Hellobee Boards


January 2017 moms!

  1. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: my first hated the swing. It was a hand me down and I gave it to Goodwill. I bought this one on FB group for $15 since I knew I needed another place to put her. She hates the bouncy seat.

  2. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts


  3. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    Oh man I'm nervous for tonight. DD has been sleeping pretty much all day (since 10 am), only waking up to eat. I tried to keep her awake for a bit in the afternoon but she fussed. Woke her at 5 for a bath and she was awake for about 45 mins but then nursed and passed back out. Pleasssee let her sleep tonight.

  4. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: how old? Growth spurt? Fingers crossed for you!

  5. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: She'll be 8 weeks Thursday! Maybe growth spurt? She didn't sleep well last night so I'm worried she's making up for it today and then will be awake all night.

  6. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @IRunForFun: How was last night?

  7. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @babypugs: It wasn't great, but wasn't horrible. She did a 3 hour stretch followed by a 2 hour stretch, which was good, but then up every hour. And most of her wake ups it took 30 to 45 mins to get her back down. She's been awake for over 2 hours this morning and fussing.

  8. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @IRunForFun: They are so hard to predict. Last two nights she took 2+ hours to go to bed and when I checked my wonder weeks app, of course she was in the middle of a leap!

    Back to work today! We had a delayed opening due to weather so I thankfully had more time! Here's to hoping she'll take the bottles today and nap for my mom!

    Completely not looking forward to pumping!

  9. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @snowjewelz: Good luck mama!!!! Hope it all goes smoothly!

  10. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: good luck!

    She only gained .8ozs in three weeks. 9.10lbs now. So the doctor wants me to offer a bottle after nursing. Not sure how I'm supposed to pump as well. She is afraid that LO is statisfying herself with the paci. So I need to feed more overnight as well. Last night she slept with me(our heat is out and so had a space heater in my room and LO1's room) and she didn't eat till 550. When she woke up she just was fussy so I shushed and patted her back to sleep. She didn't cry too much from the shots. LO1 didn't cry at all. Said she was 4 now and a big girl.

  11. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: Aww, what a big girl! And sorry about the weight gain! You should totally get this hands free pump to catch your letdown on the other side!
    This is the one I got but there are so many brands that look essentially the same.

  12. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @IRunForFun: Not too bad! Where were you able to get her to sleep?

    @snowjewelz: Good luck today! You've got this!

    @Smurfette: Ugh, sorry about the lack of weight gain. Finding time to pump is so hard. Love that your big girl didn't cry-- mine didn't either last time! Paying doctor and talking about it helps so much!

    Overnight sleep is still embarrasingly crap here but every time I get her to nap in her pack n play (like now) I feel like an f'ing champ so it's all good! Haha

  13. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: That's so stressful! I'm sorry. I'm surprised about the pacifier comment, I mean I'd think if she was truly hungry she'd get upset. I hope you can figure something out and she gets back on track soon!!

  14. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @babypugs: Haha in bed with me. Tried to set her in the pnp but she woke up. I did get a 30 minute nap out of her in the pnp this morning though. I'm the same way, when I manage to put her in it and she stays asleep I'm like yessss I did it!

    She is fussy today though.

  15. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @babypugs: I think that's awesome too!!! I care more about being able to nap by themselves vs STTN!

  16. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: @babypugs: @IRunForFun: I just got back from Babies R Us got a scale. I pumped since she is still sleeping from shots. I didn't even get 3ozs. She didn't eat from the right this morning. So in over 4 hours I didn't even get 2 ozs from that side. Now I can at least see exactly how much she is eating.

  17. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: Well you don't necessary pump what she eats... So hopefully you can do a weighted feed when she's up to see!

  18. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: I know. But I was pumping twice that before. So at least this way I will know exactly what she is eating. Peace of mind.

  19. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: I agree!! Let us know! Are you against supplementing with formula! At least that can take some pressure off needing to pump?

  20. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: Yeah, my LC said that babies are much more efficient at getting milk out than the pump, so even if you are only pumping 3 ozs, she could be eating 4 in the same amount of time. Also with the weighted feed make sure if you weigh her before and after you take into account whether she peed or pooped during the feed since that could effect her weight after. I had that issue when trying to do a weighted feed myself. It said she only transferred 1.5 ozs but she took a giant poop mid-feed so it wasn't accurate. Good luck!!

