omg i take back what i just said, this sucks. she has screamed all day unless she is on the boob. I've tried every carrier. i have today and she still screams. I'm only able to nurse her to sleep but if i put her down she wakes up and wails. i thought we could make it to the grocery store today but hell no! I'm not risking pushing a screaming baby through whole foods. no food here, not that she would let me eat it anyway!

  34. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: omg honey thats so scary!! and nothing compared to my little fuss bucket. must be so hard for you

  35. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @buttermilk: do you have a yoga ball you can bounce on with her?

    @MrsADS: how scary! L threw up twice yesterday...once he was choking on it and I was so scared!

  36. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. J: I'll try that.

  37. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @buttermilk: that was me yesterday! We are approaching the 8-9 wonder week, so I'm guessing that's it. Today is better... P is swaddled tight and sleeping in the swing. Planning a grocery run today. Wish me luck!

  38. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @MrsADS: did they say what in the alimentum caused the reaction? So scary for a formula that is supposed to be super gentle!

  39. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @MrsADS: That sounds horrible. I'm so sorry. You might ask your doctor about a formula called Elecare Jr, if you need to continue to consider formula. My cousin's son has a disease that literally makes him allergic to food (he's 4.5 and has I think 5 safe foods, peaches, turkey, sweet potato, and I can't recall the others). Anyway, that formula is what he eats, because it's pre-broken down, so it doesn't trigger allergies even with problems as severe as his. It's expensive as crap, but some insurances will cover it.

  40. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope @Torchwood I have no idea what caused the reaction. Maybe it wasn't a reaction, just a really bad reflux spell? I tend to think it was something in the formula - or maybe his belly is just used to breastmilk and didn't handle the formula well. The GI said don't risk it, just go back to nursing. Thankfully we were just going to try the Alimentum for a few days while the allergens get out of my milk, so it just means it will talk longer to see if altering my diet helps him. I have heard about the Elecare formula, but I have a lot of milk and he's a good nurser so I think we should be able to continue BF.

    @buttermilk it is seriously hell being stuck with a fussy baby who cries all day. Complain away!! I am usually about to jump off a bridge by 11am. I love my baby but the thought of dealing with this all day, every day the rest of my mat leave... I can't even think about it. I can't leave the house with him at all. I just pray for at least 1 good nap so I can decompress from the crying. He's asleep right now and I'm just laying on the couch not doing anything. My house is a wreck and I have so much to do.

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