pear / 1718 posts
@DesertDreams88: You look amazing! All belly!
@gracecat: Congratulations!! Beautiful baby and wow, what a meal!!!!
@Ari123: Congratulations! I love love the name Arthur!
nectarine / 2667 posts
@Ari123: congratulations! How are you feeling?
@gracecat: congrats! Wowza at that food!
cherry / 154 posts
Our baby boy, Wilder, was born on 1/17 and it was a TOTAL WHIRLWIND.
Admitted at 12:30 a.m. Sunday with 5-1-1 contractions that quickly progressed to 2-3 minutes apart, but still only 1 cm dilated. My blood pressure skyrocketed and baby's heart rate dipped, going down in the 70s while I got my pre-Pitocin epidural.
Just 10 minutes after that scare and a few more subsequent dips, Wilder was born via c-section at 6 pounds, 7 ounces with the cord wrapped around his neck and a bunch of meconium in the fluid.
Totally insane. I still can't believe all that went down, and I am SO GLAD THAT IT'S OVER. We're so glad to be home (especially after spending 4.5 days in the hospital) and absolutely thrilled Wilder is finally here!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@smith: congratulations!! What a cutie! I really like the name Wilder too!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Nov 9: sera_87 (#3) Theodore Hendricks
Nov 12: lauren0187 (#1) Matilda Jane
Dec 2: MrsYellowJacket (#1 AND #2!!) Mia & Carolina
Dec 16 : Gracecat (#2) Laura
Dec 23: Mermaidri (#1) Declan Lee
Dec 29 : Worrywart (#2) Harrison Steven; Mrs.Shinerbrock (#2) Lucas; Kimberlybee (#2) Kinley Ly-An
Jan 4: travellingbee (#2) William (Liam) Hudson
Jan 4: brady80 (#2) Max
Jan 6: rsmom (#2) Lincoln
Jan 8: Queensbee (#2) Grace Evelyn
January 11: MDF106 (#2)
Jan 12: Supernovaj (#2) Thomas Atticus; Oliviaoblivia (#3) Aurora; Joyfulkiwi (#2) Clementine
Jan 16: Chitownro (#2) Vivienne Selene (Vivi)
Jan 17: Smith (#1) Wilder
Jan 19: swansong (#2) Isaiah William Alan; swogette (#1) Piper Elka, ari123 (#1) Arthur
Due Dates
January 4: Karen (#2),
January 5: lalalove (#2)
January 8: civicMom15 (#2)
January 11: pui (#2)
January 13: Kristinleigh (#1)
January 16: nycbee (#2)
January 19: cvwood (#2), , desertdreams88 (#1)
January 22: hiker85 (#1), raintreebee (#2)
January 24: amanda88 (#2)
January 28: bisous (#2)
January 31: littlebug (#2)
marym (#1) passed at 24 weeks. RIP
grapefruit / 4361 posts
So far, 10 girls and 12 boys!
Congratulations @ari123 and @smith! @smith that sounds pretty scary but glad you got such good medical care and now you're home
Induction date set for Monday evening (why the evening?! Ugh) Trying more walking today, with adding in RRL tea and pineapple though I am horribly picky and normally would never eat/drink such things. So far, walking, bouncing on the birth ball, spicy foods, and sex have not really helped. OB said no nipple stimulation bc it can cause too strong of contractions. Contemplating castor oil tomorrow but probably will chicken out.
coffee bean / 25 posts
@JoyfulKiwi: a lot better minus the 9 pound Baby sitting on my pelvis:)
grape / 78 posts
Samuel Thomas is here! My water broke at 7:30 and contractions started soon after. He was born at 12:24. Things were similar to all the other second time mamas, things escalated pretty quickly and then he was out after 3 or 4 pushing contractions.
8 pounds, 8 ounces! My last was only 7 and 3, buy getting this guy out was definitely easier.
I screamed for an epidural, but it was just not in the stars.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@smith: @cvwood: Congratulations! @smith: 1/17 is D's birthday - it's a good baby day!
@DesertDreams88: My stepsister SWEARS by castor oil, but it scares the bejeesus out of me. I think I even bought a bottle last time but was just too scared to bite the bullet and use it!
pomegranate / 3779 posts
@DesertDreams88: castor oil was the one thing my OB told me not to do with LO1. He said it makes everything come out and it's not pleasant - no one wants the runs while in labor.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Yeah I bought it but I'm just too scared to take it..... I'm constipated so I'm not really worried about the diarrhea affect, but just scared of taking something so impactful without monitoring. Ugh.
persimmon / 1304 posts
@smith: Congratulations! He is beautiful and I love the name!
