kiwi / 706 posts
@GreenThumb: I don't think I'm having a shower. If somebody insists, then maybe? But I'm not going to bring it up. I've never been to a shower for a second-baby, but that might be because they have all been same gender siblings.
I'm putting stuff in the amazon registry though. It's more like a shopping list and to take advantage of the completion discount.
cherry / 101 posts
@GreenThumb: My sisters are insisting on throwing me a "sprinkle" even though I've told them I don't need one. I think they just really want to plan a party for a baby girl since she's the first. It will only be my immediate family, no friends/aunts/cousins. I started a private registry as a way for me to remember what I was going to purchase myself. I guess I could share it with my mom and sisters if they ask for ideas.
cherry / 101 posts
@marley: I'm doing the same with the registry... might as well take advantage of the completion discount if I'm buying the items anyways!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@GreenThumb: I'm not planning to have a shower either. We still have lots of things we can re-use so the major new stuff will be clothes and I already know that our families love buying clothes. Plus there's Christmas so we may ask for some things then. @marley: @tjlove54: Definitely doing a registry too, if only to get the discount!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@GreenThumb: I don't know what we are having yet, but either way we won't be having a shower. I know we'll probably get stuff for Christmas, and if it is a girl the grandparents will probably go nuts with clothes!
@marley: @tjlove54: good idea with the registry for the completion discount! I didn't even think of that. I have a lot of stuff left from my son but I know I need to replace a few things too.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
Hope everyone is doing well. I have my anatomy scan scheduled for tomorrow morning, but my toddler had a fever when she woke up this morning, which means no daycare today or tomorrow. Not sure what to do now! DH was supposed to come with me and now I may have to go alone. I have a phobia of ultrasounds due to the two missed miscarriages I've had (one found during a dating scan and one found during an NT). DH may ask his mom to drive up to watch LO but she lives an hour away with no traffic, and driving through the city during morning rush hour is no joke, so I would feel really bad.
Plus, it turns out that LO might have Fifth's disease (it was going around her daycare last week) so I'm scared about that too. I need to get tested to see if I'm immune. So worried!
cherry / 101 posts
@catlady: so sorry to hear your LO isn't feeling well! I hope she feels better soon. My son's daycare had fifths disease going around a few weeks ago and I remember panicking too. My OBs office said that most adults are already immune to it, but if my son got it I would have to get a blood test after 10 days of exposure. She said even if I did get it I shouldn't panic (I know that's not really going to make you feel a whole lot better since I was still freaked out for a few days.) Fingers crossed your daughter doesn't have it and feels better soon. Keep us posted on how your anatomy scan goes!
kiwi / 706 posts
@catlady: so sorry your LO is sick! Good luck on the anatomy scan! I have mine on Monday.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@marley: The scan went well! Unfortunately, DH had to stay home with LO (who is developing a rash now, uh oh) but baby looked great. They also confirmed it was a boy. Did you have yours yet?
kiwi / 706 posts
@catlady: yes! everything looked great. The tech said that she'll get a better look next time when the baby moves around more. The little guy decided to snooze this morning. Got the boy confirmation too.
As much as I love seeing the baby, going to these things cause major anxiety for me. I'm always thinking the worst until I actually see the baby and the heart beating.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@marley: Congrats! I know what you mean. I have been freaking out before each scan. Thankfully I can feel him move more often now, so I'm starting to finally get less nervous.
kiwi / 706 posts
@catlady: so exciting! I don't feel movement yet. I barely even look pregnant, unless I really stick my stomach out.
pear / 1965 posts
Woohooo! Sooooo many boys in this group. WOW!!!
I'm back from vacation and its been a whirlwind. My car (Jeep) almost didn't make it home from the airport. NEVER had problems with it before. I guess the one plus side to DH being gone, I have an extra vehicle on hand. Its a really large truck though which I'm not completely use to driving. Work has been crazy since being back. Kiddo is adjusting to new routine and not being spoiled 24/7 by grandparents.
Reality is kinda rough sometimes. LOL
I don't have any appointments yet for a couple weeks. My hospital wont do a gender scan until towards the end of next month. Debating going out to a place to have an elective one done and find out a little sooner.
kiwi / 706 posts
@Rescuemom10: driving a big Jeep/truck sounds really scary! but I don't know how to drive at all...
I'm going on vacation starting this weekend and I can't wait. I really need this break. Hopefully I won't have to do any work during the 2 weeks. I've never had a vacation where I didn't have to work at least for a few days. But maybe they'll pity me this time because I'm pregnant?
cherry / 160 posts
I just bought my first baby item yesterday thanks to Prime Day And I finally have a bump - not huge, but enough I can only wear stretchy clothes from before.
