pear / 1786 posts
@spaniellove: I am so sorry to hear about the IUGR concerns. I really hope you can get your Drs. to work together for you & your LO's health.
pear / 1786 posts
@Duckling: praying that the heart concerns are resolved and your LO grows strong & healthy. Hugs.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@kentuckygirl: Thank you...I'm sure I'll have a plan together once I get over my freakout phase.
persimmon / 1385 posts
Add another boy to the list
I don't think the ultrasound tech could have hidden it if she tried. Good thing we weren't team green!
nectarine / 2878 posts
@spaniellove: Will keep you in my thoughts!
@MsBadger: YAY!! Congrats on the baby boy!!! They are such sweethearts!
We have an elective scan scheduled for today! I am thinking it is another boy and will be shocked if it isn't! I'll make sure to update after the appointment
honeydew / 7916 posts
@MsBadger: Yeahhh congrats! They are so obvious at this point aren't they?
@lilyann: Good luck and have a great time! Can't wait to hear about it!
persimmon / 1385 posts
@lilyann: Thanks! I'm not going to lie, I'm a little apprehensive about having a boy, but I know it will all be perfect
I think @littleveesmommy: goes in for her scan today too, so I'll update the list after we hear from you guys!
nectarine / 2878 posts
@MsBadger: I was a little apprehensive too (although I grew up with a baby brother), but he seriously melts my heart all the time and is so much fun! Boys clothes are getting better too
persimmon / 1472 posts
@MsBadger: Thanks for keeping up with the list! I'm excited and nervous for the scan today. Eeks!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@littleveesmommy: Ooh good luck!! Hope it all goes well.
@lilyann: Agreed, they are so cute these days!
cherry / 175 posts
@msbadger - Yay for little boys! Congrats!
Looking forward to hearing from @littleveesmommy and @lilyann later today!
We're scheduled for our anatomy scan on February 4th - our 2nd anniversary - can't wait!!!
kiwi / 551 posts
@MsBadger: I love my sweet baby boy. His new phrase is "got choo" (I got you, as he hugs me). I grew up with an older brother and I loved my big brother which is why I always wanted a boy first. And he is so much more snuggly than hubs.
nectarine / 2878 posts
Looks like DS is going to have a baby brother!!! They will be about 21 months apart, so I am hoping they grow up close and be best buds! Can't wait to see them play together!
Now the fun begins! Time to come up with nursery and name ideas! We are leaning towards Graham
olive / 65 posts
Wow! Congrats, everyone. (That's a lot of testosterone due in the month of June.) Week 20 has finally brought a little bit of a baby bump (whew!). For the last three nights, I've also been feeling a lot of nighttime kicking. Although the next six weeks are a minefield for the baby's heart, it makes me feel better to know he's so strong.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@lilyann: Congrats! I think Graham is such a lovely name.
@Duckling: I'm rooting for baby Duckling's heart to grow nice and strong! Those kicks are a good sign!
Guys we're at the halfway point! Woohoooo!
nectarine / 2878 posts
@spaniellove: Thank you!! I have fallen in love with hopefully I won't get sick of it by the time he gets here
19 weeks, 1 day here...practically half way! YAY!
How is everyone doing?
persimmon / 1385 posts
Thanks everyone for the boost of confidence in having a baby boy! The more I think about it the more excited I get and the less the twinge of disappointment I feel. When I was growing up I always told my mom I wanted to be a dad. I was always super close to my dad and I looked at him as the "fun" parent. So since I can't be a dad, maybe a mom to a boy is the next best thing Now I can't wait until he gets here, I know we're going to have lot of fun!!!
@lilyann: Congrats! This sure is a boy filled month. We've gotten most of the first half of due dates in, so it will be interested to see what happens with the second half.
@Duckling: Praying for a strong little boy with a healthy heart!
