Hellobee Boards


July 2013 Due Dates!

  1. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @glimmersnaps: I love pumpkin seeds Sounds like good advice!

  2. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    So today was interesting. I noticed over the last few days that I wasn't feeling nearly as many kicks or movements, so of course I got worried and called the doctor. He had me come in, and baby is totally fine, I even got to see her on the ultrasound. Doctor has no idea why she doesn't move much, but said it was nothing to worry about. We also were told that she is already over two pounds! Now I'm wondering how big she'll be by the end! Anyways, all is well but I was pretty worried for a bit there

  3. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Bookworm: Wow! 2 pounds That is so exciting. They grow so fast!

    I'm sorry you had a scare but am happy to hear that all is well. Besides, it is always fun to see your sweet, healthy little baby on that screen!

  4. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Bookworm: I'm glad everything is ok! Yay for a nice healthy weight gain

  5. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Pepper: @rahlyrah: Thanks, I'm glad it turned out ok too! She was so cute on the ultrasound, she was waving her hands all around I swear, my mommy hormones have been raging since then lol

  6. Charcole2011

    cherry / 103 posts

    Hi ladies! I am dropping back in after a long hiatus to say hi - I posted back in the early days of this thread but then lost track in the craziness of a move from NYC to Atlanta, etc. I'm due July 18 and going to re-subscribe to this thread to keep up going forward! To the ladies also on the WB July thread - I am Mrs.JA over there (had to change that name back before we told people we were pregnant because I had friends also on WB, haha). Hope everyone is feeling great!!

  7. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Charcole2011: Welcome back!

  8. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Charcole2011: Yay, welcome back! Are you team blue, team pink or team green?

  9. Charcole2011

    cherry / 103 posts

    @rahlyrah: @Pepper: Thanks ladies! I should have said in my earlier post - we are Team Blue!!

  10. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Charcole2011: Yay for little boys! We are team blue as well. Do you have a name picked out yet?

  11. Charcole2011

    cherry / 103 posts

    @rahlyrah: ugh - no and not really even close of course we had a girl option all set so he is a boy how about you? I am constantly on the lookout for new boy names bc DH and I really haven't had any jump out at us that we LOVE....

  12. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Charcole2011: We had a tough time, too! We had a few girl's names we loved but struggled to agree on on a boy's name. We finally agreed on Brady Paul.

  13. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Charcole2011: Yay team blue! We're also having a boy!

  14. Charcole2011

    cherry / 103 posts

    @rahlyrah: cute name!
    @Pepper: thanks! I'm excited about having a little mamas boy

  15. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    I'm new around these parts, so I figured I would pop in and say "hello!"

    I'm due the first week of July with a little girl - our first.

    Nearing the very end of the second trimester, and starting to feel a little exhausted again. So far, no stretch marks, and I have only noticed weight gain in my buddah belly. I feel like I'm going to be changing my tune pretty soon, and will balloon and stretch overnight.

    Nice to meet you all!

  16. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @deerylou: Welcome and congrats!

    I know exactly how you feel! Every morning I check my belly like, "are they there yet? Nope! Phew!". Lol.

    I feel like I'm starting to see a faint linea negra though. Anyone else?

  17. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @deerylou: Welcome! We're having a girl too, and it's our first! I hear ya on the exhaustion, it's kicking my butt these weeks!

    @rahlyrah: No line yet, but I've got plenttyyyy of stretch marks :'( I had a feeling I'd be one of the lucky ones that got them early, and sure enough I've had them since like 12 weeks! Booooo.

  18. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    @rahlyrah: I have a faint line, but it ends at the belly button. I'm actually eagerly awaiting an outtie - I think my belly button has taken just about all it can take. I started with a pretty deep innie, and it currently looks like a little slit. No stretch marks yet, but my tummy is very itchy.

    I am in such a cranky mood this morning. I think I slept a grand total of two or three hours last night, and I have my gestational diabetes test in about an hour. Haven't eaten anything, since I'm fasting. Looking over at my slumbering husband, who will likely wake and have a bagel.....grrrrr...

  19. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Charcole2011: Welcome back! Glad to hear everything is going well for you. Team blue, eh? The boys are definitely catching up!!!

    @deerylou: Welcome to the July due date thread!! Yay for team pink!! Me too!!

    As for stretch marks..... ugh! Mine started at about 12 weeks and have got progressively worse - they look like a road map now! Not good!

    In other news, we have finally made some nursery progress! The room has basically been used as a dumping ground since we moved in a year ago. We emptied it, stripped the blown vinyl wallpaper off the walls and ceiling, sanded the entire ceiling down, put lining paper up, painted the room lilac, put up a new light fitting and shelves..... it's been a real labour of love so far and we're only half way there!!!

    Here are some before and after pics! Excuse the terrible photography!!

