persimmon / 1161 posts
I've had some pain with the pubic bone too, but it is usually only when I'm going from sitting to standing. Once I'm up and walking around I feel fine, but the transition between the too that is hard. I'm almost 34 weeks, so it will only get worse. I'm carrying kinda in the middle (lol, not too high or too low), and he definitely hasn't dropped yet.
I'm exhausted today. I survived being a bridesmaid in one of my best friend's weddings yesterday. I'm at work, but not sure I will make it a full day. I thought because I wouldn't be drinking that I'd feel fine the next day, but I feel tired and sore. I had to wear heels and my feet are mad at me. Luckily my work won't give me a hard time about wearing flip flops.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
If you are currently working, when do you plan on going out on maternity leave? Are you working right up until the end or taking some time off before the baby arrives?
I've made arrangements with my office for my last day to be 11/16 (due date 11/23), but if I'm feeling awesome, I might try and work up until my due date and squeeze out another paycheck since my maternity leave is mostly unpaid. But I also want a week off beforehand to get everything ready, take care of some beauty treatments, and rest/relax before baby comes. So, I'm not sure.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@scg00387: our baby boy is def chilling more on the right side too!
@chelsearose: sending you energy! def extra swollen today. it's hit or miss on the day now...
anyone have any knee pains? i've noticed that i've had aches when i get up...
@highwire: i plan on working 'til the the last possible day; but only because i'll be able to work from home!
right now my last "in office" date is 11/16 too, but will likely start working from home the majority of october~
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@highwire: I think If I'm feeling good I'll work up until the due date, after that maybe work from home (if she's late, which she is measuring 2 weeks small so she probably will be). I just think it will help the days go by faster... I hope so anyways.
DH told me I should just quit working now... now way I would make it 7 more weeks of sitting at home!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@chelsearose I hope you feel more rested! A wedding sounds exhausting.
Our maternity photographer posted a sneak peek! I don't normally put my face in photos on here because.. I don't know.. it weirds me out to read stories of crazies on the internet stealing photos and using them for ads, or saying they are the person in them.. but I am getting lazy about it & will probably share some of my favorites on the bump thread once we get the whole disk.
BUT for anyone who wants to check out the 9 she posted, they're on her Facebook page:
I wish my hair had cooperated a little more, but I really like them and can't wait to see the rest!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
Can I join in the fun? I know I'm a bit late to the party (I'm 34 weeks now) but I'm due on November 5, which is Bonfire night in England - an awesome time to be born since there's fireworks all week! Hope everyone's feeling well today : )
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@travelgirl1: of course!! welcome welcome! :):)
heartburn is killing me today ladies... and the sore knees continue get worse... i guess this is what i get for not working out
@scg00387: love your mat pics! so cute and seriously you are ALL BELLY! so cute!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@highwire: I plan to work until my water breaks : ) I get 12 weeks of paid maternity leave plus I'll tack on 3 weeks of vacation. I want to spend everyone of those days with baby so I don't want to use any time beforehand. If I need to I'll take a sick day every now and then as I get closer since those are separate from vacation days for us.
@mrsjyw: I'm with you on the heartburn. Sometimes I get sooooo hungry and I stuff my face and then I swear I can't breath for an hour because my stomach gets too full!!!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@mrsjyw thank you! i am SO much belly these days.. starting to get unsolicited comments about how i look like i could give birth any day.. oy!
I got our carseat stuff all handwashed and just put it all back on.. and I can't even fathom how I will put a tiny, wiggly little person in there. On the smallest settings it barely looks like it would fit a Barbie!
On another note, Britax rocks. When I took apart our first one to wash I saw that the foam had come unglued (!!) on one side. Within 10 minutes on the phone they were shipping me a new one and mailing a prepaid label to send it back. And, bonus, I can keep the extra set of pads and base
persimmon / 1161 posts
@scg00387: Which britax seat did you get? We have the chaperone. I did not even think to wash everything for it. I guess I will add that to my mental to-do list.
persimmon / 1161 posts
@highwire: I'm planning for my last day to be November 1st and I'm due November 7th. I'm not too miserable yet, so hopefully I make it that long.