Now it's time for baby boy names. Yikes. I had such good girl names, but I don't think I can go naming this little guy Nina lol. Right now the only one that DH and I agree on is Finn (with Thomas as a middle name after my dad). Although, DH's mom and aunt called him specifically to tell him that they thought it would be appropriate to give the little guy my maiden name as a middle name, and it sounds like they're dead set on it. The only problem is, I'm not to sure if I'm so keen on the idea lol. (My maiden name is the same as Timmy's famous dog).
persimmon / 1472 posts
@MsBadger: IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!! When the tech zoomed in on the goodies from the bottom, hubby says "it's a girl... I've wiped enough of those bottoms to know!" - that gave the tech and I a good laugh! BG2 (baby girl #2) is healthy and very active, which gave the tech quite some trouble trying to check all her parts. I guess this is a warning to expect a very active little one? Overall super happy to see a healthy baby in there and hubby is thrilled to have another girl in his life. Last Friday on his way home, he texted me "On my way home to see my girls!". I'm such a sap...
This past weekend was DD's 2nd birthday party so I was running around like a nut job last week trying to finish up the party details, hence my delayed update. Eeks!
persimmon / 1385 posts
@littleveesmommy: YAY! Congrats!!! I am so glad everything went well and it's nice to finally add some estrogen to the list
honeydew / 7916 posts
@littleveesmommy: Yay we have another girl!! Your DH is so cute. Congrats to you guys and happy birthday to your DD!
cherry / 150 posts
@MsBadger: I was a bit hesitant about having a boy too, glad to hear I'm not the only one
I always imagined I would have a girl to dress up etc. and I must admit I was a bit in shock when I found out it was a boy! Everyone says it's great to have a boy first so your next sibling has a big bro..! I'm like you though and think it will be perfect! I just can't wait to meet him now
I also had a girls name sorted haha! Oh well!
cherry / 179 posts
Had our anatomy scan yesterday and we are joining the Boys club here!! Everything looks great and the due date has been confirmed a little earlier than we originally thought for June 20th.
I'm feeling much better now and finally can feel good about being pregnant! Still a little nervous about having 2 under 2, but excited also!
Guess it's time to get moving on getting things in order
cherry / 212 posts
So many boys! We have our scan next week - can't wait to find out if we're team blue or team pink!
persimmon / 1385 posts
Due Dates
1st – Owlmom (#2)
1st – Sunshine710 (#2-Girl)
1st – Tundra Daisy (#1-Boy)
2nd – Meesker (#1-Girl)
2nd – STP (#2-Boy)
3rd – Beachbee (#2-Green)
4th – KentuckyGirl (#1-Boy)
5th – Calsmom (#2-Girl)
6th – Chastenet (#2-Green)
8th – MsBadger (#1-Boy)
10th – Duckling (#1-Boy)
10th – BabyBruins (#2-Boy) Official scan coming up!
11th – Alexandra603 (#1-Girl)
11th – Lollipop (#2)
13th – SpanielLove (#1-Boy)
14th – Leelee (#2-Girl)
15th – Peacockblue (#2)
17th – Lilibillie (#1)
18th – Matcha Latte (#1)
19th – Kimbed (#2)
20th – Lilyann (#2-Boy)
20th – MKP17 (#2-Boy)
23rd – CakeLady (#1-Green)
26th – Mrs.Ham (#1)
26th – LaurelMae (#2) Scan coming up!
27th – Shortcake (#2-Green)
28th – Mrs Ranunculus (#2)
29th – LittleVeesMommy (#2-Girl)
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Tundra Daisy: Thank you so much for making me not the only one I knew this was a safe group to share those kinds of feelings with!
kiwi / 614 posts
@Tundra Daisy: @mkp17: @MsBadger: @lilyann: Congrats on your little boys!!! Glad your scans went well
@littleveesmommy: Congrats on your little girl! I'm not-so-secretly hoping for another daughter. I want DD to have a sister
I'm getting a little stir crazy with the super cold weather we've been having - I haven't been out much and usually I take long walks. DH and I are going on a little baby moon mid-February, I can't wait and I'm hoping for warm beach weather so I can be totally lazy and do nothing for 3 days! I haven't been away from DD since last May so I'll miss her, but I know she'll be in good hands with her grandparents.
