bananas / 9973 posts
@WALLAROO: oh my gosh!!! Aren't they just the most precious things ever!!! Maybe because of the pink cap, but even though they look alike, you can see how pretty and feminine Mila looks and how masculine Owen is already! Just priceless!
olive / 62 posts
Been having mild contractions (very mild, enough so that it's tough for me to tell exactly when they stop and start so timing them is worthless) since last night and it's put me in the worst mood.
Don't come near me. I hate everyone and everything.
pomelo / 5331 posts
@thatwife: OMG can I relate. Friday morning I was having 15-second-long contractions every 15 minutes for an hour. Then after an hour, they just... stopped. Nothing since. And mine are so mild I can't tell if it's a cramp or a contraction or if there's even a difference between the two?
Bastard late pregnancy asshole hate it all.
Oh and my dad picked today to start bugging me about why we're not having our child baptized. PFFFFFTT.
I hope this means things are moving for you though!
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@WALLAROO: Aww, they are adorable! I hope all 3 of your recovery is going well!
@thatwife: @ladyfingers: How do you tell the difference between cramps and contractions? I doubt I'm having contractions this early, but have had a few crampy feelings these past few days, which is something new.
pomelo / 5331 posts
@tororojo: That's what I want to know!
Any multiple-time moms have input?
bananas / 9973 posts
@thatwife: oh no! I sort of feel you, but I know it gets worse the further along you get. Hopefully it means your turn is coming up soon!
@ladyfingers: ugh! I hope someone can get him to back off and tell him "don't mess with a pregnant lady!"
We had our 2 baby showers this past weekend and I posted pics and stuff in another thread. We were totally overwhelmed with love from friends and family. I'm feeling some baby shower hangover but also just pretty emotional about how much baby is already loved. We're pretty set on everything now, especially since I already went and made major returns on duplicates and stuff we don't need. We'll have enough credit for the one or two big ticket items I still want to get.
Now for getting the nursery complete and I'm ready for this baby to come early and join you Feb. mamas!
cherry / 144 posts
@lolabee - DH and I came up with ZERO boys names that we agreed on.. I guess it's a good thing we're having a girl? Can't wait to find out what you're having!
@photojane - love love LOVE the nursery!! That dresser/changing table is to die for, and I love all of the colors!
@shopaholic - Sounds like your little girl is measuring up great! I haven't had an u/s since week 18, and I don't think I'm going to be getting one unless there's something wrong later on. I'm totally jealous of all of these weight predictions!! Also, how fun with your TWO baby showers!! It's so great that you have everything you need now - good luck with getting the nursery done!
@tororojo - thanks for updating the list! I can't believe there are so many of us having babies in February... it's going to be announcement after announcement pretty soon!
@ladyfingers - I'm predicting you to be the next mama! especially with all of those contractions that come and go
@phillybaby2013 - oh my goodness.. that charlie horse type of pain under your ribs must have been awful =( Glad it's over now though!
@wallaroo - OMG, your babies are soooo cute!!!
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
Thanks for all the nursery love, y'all! I'm just excited to finally be able to use it.
Had my weekly appointment today, and everything looked great. Doc said that I am "good and dilated, and very thinned out." He didn't give me the actual numbers/measurements, because he's pretty crunchy for an OB, but I'm alright with that. He also said I'm ahead of the curve, and it looks like I'll probably go before my due date, but if not induction should be easy for me. I'm hoping he's right! I got a yoga ball this weekend, so I'll be bouncing away until she comes.
@WALLAROO: Oh my... they are so, so precious! They look so snuggly and perfect.
@thatwife, @ladyfingers: I totally feel you guys. I've been having cramping/contractions for the past two weeks, but nothing ever predictable or timeable. At least it means baby's moving down & getting ready!
@shopaholic: So glad you had such a wonderful shower! I don't think I commented on your thread, but I loved all the pictures and details. Baby Shopaholic is so spoiled & loved already -- lucky girl!
bananas / 9973 posts
@Emilie: @photojane: Thanks ladies!
@photojane: Yay for the good doctor's report! Does the bouncing help bring on labor? I really have no idea what the ball is about!
kiwi / 733 posts
@thatwife: Ha! I don't hate everyone and everything yet...but people need to stop asking when I'm due. Apparently it's not polite to answer "whenever the baby decides it's time." Even though at this point...that's really the answer. Arg.
