persimmon / 1071 posts
Yay more baby girls!!
I'm almost 19 weeks, there's been a couple times where I *think* I may have felt something... but overall I haven't felt anything definite.
Please tell me I'm not alone, I know baby movements vary so much, but I feel like everyone is already feeling their little one!
kiwi / 706 posts
@WinterBee: I've been feeling some pressure, but nothing definite like kicks or anything. I found out that my placenta is anterior so that might have something to do with not feeling anything.
persimmon / 1071 posts
@marley: I definitely get pressure spots that I think are baby, but like you said nothing I can identify as kicks. I keep hearing about this anterior placenta thing, I forgot to ask at my last appointment, but I have my anatomy scan next Monday so I will ask then.
pear / 1961 posts
@marley: i'm a couple weeks ahead of you (due at the beginning of the month), so i've been feeling movement for awhile. BUT, it was only in the last week that i felt identifiable was a little foot or hand running across the underside of my belly...and not just a blip or a bubble or a kick here and there. it will come! i don't even have an anterior placenta, and this is my 3rd, and i have never felt things early!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@WinterBee: I finally reached the point where I felt regular kicks last week at around 21 weeks, and now I feel them several times per day. Before that, I felt slight kicks but not necessarily every day. I have anterior placenta this time and I think I'm feeling movement later than with my first, and I don't feel the more subtle things. At my anatomy scan at 18 weeks, he was moving around like crazy and I couldn't feel a thing.
kiwi / 706 posts
@KayKay: @catlady: so interesting to hear what everyone is experiencing. This is my second and I can't for the life of me remember anything about my first pregnancy!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
I'm almost 21 weeks now and started feeling definitive movement maybe two or three weeks ago? Baby has really slowed down over the past two days though which is disconcerting.
pear / 1965 posts
So yesterday I had a pretty big appointment. I traveled 35 mins to a hospital off Island for me to see if they would take me on as a VBAC. Rural area so sadly that's the closest one that does VBAC. I had so much stress and anxiety building up over this. More than I realized. I am NOT against C sections and my first was very much needed. There was no avoiding it for my health and the health of LO. But I had a lot of complications with the C sections. Basically I had to be put out completely and don't have any memories until the following day. My body simply did not take the block well. Wont want to scare any of those who may have one so I don't think I should go into detail. Any who, I feared this repeating itself.
They approved me. I get to attempt a VBAC. I cant even tell you the weight this lifted off my shoulders. I know it doesn't mean I WILL get to deliver naturally, I know I am still at risk and in the end may go to C section again. But I am over the moon happy and relieved I at least have a shot. I am NOT a cryer or an easy emotional person. But I cried so hard walking out of there. I didn't really realize how much this has been weighing on me.
kiwi / 706 posts
@Rescuemom10: that's great news! if you don't mind me asking, how did they determined that you would be a good candidate? I'm contemplating a VBAC myself.
pear / 1965 posts
@marley: They biggest thing they put into consideration was what ultimately brought me to a c section before. Which was my DD in distress due to an infection that happened after my water was broken. So its something that would not be as likely to happen again. They also look at height and weight of mom, and I think maybe baby too. I don't know how he did it but he figured I had a "61% chance of success" Which he said its the ones in the 20's% that they start to discourage from attempting.
I am so glad I went and talked to them about trying. The OB surgeon who did my c section told me post op that I prob wouldn't be a good candidate for future children. So I am glad I talked to another who actually does the VBAC and who said I was.
kiwi / 706 posts
@Rescuemom10: what an awful thing for the surgeon to say. A lot of these doctors must've skipped the class on bedside manners. My surgeon wasn't very sensitive either, and my former OB told me I definitely need a C-section and that she might as well tie my fallopian tubes at the same time as the C-section because I really shouldn't have more kids. I was 34 at the time.
61% is such a random number. I'm not really holding my breath for a vbac. The surgeon told me I have a narrow pelvis, and that's why I wouldn't dilate more than 7cm. But I would definitely want to go get a second opinion on this.
pomelo / 5789 posts
@Rescuemom10: Yay for being a good candidate! I am considered a good candidate too and plan on trying for a VBAC but am open minded should it not happen.
pear / 1787 posts
@Rescuemom10: Yay, congrats on your girl, and on your candidacy for a VBAC. I hope you're able to have one!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@Rescuemom10: Congrats! Sounds like a big relief. I hope you get your VBAC!
cherry / 160 posts
I just had my scan yesterday - Baby Girl!
and she yawned while we were watching her, so cute!
kiwi / 706 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: vaginal birth after c-section.
@MountainBaby: congrats! That's great that you caught the little yawn!
cherry / 101 posts
@Rescuemom10: Awesome news! I hope you get your VBAC!
@mountainbaby: Congrats on baby girl! We saw our LO yawn too... so amazing!!
pear / 1965 posts
Thanks ladies!