Anyone else taking a little trip pre-baby?
@MsBadger: thanks for the awesome graphs
kiwi / 673 posts
@BabyBruins: not in CA, we're actually in FL!
@MsBadger: I'm glad you're getting excited about having a boy! We're still team green, but pretty much everyone is convinced we're having a boy so I'm trying to get myself used to that idea. I always saw myself with a boy, because I was a tom-boy and don't usually get into the frilly, girly things my friends with girls do. But now that I have DD, I'm so used to girl stuff and I like that she's a little tom-boy herself Thanks for updating the list and for your pretty graphs, I love a good chart!!
@Duckling: bringing you lots of positive thoughts and prayers for baby's heart!! I hope the next few weeks continues to bring you good news and lots of kicking!
@Chastenet: I think it would be so cool for DD to have a little sister so close in age too... only 18 weeks left until we find out! LOL. We're going on a staycation babymoon, just not sure when yet, probably late March/early April. We'll probably stay at a hotel on the beach and DD will stay with her grandparents also. It will be our first overnight trip without her, so I'm still hesitant, but I know she will be fine. I hope you have nice weather for your getaway!!
I'm officially 22 weeks and it's finally starting to feel real! Baby has been very active and so far all of our scans have looked good. My next appt is Monday and I'm so anxious to get another glimpse
For those of you that are having baby #2, what are you doing to prepare your LO for the new baby's arrival? DD just turned 15 months, so up until now she really hasn't really had any idea what we're talking about and obviously doesn't "get it". She is obsessed with belly buttons, so a few months ago she started lifting up my shirt, playing with my belly button, and giving my belly kisses. It melts my heart. I know she probably doesn't understand, but I still like to think she knows the baby is in there I have also noticed she's been extra clingy with me, which I know happens around this age, but I also think maybe on some deeper level she knows what's coming! Who knows! Anyone have tips with preparing a LO at such a young age?
Hope everyone is feeling well and upcoming appointments bring great news!!
kiwi / 551 posts
@beachbee: it was a 50-50 shot... Oh well.
@MsBadger: I love your graphs! Thanks for updating the list. Our anatomy scan is tomorrow (!) and hubs was super cute saying that he was really looking forward to it. I know it's going to be a boy, but there is still some lingering doubt in the back of my mind...
@Chastenet: I want to take a weekend away, but hubs isn't into it. My mom offered to watch J and everything. There is a nice resort about 20 minutes away that we might stay at overnight, but he still wants to bring J with us! Maybe I can compromise with 2 nights away and only 1 with J. We turned a pre-planned trip to Hawaii into a babymoon with our first pregnancy and it was so nice. We haven't taken a really nice vacation since J was born (a night away here and there and a weeklong with his family - meh) so I wouldn't mind doing something just us.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@MsBadger: Thank you again for keeping up the lists and charts!
@Chastenet: We've been planning to spend a weekend in NYC in a couple weeks but it's looking more and more unappealing knowing that it's going to be freezing and given the weather we've had lately, there's a chance it'll snow. I'm dying to go somewhere warm but we took a blowout trip to Peru last summer and are spending a fortune on renovations right now so it probably won't happen. However, we do have a balcony in our master bedroom so when the weather gets nice you bet I am going to be sunning myself! So what if my giant belly scares the children in the schoolyard next door.
I posted separately about the nausea, but...I can't believe I'm starting on Zofran at a day before 21 weeks. The rest of my appt today, though - the OB gave up trying to hear the HB because all he could hear was movement! I wasn't surprised at all since the movement has been crazy in there.
pear / 1786 posts
Hi ladies!
