Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    Ok I have another husband complaint...last night I planned to shower & wash my hair. I handed M to DH & had my dinner then was going to get in the shower. M was getting fussy so DH said to him "are you hungry?" Ummm you think I would leave you with a hungry baby? No! I had just fed him. Then he comes up to me and asks me to warm up the bottle of breastmilk in the fridge. Hell to the no am I warming up breastmilk just so he doesn't have to learn to soothe his child!!! So of course I take M to calm him down and don't get a shower. So annoying!!!

  2. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: 😱😱😱 girlfriend, you need to treat yourself tonight.

    @ohcaptain: my pp bleeding/spotting was done by 3 Wks but then I did have some random tinged tissuey looking discharge for a couple days this wk. my mom said it can stop and start for a bit. M

  3. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Portboston: ugh hoe frustrating! DH did something similarly last night. I nurse her back to sleep during MOTN feelings in bed. But the positioning makes it very hard for my to put her back in the RnP without waking her back up, so DH always gets up and scoops her up and finishes rocking her to sleep and puts her down. But last night he was annoyed and totally put her in the crib when she was so obviously not asleep enough yet. But he knows that he can bc it just means that I'll get up and nurse her back to sleep on the edge of the bed again. I got so annoyed and told him next time he needs to just take a couple extra minutes to do it the right way so we can both be asleep!

  4. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    btw, favorite baby thing so far is when R is hungry and trying to nurse on my face with her little bird head and I get to pretend she is giving me kisses for a minute!

  5. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @buttermilk: I've stopped having DH do her 6 am feed because he brings her back the second she starts to fall asleep, and she wakes up when he puts her in bed with me. It's easier just to keep a bottle by the bed and feed her myself without getting either of us up fully.

  6. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @buttermilk yea I love when M is hungry and tries to latch on to any of my body parts that are close by... he does the baby bird mouth and gets so excited he pants like a dog. So cute.

    I'm treating myself...just fed the baby and I'm going to sleep AND DH is holding him downstairs so it's nice and quiet.

  7. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @buttermilk: oh my goodness that's adorable!

    @MrsADS: M totally pants like a dog too! Hilarious.

    My favorite baby thing right now is when I'm feeding M, he rubs his chubby little feet together. It's the cutest thing EVER. and if my arm is close to his foot, he'll rub his foot on my arm. If I could bottle one thing it would totally be that!!

  8. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @buttermilk: I have a picture where C is basically nursing on his brother's nose because he tried to kiss him. Hahaha

  9. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: @Portboston: @buttermilk: She's here and perfect! I love it because her and I have been friends since kindergarten, were college roommates, bridesmaids, etc and now we live in the same neighborhood. Plus, most of my friends don't have kids yet because we're relatively young (26), so it will be nice to have someone to relate to!

  10. kitty

    apricot / 315 posts

    @MrsADS: @buttermilk: so cute! Yesterday C was hungry and I was just finishing something so he latched on to DHs arm and left him a little lovebite - its still there today! I love when I'm nursing C and he strokes the side of my ribs with his little hand.

    @lilteacherbee: that sounds amazing to be able to share all those experiences with a bff!

  11. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @lilteacherbee: I wish my friends had kids! (You should just live near me!! 😜)
    @Portboston: agh frustrating! I told DH last night he needs to take L more. I'm just exhausted.
    @MrsADS: I hope it's getting better! I can't imagine having to get rid of BM😢

    Getting more smiles lately!! It's so great. I actually made it out to the bakery and library with both boys and we all survived!

    @buttermilk: we have a wedding tomorrow! It will be L's first bottles. Eek!

  12. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    You guys. DH took both kids to his parents for the day/night (I'll be going up there later tonight)! It's the first time I haven't had a kid with me for longer than an hour since C was born! It's 9am, they just left, and I'm in bed!! I'm going to the hospital later to take photos of the new baby, but right now I'm just enjoying the silence! I know I'm gonna miss them like crazy and be so happy to see them tonight, but man, I needed this break SO BAD!!!

  13. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @lilteacherbee: are you just pumping all day then? Enjoy!!!!

  14. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. J: Yep. He's been taking a bottle every few days since a week old, so he should do okay. It felt like old times this morning when I loaded up the bottles to send with him haha

  15. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @lilteacherbee: oh my gosh- that sounds AMAZING!

  16. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Portboston: my pumping supply is fine... You must have me confused with another mama!

    @lilteacherbee: Hope you enjoyed your free time!

    @buttermilk: I also have a baby bird face! P also does frantic head, where she jiggles her face back and forth trying to find a nipple, or trying to latch on when she finds it! So funny!

  17. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: whoops! Well boo for AF but great it's not affecting your supply!!

