pear / 1961 posts
@greenthumb: ah! well better to get it sorted out now than at the delivery!
@marley: i don't think any of the peanut gallery ever knows what size a belly "should" be, so i just take any comment with a grain of salt (unless it is seriously rude). only your doctor's opinion should really matter! some lady at the Y the other day came up from behind me while we were walking in, commenting on my girls being cute, and then was like "oh! i didn't realize you were pregnant! you can't even tell from behind!" which i always think is a hilarious comment from people you don't, you do realize where babies hang out, right? and you don't personally know me to know if i've gained weight anywhere else? but again, she meant well, and apparently i've popped enough for strangers to fairly reasonably assume i am pregnant and not just sporting some extra chub
grapefruit / 4988 posts
Hi ladies! Good luck to those who have scans coming up soon. I just have my normal OB appt this Friday so not much interesting coming up.
@marley: Got my first comment this morning about belly size (actually more just like a look of dismay that I'm not due until December). I take them with a grain of salt though. I'm very short and there's really no place for baby to go except out.
kiwi / 706 posts
I'm starting to think that people generally don't know what they're talking about. The weirdest comment/question goes to a coworker (woman) who just asked if I'm happy with my decision or if it was a mistake/accident. Wtf?
pear / 1965 posts
@marley: Whaaat? The things that come out of peoples mouths!
So I felt like a got big fast, and now I feel my tummy hasn't grown much at all. Ive had one person tell me I don't look pregnant.
Whats really starting to get on my nerves is the comments about having ANOTHER girl. This is girl #3 for us. DD1 is going to be 13 and is from DH previous marriage.
I know I would have been thrilled with having a boy this time, but it just felt so right to be another girl. I truly feel we are just meant to have little girls and I was so excited to hear its what we are having. So I am NOT disappointed at all.
It is amazing thought the people who say "I'm sorry" or "Awwww REALLY" in a disappointing manor.
We are HAPPY, we are THRILLED. She is a blessing and by no means a disappointment to us because she is "another" girl.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@marley: Omg, I can't believe someone asked that. What gall.
@Rescuemom10: I would hate that too. I'm sort of annoyed on the opposite side because I would have really loved another girl but everyone assumes that I wanted a boy so we could have one of each. (I mean obviously I'm thrilled to have him but I was a tiny bit disappointed when we found out).
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@Rescuemom10: That is so annoying. We have a boy and EVERYONE is saying this one is going to be a girl. Everyone assumes I want a girl so we have one of each. I would actually love to have another boy! I love being a boy mom and already know what to expect (plus I have all this boy stuff saved...)
@marley: What!? That is a crazy comment. People just need to keep their mouths shut.
kiwi / 706 posts
@Rescuemom10: @KT326: @catlady: isn't it nuts? Now I'm all self conscious. Do I look sad or something? I know maybe I looked a little sick when the morning sickness was really bad, but I don't know why anyone would assume that I don't want this baby.
These comments you guys are getting really annoy me. It might be nothing in the grand scheme of things, but just congrats is enough. Going around thinking that you know what people want is just super insensitive.
pear / 1961 posts
@rescuemom10: @catlady: @kt326: that is one reason that we are still Team Green! we have 2 girls, and i figured at least this way people wouldn't comment when the baby is born. But, we still get tons of "oh, you probably just want a healthy baby....but you REALLY want a boy, right?" and the actual answer is....NO! we're not having another baby to *try* to have a boy, and both DH and I would love to have another girl because we love ours and know how to handle girls Now, we'd be plenty happy to have a boy, but I'd say we're actually pretty in the middle about which we "really want"! again, i know that everyone means well, but it's just funny how everyone assumes that you definitely want at least one of each.
pomelo / 5789 posts
I've been having irregular contractions? Braxton-hicks? all afternoon. I get tightness and uncomfortable at the top of my bump, when I'm walking or standing.
If I lie down its ok.
I think it likely has to do with dehydration. It is 110 with the heat index here today, plus as soon as I drink water it comes back up
I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow and may go in for a checkup or more fluids.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@wheres_c: I get these, and I did during pretty much the whole second half of my first pregnancy as well. They mostly come when I am walking (I walk 30 min each way to/from work), especially if it's hot and even more especially if I am dehydrated. I'd definitely check in with your OB (I remember I did last pregnancy) but just wanted to tell you that in my case, it was normal and my LO was full term. Resting, going slower, and staying hydrated (especially Gatorade) all helped with mine.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
We had our anatomy scan yesterday, add another boy to the list!