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@MamaMoose: That's totally my reason for working right up until water breaking, too. Though the last couple days of teaching have taken a toll and I'm stuck to the couch when I get home . . . so not sure how weeks 39, 40, etc. will go at work.
honeydew / 7687 posts
@chelsearose yep that is what we have! they have a diagram for how to take it apart and put it back together for washing in the little booklet i just did because it said to, but i'm glad that i did so i knew the foam was broken. it took forever to hang dry.. wish they'd make the pads machine wash/dry for sure!
cherry / 220 posts
@highwire: my last day is likely going to be November 21st (Wednesday of Thanksgiving week) and my due date is the 26th. Thursday and Friday are paid holidays and then I'll go on "vacation" until I have the 12 weeks won't start until I have her.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Having a ROUGH week! Was having cramping and went to the hospital on Tuesday to get monitored (I'm fine) and no matter how much rest and fluids I consume, I cannot shake this dang cold I've got. And then last night I was extremely nauseous all night. I've gained so much weight in a short period of time that I can feel it and my body feels so worn out and messed up from gaining so quickly (even though I've made zero changes in my diet/exercise regimen). This trimester is intense.
honeydew / 7687 posts
@kml636 thanks!!
@highwire that is just terrible, i posted on the other thread but i'm glad that the hospital didn't keep you! i feel like the 30 week mark took a big hit on me and it's all downhill from here - sounds like you're experiencing the same i hope today is better!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@highwire: thinking of you mama; hope you feel better!!! XOXOXO
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@highwire: Hospitals before delivery are never good! Hope you're feeling better. The weight gain is pretty crazy! More than five lbs in 2 weeks at the last appointment....eek. I still feel ok, but it's making me a little nervous.
Okay, and this is random, but no matter how much I drink,my pee stays dark... Must be a third tri thing- anyone else noticing that?
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: My pee is staying dark and I've been pounding the water like crazy and I still feel constantly thirsty. DH says it is good practice for breastfeeding!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: I find that if I chug a bottle of water then my very next pee will be clear but that's it. Otherwise it always stays a little yellow. It's so hard to stay hydrated when an almost 4 pound baby is stealing all your resources!!!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@mrstricycle i was JUST thinking the same thing when i gave my "sample" today at the OB - so you're not alone!
I got (mildly) scolded for not gaining any weight from last week's appointment.. but my fundal measurement went up 2 like it was supposed to I don't really know how to eat more without feeling I'm going to heave it all back up.. so I loaded up on HD ice cream to snack on per my OB's suggestion... I wish they'd write me a prescription for it and let insurance cover the bill, haha!
I don't think this has been brought up (or I missed it) is anyone not writing a birth plan?? I'm pretty laid back about the idea - and don't want to insult medical professionals or come off too controlling... but had some local moms recommend it to increase my odds of being able to score one of the rooms with a tub. I am going to ask my OB next appointment but thought I'd see what others are doing!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@scg00387: I've been gaining all of your weight. Sorry about that. I will try to send some your way LOL
I'm also still undecided on the whole birth plan thing. At DH's daddy class, they said that the only reason you need one is if you have any specific requirements that don't fall in line with your hospital's procedures. All of the things I want (immediate skin-to-skin, lactation consultant help, infant rooming-in, all procedures done in my presence/in the room, ask parents first before use of formula/pacifier/etc.) are all standard hospital procedure. So there's no point writing it all out for no reason, in my specific situation.
honeydew / 7687 posts
@highwire it seems like no one wins LOL I wish you could so I didn't get the side eye.. as if I were secretly dieting while trying to grow a human, oy!
That is a really good point. You already did your tour, right? They won't let us do ours until I'm 36 (!!) weeks, so I'm going to put in my questions to ask about their policies - I am hoping I'll find myself in the same situation as you The only other thing I can think of that would normally be noted in someone's plan would be that they didn't want to be offered an epidural.. however I broke my back a few years ago and have scar tissue so.. I am not sure if that will push me over the edge of wanting an epidural (or potentially making one ineffective) so I'm trying to stay open minded so I don't get disappointed either way.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@scg00387: Yeah, we did our tour (and that is where I learned about most of those policies/procedures).
I guess I am still on the fence about the epidural, episotomy, etc. So I can't really write a plan about that stuff because I don't know how it is going to go. I trust my doctor and nurses to give me guidance towards the best possible outcome for me. I don't believe they are going to automatically shove a needle in my back or give me an episiotomy unless they think I need it. So...I'm still not sure if a plan is necessary for me or not.
