pineapple / 12566 posts
@littlek: congrats! I've been silently cheering you on these past months
Congrats to the rest of you mamas as well! My son is a December baby and my daughter was supposed to be December 2013, but decided she wanted to be a November girl like her mama. A happy and healthy 9 months to you all!!!
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@cram88: I had never heard of the maternit21 test! Do you pay that out of pocket, or does your insurance cover it? And is everyone able to get the test? Sorry, I'm new to all of this!!
@MrsF: I know what you mean! I just want to see the little bean in there and know everything is progressing okay
I have also been getting super exhausted in the afternoons. I just hit a slump and am totally beat. And I've been getting teary at little random things! It's crazy.
cherry / 232 posts
@theotherstark: You have to be advanced maternal age or have risk factors. It used be the maternit19 test but they've added a few things it tests for, one of those being a genetic disorder my brother had (he died when I was pregnant with my son). I had a fetal echo with my son to check on it but both me and my perinatoligist agree that the test would be much more cost effective and accurate. Finding out the sex early is just a bonus!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@cram88: hey, I'm a November 2014 mama-to-be, and saw you posted about the MaterniT21? I'm going to do this as well, and have an appointment with a geneticist at 10.5 weeks. Seems like it gives a lot do really important information, so I am glad we're doing it.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@cram88: I will probably be getting MaterniT21 as well. I got CVS when I was pregnant with LO.
cherry / 232 posts
@LovelyPlum: Thanks fellow almost January 2014 Mama, I'm so excited we're both pregnant again! Hope you're doing well, you're so close now!
@ChiCalGoBee: You'll have to let me know how it goes! I don't know that I'll have to see a geneticist because I did that my first pregnancy, but I honestly don't know what the plan is with it. Something to ask at my first appointment I guess!
I took my last progesterone supplement for the time being last night. The plan is to be off them for a few days and get my levels redone Tuesday to see if I still need them. I'm pretty nervous about the sudden drop but I'm trying to have faith that my doctor knows what she's doing, I mean she did get me pregnant right? Still going to be a ball of nerves until I get those results back though!
Oh and I peed on another frer and a clear blue weeks estimator last night and a wondfo this morning. Officially crazy.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@cram88: I still have a weeks estimator to use. I plan on taking that tomorrow. I'm crazy too.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@littlek: @cram88: Oh, you guys. Count me in on the crazy train. I took ANOTHER FRER this morning (test line is way darker than control now, yay!!). And I'm holding out on taking my last CB weeks estimator until I can hit that "3 weeks." yep. Crazy.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@cram88: I'll keep my fingers crossed for your levels! I'm hoping I can get my PCP to check my progesterone on Tuesday when she confirms the pregnancy with a blood test.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@theotherstark: Did you request that? My OB doesn't do blood tests. He says HPTs are extremely reliable.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@littlek: yeah, the OB/midwife practice that I'll be going to said they just do the HPTs also, no blood draws, so they suggested I go to my PCP to confirm via a blood test. So I called and set it up with her I thought maybe since they are drawing blood anyway, they could also check progesterone since I'm sort of worried it might be low. But I have no basis for thinking that, and have no idea if they will do it or not. And it will just make me feel more comfortable seeing some sort of health care professional before my first appt April 24! It still feels so unreal.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I will fill out the form and "officially" join next week! I have 2 so far from 10 & 13 DPO, and I still have a digital to take tomorrow and then I'm calling my gyno on Monday! Very hesitant to get on this board so early, but I couldn't wait
ETA: Oh forget it. Here is my info!
EDD: 12/7
When Did You Find Out?: 10 DPO (faint line), today which is 13 DPO I got a super dark line!
Child Number: 1
Where do you live?: Long Island, NY
What kind of provider will you see?: OBGYN
When's Your First Appointment?: Hope to find out on Monday!
What kind of birth do you want?: Generic one; at the hospital and with epidural please!
What You're Most Excited For: Having a baby finally & starting our family! Finding out gender, decorating nursery, and just nesting!
What You're Most Scared About: Delivery
Symptoms so far: Right now? Cramps. Cramps that are lower than AF ones and feel different.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@theotherstark: I was catching up on earlier posts and saw that you have those pinching sensations too! I had those 1-5 DPO!
It seems like a few of you are going to your internist or PCP to get blood drawn to confirm pregnancy if your OB is not doing it... Is that just for peace of mind?
Also, how early are you most likely to be scheduled for first appointment?