  18. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    I've got a baby bird, too, who latches onto anything when she is hungry... and she hasn't had to latch for two or three weeks because she's been strictly bottle fed. Maybe because she uses Avent natural bottles? They are supposed to be more boob shaped. I love when she tries to nurse from my nose

    Weaning is going pretty well so far. It's been 28 hours since my last pump and I barely feel engorged. I just feel like I have a normal amount in me. Also, I had a little leak today and the milk seemed almost clear. I think I read somewhere that's a sign of drying up, so I guess my breaking up with breastmilk was inevitable in the next week or so.

    BUT... something totally awesome happened today. We went to Walmart for some $2 pants for C and right in the front door was a pallet of baby stuff on clearance. We got a Graco MyRide 65 and a Graco MyRide 65LX for $45 each... they were originally $102 each! One was made in Aug 2014 and the other in Jan 2015 so they will last until C is in a booster seat. I wish they had two of the LX's but oh well. Now we are set for when she outgrows her infant seat.

  19. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Ms. RV: What a deal! I've seen how expensive some of those car seats can be...you guys scored!

  20. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Ms. RV: We don't nurse more than once a day, and frequently did less at times, and she still latches on everything. My nose is my favorite too.

    Finishing up our first date without the baby! We had lunch, got pedicures, and I got a massage! (I was supposed to do that tomorrow, not as part of the date, but DH got Titans tickets so I won't be going out tomorrow.) I'm very ready to get back to her (and to pump!), but it was great. Hopefully we can make a habit of it.

  21. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    the baby bird head and dog panting cracks me up, S is like that too! I just read these comments out loud to DH and he cracked up too! : )

  22. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    L is finally more willing to sleep in the swing, but it's on the highest setting and barely swinging. I can't figure out what's wrong. Anyone else run into this with the snuggabunny?

  23. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @Torchwood: Are you running it on batteries or plugging it in? If you have it plugged in and can try batteries, do that. Those adapters are cheaply made, so there could be an issue with its current supply. Batteries are less likely to be an issue, unless they had been used in something else.

  24. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Can we talk baby naps?

    M is a bear to get to sleep during the day. I know at this age they aren't supposed to have more than like 1 to 1.5 hours of awake time. Well, I get to about an hour and try to get him to go to sleep. It is SO DIFFICULT. Even if I wait longer (1.5 - 1.75 hours), by which point he's crying and upset, it's so tough. I feel like my whole day is nurse him, stay up for about 30 minutes of talking to him, walking around the house, whatever, and then start the hours-long process of getting him to nap. I go to the dark nursery, rock, swaddle, SUPER LOUD white noise (he loves to be right next to the vacuum cleaner or hair dryer), rock some more, etc. and this baby fights sleep like no one's business. The good news is once he goes down he usually takes a long nap (probably because he is exhausted!).

    I feel like I am doing all the tricks to get him to sleep and it's not working. Any suggestions? I am so burned out on spending my WHOLE DAY rocking and trying to get him to sleep.

    The related question - he's 5 wks old now and I would really like to get out of the house a little, like short outings to Target, the grocery store, etc. but I feel like I am tied to the house so he will nap (to have the dark room, swaddle, etc). Should I just go ahead and go out and maybe he will learn to nap on the go? I am afraid if I go out he will be a bear and crying because he has not slept!

    Aren't babies this age supposed to sleep a lot?!

  25. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: idk but I'm in a similar situation and also just starting to figure out this process. Spent the evening deciding which sleep book to buy on kindle and went with Weissbluth's HSHHC.

    R sleeps usually great at night. Gave us a 7.5 hr stretch last night and then a 2.5! But naps are fucked, I don't even know what I'm doing there. And I'm tired of nursing to sleep. If I learn anything from the book I'll share!

  26. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @buttermilk omg I'm so jealous of your night sleep. M will go 3 hr stretches sometimes but that's 3 hours between feedings, so - wake up 1 am, nurse, rock, get him back to sleep by 2 or 2:30, he's up again at 4. Which I don't get bc he's seriously a chunk baby and I know he's getting a ton of milk, but idk.

    Yea anything you learn about naps please share! I'm going crazy with the crappy naps! And I'm worried if he will ONLY nap after an hour of rocking in the dark nursery, in the swaddle, with white noise... I would like him to be able to nap on the go, like in a carrier or in a stroller.

  27. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: I've recently figured out that sometimes when R "wakes up" in the night she will put herself back to sleep very quickly if I give her the chance. It's not that she wants to be up yet but is just transitioning from one sleep cycle to the next. Have you experimented with that? She woke up at 1am last night and 6am but both of those times I just rocked her in the rock n play for a minute and she was out again. I have it right next to my side of the bed so I don't have to get up.

  28. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @MrsADS: Have you tried skipping the 30 minutes of playing with him? L frequently goes straight back to sleep after eating, and doesn't want the awake time. It's usually pretty obvious though.