The only time I can see that I will definitely have a birth plan is if another child of ours is a boy. I'm Jewish and would need to make it clear to please do not circumcise in the hospital since we would be taking care of that later on at the bris.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@scg00387: I'm going to ask my OB at my appt on Monday about whether or not I should write a birth plan. Mine would literally be 3 bullet points. So it sort of seems pointless since she and I can just go over my preferences. But then if I get an on call doc I don't know if I'll have a chance to go over things with them and so maybe it makes sense to have it written out.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
Have you all washed baby's clothes yet? I've washed all the blankets and bibs and burp cloths, etc because those all got put away in drawers so they are protected. But for the time being baby's clothes will hang in the closet so I don't know if I should go ahead and wash them or wait a little longer. Same thing with bottles and pacifiers, etc. don't know if I should go ahead and sanitize now, or wait until later.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@highwire: I'm going to try to work up until the day I go I to labor! We will see how my plan goes. Sorry to hear you are not feeling so hot. Hope you feel better.
@scg00387: I have no birth plan. I am just going to go with the flow...I think it is half laziness and half not wanting to get too set on something and have it not work out the way that I want it to. Also, super cute mat pics!!
My office had a surprise shower for me today. It was my first and I was so overwhelmed by everyone's generosity. It really touched me! I almost started crying but I didnt want to embarrass myself. I have a family shower this weekend and a friend shower next weekend. I am a little late to the game I think. 35 weeks today...35 days to go!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@mamamoose good call, i didn't think about if I ended up with another doctor! I've washed & sterilized everything. I figured just one less thing to worry about.
@highwire I know we're date twins.. it occurred to me as I cooked dinner... I wonder if my OB will be out of town for Thanksgiving?? I'm not that upset at the idea of someone else delivering but.. I guess I should ask!
@jesslc thanks! 35 weeks with 35 days left, so close! My husband's work gave him/us a check & skipped the shower, it was such a nice surprise. You are so lucky to have so many loved ones throwing you showers
persimmon / 1161 posts
@MamaMoose: I haven't washed or sterilized anything yet. I haven't even taken the tags off stuff yet. I need to go through everything to assess what we have and what we still need to get in terms of clothes, bibs, socks, etc. We just got our registry completion discount for BRU in the mail today so I should probably take care of that soon. I'm kinda slacking on a lot of things like this.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@MamaMoose: I did the first load of baby laundry last week, did the crib sheet/blanket/and nb 0-3 month clothing.
I need to do another load this wknd for extra sheets, towels, burp cloths, bibs.
Then the next weekend I plan to do the CD pre-washing 3x
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@mrsjyw: I was wondering about pre-washing cloth diapers. There has to be a blog post about breaking them in....will have to get on that!
Had a minor meltdown last night in our doula search. Having trouble finding someone we connect with/has availability and then when we do find one, her price is $1,000 - almost double the other quotes we had gotten. Still no hospital tour, birth education classes, etc. I'm starting to panic and think I'll spend my lunch hours YouTube-ing labor prep. Ahhh!
persimmon / 1161 posts
@mrsjyw: What type of cloth diapers are you using?
We are using a diaper service for the first 2-3 months, so we will have prefolds with covers. After that we have some bumgenius 4.0s, some bumgenius freetimes, and some fuzzibunz. I also have a bunch more prefolds (3 sizes, 2 dozen per size) that a coworker gave me that were brand new (she decided not to CD) with some flip covers. We will probably get some more pockets or AIO's depending on what we prefer.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@MamaMoose: A couple of weeks ago we organized and sorted all of the clothing we have purchased/gotten as hand-me-downs. We took tags off everything we knew we were definitely keeping, and sorted each size and style into their own bag. Once our dresser arrives (which should be today) and we get it assembled, we'll start washing clothes.
We actually just did our first load last night. We went to a consignment sale and picked up a waterproof mattress pad, some receiving blankets, and socks, so we went ahead and washed those.
honeydew / 7687 posts
@mrstricycle yeow $1000!! hope you find someone more affordable
@mrsjyw what CD detergent are you using? it seems sooo random what people recommend/hate from reading recommendations, we're trying Country Save first. @chelsearose we're doing the same thing (minus the diaper service) and i need to practice with a teddy bear and prefolds!!
persimmon / 1161 posts
@scg00387: The diaper service that we're using does an in-home tutorial when they drop off your first set of diapers. I'm sure we'll need all the help and tips we can get!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@scg00387: need to buy some still... i think the rock (green) one..!?
@ChelseaRose: i got a mix of stuff, until we figure out what works for us! bg 4.0s, grovia aios, charlie bananas, etc.
@highwire: hitting 33 wks and less than 50 days this wknd. WTWHATTTTT
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@highwire: IIII KNOW. As of monday we'll all be able to say we are due "next month". That seems so crazy to me!! I'm so ready to meet this little one, but I also want him/her to keep on cooking, and I want to try to enjoy my last couple months as a family of two : )
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