@Chastenet: We are taking a babymoon to Austin at the end of February. I wanted to go to Aruba but DH can't take enough time off to justify the cost of the plane ticket. I used to live in Austin though and have been wanting to take him to visit. We will have fun but it will be a busier trip than I would like, seeing friends, etc.
We are making some progress on the nursery. We cleared out the guest room that we are converting and DH has patched nail holes, removed chair rail, etc. I bought sample sizes of 2 colors of green paint yesterday but have decided I am not sold on either color now that they are on the wall. I will get a 3rd sample, hopefully tomorrow.
My boy is also pretty active now. Not strong enough for DH to feel him yet though
Can I ask a TMI question? I am having some clear watery discharge. Enough that I prefer to wear a liner (as much as I hate them). Is this normal?
honeydew / 7916 posts
@kentuckygirl: Austin sounds like a great babymoon! My cousin used to live there and loved it so much that she would take her LOs there every winter to escape the cold. And I think the discharge is normal! I've been wearing liners a lot too.
kiwi / 614 posts
@beachbee: I know, I hesitated to take DD, too - this is our first time both being away from her overnight. But I figured if we didn't do it now, it wouldn't happen for at least another 2 years until LO#2 is about her current age. I'm glad that my parents are coming here though so she'll be in her normal environment with them - I think it'll be easier on her.
As far as preparing DD - we've just been trying to talk to her about the baby and tell her she'll be a big sister. We have a few books on the topic but she doesn't like to sit through them. My SIL is due any minute now, so we'll be visiting a newborn soon, hopefully that'll help to explain to her what a new baby is.
@BabyBruins: Oh definitely push your DH to go just the two of you, like I said in my above comment, if not now we won't get away for at least another 18m...I need some sleep and relaxation before taking on 2 under 2!
@spaniellove: I have been dreaming about going out on my porch, too...Only a few more months until it'll be warm enough to actually do that! NYC is awesome but I understand that more cold is not sounding tempting right now.
@kentuckygirl: That'll be fun! My colleagues are actually all going to big conference in Austin but I can't go because it's the first week of June I'm sad I won't get to discover that city. I also think the discharge is normal - I never had that but have heard of it happening to others for sure.
grape / 84 posts
I feel like I've been MIA for so long, but love seeing all these updates. We had our anatomy scan on Wed. and we are having a GIRL!
I am shocked because I thought for sure another boy. But beyond happy that we'll have one of each.
Cheers to those who have reached the halfway point or are getting there soon!
kiwi / 551 posts
And in the least surprising news of the day.... we are having another boy. And this means I will just spend all the money we would have spent on girl stuff on stuff for MEEEEEEE!!! Mommy wants a new diaper bag and a new stroller and a new glider.
Have a great weekend ladies!
kiwi / 673 posts
@BabyBruins: so excited for another boy hope you have fun shopping!!
@kimbed: yay for one of each!
olive / 65 posts
Congratulations to all those who have found out Baby's gender, reached the halfway mark, and began tackling the nursery. I love returning to find so much good news.
We had a second great heart appointment this past week, so two in a row! They also caught some great 4D u/s photographs, which melt my heart. I've finally started working on my to do list: looking into childcare, pediatricians, post-baby menu planning, registry listing, blah, blah, blah. But let's not dwell there. Also, the doctor seemed cautiously optimistic about our plans to travel during the end of my second trimester, which we weren't sure about with the high-risk pregnancy. Yay!
pear / 1786 posts
@Duckling: so glad you had another good report! Hope they continue! Is your trip a baby moon?
olive / 65 posts
@kentuckygirl: Thanks! We had planned this trip for our anniversary before we had discovered we were pregnant, so it's not really a babymoon by intention. We've been talking about it for a while, so we're very hopeful that it will turn out. Have a wonderful time in warm Austin!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@kimbed: One of each will be so much fun!
@BabyBruins: Glad you got that confirmed! Any ideas on what specific things you want?
@Duckling: Two good weeks in a row is an excellent streak! How are you making out with your to-do list? When are we supposed to find a pediatrician?
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