@ladyfingers: Time-able contractions! Even if then they went away, that has to mean progress, right?! I've been snappier than usual, too, and annoyed by every little thing (and big thing). HORMONES! I'm sick of them.
@tororojo: If you find out the answer to that cramps vs. contractions question, please, please share!
@shopaholic: Your showers looked amazing. Lucky girl! From what I've heard, I'm also kind of in awe that people mostly stuck to your registry. Nicely done!
@Emilie: My DH and I never discussed boys' names, because we didn't even have that conversation until the anatomy scan. If somehow they were wrong, we're definitely going to be blindsided!
@photojane: Keep on bouncing...and then let us know that it works! A little jealous of your dilating/thinning.
I had my appointment today, and I am not only not dilated at all (arg), but the doctor isn't sure that the baby is still head down. I had my own suspicions of that when I thought I felt hiccups somewhere new (and higher and to the side), but it was the middle of the night and I figured I was just not thinking clearly. But when she couldn't feel the head where it should be, she had me schedule an ultrasound for later this week. Upside: I get an ultrasound later this week! I haven't had one since 20 weeks, so I'm excited to see her and find out about how big she is and all...but I sure hope we're all wrong and she manages to get back in position between now and birth! Again, choosing not to worry about it and focusing on what's great: I get to see her, and if (IF) she's breech, I'll get to schedule an end date. I'll worry about the other stuff when I need to. *Deep breath.*
On a happier note, I went to the gym and swam some nice, slow laps this morning. It felt amazing (until I climbed out of the pool). Highly recommend!
bananas / 9973 posts
@JessiBee: Thanks! Yeah, I would say probably about 1/2 of the gifts were from the registry. That's strange she would flip over head up now? But at least you get another U/S - yay! I love u/s! And good for you working out and swimming! I keep "meaning to" but never get around to actually doing it! Good luck with baby turning back around!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@Emilie: Ugh, I hope so! I am convinced that because we are SO ready -- nursery done way ahead of time, car seat installed long before most people, hospital bag is even packed -- that he's going to be late. His mommy and daddy are very stubborn people, so it wouldn't surprise me I really hope he's not too late though, since my last day at work is Feb. 1 and I only get 12 weeks maternity leave. I just couldn't stand the idea of working an indeterminate amount of time -- I needed an end date -- but I really hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the butt.
@photojane: Yay on progress! I sure do hope that's what the crampiness means. It will go away for days and then come back. It's so frustrating. I had a chiropractor appointment today and she declared that my sacrum hadn't shifted so the baby probably wouldn't be coming anytime soon (like next couple of days).
@JessiBee: I hope so! And ugh, traffic was so bad today I was in TEARS. I just kept telling baby he's welcome to come ANYTIME, that just because mommy cries and yells a lot lately, doesn't mean this isn't a safe place for him I really hope your babe is still head down, but it sounds like you have a really good attitude about it, so I'm just hoping for the best for you! And yay for sneak peeks at baby!
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@JessiBee: That's a bummer that your baby may have flipped, but yay for a bonus ultrasound! I am wondering if mine did the same because I've felt kicks in a different location this past week and it seems that hiccups are up higher now. I have an appointment tomorrow, so maybe I'll find out then! I know I should want a vaginal delivery and I do for many reasons, but at the same time I know what you mean about scheduling an end date!
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
@shopaholic: The ball doesn't necessarily induce labor, but helps open up your hips and relax your downstairs muscles, which helps baby move down. Bouncing, rocking, and doing hula-hoops on the ball are supposed to help with effacement, and I'm convinced it does! I was barely thinned out at all last week, and this week, after a few days of ball activity, I was "very" thinned out. She's definitely lower since I've been using the ball!
@JessiBee: Hopefully baby hasn't flipped all the way breech! As a word of encouragement, I feel hiccups at top sometimes too, and baby girl is definitely head down. Also, before she dropped she wasn't quite head-down, but not quite transverse either. Her head was basically on my hip bone, and her feet up in the opposite rib. She slowly moved down on her own though, and she's in perfect position now, so there's still hope! Yay for an extra ultrasound though!
@ladyfingers: I'm crossing my fingers for a good appointment for you tomorrow! Can't wait to hear an update!
pomelo / 5331 posts
My new plan: a (slow) 20-minute walk on the treadmill at work each day after lunch. I am walking this baby right out of me!
