Hellobee Boards


June 2014 mamas!

  1. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    Okay there is something wrong with this thread! Why am I sometimes not able to see the latest post?

    ETA: Now I can see it...

  2. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    @BabyBruins: Congratulations!!! A little bit of freedom goes a long ways in these last few weeks

  3. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    1) 33 weeks
    2) Looking forward to finding out the sex (team green is so much more fun than finding out super early the first time).
    3) Not going to miss much about being pregnant, although guilting people into giving up their seat on the subway is funny.
    4) Have a growth scan this week since I was measuring a little small at my last visit. And I will talk to my OB about the vbac or rcs options in 2 weeks at my 35 week appointment. Baby had been transverse (my first was breech) but was head down at the last appointment. Other than some heartburn at night, I feel really good, although I might be starting to do the pregnant waddle just a little bit.

    Love hearing about everyone's experiences in the last few weeks! For working moms, what your maternity leave be like? Anyone taking off the rest of the year? That would be my dream, but I think I will have off July, Aug and Sept (some paid and some is accumulated sick/vacation time).

  4. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    @spaniellove: @MsBadger: thanks ladies! I went to mommy & me with J and our babysitter this morning and was good to see J singing and dancing and playing at the water table.
    My fingers are so swollen now. I wonder if it was the activity or the heat ( we are having a crazy heat wave in SoCal right now).

  5. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @BabyBruins: Possibly both! I think activity and heat can aggravate swelling.

    There has to be something a person can do about this crazy swelling! I was so dismayed to see at today's appointment that I gained 6 lbs (!) since last week. And I need wrist braces for the carpal tunnel. I can't even hold my toothbrush in the mornings.

  6. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    Sorry, I am behind. Didn't get on my laptop last night and I really only like short replies on my phone.

    1) How far along are you? Today, 36 + 5
    2) What are you looking forward to most about NOT being pregnant anymore? Swollen ankles!
    3) What will you MISS about being pregnant? Feeling the baby move inside me and I would agree about my figure. I have only gained a moderate amount of weight and I feel good about myself more than usual, well until I started swelling.
    4) Anything else? I still have a lot to do! My hospital bag is only partially together. Nursery isn't done, which I am okay with, but baby's things aren't organized because of it. I started washing clothes and put some in drawers in our room. My house needs some serious cleaning but I haven't felt like it. Hopefully this weekend I can do it, just trying to maintain dishes and laundry right now.

    I will work 2 more weeks and 1 day, and if baby hasn't arrived yet, I will be induced 3 weeks from today. I am taking off 12 weeks that I am allotted through FMLA. I wish I could SAH, but that isn't feasible right now...maybe if we have a second child.

  7. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @MsBadger: Glad you have done such a good job controlling and documenting your GD! Enjoy a little extra freedom with not testing as often!

    @BabyBruins: Yay for the outings!!! Glad you can get out some, but sorry that led to extra swelling

    @spaniellove: Sorry you are so uncomfortable and swollen! I wish there was something to be done about the swelling. So far rest (sleeping overnight) seems to be the only thing that has helped me.

  8. Duckling

    olive / 65 posts

    1) How far along are you? 36 weeks
    2) What are you looking forward to most about NOT being pregnant anymore? Getting my own body back--by which I mean, no longer feeling like I am fighting a certain someone for real estate anymore. Only one of us can be happy at a time, it appears.
    3) What will you MISS about being pregnant? The quiet.
    4) Anything else? (a) We've tackled a ton on our to-do list this past week. It's brought a lot of relief. We have birthing classes this week and then we need to organize a communication plan. Other than that...I feel like we could survive if this all happened early. (b) I am NOT looking forward to cervix/dilation checks. He's pretty low so I have noticed that I am very swollen and uncomfortable down there. (Sorry if this is TMI.) I have a feeling those checks will be VERY painful, which is something I had never thought would be a problem before since I have had zero problems in the past with anything like that.

  9. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @kentuckygirl: You're right, rest does help. It's not obvious right away (used to be), but after I walk around a little in the morning I think I have my best time of day.

    @Duckling: The checks can be rough! I think some providers are gentler than others. Like yesterday I was really bracing myself for it to hurt but I didn't feel it at all, whereas in the past it hurt so much. But I think if you've had any cramping already or have been living with enough discomfort you'll be able to get past the checks!

  10. Chastenet

    kiwi / 614 posts

    @spaniellove: In my experience with swelling you can:
    -get draining foot/leg messages from anyone willing to give you one
    -wear compression tights
    -elevate your feet as often as possible, I would often spend hours lying on my back on the couch with my legs straight up in the air against the wall

    This will slightly reduce the swelling, but once it started it never stopped for me and the only way it actually went away was peeing out all that excess fluid after DD was born. On the plus side, that water weight was very easy to lose.