    @buttermilk: I'm jealous too! 4 hours is our max, usually more like 2-3. And I'm not getting her up till she's really ready (it'd be every hour if I did every fidget). Though the doctor didn't want us going more than 3-4 hours anyway. I think her growth is fine and if she wants to sleep I'm going to let her, but whatever

  29. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @MrsADS: I think you should give getting out of the house a try! When baby is napping get everything ready (diaper bag, carrier, yourself) and then when baby wakes up feed and change and head to your destination. Strap the baby to you and enjoy your time! I'd try shopping or something that has you moving a lot. Even if E has been awake for only 40 minutes she almost always passes back out once I'm wearing her. So far shes a better sleeper than her brother, but this even worked with him.

  30. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Ohcaptain yeah I am going to try this. Not that I want to be out all the time (still too germy for a 5 wk old), but I can't be prisoner in the house, it's not good for my mental health.

    @torchwood that's a good idea. He was out of control tired this morning, after an HOUR of rocking (my arms and legs hurt!), finally got him down... but he woke up 20 mins later to nurse. He fell asleep after but then woke up and just started screaming. I put him a tight swaddle and only had to rock for maybe 10-15 mins and he's been asleep now for about 30 minutes.

    @buttermilk unfortunately when he wakes up at night he is STARVING and screams bloody murder until I put the boob in his mouth! M sleeps in the RnP next to my side of the bed too.

  31. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Ohcaptain I followed your advice and it worked great!! While he was napping I got everything ready to go. When he woke up, we nursed, burped, waited for the inevitable spit-ups, changed the diaper, got him dressed and went to the grocery store! He was a smidge fussy when we first got there but he fell asleep pretty quick! I was so nervous but it went great! He stayed asleep in the carseat so now I'm cleaning the kitchen, etc. and he's parked in the carseat next to the washing machine (white noise) passed out!

  32. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @MrsADS: awesome! Seriously just keeping moving wearing him or in the stroller is usually enough to let me get some errands done. When I have both of them, it's another story!

  33. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    We wound up taking her to the Titans game yesterday. She did great (though we left early and we were winning when we left, but losing by the time we got to the car, so DH says she's good luck and it's because we left 😆), but we let her get sunburned! I feel so bad. It wasn't sunny at all so I totally forgot her sun hat. Poor baby. It doesn't seem to bother her at all, but it bothers me! Though she slept really well last night, and I'm wondering if it's from being outside so long yesterday.

  34. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @torchwood omg she's adorable... except I cannot support that Gators shirt. (We are Vols fans, I grew up in TN!)

  35. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Oh, and regarding her swing- it was slowing way down, and apparently it was because her blanket was dragging the ground slightly. I didn't think it would matter, since it's on hard wood (less friction than carpet) and was barely dragging, but that was it. She runs cold all the time and loves having a warm blanket around her (I'd probably get much better night time sleep actually, if I just put her in a fleece sleeper, but sleeping warm increases SIDS risk so I'm too paranoid), but I'll have to be more careful to tuck it so she can't kick the ends where they're trailing.

  36. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    I don't understand this whole infant routine thing. How much awake time are they supposed to have? I feel like I hear 45min-1hr but also 2-3 hrs. I'm so confused. It takes like 45 mins to wake change and feed her. Then I'm supposed to put her right back down? We usually play for like 30 mins and then I want to put her down for a nap but she almost ALWAYS wants to nurse again. How am I supposed to get her on a nap routine when she wants to eat every 1.5 hrs?

    ETA: up until now she has been randomly napping with usually a big 2 hr nap at some point in the day but nothing is predictable.

  37. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @MrsADS: We're actually in Nashville (DH grew up here and I grew up in Memphis and here), but he's a huge Gators fan. He got beer dumped on him at a Vols game by a drunk fan when he was little, and basically said "screw that." He has a lot of family in Florida so he went Gators instead. I just don't really care.

  38. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @buttermilk: How old is she now? L is (I think) about 7 weeks adjusted, and she doesn't have a set schedule/routine. I just follow her lead. She usually eats while I pump, then if she's tired I rock her to sleep (or put her in the swing). If she's not she has play time on her mat or in the pack'n'play. She might want a little more to eat before she falls asleep if she does play time; I just keep a bottle on hand and offer it if she seems interested. She naps anywhere from 45 minutes to 2.5 hours, and I usually can't really predict what it'll be any given time (unless I know she's been up longer than usual or had a bigger meal, then they're longer). I'm expecting her to settle into something more predictable in the next month or two, but not really right away.

  39. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Torchwood: she is 6 Wks now. I need to get better about watching for sleepy cues. Very often (like every nap today so far) I will nurse/rock to sleep, then place in the rock n play, swaddled. After a minute or two she wakes up and is very often content just looking out the window. She doesn't cry, just chills there and about half of the time she will put herself to sleep. But sometimes she cries after a few minutes and so I pick her up and rock her again and repeat until she stays asleep.

    What does it all mean!?!?

  40. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @buttermilk: at 8 weeks old, P has decided to only nap in the ktan or on our bed with us. Hopefully this passes soon! She wakes up if we do a transfer to the swing after only about 5 min. Night sleep is still okay. Who knows what it means!

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