Unfortunately I found out my anatomy scan will have to be while my DH is out of town. We want to find out the gender, so any ideas for fun ways I can share the news with him via phone or skype?
kiwi / 706 posts
@MountainBaby: can he participate via Skype? Some hospitals allow cell phones and some don't.
cherry / 160 posts
@marley: There was a sign on the wall last time I was there about no phone use, but it wouldn't hurt to ask about setting up a computer when I call to make the appointment. Worst case they say no and I'm back to where I started
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@MountainBaby: My DH wasn't there when I found out the sex this time (MaterniT21 test, so they just called me). When he got home, I had laid out a little sleeper that said "Daddy's little dude" or something like that on our bed, so that's how he found out. Of course, he said he knew it was a boy anyway because I had refused to tell him the sex via text message. Not sure why he thought I would have told him if it were another girl over a text but not a boy though!
@marley: Have a great vacation! We have a little "stay-cation" coming up on Friday and I am really excited.
@Rescuemom10: I think we may do an elective scan this time. Mostly because I think it might be fun for DD to see her little brother.
cherry / 101 posts
@rescuemom10: sorry to hear about the car troubles. I hope you had a great trip... you survived the flights!
@marley: SO jealous of your two week vacation. I hope work leaves you alone!! DH & I can never seem to escape it either when we are on vacation.
@mountainbaby: if they won't let you Skype in the room, maybe you could have them put an ultrasound picture revealing the gender in an envelope so you can open it at home over Skype with your DH?
@catlady: I hope your LO is feeling better!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@tjlove54: Thank you! She was actually doing fine after only 1 day. Tiny bit of rash but we're not convinced it was Fifth's, which is good, because it turns out that I don't have immunity (eek). So just keeping an eye on her and me.
cherry / 101 posts
@catlady: Glad to hear she was doing better quickly. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you all!
kiwi / 706 posts
@catlady: @tjlove54: thanks! Looks like I'll have to work this vacation. But at least I can do it facing the ocean? Ugh. Lol.
So glad you LO is better already! My DD had a mild case of hand foot mouth disease a bit ago. It's never fun when they're sick.
pomelo / 5789 posts
Had my 18 wk appt yesterday. Still aren't finding out gender. Just got back from San Diego, Mexico and Orlando. I need a vacation from my vacation.
Finally told my boss yesterday! It went better than expected
honeydew / 7091 posts
Ah - I've been away for like 3 weeks! Work has been craaaazy
I just found out today that I'm having a BOY!
I cannot believe it. I don't even know what to do with a boy after having two girls!
I have lots of catching up to do, I see!
Glad to see that everyone seems to be doing well
cherry / 101 posts
@swurlygurl: Congrats on baby boy! So exciting!!! I know how you feel... I'm still working on mentally preparing myself for a girl this time.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@swurlygurl: Congrats! I know how you feel, I feel like I only know how to parent a girl.
@wheres_c: I can't believe you could wait this long to tell your boss! I have been obviously pregnant for at least a month lol.
kiwi / 545 posts
Hi all, I have also been on vacation and MIA for quite a while. Glad to see everybody doing well and so many boys! Anatomy scan is in a couple of weeks. I have the quickening sensation this past week and can feel little hiccup type movements and little kicks more and more.
I feel like December is a looooong time away!
Anybody thought of names yet? We are leaning on Jack (I've always like that name, don't know why) or John as a formal name with Jack being the nickname (per pushy grandparents ).
pomelo / 5789 posts
@catlady: lol I work from home so its been easy to keep it under wraps.
pear / 1961 posts
@wheres_c: ha! coming back from vacations is so hard!
anyone doing anything fun this weekend?
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@KayKay: We are having a stay-cation this weekend! MIL has DD for the weekend so we are just enjoying the quiet and visiting some nice museums and restaurants around town.
@MK0180: I love those little hiccups! Not feeling them really this time due to anterior placenta but I remember them with my DD.
I love Jack. It doesn't really go with our last name but John is a big family name on DH's side so we will probably use that as a middle. Still undecided about first names though.
cherry / 101 posts
@MK0180: Love the name Jack! I have a feeling it is going to take the duration of this pregnancy for us to decide on a girls name! There are so many boys names that I loved when discussing names for our DS. We are struggling this time!
@KayKay: no fun plans this weekend (boo). We are cleaning out the bedrooms in our house for new carpeting and I have to work today. Totally jealous of @catlady! We are heading to the lake next weekend... really looking forward to it. We also have our anatomy scan this week.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@stiletto_mom: Congrats!!! Amazing how many Dec boys we are going to have!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
Our NIPT came back boy (!!!) -- first one in 43 years in my family. Our anatomy scan is tomorrow and I'm looking forward to having that confirmed, haha. I'm also terrified that something will go wrong.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@MrsDragon: Congrats on your boy and good luck tomorrow! I know that terrified feeling. I hope everything goes fine and you can relax. I felt a lot better after my anatomy scan.
pomelo / 5789 posts
Schedules my anatomy scan for next Tuesday.
Had to up my thyroid meds again. Now at 225mcg.
I have dropped a Diclegis pill to see if I can have more energy but still not throw up. So far so good today. Will see what tomorrow brings.
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