persimmon / 1135 posts
@norcalwayfarer yeah i just want to be able to feel happy and not worried. i have faith that everything will go well, but dh is very worried and i don't want him to be.
anyone else feel like they could literally pass out right now? omg so tired! 4pm can't come soon enough
nectarine / 2134 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: I had to lay my head down on my desk this week and close the door to my office. I don't know if it's the lack of caffeine or the time change or what but its definitely noticeable (DH has been kind enough to not comment when I've been going to bed at 9 this week).
grape / 76 posts
SO VERY excited to join this group!! We've been trying for about a year after we experienced a loss last year. This pregnancy is the result of a round of Clomid and an HCG trigger shot.
EDD: 7/7
When Did You Find Out?: 10/28
Child Number: #1!
Where You Live: Waco, Texas
What kind of provider will you see?: OB-GYN
When's Your First Appointment?: in only FOUR days!! 11/12/13
What kind of birth do you want?: I would love to do a home birth at some point, but my town doesn't have a lot of options for that right now. Plus for my first pregnancy, I think I will feel more secure being at a hospital... just in case.
What You're Most Excited For: telling friends and family, and quitting my stressful job (or at least going to part time!)
What You're Most Scared About: miscarriage. I have already lost one pregnancy last year on 11/11. I was almost 8 weeks. This pregnancy is almost the exact same timing just one year later. Plus my sister-in-law just lost her pregnancy at 9 weeks, so now I'm even more nervous.
Symptoms so far: blOAting, feeling weak when I don't eat often enough, but also lack of appetite (bad combo), big and sore boobs.
Share a picture of your bfp, announcement, &/or chart: Will announce to extended family and friends around Christmas/New Years with a holiday card!
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@mellybelly: welcome!!! there are several of us dealings with the fears that go along with pregnancy after m/c.
grapefruit / 4311 posts
7/1 - justdarling (#1)
7/6 - coopsmama (#2)
7/6 - MrsSpottts (#4)
7/7 - mellybelly (#1)
7/15 - NorCalWayfarer (#1)
7/15 - runnerd (#1)
7/16 - thismustbetheplace (#1)
7/16 - littleredhairedgirl (#1)
7/18 - BlueberryPie (#1)
7/19 - Mrs. Amethyst (#2)
nectarine / 2134 posts
@mellybelly: welcome! Hoping for a healthy and happy nine months!
cherry / 105 posts
@mellybelly: Yay! Welcome and congrats! As runnerd said, there looks to be a few of us who have experienced a loss before this pregnancy. I'm sure we will all be wonderful supports for one another
grapefruit / 4311 posts
Well I had my first little spotting scare yesterday. It wasn't much at all and pink. I've been trying to talk myself off the ledge of worry since. I've been chalking it up to doing the shred video two days in a row (FX that irritated cervix is all it was).
I've self-prescribed a day of rest, and literally haven't left the couch since I got up this morning. And I'm SOOO BORED.
persimmon / 1135 posts
welcome and congrats to you @mellybelly!
@runnerd sorry about your scare. but pink sounds ok and if it's stopped that's good! prob a good idea to take it easy for a little bit. i was always a huge runner and love working out but with this and our last iui cycles i was told by my RE to stop and just do some light walking (which drives me crazy!!) but it got us here so can't complain too much. just waiting till i can begin running again and training for races!!
nectarine / 2134 posts
@runnerd: glad it's stopped! Hope you're able to enjoy a relaxing Saturday evening!
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: @NorCalWayfarer: thanks ladies, hasn't happened again so I'm feeling much better and hoping it stays away and for nausea to kick in to give me confidence lol!
nectarine / 2134 posts
@runnerd: same here! TTC/pregnancy makes you want weird things. When I had my mc I couldn't wait for AF to return, now I can't wait for MS! Who in their right mind would *want* to be naseous?! *raises hand* hahaha. And glad you're feeling better!
kiwi / 633 posts
@runnerd: @NorCalWayfarer: I'm in the same boat! I just wish I felt.. something!! I've had some intermittent brown spotting too which doesn't make me feel any better.
