Hellobee Boards


June 2017 moms!

  1. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @MrsF: that's great! It's such an awesome feeling.

    @bookwormmama: that sounds adorable! I love things like that but we're not really on social media. We basically just accidentally told people during Thanksgiving because we talked about it a little too loudly. I thought for sure someone was going to say something because I was clearly showing!

  2. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    Had my follow up ultrasound yesterday, baby still wasn't very co-operative so had to get a second sonographer in to get better pictures of baby's heart. Everything looks good though, baby is currently measuring 22 weeks (turned 21 weeks yesterday) and head is currently measuring 24 weeks but they said that's totally fine!
    And baby is definitely looking like a boy! Going to announce gender on Facebook this weekend.

  3. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: It's one of the bonuses I guess of not living by family, I like to come up with fun ways to share these experiences with our families! I'm not sure I would have gotten it all together for social media alone, haha!

    When the balloons popped out I said "what does that mean?" and he responded "it means it's a baby!" Then I asked what kind of baby and he runs up to the camera and says "it's a....it's a...gu-rl" in a whisper. It was hilarious!

  4. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsStar: hopefully he slows down a bit! Or maybe will decide to come a little before his due date instead? I'm glad you were able to see more of a confirmation of a boy! Congrats!

  5. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @bookwormmama: that video sounds adorable!
    I'm hoping its because he just had a growth spurt or something and that it will all even out

  6. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @bookwormmama: So sweet I have my anatomy scan this afternoon and I'll probably put something up after that. DH isn't on social media and doesn't care, but I'd like to say something.

    @MrsStar: Glad you had a good scan! Maybe he's just had a growth spurt.

  7. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @bookwormmama: that sounds like the cutest video! We don't have social media but we do have a shared photo album through iPhones that connects our immediate family (but not extended family). My mom is addicted to Facebook so I needed something she wouldn't know how to share with everyone she knows (and she's the kind of Facebooker who friends her sister's friend's mother-in-law's dog's babysitter).

    @MrsF: I hope you have a good scan!

    I think I'm staring to get over my morning sickness finally. 22 weeks! Which is about the same time as with my first pregnancy. I'm still having trouble getting to sleep at night, though.

    My older daughter is getting less angry about the night weaning! Which is exciting for my never-ending hope that she'll eventually STTN. We're also moving to a 2 bedroom (hopefully) within the next two weeks so I'm hoping once we're settled and she's in her own space she may STTN. Living in Silicon Valley is super hard, and even people who bought houses 5-10 years ago can't appreciate just how much rents have increased! A 2 bedroom near my husband's work rents for $3000+ per month. It's absurd.

    Is anyone else expecting to have two under two? I really don't want to buy a second crib but I'm dreading the transition to a bed. I'm not sure if I should try before baby is due or wait until after. I'm expecting to roomshare with LO2 for at least six months (and we can keep her in a PNP in our room if I decide to go slowly).

    I hope everyone's doing okay!

  8. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Exciting about all of the gender reveals!

    @MrsF: good luck this afternoon!

    @newlypregnantlady: I would keep your older in crib until she's ready for a bed, especially if baby can be in a PNP for awhile!

  9. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: my son will be 3, but sleeps really well in his crib, but is a PITA to put to bed, so I'm worried he will be out of bed a lot. I don't think we will move him anytime soon. We definitely won't be purchasing a second crib though.

    You could always purchase the thicker PNP mattress and keep LO2 in your room a little longer! We might end up doing something like that because our room is small and I'm not sure our crib will fit with our bed, but I don't want both kids sharing (we live in a 2 bedroom) until the baby is sleeping longer stretches and that could be closer to a year.

  10. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @MrsF: good luck at your appointment!
    @bookwormmama: so cute! I love that your DS got to play a starring role
    @newlypregnantlady: the switch to a big kid bed went more smoothly than I expected both times, and DD2 was 21 months when we switched her. Especially if you're going to have the newborn in your room for a bit, I'd hold off on a second crib.

  11. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @winniebee: @bookwormmama: @rattles: thanks for the replies! I was really hoping to avoid a second crib so that sounds great.

    I'm not good at handling stress while I'm pregnant. Looking for a new place that we can afford, that will accommodate two kids, and that isn't too far of a commute is going to send me off the deep end.

    But on the positive side I took DD for a walk after nap and she loved it! It was the first time in a long time I felt up to a fun walk instead of just lying down after lunch.

  12. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    I had my first appointment with the MFM last week. On the upside, I really liked the doctor. On the downside, there are several issues for my sweet baby.

