cherry / 101 posts
@stiletto_mom @mrsdragon: Congrats on the baby boys!
So many little boys in this group... still waiting for another little girl to join mine
@wheres_c: Good luck at your anatomy scan! I hope you are feeling well after dropping a Diclegis pill.
We had our anatomy scan yesterday and baby is definitely a girl! I was nervous throughout the entire appointment, but doctor said everything is going well so far. I can't believe I'm already at the halfway point!
Have any of you that are expecting your second or third LO looked into (or have) a double stroller? I'm driving myself nuts comparing them!
pear / 1965 posts
I scheduled an elective u/s for the 30th. My hospital doesn't have my main u/s where I will find out gender until the 19th. I don't want to wait anymore. LOL
@tjlove54: We are all feeling girl in my home. We shall see. I am honestly really feeling its a girl. My DH is certain it is, even my DD's both keep saying baby sister. At this point, I will be surprised if its a boy. Just have girl in all our heads. Haha
persimmon / 1431 posts
@tjlove54: I don't like the bulk of the doubler stroller so I'm just thinking of getting the skateboard attachment.
pear / 1965 posts
@tjlove54: I bought the Britax B-Ready with my last LO because you can add a seat. Its front to back and not side to side. I like how its not that bulky. The side to side ones seem sooooooo wide to me.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@tjlove54: how old is your first? We stopped using the stroller almost completely at 3 years old. But we are going to have a large age difference (LO1 will be 4 years 9 months when this one is born!).
If he still used a stroller I would probably just wear the baby and let LO have the stroller. I'm with @Pumpkin Pie, I don't like the bulk of the double stroller.
cherry / 160 posts
I have my anatomy scan on the 2nd! People think girl, but then this week I got a weird pregnancy rash, that google says that of people who get it, 70% are moms of boys. So maybe boy? we shall see.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@tjlove54: We're going to try to go without one, but LO1 will be a bit past 3 when LO2 arrives, so I think I can probably wear him for awhile until he needs it, and then hopefully LO1 will have outgrown the stroller at that point. We have a walking commute though so we will see. I have briefly looked into them and like the look of the g-lite, the joovy caboose ultralight, and the valco snap duo 2 (as you might be able to tell, I am only looking at lightweight ones).
pear / 1986 posts
DD is going to be 3.5 when DS arrives. We aren't planning on a double stroller since DD doesn't use it much as is. But, I think we are getting a new stroller for DS (B-agile) so maybe we will get the toddler board, too.
In other news... I finished knitting my first little hat for DS! Yay for winter babies!!
pear / 1986 posts
@catlady: Thank you!! I had so much fun making feminine things for DD and now I get to make fun boy things, too!
pear / 1787 posts
@GreenThumb: Cute hat!
Congrats on even more boys in our group! My anatomy scan is Monday and I'm really hoping for boy #2 for us, though I'll also be excited to have a girl. I tried stopping Diclegis a few days ago and went right back to vomiting, so I'm staying on the medication for now. I wish I could just feel normal. Oh well, only 20 weeks to go...
I hope everyone is feeling well!
pear / 1965 posts
@GreenThumb: That is adorable. I wish I could do that. Serious talent.
pomelo / 5789 posts
@DigAPony: any updates on your scan?
Mine is tomorrow but we will continue to be team green.
persimmon / 1431 posts
We're having a girl! The baby has been so active, and moving all the time. I wonder if its an indication of the baby's activity when she's out!
pear / 1961 posts
Had my anatomy scan last week, and everything was great! DH wasn't with, so I had them write down gender in a sealed envelope. We still haven't opened it I wish I felt stronger been finding out and being TG, but I can't decide! Haha. So for the moment, we are still TG. I will say I think the 3D image of the face looks more "boyish" to me, but maybe that's just because I found out with my other 2 (both girls). I mean, really, all babies just look like babies, right?
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: Congrats on your girl! My girl was super active in the womb and has always been a mover. No idea if it's actually correlated though.
@KayKay: Congrats on a good scan! I can't believe you haven't opened the envelope. I would not be able to wait. I could never be TG though.
pear / 1965 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: YAY GIRL!!!!! Congrats!
@KayKay: Oh man some serious will power.
cherry / 101 posts
@pumpkinpie: Congrats on baby girl! So happy to have another little girl in our group
@kaykay: That is some serious will power! I don't think I could last that long.