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@littlek: 8 weeks from when you call or when you conceived? Ugh, either way that is sooo far away! So what have you been up to since you found out? Did you think about when you want to tell people? I'm telling my parents tomorrow, but I told DH to not tell his parents till maybe after 1st appointment, and then everyone else after 1st trimester (unless they ask point blank before)
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@snowjewelz: yep, just for peace of mind. My ob/midwife group wouldn't schedule my first appt until I'm 8 weeks along, and that's just a sonogram with a nurse. The actual first appt with the obgyn is two weeks after that.
We aren't telling anyone until after my first sonogram, and then just our immediate families and super close friends. Probably won't tell others until I am into the second trimester.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@snowjewelz: till you are 8 weeks pregnant so end of April. Doesn't make sense to have appt too early since you can't really see anything on U/S.
clementine / 838 posts
Congrats to all the December mamas to be!! I am due early November and remember many of you from the POAS boards!!! Congrats!!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
My cramps have been so bad today... Esp for the past few hours! Couldn't sleep so I googled whether bad cramps are normal at this stage. Apparently it can be implantation pain/baby attaching itself to the womb. But excessive cramping plus bleeding can be signs of MC too. Anyone have them?
olive / 65 posts
Ok I'm in!
i'm so excited for us all!!!
EDD: December 3
When Did You Find Out?: 9dpo (tuesday)
Child Number: 1
Where do you live?: California
What kind of provider will you see?: ob/gyn
When's Your First Appointment?: had blood drawn Thursday and have us April 14 (I'm high risk for ectopic)
What kind of birth do you want?: was told I have to have a c section due to a punctured uterus during a surgery.
What You're Most Excited For: holding my baby in my arms safe and sound.
What You're Most Scared About: ectopic or miscarriage.
Symptoms so far: boating, gas, headache. Slight cramping every now and then.
This was my digi from Friday
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@sandy: are you going to get a blood test? I keep POAS because (1) I have issues and (2) this feels so surreal I have to keep seeing the tests to believe it. I'm thinking about calling my PCP and seeing if they will order me some blood work.
cherry / 232 posts
@snowjewelz: congratulations first of all! I've had a few cramps so far but with my first I had intense cramps from the day of my bfp to the end of the first tri! I know they seem scary but they are very normal and can be burrowing like you said or if it's your first there is a lot to stretch and move around in there!
@luv2beamom: Congratulations! Really hope that baby is right where it's supposed to be!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@luv2beamom: Yay twin! Maybe we will become due date twins too!
@cram88: Good to know! I have been cramping so bad... I was up for a long time googling about it and it does seem quite common and makes sense why. Oh man, it will be a fun ride if it keeps up!
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@littlek: haha! You are a POAS addict . My BFP was the last test in the house and I'm pretty sure DH would think I lost my marbles if I bought more. I'm trying to just be chill and be patient for the first OB appointment. My OB doesn't schedule blood work either bc HPTs are so accurate these days.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@luv2beamom: welcome! We're due date twins! I had an unplanned c-section for my first and overall had a super positive experience and an amazing recovery
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@luv2beamom: Wohooooo!!! congrats again! I will keep my fingered crossed that the little bub is right where it needs to be in your uterus
@snowjewelz: I had lots of cramping early last week. I think it's common this early - just the little seed burrowing down and your uterus stretching out. My cramps have sort of petered out for the last few days. Just some small ones every once in a while, but not as bad as last week.
I will update the list with all of our new December mommas when I get onto my other computer tomorrow. So glad that our numbers are growing!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@sandy: It's funny, when we TTC we have to wait for o, wait to POAS, etc and even after BFP is more waiting!
@theotherstark: I'm glad yours went away! If I didn't test before, if be sure something is up by now! Cramp & backache make me feel like an old person and it's only 3 weeks in lol!
olive / 65 posts
@littlek: thank you! I keep POAS too. Even though I had the blood test. DH said I can't buy anymore though hahaha
olive / 65 posts
@snowjewelz: Yay! I've had some cramping and back ache's scary!
olive / 65 posts
@sandy: oh how neat! I'm a little nervous about it, but I will do whatever is safer. It's nice to hear about positive experience's.
olive / 65 posts
@theotherstark: thank you! I hope it's nice and comfy Where it should be. Thanks for making this board!
persimmon / 1050 posts
I guess I get to join this group now too
EDD: Dec 6, 2014
When Did You Find Out?: Last night @ 7pm (14DPO)
Child Number: 1
Where do you live?: AZ
What kind of provider will you see?: OB
When's Your First Appointment?: Need to find one & schedule that next week!
What kind of birth do you want?: Easy (haha)
What You're Most Excited For: Finding out what the little bean is & setting up the nursery.
What You're Most Scared About: Delivery.
Symptoms so far: Nausea, slight cramping & sore BB's
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