On a side (slightly crazy) note, the digital "pregnant" on my first test disappeared the other day (yes I kept it, don't judge! haha). So I took another one just so I could see the word again. I just need something tangible to tell me this is real!
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@thismustbetheplace: just remember brown spotting is the kind that is ok
And I'm probably crazier with the 6 days worth of FRERs I took to see the lines get darker each day. But on man, did it bring me joy to see the darker lines
grapefruit / 4311 posts
I'm dying from cuteness overload!! I think I just found what we are gonna give to my in-laws at Christmas to open and announce pregnancy (assuming I can personalize to say something else about due date)
nectarine / 2134 posts
@runnerd: How cool! We're trying to wait until Christmas too but I have a feeling we may end up spilling the beans before then, especially since I see my mom every week!
nectarine / 2932 posts
Just wanted to jump in and say hi! I'm too scared to join until I get my numbers back, but hopefully I'll have good news to report and I'll be here for good Tuesday or Wednesday I am already following along and crossing my fingers for everyone here! This is such a great group of girls - I feel like this is going to be such a wonderful group of mamas!
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@Littlebit: hi!!!!!! Good # vibes being sent your way!! how far along do u think you are, or do you have no idea bc of craziness of past month
nectarine / 2932 posts
@runnerd: thank you! If going off my last o date, I'd be 6+2 weeks. But I think I had superrrrrrr late implantation. So I honestly don't know! It could be more like 4/5 weeks?
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@Littlebit: I hope they'll do an early ultrasound to help you figure it out!
nectarine / 2932 posts
So I just went and did my second round of blood work. They gave me my results from Friday, and my HCG level on Friday was 104. I asked the lab tech if that was good or bad and she said 'it's low'. To which I start freaking out. I asked low - like not going to make it low? And she said, 'like 4 weeks low'. And now I want to kill her. I told them I guessed I was like 4 or 5 weeks...I feel like that was really irresponsible of her to say low! She had me freaking out for nothing! And now I'm still freaking out. Hopefully the numbers have more than doubled. I'm waiting to talk to the nurse to get more information. But I just want to kick that stupid lab tech for stressing me out for no reason.
I feel so sick and nervous. I just want to know!!! I don't know how I'm going to make it until tomorrow.
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@Littlebit: oh yea that sounds frustrating!! it's like since medical people are around this stuff every day, they sometimes forget that this is your first or one of few times around it and we are clinging to each word they say!
persimmon / 1135 posts
@littlebit wow she was really out of line saying that to you. i really wouldn't freak out!! it's about the number increasing, not the initial number. i just went for my second beta this morning and find out the results this afternoon, but my initial hcg at (i'm assuming) 4 weeks was 191 and my nurse said that was great. so can't imagine that 104 is "low". sometimes the nurses really don't know how to be sensitive at all..
nectarine / 2932 posts
@runnerd: exactly! The woman had an attitude to begin with. Little jerk.
@littleredhairedgrl: good luck with your results, also! I'm so jealous that you get yours the same day! You'll have to let us know how it goes. When did you have your first beta? Friday?
I just called and spoke with my nurse and she reassured me that 104 is a totally normal level. So I'm feeling better. I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight. I am so nervous!
ETA: Meanwhile, my mom is going on and on about things like the date for a baby shower (!!!!!!!) and buying stuff already. DH is begging to tell his mom tomorrow (which basically means his entire family will know). I know they're excited but I'm just so scared and I really just want to deal with one thing at a time right now. They're driving me crazy. All I want to hear right now is 'It's going to be fine!'. I don't want to be telling all these people when I'm only 4 weeks along!!!
persimmon / 1135 posts
@littlebit thanks! i'm sure i will end up posting my results here before dh is even called my first beta was on thursday.
we haven't told anyone except a select few who knew of our struggle for the last year, but def waiting till 12weeks before we tell my dad and MIL (who would freak and tell everyone and prob start calling me every day!) so hard to keep quiet tho!