@wheres_c: Good luck with your scan today!
@Greenthumb: AMAZING! If you sell those I would like to know! That is some serious talent!
Thanks ladies for the stroller advice! My LO will be turning 3 when baby is due (his b-day is the day after due date!) and we very much so need the stroller right now as he either wants us to pick him up or ride in the stroller. I have no idea if he will consistently walk by Spring when I anticipate we will be out of the house more with the two LOs.
pear / 1961 posts
@tjlove54: my DD1 and DD2 are 2.5y apart, and we have a double that we use fairly often with them. Or at least often enough that I feel it was worth it. We aren't in a truly "city" environment (where I feel like doubles might be necessary but you also want to be space conscious, both in your house/apt and on the sidewalks), but in a very walkable urban neighborhood. We have the Indie double since it can fit through normal doorways, but I also don't have to worry about folding/unfolding or lifting it particularly often. Generally I use it as a workhorse to haul stuff to the park or neighborhood pool, or to have both LOs ride in when we don't want to walk somewhere at the preschool dawdle LO3 will be 2 years younger than DD2, so presumably we will still get a fair amount of use over the next couple of years...either for LOs 1 and 2 (to be contained!) while I babywear LO3...or then for LO 2 and 3 while LO1 can walk or ride her scooter/bike.
I would definitely not call it a necessity, per se, but it's really really nice to have. Also probably depends on whether you WAH/WOH or are SAH. I would get less use out of it if I wasn't SAH and the kids were at daycare for a good chunk of the day, but still quite a bit on evenings and weekends.
pear / 1961 posts
I don't think I (we) have good willpower -- I just truly can't decide! We found out for DD1 and DD2, but this will be last baby, so I feel like if I *ever* want to be TG, this is my chance. But I definitely know the upside of finding out I wish I felt strongly one way or the other!!
ETA: it's lack of decisiveness, not abundance of willpower
pomelo / 5789 posts
Had my 20 week anatomy scan today. Everything seems to be on track. Baby wasn't super cooperative so weren't able to take pictures of the heart. Measuring about a week behind so we have to go back in 3-4 weeks, but not super concerned about that. Email was down all day, so didn't do a thing.
Also-my company updated our maternity leave policy effective October. Instead of the 6 weeks @70% pay and another 6 unpaid, I will now receive 18 weeks at 100% paid. So that's a huge win!
Oh and no slip ups, so still team green!
pear / 1787 posts
@wheres_c: Thanks for asking, and yay for your good anatomy scan and longer maternity leave! 18 weeks paid sounds great!!
We are having a BOY, just like I hoped! Very excited. And our scan came back all clear, no anatomical abnormalities.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@wheres_c: That's amazing about your maternity leave! Glad to hear everything was on track at your scan.
@DigAPony: Congrats on your boy!
persimmon / 1071 posts
@tjlove54: That's funny how there's so many little boys here! Everyone in my other moms group is having girls except for like 2 or 3 people!
I'll join you in the girls club here!
cherry / 101 posts
@WinterBee: YAY! Congrats on baby girl!!!!
Love your announcement! I'm happy there are now some fellow girl mamas in this group.
@digapony: Congrats on baby boy! So glad you had a great scan!
@wheres_c: that is awesome about your maternity leave!
pear / 1965 posts
@WinterBee: Sooooo cute!
Love, love, love it!
I had my 18 weeks apt yesterday. Nothing exciting. Just listened to the heartbeat and then basic check up. No u/s.
I am doing an elective u/s Saturday where I hope to find out the gender. I am VERY anxious to see what team I will be joining. I am really feeling "girl" but that may just be because its what I am so comfortable with and know. Haha I married into getting a daughter, whom is now almost 13. Then we have our other DD who is 3.5. So I almost dont know what to do if we have a boy! Eeeek. We shall see.
kiwi / 706 posts
Hi everyone! Just got back from vacation. It is as awful as I imagined. Congrats to all the good news! Finally some girls!!!
19.5 weeks here and I barely look pregnant! I'm a little surprised by this since it's my second?
cherry / 101 posts
@Rescuemom10: Yay! Your instinct was correct!! Congrats on baby girl!!
@stilleto_mom: I'm right there with you! I feel like a freaking teenager over here!
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