@photojane I've been using the ball for a couple of weeks and he hasn't dropped at all I try to do it for 15-20 minutes, but I get so bored! But who knows, maybe it is doing some good and I don't even know it.
olive / 62 posts
@tororojo: For me there are a few different sensations I feel on a regular basis lately.
1. A pain in my cervix, it feels like baby is scratching me with some nasty sharp fingernails. Rude!
2. Cramps, something similar to what I get around my period.
3. Contractions, which are down low and have a bit of a bite to them that cramps don't have.
That's just me though!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@thatwife: Maybe baby will break your water with those crazy fingernails!
kiwi / 662 posts
@thatwife: Anymore action going on with you? Hope you're feeling well!
@ladyfingers: Oh dear I hate conversations about those types of things - especially coming from family when you feel pressure. It's YOUR baby! Are you feeling lots of cramping and BH? My chiro told me told that babe is posterior, fingers crossed he/she turns anterior before labor.
@shopaholic: That is wonderful - two showers!! Busy weekend for sure. Everything looked so beautiful, lots of time and love put into them thats for sure So nice that you received a lot from your registry, lucky Mama and babe!
@Emilie: That is great you're having a girl! I'm not sure how we'll solve the problem if we have a boy...although DH mentioned that since he 'found' the girls name we like that maybe he'd let me choose the boys name. He's a good guy!
@photojane: Wonderful update, I'm sure that puts your mind at ease! Way to go Sadie I'm with you on the yoga ball, really enjoy sitting on it. Wish I had one at work too. Not sure I've ever told you but it always makes me smile when I see y'all in your messages. We never get to hear it up here!
@JessiBee: Such a positive, great stance to be taking! Hopefully babe is just lying transverse to change things up and will be back head down at your next appt! Nice that you will get to see babe in utero one more time. Will keep positive thoughts for you! And the pool sounds delightful - might have to try it out.
I find out tomorrow the results of my GBS test, fingers crossed for a negative. The chiropractor said babe was posterior today will ask the doc if she thinks the same. Spinning babies here we come.
My girlfriends threw me a surprise book shower over the weekend, it was SO awesome! I was 100% surprised. The hostess had everything decorated so beautifully, there was tons of delicious food (including 3 different lasagnas and heaps of baked goodies!) I failed to take pictures though, I am so disappointed with myself Received so many great books with sweet notes in them and a $300 dollar gift certificate towards our mat/newborn/1 year pictures. Definitely felt the love!
On different note, DH made the executive decision (I agreed of course, but wasn't my idea! lol) to start the renovation on our loft. 4 weeks before I am due. Yes, we are slightly crazy! Fingers crossed it will be finished before LO's arrival. Not only that, it started on quite possibly what could be the coldest week this year....-41 with wind chill on Monday. As well, our Dane goes in to get spayed and have a gastropexy tomorrow and DH is feeling stressed about it. He's a softie and just doesn't want to see her in pain. Hopefully she heals up quickly!
I hope everyone is feeling well, managing to get some sleep and alone time with their DH's - we're on the home stretch!
kiwi / 662 posts
@ladyfingers: Good idea on the walking! I'm trying to get in lots of walks too and prenatal yoga twice a week. Hoping it helps move babe down too.
@thatwife: I get those strange feelings done on what I believe to be my cervix too! Don't love it, such a weird sensation. Did this happen with your first as well?
pomelo / 5331 posts
@lolabee: Tons of cramping -- like period cramps, make me nauseous sometimes, not timeable (except for like an hour last week then they went away), they extend down my legs just like my really bad pre-pill period cramps used to. Not fun. Some BH. I have no idea whether LO is anterior or posterior! Good luck to you though!
kiwi / 662 posts
@ladyfingers: interesting! Stuff is definitely happening for you! I am sure it can't be pleasant but I am hoping for you that it means you will get to meet your little man sooner than later. Sending positive vibes your way!
olive / 62 posts
Anyone feeling an insane amount of pressure down there when they sit on the ball? Yes I *will* bounce this baby out.