@cvwood: Congrats!! Does this mean you had a blizzard baby!?
@DesertDreams88: I am too scared of castor oil! My mom tried it twice to get labor going with my sister but it didn't work either time.
grape / 78 posts
@bisous: oh, yeah. We drove in during a lull in the snow, but the roads were awful and a snow plow almost took us out. I'm glad I used the snow as an excuse to come in early, though. If I had waited until active labor to come in, I might have had a baby in the car.
persimmon / 1304 posts
@cvwood: Wow! So glad you made it in safely and in enough time! Congrats again!
nectarine / 2667 posts
@smith: oh my, he is precious! What a beautiful photo. Congratulations!
@Ari123: that must be such a relief! I had pelvic pain (nothing compared to yours), but it has been one of my greatest postpartum joys to be able to move freely!
@cvwood: congratulations! I wanted to ask for an epidural, but I couldnt get the words out. Yay for quick labors though! I'm glad you made it safely though the snow; I was actually thinking about all the east coast mommas this weekend!
@DesertDreams88: ugh, I did not want to do castor oil, it sounded scary. Did anyone mention evening primrose oil to you? My midwife suggested it before my induction for my son, it's supposed to help ripen the cervix. Good luck tomorrow - I hope they admit you & everything goes smoothly!!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@joyfulkiwi: I thought about EPO but it's linked to postpartum hemorrhaging, which almost killed my mom when she birthed me soooo I scratched it off my list of possibilities
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Was supposed to be induced last night but obviously active laboring patients have taken all the beds... lucky them. Got about 6 hours of sleep so far, waking up every 2 hrs or so. Early morning here. Trying to get as much sleep as possible while I wait.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@DesertDreams88: bummer! Hope they call soon! Good job getting sleep though! I got NO sleep before my induction. It sucked!
pear / 1718 posts
@DesertDreams88: Hope you got a little sleep and were able to start the induction! Thinking of you!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
We welcomed Granite (Grant) Emery on Tuesday morning January 27th, weighing 8lbs 10oz and measuring 22 inches Labor honestly sucked, I planned on getting an epidural but couldn't due to low platelets and we narrowly missed a Csection with general anesthesia by about 15 minutes, thank God. I'm going to post more about this later bc I need to verbally process my experience. Recovery has been a bit tough with lots of IV fluids and 2 blood transfusions for me, but Grant is doing great. Hoping to get discharged tomorrow based on bloodwork. Best of luck to all the waiting mamas!! Every minute of labor is worth it.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@DesertDreams88: Congratulations!!! He's such a cutie! So glad to hear you and baby boy are ok!
clementine / 878 posts
@DesertDreams88: omg congratulations!!! You've had blood transfusions and you're ready to leave tmrw? You need to take it easy and rest, no??
persimmon / 1304 posts
He's beautiful, mama! Congratulations and I am so happy you are alright!
nectarine / 2667 posts
@DesertDreams88: Congratulations! He's so handsome! I'm glad you're doing better; a hard labor is definitely something that needs processing. I had low platelets too, but I knew that beforehand. I'm so sorry you had to be surprised by not being able to have an epidural.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@DesertDreams88: congratulations! He has the exact same stats as my middle daughter. Take time to let yourself heal and process labor. Be gentle with yourself.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@DesertDreams88: Congratulations! Definitely take time to allow yourself to heal. My sister lost a lot of blood during delivery and it wiped her out for a good week, even with a transfusion. Take care of you, too, Mama!!
pear / 1881 posts
@DesertDreams88: I have been watching for your baby to be born and had to pop in and say congrats from one IF girl to another! I'm SO happy that you finally got your miracle baby!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Thanks everyone, especially @Northstar for popping in! I am feeling better each day, except for about 3 hours this morning when I was back in the ER and separated from LO due to passing a baseball size clot (I have a higher risk for PPH.)
I am doing much better emotionally with my labor experience. I understand why it happened the way it did and know there is at least 4 things we will do differently next time - use one induction method at a time, delay AROM as long as possible, do low platelet treatments BEFORE delivery, and take Bradley / natural classes in case.
We waited so long for this little boy and I struggled with so much anxiety due to our loss and fertility issues, then his heart arrythmia. Everytime I look at his perfect face, I am so, so, so thankful.
Any more births to report?? Excited for the last ones!
persimmon / 1304 posts
@DesertDreams88: So glad you are okay and doing better emotionally! It sounds like you had a couple very scary experiences. I hope things stay positive from here on out and you don't have anymore heavy clots.
I am desperate to have something to report...but it looks like I will end up having a February, rather than January, baby at this point!
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