Im thinking of looking into a doula this time too. Anyone use one with previous babes?
@MountainBaby: Wooohoo! Yay congrats! More girls!
pomelo / 5789 posts
@Rescuemom10: I haven't with previous birth but I hired one this time around.
persimmon / 1431 posts
Oh I'd love to hear the benefits of having a doula. I briefly considered one, but don't know anyone around me who had one.
pear / 1986 posts
Well, it is not totally surprising to me (because nothing to do with our fertility or pregnancies is ever normal), but we had our anatomy scan today and the NIPT was wrong! We are having a girl !! Our little vanishing twin must have been a boy and his placenta contributed enough DNA to have the MaterniT21 pick with the Y. She is totally healthy, although I have placenta previa and some cord issues (as I did with DD). Nothing too serious though. Just hoping there are no other curve balls with this pregnancy!
pear / 1986 posts
@catlady: I know it sounds weird, but I was having a hard time wrapping my brain around a boy! Thats part of the reason I'm not on the boards much .
kiwi / 706 posts
@GreenThumb: congrats on the baby girl! What a bizarre result! Now my friend isn't the only one with this crazy story.
pear / 1986 posts
@marley: Thanks! The funny thing is I distinctly remember thinking "I bet this is going to be me" when I read your post! Sure enough...
kiwi / 706 posts
@GreenThumb: I'm shocked this isn't more widely reported and OBs don't generally raise it as a possibility.
pear / 1986 posts
@marley: So frustrating! The MFM that recommended the NIPT said it was highly unlikely to show a false result because of the very early demise (I hate that word) of the twin. But of course the MFM that we saw today said that we shouldn't have been given the option to take it in the first place. Um, you guys are in the same practice... get your sh*t together! Even my OB originally said that we would skip the NIPT and do the NT scan and 1st try screening instead. We did have a long discussion with the genetic counselor after the U/S who in no uncertain terms said that the normal results for Downs/Trisomy were good and that the results for the gender are always the most suspect (especially in the case of a vanishing twin).
kiwi / 706 posts
@GreenThumb: jeez! I hope you didn't start buy boy things! Being pregnant is difficult and stressful enough even with accurate information!
pear / 1965 posts
@GreenThumb: HOLY MACARONI! That's CRAZY! First and foremost Congrats on the baby girl. Woah, seriously what a roller coaster. Exciting, yet frustrating....just WOW!!!
persimmon / 1096 posts
Has everyone who is finding out gender had their scan already? I'm finding out tomorrow - even though this is baby #3 I've never done this before, I was already TG before, and now I'm kind of nervous!! I don't even have a preference, it's just crazy to think that I'm going to know tomorrow. I'm a 12/31 EDD though so I am bringing up the rear of the group and figured everyone else has already found out.
I'm betting it's a boy - I have 2 little guys already, and looking through the first one's baby book yesterday, I came across where we wrote down the names we considered for him. The first name written down was the one was picked, the second was the name of our second boy, and the third is the name we've decided on for this one! And I haven't seen this book forever, it's not like I remembered writing that or have a definitive running list. It just seemed like a sign! I've been wrong before though, so I'm excited to see tomorrow
persimmon / 1096 posts
@GreenThumb: That is nuts! Congratulations on your little lady!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@keepcalmcarrie: I have a 12/29 due date (though baby has been consistently measuring a week ahead) and my scan is scheduled for Thursday!
@GreenThumb: that is pretty nuts!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
Just popping in to say I've been following along with everyone's posts, I just haven't had much to contribute! I'm so excited for our scan on Thursday, I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl. This has been such a long week already!
kiwi / 706 posts
@keepcalmcarrie: @KT326: good luck with the scans!
I had my 20 week scan yesterday. It took forever because he was hiding, with his back facing my belly, and covering his face with his hands.
Anyone getting unwanted comments on their belly size? I keep hearing that I look small for 20 weeks, even from people who've never had kids, which is a little irritating. So I was relieved to hear the baby is a bit heavier than average for 20 weeks.
cherry / 197 posts
@keepcalmcarrie: I haven't had my scan yet either. My EDD is Jan 4. but we're inducing through last week in December.
My appt is next week on the 17th. I'm guessing girl but will be happy either way. Having 2 boys so close in age would be really fun too!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@marley: Thanks!
Luckily I haven't gotten any belly comments yet. I'm definitely carrying this one differently than with my son. With him, I was wide, this one seems to be all out front. But I also gained a lot more weight the first time around! This time I've only gained about 9 lbs so far (started out heavier though so I'm trying to be very cognizant of what I am eating and how much exercise I'm getting).
pomelo / 5789 posts
Had my 22 week appointment with my OB today. Everything seems to be going ok. Next appointment with OB is 26 weeks. Have a MFM appointment to check growth next week.
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