I've never uploaded an image here before, hopefully it works. So excited to have somewhere to share the nursery! The sofa is a sofa bed so it's meant to double as a guest room. Once the baby is actually born we're moving the changing table into our bedroom because honestly, that's where the little one will spend the first 4 months of life.
olive / 62 posts
Okay I can't figure out how to not make it so small! You get the idea. I want to show off the bunting a bit better though. It's handmade by baby's great-grandma
kiwi / 662 posts
@thatwife: Oh goodness, that bunting is to die for! So beautiful. I love your nursery, it feels very serene.
bananas / 9973 posts
@photojane: Thanks for the tips! J better inflate my yoga ball soon!
@lolabee: thanks! The showers were really planned with live an. It sounds like your surprise shower was thrown with lots of live too! Love the theme and what an awesome gift for pictures! Wow Reno 4 weeks before - u should be on one of those hgtv shows! But I'm sure you'll be find and hugs for your Dane!
@thatwife: wow!!! What a beautiful and serene nursery! It's so pretty and that handmade bunting is priceless!
Sorry for any typos. Horrible at typing on the iPhone but cable people have been here forever setting up our home security system - that was one of DH's priorities before baby gets here. We took our breast feeding class this week and baby CPR & maternity pics this weekend! Things are moving along quickly now I feel!
grapefruit / 4669 posts
35 week checkup today. Did not enjoy the swab for strep; what a gross feeling! But the cervical check wasn't bad...still closed up tight. Which I think probably means this baby won't be born as early as I was (36 weeks). She's head down but still able to reach my cervix with her hands and practice boxing...awkward!
@ladyfingers: Let us know how your appointment goes today, we're rooting for you!
cherry / 144 posts
@lolabee - new renovations with 4 weeks to go? wow - good luck with that!!
@ladyfingers - all of your symptoms sound very promising
@thatwife - what a gorgeous nursery! it's so light and serene looking, as everyone else mentioned. LOVE it
@tororojo - yeah, that swab was no fun for me either, but I did get a negative result so I'm happy!
@photojane - hmm, those exercise ball tips sound good... although is it weird if I do those at the gym? haha.. I don't have one at home!
Today for me is 37 weeks and 4 days. Feeling pretty good, although my little girl keeps sticking her butt up in the air or something so my belly has gets a random huge hard lump every now and then Other than that, I still have a really itchy belly rash (apparently hormone induced) and can't help but scratch it a lot in my sleep so I have a ton of little itty scabs on both sides of my belly oh well, i'm sure they'll go away eventually and apparently the rash will go away with delivery! My sister had the same thing so I'm very hopeful that my experience will be the same.
pomegranate / 3872 posts
Just had an appointment and 'the shop's still closed'! 37 weeks tomorrow! I'm not disappointed though - I still feel pretty good and I would love 3 more weeks to keep preparing! Every time I think I'm done with laundry I find more stuff I have to wash. I have lots of tomato sauce and meatballs in the freezer but I want to make some more freezer meals.
Hope everyone get's the news they want at their next appointments
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@tororojo: For me cramps are just like period cramps down low whereas for the contractions my whole uterus (feels like my whole stomach) gets really hard. I would bet there's also lots of variation in that very unscientific explanation.
Last time around I was crampy for a week or two before labor. So far this time nothing, just BH, but I'm barely 36 weeks so there's time...
@shopaholic: I saw the pictures on your other thread. Your shower looked amazing! Baby Shopaholic is a lucky girl!
@ladyfingers, @thatwife: I am betting on one of you two coming up next!
@photojane: great news from the doc! excited for you!
@lolabee: exciting about the loft renovation! I'm all for last minute projects!
@thatwife: The nursery turned out fabulous! So serene and I love the bunting!
@Emilie: great news on GBS! I totally feel you on the butt in the air thing- this kiddo is a fan too!
Around here, we had our glider delivered this week: love, love, love it already. We also transitioned LO to a big boy bed and it seems to have gone well. So two more big ones off the to-do list!
I'm compiling my final things to do but I feel like I'm forgetting stuff. What's everyone got left to do to prepare?
kiwi / 733 posts
I'm in the doctor's waiting room. Just had my ultrasound to check out baby's position, and she's definitely breech. I think with one foot up by her head. So that's a bummer. To make things more fun, my fluid is apparently a bit low, so I'm waiting to see the doctor. Not my doctor, of course, one of the others. My hubby is currently (no joke) serving jury duty, or he'd be here with me.
Was just saying at work this morning that I'm not quite ready yet! Trying to stay calm, but apparently since they're "squeezing me in" I might be sitting for a while...and therefore just getting nervous.