    1) SUA/IUGR: Our umbilical cord only has two vessels instead of three (single umbilical artery). Thus I am at a higher risk for preterm delivery or intrauterine growth restriction (failure of baby to grow that would prompt them to induce and deliver early). I will be getting weekly scans starting at 32 weeks and have two more before then. Add in regular OB appointments, and I think my girls are about to get lots of screen time...
    2) The baby has a condition called multi cystic kidney dysplasia (MCKD). This means s/he has two kidneys, but one did not develop properly. It is not working and will never work. The other kidney is working perfectly and is compensating so far, so we're just praying the baby won't have any trouble with the good kidney now or later in life. It could be that in the early years of life the dormant kidney produces rennin, in which case it would need to be removed as that can cause high blood pressure.
    3) The baby's chin/lower jaw may not be developing properly. This can be a soft marker for severe syndromes, but it appears to be an isolated issue at present. (The dr said the brain is fine, the heart is fine, the spine is fine, stomach is fine thank God). They'll try and get a better look at my next scan to rule out Pierre Robin syndrome, (which would mean the baby could have trouble breathing and have a higher risk for choking. Maybe feeding or breathing tubes early on.) Our baby doesn't appear to have the cleft palate often associated with this though, which is also good.

    Less seriously, baby is still breech and the doc wants to see my dating ultrasound from a few months back because I'm measuring for May 29 (which I guess is apparently worrisome if it's really June 6 when viewed in conjunction with everything else)?

    The kidney issue is what it is, but all the extra unknowns are scary. Add in the fact that my grandfather has been in the ICU since the day after Christmas and seems to be deteriorating, and I'm just emotionally drained.

    Sorry for the novel, and I hope your weekends are all going well!

  13. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: I'm so sorry the news wasn't as positive as you hoped it would be and that you are having to deal with more issues and fears than just the kidney development. But it is great to hear that your baby's major organs are fine! I hope the doctors can give you better and more detailed information at your next appointment.

    I'm also sorry you are also dealing with a family member in the ICU and that your grandfather isn't doing well. My niece just had a major stroke yesterday after doing really well and her outlook is unsure, but not great. I can sympathize with the emotional toll this all takes. I hope things ease up for you and you are able to get a little break from all the stressful things happening in your life.

  14. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    @rattles: I'm sorry you are having to wait through all this uncertainty. That's really difficult. I hope things go as positively as possible from here on out.

  15. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bookwormmama: @Iced Tea: thanks, ladies. I appreciate the support!
    @bookwormmama: I'm sorry to hear about your niece. That's awful. I'll keep her in my prayers.

  16. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: thank you! It's definitely an emotionally (and physically with all the driving) hard time to go through, especially pregnant.

  17. jape14

    pear / 1586 posts

    @rattles: I'm so sorry for the worry and uncertainty you're facing. I hope things look up from here -- know we are all thinking about you!

    @bookwormmama: I'm so sorry to hear about your niece. keeping you in my thoughts.

  18. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @rattles hugs mama this is not easy. Wishing you strength and patience moving forward...We're here for you always!
    @bookwormmama so sorry to hear about your neice...keep us posted

  19. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @rattles: oh goodness that is a lot of information for one ultrasound. I'm sorry that you are facing so many unknowns. The good news is that you're being monitored, heart, Brian and spine look great, and you are in good hands with mfm. When is your next ultrasound?

  20. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @rattles: wow that's a lot to be handling, my heart goes out to you!

    @bookwormmama: I'll definitely be keeping your niece in my thoughts.

  21. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Had a little freak out today (not feeling him yet) so went for a HB check. All still seems ok!

  22. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @jape14: @Mrs. Pajamas: @newlypregnantlady: @winniebee: thanks ladies - I really appreciate the support and well wishes! My next OB appointment is 2/7 and my next MFM is 2/20. Hopefully we'll find out more soon.

    @winniebee: I'm glad you were proactive and that everything looks well!

  23. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @winnibee good for you to have everything checked out. So glad everything is ok. I didn't feel dd until 22 weeks last time and it was so hard (I had an anterior placenta).

  24. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: yeah my placenta is anterior this time too. I had it with DS1 and no movement until 20 weeks 😩

  25. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @winniebee: it was 24 weeks before I felt anything with mine. It's so hard!

  26. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @winniebee: glad the check went well! I'm not feeling much either. I also have an anterior, but it is so different from DS (who I also had an anterior with). Baby girl was transverse and backside up at my ultrasound, and I have felt weird movements inside my body (like towards my back). I mentioned her positioning to my doctor and we agreed it was probably the way she's laying that is making movement harder to feel the normal movements I felt with DS. It's so hard though!

  27. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @jape14: @Mrs. Pajamas: @newlypregnantlady: thank you for the support

  28. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    Just got back from my anatomy scan. Baby is looking great and gender was kept a surprise which I'm super super happy about. I do have a partial previa but I'm not too worried about it since baby is fine. I forgot to ask about any exercise restrictions. Did anyone have one with previous LOs or with current pregnancy and know about exercise? She said pelvic rest which makes sense.

  29. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: I always thought pelvic rest meant no intense exercise...do you have lifting restrictions? From a Google search I gathered that cardio and lifting anything heavy (even a toddler) is out. But I'm not sure if the same restrictions are put in partial previas...I would definitely ask your doctor before doing anything!

