Hellobee Boards


June 2017 moms!

  1. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @winniebee: great news! And I'm sure it was great for you to have someone being so thorough and explaining things to people in the room!

    @newlypregnantlady: congrats! It is pretty crazy to have 6 girls in a row in one family!

  2. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    I have to tell you guys what happened today; I am so shocked and rather mad. We discussed with the ultrasound tech at length our excitement about being team green and finding out the gender by looking for ourselves after the birth. When the time came to check that part, we turned away until she gave us the all clear. She mistakenly printed the sex on a photo but realized it and threw it away before we saw it. At the end of the scan, she switched to the stats screen, told us everything looks good and left to fetch the doctor. I was admiring baby's stats and measurements on the screen and saw something that shocked me--the baby's sex! OH MY GOD. I could not believe it. I made my husband look away and didn't tell him; he can still be surprised. But not me. This is my last baby, and now I'll never have a gender surprise at birth. I don't know what the heck she was thinking putting it right up there on the screen! Any of you ever have your gender surprise ruined by someone else??

  3. kitty

    apricot / 315 posts

    My anatomy scan is booked for the 31st. Really looking forward to seeing baby, especially because I haven't been feeling as much movement this time. With LO1 I felt it pretty early and often so I was kind of expecting to feel it the same this time. Maybe this will be a chill baby

    @Iced Tea: I just saw your post about this. That is so lame, I'm sorry your last chance for a surprise was ruined It sounds like she tried the rest of the time but then was careless - of course you're going to look at the screen!

  4. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @Iced Tea: I said on your other thread, but I'm so sorry. I haven't had that happen to me, but we were TG last time and when my parents, DD1 and my sister arrived at the hospital, the student nurse greeted them at my door with "C.... LastName?" So we didn't get to announce the sex or name to our families. I'm also guessing we'll end up inadvertently finding out during our extra testing for hydronephrosis this time, though we'all see. I'm really sorry it was ruined for you though. That just stinks.

  5. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Iced Tea: I'm sorry you didn't get the surprise you were hoping for! Hopefully, it will still be fun for your husband to be surprised. I know I always love to see the look on my DH's face when I surprise him with something. I'm sure it's still super disappointing to miss out on that experience though...that stinks.

  6. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Iced Tea: sorry that you didn't get the surprise that you wanted. Try and focus on your healthy baby for now!!

  7. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @rattles: I'm sorry that you couldn't have just had great news at your ultrasound and nothing to worry about My anatomy scans with each of my two big kids have raised concerns and that's a bad feeling no matter how low the risk is. If it's any reassurance my son's anatomy scan showed dilated kidneys which led to several extra ultrasounds with MFM and I think they even ultrasounded his kidneys after he was born but it never led to any issues and resolved on its own by birth. My OB said that her son actually did continue to have hydronephrosis after birth (very unlikely) and had to have a procedure and even then it was no big deal and never impacted him after that. I hope yours resolves quickly!

    @winniebee: Yay for a wonderful scan! I'm so happy for you and baby

    @Iced Tea: That must be such a huge disappointment I'm so sorry.

  8. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @MrsF: thanks for sharing your experience. I really appreciate it. I'm hopeful that it will resolve itself, of course. DD2's heart defect wasn't detected until birth. In some ways, that's easier. I'm hopeful this will end up being a similar resolution but am slightly nervous I won't get that lucky twice. We'll see! I don't know anyone IRL with experience with it, so I'm grateful for your sharing yours!

  9. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @rattles: I hear you. I sort of have this crazy overarching fear that we are tempting fate by having a third. I mean, what are my odds of having 3 completely healthy kids? (Of course I'm sure the answer is "very good" but I always find something to worry about )

  10. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @Rattles: Thanks for listing!! I’m so sorry you had some unsettling news and hoping everything looks good when you go to the MFM. I will definitely be keeping you and baby in my prayers!

    @MrsStar: Congrats on your baby boy! So exciting!

    @jape14: Congrats on your little girl! Yay!!

    @winniebee: So wonderful to hear baby is looking good!!

    @newlypregnantlady: Congrats!! That is wonderful!

    @Iced Tea: I’m so sorry that happened to you!

    I’ve been a MIA due to a very crazy week. Two weeks ago, I had my apt. at my OB and they drew blood for the AFP testing. Tuesday, I get a call from my OB's office telling me my levels are elevated and they will have to take a closer look at babies spine, head, and stomach my next apt. at the MFM. Thankfully, that apt. was that afternoon. Unfortunately, my OB's office kept sending the results to the wrong place, so the MFM didn't get my blood results until right before my apt. Once we got there, the U/S tech brought us into the room and informed us that my OB's office ran the test as a singleton, not as a twin pregnancy and they are completely normal. They took a look at both babies and they both are completely healthy. I was just so relieved! Very big mistake, but seeing those healthy babies made everything else fade away! I won't be seeing that nurse practitioner anytime soon though. I think the worst part was she faxed the results over 3 times that day, and you would have thought with one of those times she would have realized that it said singleton... not twin! I will definitely be saying something at my next apt!