  21. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: yes I won't count ones when she poops during a feeding.

  22. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Well she ate 4ozs in 26 mins. Which is too long. But at least she ate what she should be.

  23. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: Why is 26 mins too long? 4 ozs is great!!

  24. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: That's great! But I wonder about the weight gain then?

  25. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: well she was eating like 13 mins. 26 seems so long.
    @snowjewelz: I don't know. My first gained weight slow so maybe she will too. I'm just going to try and feed more

  26. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: Hopefully you feel better knowing she's eating enough!

  27. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: Do you go to bed at the same time she does? If not, maybe you could do a dream feed? That way you don't miss any sleep if she STTN since you wouldn't have to set an alarm to wake her up.

  28. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: well her sleep time isn't consistent yet, but around the same time. I'm not setting an alarm but will feed verses just trying the paci.

  29. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: Sounds like a good plan!

    @snowjewelz: How'd the first day back at work go?

    DD just fell asleep on the couch on the Boppy while I was putting away dinner leftovers. I can't decide whether I want to use this time to myself to read or if I want to try to transfer her to the bedroom and risk waking her.

  30. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: just take some me time!

  31. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @IRunForFun: Definitely read! Enjoy while you can!

  32. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @IRunForFun: just leave her and enjoy!

  33. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @snowjewelz: how did day one go?

    DH was pissy tonight so I figured I'd end up in our room hanging out alone, so I put DD in her room (in crib) to sleep. WHY. I miss her, haha. Won't dare touch her and ended up in living room with DH anyways. Ugh. I don't want to pick her up to put her in bassinet. Our room and hers share a wall. I'm so not ready for this, lol.

  34. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @sunnyday: lol!! I totally understand!

    Day one went by fine! Short naps and didn't eat much (2oz each feeding) but that will do. After work was the worst... I realize how little time I got to spend with them

  35. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    Sorry to just jump into the thread like this but my February twins turned into January once so I always end up lurking with you guys as well.

    @Smurfette: Just wanted to offer my 2 cents on the feeding, not sure if it's of any help please ignore if it's not helpful. My BF LOs eat 5 times a day and take around 150g, so a little over 5oz, per feed. The regimen we learnt at the hospital was to change diaper first, weigh, then feed, then weigh, then change diaper again if necessary. That way you can count all the feedings.

  36. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: yes the little time after is so hard. LO1 was in bed by 7, when she first started. At least I could spend all my time with her. Now splitting two hours max is going to be so hard.
    @Pumuckl: thanks! That's what I did yesterday. I think I have to learn the scale. She moves so much when I put her on it, so I press the hold button and it takes an average. So it was 9.8lbs before feeding, 9.12lbs after feeding, and then 9.7lbs like two hours later. So something wasn't right. I'm so impressed you are nursing twins! I think one is hard and I'm over it.

  37. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @snowjewelz: Sorry about the little amount of time. My current plan is to leave before they get up, so that I can get home early. Hopefully, I will get several hours with them both.

    @IRunForFun: Hope you enjoyed your me time.

    @Smurfette: Good luck. I hope the scale helps.

  38. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: @babypugs: @snowjewelz: Haha well I decided to brush my teeth and change into PJs first and when I came back she woke up anyway and it took me an hour to get her back down. Then she'd only sleep in bed with me again. But she did a 3.5 hour stretch and a 2.5 hour stretch which is good for her!

    @snowjewelz: Sorry mama! I saw your other thread. I hope once you get into the routine it gets easier!

  39. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Smurfette: while they aren't super efficient timewise yet they are otherwise easy to nurse. It just takes twice the time 🤣 We currently have a pretty good routine going, I nurse 4x and the 5th feed is pumped milk (about 3oz) and formula (about 2oz). We wouldn't need the formula as I have plenty of milk but I just want them to take formula too so that we have the option to feed some should it be necessary or convenient. My two got weighed so often when in the hospital that they lay pretty still on the scale 😳. It helps that I have a A&A swaddle on the tray part so that it doesn't feel cold...

  40. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    We are doing well. Overnight sleep is usually 6 hours followed by 3-4 hours. Unfortunately, she takes up to 2 hours to get her back down. Naps are still on me. Sometimes I can move the boppy off me to the next spot on the couch.

    I think her idea of day and night are still somewhat confused. Bedtime starts at 10pm and wake up is about 9am.

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