apricot / 483 posts
alright ladies, i think i'm finally ready to join in
EDD: july 1, 2014
When Did You Find Out?: october 21, and then confirmed with beta on october 23!
Child Number: 1!!!
Where You Live: south jersey shore
What kind of provider will you see?: RE until 8 weeks (next week!) and then "graduate" to an ob/gyn - this was our 3rd IVF
When's Your First Appointment?: had my first u/s last friday - baby measuring right and schedule and could see its heartbeat! going for another this friday, and then a final at the RE next friday
What kind of birth do you want?: any one that will give me a healthy baby at the end of it!
What You're Most Excited For: growing a family with DH
What You're Most Scared About: miscarriage/issues with the pregnancy
Symptoms so far: sore boobs, SO SLEEPY, a little cranky, and a little nausea, but only when i'm hungry or haven't eaten recently
Pics of the test/announcemen/& or chart: no pics, but i do have our first u/s pic! (and try not to be jealous of my awesome paint skills haha)
apricot / 452 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: I am 7 weeks as of yesterday. I am a runner too, but I've been told that I can't do anything besides walk until after the first trimester. I am dying to do some sort of exercise!
@PastaAndPotato: I am so glad that you joined us!!!! We are date twins - and both have IVF babies! I am so excited for you!!!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@PastaAndPotato: YAY!!! Congrats, lady! It is so great to see you on a due date board!
pea / 16 posts
I've been lurking for a few weeks, but finally joined:
EDD: 7/2/14
When Did You Find Out?: 10/24. I was very suspicious that I was pregnant (acutely sensitive to smells), and took a test on 10/22 (the same day we closed on our house!) that was negative--such a bummer, I wanted it to be the best day ever! Then I meant to take another test on 10/23 because it was supposed to snow, which I consider a huge good luck sign, but when I woke up it was just raining and I couldn't hold it long enough to wait for it to switch to snow (literally twenty minutes after I peed, haha). So then 10/24 was when I finally got my positive!
Child Number: 1
Where You Live: Ohio
What kind of provider will you see?: obgyn
When's Your First Appointment?: 11/18
What kind of birth do you want?: hospital, with a baby at the end
What You're Most Excited For: all of it
What You're Most Scared About: This is ridiculous, because I am 28, but to tell my mother! She wanted us to wait until we lived closer to family, but our jobs are out of state right now.
Symptoms so far: nausea but no vomitting, acute sense of smell, FATIGUE, sore boobies
nectarine / 2134 posts
@kml636: @PastaAndPotato: @irishmama: Welcome ladies!! How exciting to have more July mamas!
cherry / 105 posts
@tejbee: @PastaAndPotato: @irishmama: @HLK208: @kml636: Welcome and congratulations to you all!! I'm so happy for everyone!
cherry / 151 posts
@runnerd: Middle TN below Nashville! We've been in TN for about two an a half years now. Where are you?
I have another new symptom and I'm not quite sure how to describe it...my breathing is not as fulfilling. It feels like more of a struggle to get oxygen, like I'm congested and stopped up, but I'm not.
apricot / 483 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: @LovelyPlum: @NorCalWayfarer: @HLK208: @kml636: thanks, ladies!
@irishmama: welcome!!! and congrats!!!
@justdarling: i know me too! so excited for you too!!!
grapefruit / 4311 posts
I'm behind!!!
@PastaAndPotato: @kml636: @irishmama: So glad to see new faces joining!!
Ok ladies, I am over the moon happy right now!!!!!!! I have been suffering some pretty insane anxiety the last day or two over worries of another m/c. So anyways, the Dr I will be seeing is my BFF's doctor (she's 30 wk). At her appt today she asked a question for me which led to my new dr (who I haven't met yet), ordering blood tests for me on Thurs and Sat to get my betas and progesterone checked, and confirmed she will do an ultrasound at my 7wk appt. I am just so relieved. She said if there are any issues with progesterone she'll put me on supplements. I already know I'm gonna love this dr!! Please be praying for me to have good beta results!
nectarine / 2134 posts
@runnerd: Yay! I'm so glad you'll be able to get betas and an early u/s! I'm sure everything will come back normal, but it's just such a peace of mind to know everything is on track. I really like your new doc too
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@runnerd: so glad for you! The anxiety is so bad, I feel it too. Last pregnancy I did a lot of acupuncture which helped ( I swear it also helped LO be a calm baby) but now of course il have to go only when I have child care help...
kiwi / 633 posts
@PastaAndPotato: @irishmama: Welcome!
@runnerd: YAY what a happy post! Glad you're seeing an OB who is on the ball!
@kml636: I'm so excited to try accupuncture! An accupuncturist (?) moved into the suite across the hall from my office last week, talk about great timing! Glad to hear you had a good experience!
Things are still going well over here... feeling like I have to snack more often to keep my blood sugar up but still no morning sickness! Beta #2 should be back later this afternoon or tomorrow. Fingers crossed everything is where it should be!
nectarine / 2134 posts
@thismustbetheplace: FX for stellar betas!
I went to yoga last night -- breathing felt out of synch and my boobs hurt so bad when I was laying on my stomach! Glad I went but I'm really surprised about changes to my body already at just 5w2d.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@PastaAndPotato: awww love the ultrasound picture!
congrats and welcome! @irishmama: so glad to have you here! congratulations!