To say that this wasn't the way I planned my day would be obvious, right?! I'll be sitting here, practicing my deep breaths. I'll update later, when I know more!
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@JessiBee: Yikes, that sounds like a tough day! We are with you in spirit, and I hope you get good news! (p.s. one foot up by her head...future gymnast?)
olive / 62 posts
@JessiBee: footling breech is the most dangerous one to birth naturally if I remember right (I havent done as much reading this pregnancy). I don't know what your birth plans are but I'm a home birthed so I would be so bummed! Hopefully you are able to figure something out that you feel okay with.
It's funny how active I've wanted to be with this board now that I'm closer to my EDD. I was stalking all of you for so long, but now I want to talk/read about baby/birth *all the time*. My husband is just happy I have an outlet.
I just payed $20 to bring my son into this indoor play place (we live in Palo Alto and everything is so pricey, though this place is really nice with toy rotation and an organic cafe and staff who supervise) and I think I'm going to get the monthly membership. It's so nice to have him running around while I sit down and relax. Just the act of walking is very uncomfortable at this point so I'm getting very lazy.
pomelo / 5331 posts
Will respond to everybody else's posts when I'm not on my phone but I'm almost 1 cm and extremely thin - buttery soft she called it and about 90% effaced, and his head is very low, right up against the cervix. All good stuff! Doesn't predict when he'll come but she did predict a nice quick labor and if we need to induce I'm "favorable." And we are on the books for a Feb. 11 induction in the event I do go 41 weeks.
I'm going to get a pedicure, taking a walk, and making Thai tonight. Lets start evicting this baby.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Emilie: I'm having the same issue with baby girl bumping up against and in between my ribs/under boobs. It's terribly uncomfortable. I'm blaming it on my super-short torso. I think she is running out of space to grow in there! Yikes on the hormonal rash! Do any lotions or creams help?
@Baby Boy Mom: Thank you! You're so sweet!
@JessiBee: Good Luck at the doctor's today! Hopefully they will have some solutions or good news for you!
@thatwife: Yes, Palo Alto is so pricey, but I know moms who LOVE those indoor play places! My SIL wanted us to open one and my BFF has a membership to one too. They all feel it's safer and easier.
@ladyfingers: OH!!! SO EXCITING for you! Hope you have your hospital bags all ready! I think he's almost ready to come out and meet you! {hugs}
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@ladyfingers: You are soooo not gonna end up working through next Friday... do lunges!
cherry / 144 posts
@shopaholic - so i had this rash since maybe week 18, but it's gotten 10x worse in the last couple of weeks. So before when regular tummy butter or Sarna (anti-itch lotion) would work, these last couple of weeks, it seemed like those only worked temporarily until a little bit wore off on my clothes, and then the itch would be even worse than if I didn't put anything on at all... almost unbearable and the only way to get relief would be to get into the shower 6x a day. I actually had to work from home all last week because I couldn't leave the house without feeling like I was going to die of itchiness. I had to wear loose cotton pajamas, or else the itch was CRAZY. I've tried tummy butter, calamine, sarna, aloe, & aveeno lotion.
So, now I've learned to just not put anything on, and it's become bearable. The only thing I'm now worried about is because my belly is more "dry" because I'm not putting any lotions or butters on, I feel like I'll get some stretch marks. So, maybe once every other day, I'll do a very thin layer of belly butter or lotion just to get a little bit of moisture in there! =P
sorry for the crazy long response - this has definitely been the only bad thing of pregnancy for me!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@thatwife: I feel crazy pressure all the time - walking, bouncing on ball, turning in bed, peeing. Last night he socked me in the cervix while peeing- I yelled out and DH came running, thought I was in labor! No, just a mean baby.
@tororojo: yeah the swab is no good! But I figure I'd better get used to it because man there's lots more in store in the " lady parts discomfort" arena.
@Emilie: aw you poor thing with the rash! The backs of my hands have been so dry and are starting to get rashy. Going to the bathroom and washing my hands every 12 minutes doesn't help. I've been generally itchy this pregnancy but I'm prone to it and have super sensitive skin, so no surprises.
@Baby Boy Mom: we still have some stuff to wash - basically the rock n play, swing, and bouncer covers. And got a new outfit as a gift today. But I'm starting to slack - just so tired! Need to clean out my car and get the car seat inspected also, which I'm also putting off.
@thatwife: I'm glad you're joining in more!
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