With our first, the scan was only about 45 minutes. Yesterday it took an hour and a half! Baby boy was being so stubborn, he curled up into a ball and was right against the side of my uterus. The technician had me in all sorts of positions to try and move him. My stomach is so sore today from her pressing on it with the wand.
persimmon / 1071 posts
@marley: The comments I've gotten a couple times isn't so much 'you're too big', or 'you're too small', but 'oh, you're pregnant?'. That stings a bit. I'm plus size so I get it'll take longer to look pregnant, but come on! lol.
persimmon / 1071 posts
@wheres_c: That's crazy to me that you're having braxton hicks, I haven't even felt baby move yet!
I *think* I may have felt her yesterday, but I'm a FTM and have NO idea what I'm feeling for.
It was either her, or round ligament pain... or maybe both!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@KT326: Congrats on your boy! Glad your scan went well (even if long/painful).
I just had a normal OB appt today and it went well. She warned me that on my next appt, I will need to do the glucose screen test. Can't believe how fast time is flying.
kiwi / 706 posts
@KT326: we had the same experience! the baby was covering his face with his hands at one point. Congrats on having a boy!!
@WinterBee: what a weird comment. What could possibly be your answer other than, yes, I'm pregnant? no, just kidding?
pomelo / 5789 posts
Are any of you guys on Instagram? I know we have a few months left before we start posting newborn pics, but would love to add you if you're on there...the sept board got me thinking about it.
I'm wheresc@rla @ is an a.
cherry / 101 posts
I hope everyone is doing well! We were on vacation last week in Vermont and on Friday we were notified that the carpet we were expecting to be installed mid-September is ready for install tomorrow! So we spent the weekend clearing out the bedrooms and have to rush to paint the nursery today!
@greenthumb: Congrats on baby girl! What a crazy curve ball!!!!
@KT326: Congrats on baby boy!!!!
@catlady @rescuemom10 @KT326: I get SO annoyed by the "now you have the perfect family with one of each" comments. Umm... I would have been thrilled to have another boy. It took me a while to come around to the idea of having a girl!
My sister is also pregnant (due in early February) and my mom told me the other day that I have a large belly and she has a medium belly. Boy did she regret that. Honestly I think I am smaller this time around!!
pomelo / 5789 posts
Had 2nd perinatologist/MFM appointment today.
Baby still measuring a week small (1lb).
Couldn't get great pictures of the heart (again!) so going back in 3 weeks for another growth scan and heart pictures. Hubs has to go away for work soon so will be solo parenting for 15 days
cherry / 197 posts
Just got back from my anatomy's a boy! Measuring pretty big at least a 1 week early. I'm so excited to have 2 boys so close in age!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@catlady: @marley: @tjlove54: late reply, thanks ladies!
@renee0106: Congrats on another boy!
pear / 1961 posts
@wheres_c: ugh - good luck! low expectations are always key during short-term solo parenting stints
pear / 1965 posts
Hey ladies. Sorry I have been absent for awhile. Its been one thing after another. Its the age old tale of "All things that can go wrong when they are deployed WILL go wrong."
BUT......there is light at the end of the tunnel. He will be home SOON! Man I cannot wait. I had my anatomy scan Friday. All looked well but I have to go back to try to get better images of her spine. He said not to worry. All looks well. Just want to get a better shot of the spine.
pomelo / 5789 posts
How's it going moms and moms to be?
I got some lab results back Monday. Turns out I have pregnancy induced anemia. ugh. So have now added iron supplements to my myriad of medications. Hoping taking them gives me a little more energy.
Had a chat with my new boss about maternity leave yesterday. Leave will begin Nov 18 - I was planning to go the week after thanksgiving but he gave the whole team the week of thanksgiving off. That's only 68 business days away!!!!
I will take the full 18 weeks off and return beginning of April.
Those of you that are still working, have you decided on a last day yet?
kiwi / 706 posts
@wheres_c: I think I'm going to work until my scheduled C - which is 12/22. I might do it from home though, in case I go into labor early? Hopefully they won't mind. I haven't discussed it with anyone yet. 18 weeks! so jealous!