  11. Chastenet

    kiwi / 614 posts

    @shortcake: Maternity leave for me will be two months off with full pay, then the third month they want me back part time with partial pay. I was hoping for 3 months with partial pay, so I guess this is a happy medium but I do worry that 2 months may not be quite enough. At least, I'm getting something though. I am very much aware of the fact that my small employer has absolutely no legal obligation to give me any kind of leave with or without pay. Maternity leave laws in the US are a joke.

  12. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    @shortcake: I work for a small real estate development company. My dad is actually my boss. I'm taking 12 weeks, only three of which are paid, for the rest I'll be paid for the hours I put in. A lot of the work I do can be done over the phone and email, so I plan to be total MIA for the first couple weeks and then I will probably ease back into things checking email and staying involved with projects over the summer. I'd imagine even coming in to spend a few hours in the office every now and then. DH works three 12 hour shifts a week so that will give us flexibility or I'll even be able to bring the little dude to the office. I plan on returning to work full time (or full time ish) after Labor Day.

  13. LaurelMae

    cherry / 175 posts

    @spaniellove @kentuckygirl - I've had some bad problems with varicose veins, particularly ones in the lady parts region over the past month or so. I purchased a belly band off of amazon for about $13 and it was TOTALLY worth it! (http://www.amazon.com/Its-You-Babe-Cradle-181-225/dp/B000I5UASY/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1400111692&sr=8-5&keywords=belly+band) It takes the weight of the baby off those swelling veins, especially when you are walking around and gravity is your enemy. I second what @chastenet said about putting your feet up high and draining some of that excess blood back to where it belongs. I try to do this several times a day for up to an hour (usually get about 30 minutes). Both of these things have prevented me from having to purchase a v2 supporter (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=vaginal+varicose+vein+support&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Avaginal+varicose+vein+support), which is like a sling for the lady parts. They run in the $40 range but I've heard if it's really bothering you, they are worth the price paid.
    Also, doing pelvic rocks on your hands and knees several times a day help to move the baby forward a bit. It's also great for getting your pelvis ready for birth!

  14. LaurelMae

    cherry / 175 posts

    @spaniellove - I think you're right about people not sending things yet. It's fairly early for me. Also, this is my second so we're not receiving the same support (it seems) in that way as we did with the first.

  15. LaurelMae

    cherry / 175 posts

    To answer this week's check-in questions:

    1) 34 weeks tomorrow
    2) The swelling veins and the discomfort of not being able to move around as easily
    3) I'm not sure I will miss anything. Perhaps feeling my LO kick around inside of me -- but that's getting a bit uncomfortable too.
    4) A few days ago, the baby dropped. This happened this early with my first too and she was born only 2 days before her due date, so I'm not concerned this one will come early (although, a little early would be nice! ;))
    I caught the cold/flu my husband brought in a few weeks ago. I had hoped I would escape but I wasn't so fortunate. It's pretty miserable. Of course, this coincides with the huge heat wave here in CA so not the best of times right now. Nesting was starting to kick in and I'm eager to get things done so I can't wait to be better.

    We finally got my DD into her new toddler bed. She's doing okay with the transition. She's back to needing someone to sit with her while she falls asleep. I'm hoping we can figure out a way to wean her off of that quickly. She usually wakes up several times in the night, but that might be because of the leftover cough from this cold she had last week. Hard to tell. It's only been 5 days since we moved her in there so we'll give her some time to adjust before we see what else is needed to help her fall asleep there and stay asleep. I'm excited to get the pack n play set up for the new LO in our room!!

  16. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    If I have to hear a doctor/midwife say one more time that baby is super low or that I'm having tons of contractions. Or if another nurse says "oh, your feet!" I KNOW!

  17. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    @spaniellove: hugs!
    People just don't think before they speak - and it is so much worse when those people are medical professionals. I've been asked twice recently if I am having twins - my belly is pretty big, but I'm not that humungous. Jerks.

    Other than that everything checked out well at my 34 week appointment yesterday. I made appointments for the next two weeks and a 2 week post OP checkup too. Crazy! It really is very hard to wrap my head around the fact that I will have a baby in 17 days!

    Do any of you have any fun "last hurrah" plans?

  18. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @CakeLady: Gah, that is a question that should never be asked! Along with "how many are you having", which someone asked me. I just wish no one would say anything to get my hopes up because it makes the wait harder. We don't have anything crazy planned but I'm hoping we'll get a chance to have dinner at our favorite restaurant!