  20. Charcole2011

    cherry / 103 posts

    @rahlyrah: I have had a linea negra for a while now - probably since about 15 weeks, but it's not too dark and stops at my belly button so maybe it won't get crazy. No stretch marks yet though thank goodness! But my belly is also HAIRY, ew. Haha.

  21. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Cherrybee Cute space for baby! Wow you guys did awesome work to clean that out!!

    @Charcole2011 Welcome back!

    So Kate Middleton is like as pregnant as we are and she doesn't even look like she's showing! It's so funny because I always see her in photos and they caption it with "Kate shows off her baby bump at blah blah event." Apparently, us pregnant ladies can't leave the house without flaunting our growing bumps?

  22. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Cherrybee: Wow! So pretty. I love those shelves. Would you mind sharing where you got them?

  23. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @rahlyrah: Ikea! They're picture shelves apparently!

    Thanks @rahlyrah: and @glimmersnaps: ! Im pretty proud of it so far!

  24. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    @cherrybee: I am in the same boat as you guys - our second bedroom started off as a guest room, but slowly morphed into a storage center/dumping ground for anything that didn't fit in our other rooms, or failed to compliment our decor. We've slowly been dragging stuff out, and donating or repurposing, but it's a pain in the butt.

    Great job on your progress!

  25. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Cherrybee: Wow, nice improvement!! I love the decals and wall color! We are going to put up similar shelves in our room

  26. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Cherrybee: the room looks great!! we're slowly starting to de-clutter our spare bedroom, I think it's going to take us forever haha!

    @Glimmersnaps: I was thinking the same thing about Kate Middleton this week! You have to look so hard to see even a hint of a bump, she's so tiny!

  27. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @rahlyrah: I have a darker linea negra on the bottom half of my belly, and I feel like I'm starting to see a faint line on the upper part of my belly! Eek!

    @deerylou: Welcome!

    @Cherrybee: The room is looking great, good job!

    Is anyone else finding that they are getting winded very easily? A simple trip to the mall leaves me exhausted! I just took an 8 block walk to the post office and I thought I was going to fall over once I got there. I'm not used to this! I used to run a good bit, so it's frustrating to be so easily winded.

  28. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    We still don't have internet at home after our move last week, so I've been reading on my phone but sometimes it's too much trouble to reply! So, here goes...

    @rahlyrah: I think I'm just starting to develop a linea nigra-- only on the lower half, and it's really light, it almost looks like I was wearing tights with a seam on the front.

    So far, no stretch marks, and my belly button seems to be getting *deeper* instead of flattening out. DH saw it the other day and was like... whoa. It's also definitely growing a bit more hair. @Charcole2011: My bikini waxer said that's really common-- not just us.

    @Cherrybee: Your nursery looks so sweet! I want to do shelves like that too, but right now our second bedroom is just a dumping ground for flattened moving boxes and furniture we haven't decided where to put. We just moved last week so we are focusing on getting the rest of the apartment set up before the baby's room, but it's killing me because obviously that's the most fun room! So I settle for pinning things, including specific links that I want to order from as soon as we are finished with everything else!

    Since I'm due at the end of the month, I always feel behind you ladies. 24 week appt on Thursday, when I'm sure the midwife will tell me it's time for the GD test-- I'm so not looking forward to that!

  29. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Pepper: Yes! DH and I went to Ikea yesterday (thanks @Cherrybee for the recommendation!) and I got winded from walking up the steps. I still exercise regularly but I am finding that I get winded so easily now. So annoying.

  30. Charcole2011

    cherry / 103 posts

    I am in the same boat as many of you ladies with the nursery currently being a dumping ground spare room. Yikes! We moved from NYC to Atlanta in February and since then I've been pretty much on bed rest bc of my sciatica so I haven't been able to do really anything in there yet. My parents came to visit this past weekend and my dad and DH painted the bookcase and dresser we are using in there so that made me feel like we made some progress but there is still a lot of crap that I need to go through and yet I'm still mostly confined to laying on the couch - blah. Hoping I can do more soon!

    @Foodnerd81: I just got back from my three hour GD test (I had the 1 hour last week and was borderline so I had to do the three hour - ugh). I am so hoping I don't have GD! FYI if you have a choice, do the fruit punch flavor - it's gross but I didn't actually gag and people I know who had orange literally vomited so I think it's a bit better

    @Pepper: I was having shortness of breath even really early on (first tri) and while annoying, I was told its totally normal. I'm not able to walk much now but when I do I still have a bit of that. Just make sure if you get lightheaded you sit down so you don't fall/faint! Hope you start feeling better soon.

  31. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Pepper: Yep, I'm out of breath 80% of the time now, and it's so frustrating! I did have the energy to walk daily for a few weeks, but now it makes my feet swell and I'm gasping for air by the time we get back. It's frustrating!!