Is anyone feeling intense lower ab pressure? There are days when I can hardly walk a block without feeling like the baby is falling out. I'm only 23 weeks! I hope I don't have an incompetent cervix. My OB is on vacation for another week and a half.
pomelo / 5789 posts
@marley: I feel the exact same way like I have a bowling ball between my legs just waiting to fall out. My cervix is monitored every 3 weeks and it's normal despite all of the feelings of pressure. So just wanted to say it can be perfectly normal! Obviously you know your body best and feel free to call if you're worried.
pear / 1965 posts
@wheres_c: I think I am going to wait until I go into labor to take off. Thats what I did last time too. Still undecided and need to talk to work about how long I am going to take. Last time I only took 7 weeks and that seemed "a lot" to them. Dreading bringing it up because I intend to take longer this time. 7 weeks was too short.
pear / 1965 posts
TODAY'S THE DAAAAAAY! My DH should be landing and HOME in about 6 hrs. I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@wheres_c: Since I am in California I plan on going out 4 weeks before my due date, so December 1st. I get to claim pregnancy disability for that time so I will still get some pay from the state.
I'm taking 12 weeks off after, which I found out should be close to, if not, 100% paid! I signed up for a supplemental STD plan through work. So part will come from the state and the rest from STD. I'm so happy about that. We are keeping our son in preschool full time during my maternity leave so it will be nice to not lose any pay.
@marley: I'm not feeling any pressure but if I go up and down stairs a lot my pelvis feels like it is going to split apart the next day. This didn't happen with my first until well into my third trimester. Luckily it only lasted about a day, but man, it hurt just walking to the bathroom! Getting in and out of bed was pretty excruciating too.
pear / 1787 posts
@Rescuemom10: Yay! So glad your husband is home!
I'm doing okay, though I've had awful SI joint pain and have started physical therapy for it. So far it doesn't feel any better but I just have to keep doing the exercises/stretches and hope that it improves.
I also have been feeling intense pressure already. Pregnancy the second time around is much harder!
@wheres_c: Ugh, sorry about the anemia!
pear / 1965 posts
He got a little delayed, ok like 4 hrs delayed. So it was a late night but I am so glad he is home. Its been rough him adjusting to the time zone but DD is giddy and excited and wont stop smiling and is connected to his hip.
She told him the Following day " no go on your airplane no more, I no wanna wait so long anymore"
Poor kiddo is so over him deploying too. Ugh.
But we are happy and good and all is going well. I got the results from my anatomy scan. All is looking well.
Its been kind of quiet on is everyone doing?
pomelo / 5789 posts
Been doing despot over here. Had chest pain Sunday so went to the ER. My ekg was normal but blood work suggested they should check for clots. Ultrasound of legs but they were normal.
They released me saying it was muscular skelatal. Hubs still out of town, will be back Friday.
So over everything. Easily irritated.
cherry / 101 posts
@wheres_c: So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon!
@rescuemom10: happy to hear your hubby is home!
Not too much is going on here. We got the nursery painted and some of the furniture is in there, but it isn't assembled/arranged yet. No doctors appointments lately so nothing to report there. Baby girl is definitely getting stronger with her kicks though! Hope everyone is doing well. I can't believe it's almost September already!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
Hi ladies! Not much happening over here. This pregnancy has been harder on my body than I expected but otherwise, I'm doing ok.
@Rescuemom10: Glad he is home! Must be so hard while he is deployed. My DH just got back from a week long work trip and I am so relieved. I can't imagine solo parenting too much longer than that!
@wheres_c: Oh man, that sounds rough. Hope you start feeling a bit better soon. I'm glad you went to the ER though. Not to scare you but my co-worker's wife just died from a blood clot in her lungs. She was in her mid-30s. She didn't go to the hospital even though she felt bad during the day at work and then she just collapsed at home that night. It is so sad and scary. I'm glad you got checked out.
@DigAPony: I'm having a harder time with this pregnancy too. Second one is no joke!
@tjlove54: Also feeling the strong kicks these days!
pear / 1965 posts
@wheres_c: I'm sorry to hear that. I am glad they didn't find anything alarming. Def keep us updated. Hope you continue to feel better.
DH was able to feel her kick last night for the first time. He has been trying its so cute. With changing time zones he hasn't been sleeping well. I have felt him reach over in the middle of the night to feel my tummy or hold my hand. Its been pretty cute. So last night when she was really moving in there I called him over and had him press down a little. So cute watching him light up with excitement.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@wheres_c: that sounds awful, I hope you are feeling better.
@Rescuemom10: so exciting he got to feel kicks! The baby always stops moving whenever DH puts his hand on my belly.
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