  19. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    1) How far along are you? 35w 2d
    2) What are you looking forward to most about NOT being pregnant anymore? Being able to sleep more comfortably, wearing normal clothes, not having heartburn.
    3) What will you MISS about being pregnant? Feeling baby move, getting special treatment (ha!)
    4) Anything else? Just realized that I have about 35 days until this baby gets here and I am so not ready to have our world turned upside down again....DS is 19 months and we have a good routine so it's hard to think about all that is going to change (again). This weekend I am hosting my SIL's baby shower, not sure why I thought volunteering would be a good idea but I am not too stressed out so far. I am just excited we are both having babies around the same time (a month apart).

  20. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    A woman who works in my office who I've rarely spoken to just said to me "WHEN are you due? You just keep getting bigger and bigger!"

    Ugh! Isn't that what's supposed to happen when you're pregnant!

    I may amend my answer to question number 2 this week - I will NOT miss the dumb stuff people say to you while you are pregnant. Though I am sure people will say plenty of terrible insensitive things once baby is here too. Rant over.

  21. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    @lilyann: My SIL is due 2 weeks after me and my cousin just had her fourth 2.5 weeks ago. It will make family parties really fun. I grew up with a TON of cousins with some very close to my age and I really wanted that for my kids. My brothers have girls 2 months older and 6 months younger than J.
    I saw my OB today and she said I was doing really well. She said that since I am diabetic and hypertensive, I shouldn't go past 39 weeks, but we will continue to take it day by day. I had my first cervical check and I am not dilated and my cervix is still thick so I haven't made any progress, but I'm still only 36w3d.
    We are picking up our new glider and getting some final things from BBB this weekend. And it is FINALLY supposed to cool down. The heat wave BROKE my refrigerator. The repair man is coming this afternoon. Anybody else have fun plans for the weekend?

  22. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    @BabyBruins: Glad to hear you are doing so well!
    We are picking up our glider this weekend too! Once we do that and hang art, nursery will be done!

    We are also having dinner with a group of friends tonight, one of the couples has a one month old baby and on Saturday my two best friends are throwing me a shower. It should be a really nice weekend.

  23. Duckling

    olive / 65 posts

    If you need something to cheer you up, I recommend popping over to the May 2014 Due Date board. So many adorable babies and happy mamas.

  24. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    @Duckling: I've definitely been getting my baby fix on the May boards.

    Can't wait to start seeing some June babies! 13 days until June is here!

  25. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    I think it's time for a Monday check-in:

    1) how far along are you?
    2) is there a first activity or event you are looking forward to doing with the baby?
    3) any labor action? Are you doing anything to get labor going?
    4) anything else?

  26. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    1) how far along are you? - 36w6d - I think I will make it to a term baby this time!
    2) is there a first activity or event you are looking forward to doing with the baby? - my brother is having a 4th of July BBQ and I'm looking forward to doing some summer activities like movies in the park. They are showing Frozen near us on June 13, but the baby will be really little that day.
    3) any labor action? Are you doing anything to get labor going? - I was closed and thick and baby's head was high on Friday, but my yoga teacher said things can change quickly. Much to hubs' delight, I'm more in the "mood" lately and I think going back to yoga will also help get things in a good place. I'm also eating pineapple and drinking red raspberry lef tea. I get some cramps, like I used to get with my period. Hoping this means something. I didn't go into labor with J so I don't know what this part of he pregnancy is supposed to be like.
    4) anything else? - excited to be so close. It's still weird to be anticipating the birth since I never got to that headspace last time. At the very most this will only be another 21 ish days, maybe less. Crazy.

  27. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    1) how far along are you? 35 weeks today.

    2) is there a first activity or event you are looking forward to doing with the baby? Snuggling! Also coming home from the hospital and showing baby our house and his/her nursery and introducing our puppies.

    3) any labor action? Are you doing anything to get labor going? Definitely not doing anything to get labor going, since the whole plan is to avoid it for the safety of baby and I. The only difference I've noticed lately is a really heavy feeling in my pelvis, hoping this is just normal late pregnancy stuff and not at all labor related.

    4) anything else? Baby day is 2 weeks from today!!!
    Also, I've been wondering a lot lately who this baby will look more like - DH or me. I don't really have a preference but I am getting so curious about who this little one will be!

    Does anyone have fun plans for Memorial Day weekend?
    We're going to try and finish all the last little projects and hopefully do some relaxing at home.

  28. LaurelMae

    cherry / 175 posts

    @babybruins - Sounds like you're having some Braxton Hicks contractions! Just the uterus warming up for labor!

    @cakelady - This weekend we'd love to finish getting our garden in. There is also an annual Music festival in town (mostly jazz) that we'd love to take our daughter to. However, after a week of a bad head congestion virus, I just got diagnosed with severe sinusitis today (they thought it was strep throat -- glad to have escaped that!) and am still in the process of going through an antibiotic treatment for conjunctivitis that I was put on last Friday so I'm not sure how much I'll be up for. But those are my 'would really like to' dos for the weekend!