  30. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @rattles: I'm sorry that the scan left you with so many unknowns Sounds like you're being monitored closely but I'm sure it's hard to have to think about all of these things. Keep us posted

    @winniebee: Glad that they had you come in for a HB check and that everything sounded good

  31. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: so glad to hear baby looks well! I don't have any experience with pelvic rest. I think I'd just call your doc to make sure.

    @MrsF: thanks! Will do. My uncle is a neonatologist in a town a couple of hours away. We're going to go out for a visit on Saturday to talk through things with him. I trust my docs, but it'll be nice to have an outside/personal opinion on possible outcomes and necessary precautions.

  32. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @rattles: That's great that you have your uncle as a resource. Sometimes it's so good to talk to someone that you know well about these things. I hope that goes well!

  33. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @rattles: I'm so sorry to hear about all those unknowns and to find all that out at one visit! Praying for joy and your sweet baby! Hoping things go more positively from here on out! That's wonderful to hear about your uncle! Hoping he can give you a better insight and calm some fears.
    @Mrs. Pajamas: So glad to hear baby is doing well! That's wonderful news! Are you still planning to have a fetal echo done? @winniebee: So glad your check went well! I've had a couple of times when I've had a scare and used my at home Doppler!

    Congrats to all the exciting gender reveals! That's just wonderful!!!

    I've been MIA lately. We had our latest measurement scan at 20+4. Baby girl measured at 12oz, but changed to 11 when she entered it in the comp and baby boy was a whopping 15, but changed to 14 in the comp! Both babies are doing well. Going in on Wed for a fetal echo. Not too sure what to expect, but praying for great results! I've been feeling baby boy a ton, but baby girl has an anterior placenta... so I'm with you ladies on the not much movement! I have felt her a few times though, which is exciting! 22 weeks tomorrow! Time is flying!

  34. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @Winnie13: so good to hear from you...I was wondering where you disappeared to! I'm thrilled everyone is measuring well (wow you literally have twice the baby weight that I do!) and you are feeling movements! I can't even imagine feeling two babies--how cool! I had my fetal echo yesterday and all is good. The doc could tell right away everything was fine with baby's heart so he took it as time to show off how cool ultrasound technology is and DH and I totally ate it up. I just love geeking out seeing the blood move around and the ventrical flaps and all that working at just 20 weeks. We also learned a ton about how fetal heart function and physiology is so different than after birth for example a few of the valves are open to allow for more circulation and then they just close up at birth. It was so amazing! Good luck with yours!

  35. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @rattles: hugs! So sorry they bombarded you with all these issues. Hoping they are all manageable and turn out to be minor!

    I had my anatomy scan and fetal echo. Everything came out normal.

    But this is by far my worst 2nd trimester. I feel sooo blah. And gaggy and dry-heave-y. Ugh. All I wanna do is sleep but who has time for that w three kids? Although I'm cheating right now and letting them read books on their tablets. Short nap time...

  36. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @Winnie13: Good to hear from you and glad that the babies are doing well!

  37. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @rattles Sorry you had to have such an overwhelming ultrasound. I'm glad you have family that can offer informed opinions.

    Great to hear from everyone else! Glad things are going well. I'm 22 weeks today and finally felt the baby move a few days ago, so that was very exciting! Now the husband is jealous and anxious to be able to feel him too It's my birthday on Friday and for once I scheduled a not-first thing in the morning OB appointment so that I could sleep in a little. I'm excited about that.

  38. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    Question for second + time moms if you used a doula for your first: will you use one this time around too? I delivered DD through a midwife practice that basically required I hire a doula. We found one we LOVED and it was so worth it since I had a ridiculously long, unmedicated labor. We moved across the country since then and I'm not sure about this time. I feel like DH and I learned so much from our last experience we don't really need a doula, and I just can't imagine anyone being as amazing as our last one. That being said, I'm with an OB practice now that is not as supportive of unmedicated vaginal deliveries so maybe a doula would be an extra advocate? I know it's totally subjective but curious what others did or plan to do for subsequent births. And obviously our goal is healthy baby/mama so if we need any medical intervention we will take it, but isn't it so nice to talk about "birth plans" before shit starts to get real? haha.

  39. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @rattles I hope your OB appt goes well today and you are getting some answers to baby's various conditions.

  40. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: I did use a doula for the first. Since my labor was crazy long, it was nice that she and my husband could rotate in supporting me. This time I am going to an event where I can meet multiple doulas at once. But I am thinking that I might actually rely on my husband, sister and midwife this time. My new midwife was a doula before training in midwifery. My sister was a L&D nurse, is now a baby nurse, and desired to train as a midwife. My husband also learned a lot last time, and will be good support. So it looks like I have an exceptional support system even if I don't hire a doula.

    Based on my previous experience, I think it's incredibly helpful to have more than one awesome support person in the event of a long labor. And I'd be even more likely to hire someone if I was seeing an OB rather than a midwife.

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