  11. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Winnie13: oh my goodness I'm so sorry you went through that! I've been through the elevated AFP before (it was how we were tipped off our son had spina bifida) and the whole singnleton v multiple is the most common reason for an off reading, I'm so surprised they did not pick up on that. I'm so sorry you went through that but so happy the babies are looking well.

  12. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @winniebee: It was definitely a scary and stressful day, but it had a wonderful ending! I'm so glad your sweet pea is healthy and that everything has been good so far! Do you think you will get released soon from the MFM?

  13. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Winnie13: wow that's both scary and maddening! I'm glad everything turned out ok though and it's nice your appointment was the same day so you didn't have to worry long!

  14. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @Winnie13: I'm so glad that it was a false alarm, but how scary that you had to go through that! Thank goodness that your appointment was the same day and that you didn't have to worry for long.

  15. jape14

    pear / 1586 posts

    catching up here after a crazy week at work - this thread has been bumping!

    @rattles: so sorry about the news. I hope everything looks great at the next appointment.
    @Iced Tea: sorry that happened to you! I so admire your ability to keep the secret from your DH.
    @newlypregnantlady: congrats on the girl - that is an impressive streak of ladies in your family!
    @winniebee: glad to hear you had a great scan!
    @Winnie13: sorry about the false alarm, but happy to hear the babies are looking good!

  16. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Winnie13: I'll have my anatomy scan there in a few weeks (I'm only 16 now) and they will do a growth scan at 32 weeks since I'm AMA, but otherwise I see my regular OB in between.

  17. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @Winnie13: oh my gosh, how scary! I'm glad all is well, but I'm sorry for all the unnecessary worry in the interim!

  18. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @winnie13 how awful! I'm thrilled everything is OK but yikes! I got misdiagnosed with a massive sch/placental abruption at my anatomy scan with DD. Many many tears and mfm appts later it was nothing. I'm so glad yours was nothing as well.

    @rattles I'm sorry about your news. You have a great attitude. Please keep us in the loop as I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.

    @icedtea so sorry you got your surprise spoiled! I'm so nervous for that now. I got email results from my second tri blood work recently but luckily they came with a warning that gender may be revealed in the report. Thanks to your story I'm going to be super vigilant with every appt from now on

    I just hit 18 weeks today and feel like I'm back in the first tri with exhaustion, hunger, and gas. Ugh. Baby center app says it's a growth spurt so hopefully it's short lived!

  19. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: I was feeling kinda crappy the past week (18 weeks) too, and I've felt like my core is super sore, so a growth spurt does make sense!

    My LO was up from 1:45-3:45 puking last night. No idea where it came from, but he took 2 hours to fall asleep and then woke up at 1:45 calling for us because he had thrown up. I stayed up with him until 3:45...he puked like 5 times (including dry heaving which broke my heart). He finally stopped and I was able to put him back to bed. He hasn't really had an issue this morning (he did dry heave when he woke up, but that was 3+ hours ago). I hope he's in the clear and it was just a random bug. And I REALLY hope I don't catch it!

  20. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @bookwormmama I have totally had some lower ab soreness/cramping too. I guess they are stretching out!

  21. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @bookwormmama: Oh poor kiddo I hope he's feeling better!

  22. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    My DH's husband died somewhat unexpectedly over the weekend so he and I will be traveling to this week for the services while the kids stay here with our sitter. They're so sad that we're leaving (and feeding off of our general sadness, I'm sure - we all just had Thanskgiving at this aunt's house and they love her) and that along with the death is making me so emotional

    Plus I'm having such a hard time finding something wake & funeral appropriate that actually fits. I'm always either in jeans or scrubs so... ugh.

  23. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsF: I'm so sorry for your family's loss. Your post is a little confusing about who passed, was it your DH's aunt? Positive thoughts to your DH and your whole family. I hope the week isn't too stressful for you!

  24. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @MrsF: I'm so sorry.

    20 weeks today! And it's my birthday! Only 1 week until my next ultrasound. Bought some newborn diapers today while on sale - made things a bit more real!

  25. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @MrsF: I'm sorry for your loss. It's so hard to explain to kids too. I needed a funeral dress during my first pregnancy and it was so hard to find something appropriate! Your family will be in my prayers.

    @MrsStar: happy birthday!