    As for the Monday check-in ….
    1) 34 weeks, 4 days
    2) I'm just really looking forward to seeing her face-to-face and holding her in my arms. Also, introducing her to my daughter to see her reaction to her little sis!
    3) I've been having BHs off and on for about a month now. They slowed down this week due to being off my feet so much because I'm sick but just a little more walking around today got them going again. I'm not actively doing anything at this point but probably will add some walking in once we're closer.
    4) I'm really praying for healing and a regaining of my strength for childbirth over these next few weeks. This illness has really taken a toll on my body. The baby is still growing well but that means she's taking every last bit of energy out of me right now. Also, I had my Strep B swab at the OB today and I'm hoping for negative this time around. I had it with my last one which inhibited my ability to move around a lot during labor since I had to be hooked up to an i.v. for antibiotics.

    Anyone else hear back about their strep tests?

  29. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    1) how far along are you? 36w4d

    2) is there a first activity or event you are looking forward to doing with the baby? Holding him, finally! And maybe his 100 day celebration.

    3) any labor action? Are you doing anything to get labor going? At my appointment last week the midwife commented that my cervix was closed but the baby was so low that they tend to see them that low within 2 weeks of birth. Then at my NST the MFM said I was having tons of contractions. I've had a few nights where they briefly went from uncomfortable to painful enough that I had to try different comfort measures, but it passed. Definitely feeling the head down there though! I think the cleaning that I'm doing is enough to keep things moving.

    4) anything else? I'm hoping this phase doesn't last too long! I think I have pitting with my swelling at this point and have gained 10 lbs in the last 2 weeks. Even the flip flops I got recently as a backup don't fit anymore, so I officially have no shoes left.

    @LaurelMae: They never called about the GBS test which I've been wondering about so I guess I'll ask tomorrow!

  30. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    Finally have a photo of the nursery to share! We're not completely done - need to hang some stuff on the walls - but almost there.

  31. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    @spaniellove: what a beautiful, modern nursery! Love it!
    I am getting dangerously close to barefoot and pregnant as well - my feet are so ridiculously swollen. I'm embarrassed for people at work to see them

    I haven't had the group b strep test. I have an appointment Thursday so I'll ask then, but does anyone know if they skip it when a c section is planned?

  32. LaurelMae

    cherry / 175 posts

    @cakelady - It's entirely possible that they would skip the strep B test. As I understand it, there is a danger of baby contracting it when he/she passes through the vagina where it resides. So it doesn't seem there would be a need for it if you're having a c-section birth.

  33. LaurelMae

    cherry / 175 posts

    @spaniellove - What a beautiful nursery!!

  34. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @LaurelMae: They said my test was negative so maybe no call = no GBS?

    (And thank you!)

  35. LaurelMae

    cherry / 175 posts

    @cakelady -- I ran across this on the groupbstrepinternational.org website: "If you are having a planned C-section, talk to your provider about the risks vs. benefits of starting IV antibiotics well before your incision. C-sections may not completely prevent GBS infection although the risk during a planned C-section is extremely low if performed before your labor starts/water breaks."
    So maybe they will -- but it is relatively painless.

    @spaniellove - Sounds like no GBS to me! Awesome!

  36. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    @LaurelMae: That sounds promising! This whole stage of pregnancy is totally foreign to me. I'm so happy to be at full-term. Maybe I don't suck at this pregnancy thing.
    I actually tested negative for GBS. I thought with the way this pregnancy is going, I would for sure get it, but I caught a break.
    @spaniellove: what a nice nursery. I'm so jealous that you are so organized.

  37. kimbed

    grape / 84 posts

    @cakelady - I have a planned c-section (June 13th!) and my dr. did the b strep test on me yesterday just in case. I guess in the event that I go into labor prior to the c-sect?

    To answer this week's check-in questions...

    1) how far along are you? 35w 5d
    2) is there a first activity or event you are looking forward to doing with the baby? Introducing her to her big brother
    3) any labor action? Are you doing anything to get labor going? None yet. Been feeling more BH's lately though.
    4) anything else? Feeling so ready to meet this little one, and on the other hand, feeling like it went by so very fast and I'm not ready! Have a lot to do this long weekend to prep and hopefully put my mind at ease.

  38. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    @LaurelMae: @kimbed: Thanks for the info! I will definitely ask at my appointment this week.

  39. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @spaniellove: love love love the nursery!

  40. Chastenet

    kiwi / 614 posts

    @CakeLady: A lady at the park - who has toddler triplets mind you - asked me when I was due and said she thought there was more than one in there....Gee thanks, no just the one.

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