@runnerd: Sounds like you have picked a great Dr.! Glad everything worked out on that front. I think I have finally narrowed my list of care providers down and have chosen one -- here's hoping I like her as much as you like yours!
@thismustbetheplace: FX!
grapefruit / 4311 posts
7/1 - justdarling (#1)
7/1 - PastaAndPotato (#1)
7/2 - irishmama (#1)
7/6 - coopsmama (#2)
7/6 - MrsSpottts (#4)
7/7 - mellybelly (#1)
7/15 - NorCalWayfarer (#1)
7/15 - runnerd (#1)
7/16 - thismustbetheplace (#1)
7/17 - littleredhairedgirl (#1)
7/18 - BlueberryPie (#1)
7/19 - Mrs. Amethyst (#2)
7/19 - tejbee (#1)
7/22 - HLK208 (#3)
7/29 - kml636 (#2)
cherry / 105 posts
@runnerd: So happy to hear your doctor has such a proactive approach! Knowing you're with the right doctor is an awesome feeling. And how exciting to know you'll get to see your baby on an ultrasound soon!
@thismustbetheplace: I've also been noticing I need to eat smaller, more frequent meals to keep my blood sugar stable. I typically don't have problems with this, but I've been all over the place the past few days! The first advice my mom gave me when I told her I was pregnant was to snack all day so I didn't get sick -- I guess she was right!
persimmon / 1135 posts
went to RE today for another beta and i'm up to 3160 (from 808 on monday)! and... it's TWINS.!!! omg dh and i have been freaking out all day. but can't complain about 2 for the price of 1
@runnerd please change my dd to 7/17 and great to hear that your getting an appointment soon!!
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: ahhhhhhh!!!!! So fun!!! My BFF is pregnant with twins after one clomid cycle so I've been having lots of twin action lately!
grape / 76 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: that's amazing!! Congratulations! I have to say I was secretly hoping for twins :).
I had my first appointment on Tuesday afternoon and saw the heartbeat!! We were so relieved and thrilled to see that little flicker on the screen. Such a surreal experience.
Hope everyone else is doing well!! I'm kind of a lurker on the boards for the most part but I'll try to chime in every once in awhile.
Question for everyone: how TIGHT are your jeans/pants right now? I'm so bloated I feel like I already need maternity pants or one of those belly bands!! Anyone else feeling that way or am I just growing too fast?
persimmon / 1135 posts
thanks ladies!!!! we are super excited (and of course overwhelmed) by this news we were hoping for twins
@mellybelly i am SOOOOO bloated i swear i want to go out and buy all maternity stuff already.. by the end of the day i look like i'm way past 5 weeks!
kiwi / 633 posts
@littleredhairedgrl: OMG TWINS! so awesome! Two for the price of one!! Just out of curiosity, how many hours apart were your two betas?
I got my second beta back and it went from 1934 to 5249 in 60 hours... so doubling faster than normal but (hopefully) not fast enough to indicate something scary like a molar pregnancy.
Twins don't run in either side of our families but now i'm curious...
persimmon / 1135 posts
@thismustbetheplace thanks! my second beta was this past monday at 808 and then yesterday went to 3160.
twins don't run in my fam either, but we were doing injectables so there was a chance (which i was hoping for!)
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@mellybelly: so exciting having an ultrasound pic, I'm so ready for mine!
And yes!!! I'm only 5.5wk, and I feel like I've been eating decent, yet my clothes are not feeling too comfy
apricot / 452 posts
@mellybelly: I am totally feeling the same way with my pants. I was actually thinking about getting some maternity tank tops (which apparently are longer) to layer under shirts and then use the rubber band trick soon. I am only 7 weeks but I swear I've got a baby belly already.
pineapple / 12234 posts
@justdarling: I loved target's maternity tanks!
I just bought a pair of mat. leggings and pants since this is my third pregnancy and I was completely showing by 10 weeks last time (it took around 20 weeks to show with my first) so now I'm worried I'll pop super early. Also, all of my maternity clothing with my first were x-small's and I really tried squeezing into those for awhile with my second pregnancy - so uncomfortable!!
blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts
Hi everybody! Just got my BFP this morning so I'm not quite ready to roll call yet but wanted to stop by and say hi. Is it common to confirm with a blood test no matter? Just not sure of how to proceed but thinking of calling the doctor on Monday.
Thanks and looking forward to catching up on everyone's stories! Oh, and I'm like insanely, over the moon excited today!!
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@princessandthebee: congrats again! I think most doctors won't confirm pregnancy with betas unless you have previous complications or have spotting symptoms prior to first appt.
cherry / 236 posts
@princessandthebee: Congrats! My doctor has you come in at 6 weeks and they confirm the pregnancy with blood work. As long as your numbers look good, they don't see you again until 8 weeks. The blood work is standard...so I guess it really varies by doctor. Good luck
nectarine / 2134 posts
@princessandthebee: congrats and welcome! My doc doesn't do betas unless there's a problem or a history of problems. But I'd call and ask you doc -- I'm sure each one does their own thing.
olive / 55 posts
@princessandthebee: , @PastaAndPotato: , @irishmama: Yay, congrats and welcome! So happy our little group is growing by the day!
I'm excited! I just ordered a Snoogle body pillow (came highly recommended)! My low back has been bothering me since I got my BFP (it's improved somewhat, but there's still a dull ache), and I'm hoping this will help. I don't remember having back problems with my 1st pregnancy, but I guess chasing after a 17 month old while pregnant will wreck anyone's back!
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