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@Littlebit: @littleredhairedgrl: my DH told his parents before I had even officially missed my period last time, then we lost it. So he is very very adamant that we won't be telling family until Christmas at 11 weeks. I think I'll be dying to tell family after the first appt. For now our BFF couple are only ones that know
kiwi / 633 posts
@Littlebit: glad to see you in this thread, and HOLY COW that was out of line! She must not know what early pregnancy anxiety is like...
I'm seeing my PCP tonight for "confirmation" appointment: my insurance requires a referral to OB/GYN because they consider it to be a specialist. Because of the spotting, i'm going to ask for 48hour beta HCGs, but should I also ask for my progesterone level? Or is it too late to do anything about it even if it was low? I'm about 4w6d today. What do you guys think?
apricot / 452 posts
@Littlebit: I would be so pissed at that nurse!! 104 is a perfect number for 4 weeks - now it just needs to increase. We told our parents when we found out and I kind of wish we hadn't. They all knew that we had our embryo transfer, so we really couldn't keep it to ourselves, and they are all really excited for us. It's hard for me since I am still in the mindset of protecting myself. I'm excited, but very guarded. My mom is also trying to plan things, and I keep telling her that I can't go there yet and she needs to respect how I want to deal with things.
@thismustbetheplace: You can ask for progesterone. If it's low, they can give you a prescription for that. I am currently on suppositories to keep my levels up.
I have my first ultra sound this afternoon and can't wait! It will really put my mind at ease to see this little thing in there. I am 6weeks 6 days today so hopefully we can see that little heart beat.
nectarine / 2932 posts
@thismustbetheplace: I don't know much about progesterone, I'm sorry! Do they do anything tonight at your confirmation appointment? Or just make you POAS?
nectarine / 2932 posts
@justdarling: I know, I couldn't believe she freaked me out like that for nothing! Oh my gosh! Your first ultrasound!!! That's awesome! Crossing my fingers you can see the heartbeat! Let us know how it goes...we'll be living vicariously through you!
nectarine / 2932 posts
@thismustbetheplace: do you already have an OBGYN? Will you be going to the same one and just need a referral? Or will you be going to someone you've never seen before? My doctor doesn't do a first appointment until 8-10 weeks...I'm bummed.
persimmon / 1135 posts
@thismustbetheplace i'd ask for progesterone -- can't hurt. like @justdarling i am on suppositories as well and they check both hcg and progesterone (but i am at an RE currently).
@justdarling good luck today!!
persimmon / 1135 posts
ps. i think ms is coming soon.. just felt so queezy i had to eat something or i was either going to faint or puke. oh boy!
kiwi / 633 posts
@Littlebit: Our insurance is through the university DH works for, so for the 2 years that we've been here I've had my paps etc. by my PCP assigned by the university. They don't do OB there so they have to refer me out.
I work for the OB/GYN I'll be seeing, so it's not like I'm seeing someone brand new. But, like you, they won't see me routinely until 8-9 weeks. And because I walk the fine line of employee and patient I'm trying to hold off sharing for at least a few weeks. GAH it would be so easy if I could just ask them
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: I'm wondering if that's what is up with me this morning or just wishful thinking. I feel very off/uneasy to stomach.
I keep wondering if maybe it's just my prenatals though cause they used to make me sick, but now I only take them after eating and don't usually have any issues
persimmon / 1135 posts
@runnerd could be the start of ms.. i take the rainbow light organic prenatals and they are really gentle on the stomach (been taking them for over a year now) and never had stomach problems. if it is your vitamins you may want to switch to a food-based vitamin
grapefruit / 4311 posts
So ladies how do you plan to navigate the holiday season without drinking??? What a horrible time of year to have to make excuses for why you aren't drinking! I can think of 5 events off the top of my head..
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