  26. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @MrsF: I'm sorry for your loss! It's tough. Target has a black scoop neck maternity dress made of jersey material that's not exactly nice but it's not too pricey and it's black. It's very simple and can be dressed up with a cardigan and some leggings and boots? Although I don't know if there's a ton of snow where you are? Are you still able to fit into normal pants if you buy a belly band?

    I'm officially in nesting mode. We will hopefully be moving in about three weeks and I'm obsessed with cleaning. I've been trying to get the oven and drip pans clean for about a week now. The actual oven part is fairly clean but I can't seem to get the door and the window clean. Plus, every landlord I've ever had has commented on how dirty we leave the oven (and I've always cleaned it as best I could!). So I know I tend to really beat up ovens. I think maybe I just cook more than the average person? 95% of our dinners are home cooked, and I do love me some meat! I've been trying to keep the oven clean lately by not making meat that splatters.

    I've been mostly using baking soda, vinegar, salt, lemon, and Mr Clean pads. I think I need to invest in some steel wool. Hopefully that will help. The cost of moving is really starting to add up, and I'm trying to save money so we can spent it on getting LO1's big girl room situated.

    And I keep getting all this fabric from people! I love that it's free, I just hate getting stuff right before we move! We're viewing several apartments this week so hopefully we find something. Once this move is over I'll be able to focus on getting DD1 ready for DD2. I feel like I can't enjoy this pregnancy until I'm in my new place!

  27. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @bookwormmama: Ha. It was my DH's aunt Otherwise it would seem that we have a very complicated family situation.

  28. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @bookwormmama excited to hear how your anatomy scan went

    @mrsf sorry to hear about your husbands aunt. My aunt died last week and it's been so hard on my mom who was super close to her.

    @newlypregnantlady oh man good luck with the move. Our move during weeks 5-6 of this pregnancy was rough. Are you staying local? Getting help with packing and unpacking?

  29. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsF: I kinda figured you just added husband on accident!

  30. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    My anatomy scan went great! Baby (and their heart) is perfectly healthy, which is a huge relief. The baby was moving like crazy! The tech made tons of comments about how difficult it was being

    My niece has a heart condition and actually coded last week...she has been sedated and on a machine to keep her heart pumping. It was a tough weekend for us (we traveled down there to see her and it was so, so hard to see). Thankfully, she is stable and working towards a transplant. So it was really a relief to know everything looks perfect with our baby and it was some light on a dark week.

    We were able to find out the sex of the baby, but I think I'll wait to share until next week. We are traveling down to my parents' this weekend again so we are going to do a reveal with them.

    My placenta is a little too close to my cervix. It's not covering it, but I need to go back in 6 weeks to make sure it moves. The weird thing is I had this EXACT issue with my son. It doesn't happen very often from what I understand, so it is crazy to me that it is happening again! They aren't concerned about it since it will likely move (and did last time) so right now we are just treating it as a bonus ultrasound.

  31. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: thanks it went great! I put a more detailed post above!

  32. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MrsF: so sorry for your loss

    @bookwormmama: good news about healthy baby!

  33. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: moving while pregnant is no joke! I hope it all comes together relatively smoothly for you.

    @bookwormmama: I'm glad that your niece is doing better, and congrats on a healthy, wiggly baby!

  34. GreeneB2

    cherry / 120 posts

    Hi ladies, I've been MIA lately but this baby has been kicking my butt. Just had our 20 week appointment and ultrasound, we're team pink! My husband was upset, since we already have a girl and we're almost 100% sure we're done. Poor guy, he's now outnumbered!

  35. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @Greeneb2 congrats on girl #2! My DH actually is hoping for another girl but we're team green so we've got a ways to go to find out....

  36. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @GreeneB2: congrats on your little girl! I hope your DH comes around soon. It's such fun watching them develop their relationship as sisters!

  37. GreeneB2

    cherry / 120 posts

    @rattles: Thanks! I always wanted a sister so I'm hoping that the girls will be close!

  38. GreeneB2

    cherry / 120 posts

    @rattles: Thank you!

  39. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: @rattles: thanks for the kind words. I've got this crazy tunnel vision with the move. I know I need to be calm and enjoy this pregnancy as much as I can. I am starting to get crazy baby fever and I just would love to start nesting and getting everything ready. But I feel like I can't start because we're going to move.

    I'm such a big planner and organizer that I find that stuff really soothing. I can't wait to get out my baby clothes and wash them and put them away, and get out the swing, and bouncer, and do all those little things to prepare for the little squish!

  40. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: I totally understand. We moved across the country when I was 34 weeks with DD2, and it's so hard to have to wait to settle in. It will be so nice to have a clean slate when you get there though! I hope you can enjoy some shopping and brainstorming nursery plans in the meantime!

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