    @Foodnerd81: I just had my 1-hr glucose test today; It wasn't great, tasted like medicinal orange soda Good luck at yours!

  32. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    Anyone have any updates or upcoming appointments?

    I have an ultrasound on Friday to see if my placenta has migrated away from my cervix. I'm nervous about the answer, but I'm excited to see LO again!

    I'm in a wedding in Florida at the end of this month, and I'm worried that if it hasn't moved then my OB won't let me fly. That means an 18 hour car ride, which sounds miserable at this point.

  33. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Pepper: Oh blimey! 18 hours in a car?? That's gotta be worse for you than flying, surely?? Please tell me that's 9 hours each way???

    Things are going really well this end. Now the nursery is decorated, we have started buying stuff and it's starting to feel a bit more real! My mum's work colleague was due 4th July and she went into premature labour a few days ago - her baby was born at 2.2lbs. The baby's doing well thank goodness. It has hit DH like a brick to the head - he keeps saying "we need to do x,y,z because you could go into labour at any point". I'd never wish that kind of worry on any family so I'm not glad this happened to her - but it is nice to have a bit of urgency injected into our situation, DH was a bit too chilled beforehand!!

    As for appointments, I have a midwife appointment on Friday (my 25 week one) and I start my fat lady classes on Tuesday - my midwife referred me because my BMI was 29 at 9 weeks pregnant. We will, apparently, talk about healthy eating and do half an hour of pregnancy friendly exercise - for 8 weeks!!! It sounds awful but it gets me out of work 8 Tuesdays in a row!

  34. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Cherrybee: Sadly, that's 18 hours each way I feel like that would be HAVE to be worse, right?? 2.5 hour flight vs. 18 hours in a car...

    So glad your mom's coworker's baby is doing well! Premature labor is so scary. That's great that you're getting out of work on Tuesdays for awhile! That should break up your week nicely

  35. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Pepper: We have not long come back from Egypt and the flight home was really uncomfortable for me. It was about 6 hours in total but the sitting in one place, squashed up, was just dreadful. 18 hours in a car isn't going to be fun at all. They HAVE to let you fly!

  36. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Pepper: Good luck! 18 hours in a car would be BRUTAL even if you weren't pregnant! Can you imagine the sheer number of pee breaks you'd have to take? I'll be sending lots of good vibes your way hoping you are cleared for air travel.

    @Cherrybee: I'm sorry to hear about your friend! My little brother was born at 1 lb 5.6 oz and it was quite the battle. He is 17 y/o now though

    As for me, no big appointments coming up that I know of. I have my monthly check up on Wednesday and they will have the results of my anemia test. I'm assuming if I failed that I will have to take iron supplements or something.

    We finished our nursery this week with the exception of a crib mattress and a few decorative items I want to buy (picture frames, books, etc.) and a few things we registered for (changing pad, hamper, etc). I walk in there daily and just look around in awe of the fact that there will be a baby in there soon. It is so surreal! His car seat came in yesterday, too

  37. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    Does anyone know if/when they are having a baby shower? One of my professors and a few of my school friends had a mini one for me last week. It was so thoughtful! My mom is planning my big shower, but wants it to be a surprise so I have no idea when or where it will be!

  38. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @rahlyrah: Yay!! A finished nursery!! Pictures please!!!

    I wont be having a baby shower - it's not really done over here. Very occasionally, someone might throw one for their sister or BFF but as I don't have a sister and I didn't throw one for my BFF 5 months ago I can pretty much assume that no surprises are planned!! People tend to bring gifts - usually clothes in newborn sizes that your baby wont get round to wearing - when they come to see you after the baby is born! We don't do registries or anything!

  39. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @rahlyrah: Oh my goodness, I think the trip would be closer to 20 hours with all the pee breaks Fingers crossed for your anemia test results... I'm on iron supplements for it now, though honestly they're not so bad. I haven't noticed any awful side effects other than slight nausea if I take them on an empty stomach.

    My two BFFs/mom/MIL are throwing me a shower in May! I'm really excited about it! Do you have an outfit picked out for your big shower? That's sweet that your friends threw you a mini one

    I need to finish our nursery! I have wall decals that need to go up, and I want to get some artwork displayed. Are you guys waiting to put sheets on the crib/cover on the changer until closer to the time? I still need to wash everything, but I was trying to wait until after my shower at 33 weeks.

  40. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Pepper: My mom wants my shower to be a surprise. So, I guess that means I will have to make sure I look cute every time I leave the house on a weekend. Lol.

    I can't wait to see everyone's nurseries when they are finished. Mine is pretty simple, so I love seeing ones with decals and whatnot. I already washed his sheets so I will probably put them on as soon as we get the mattress. I thought about waiting, but we are going to have DS in our room for the first several weeks anyway so I will probably just rewash before we transition him into his crib.

    We are getting so close! Third trimester!

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