Hellobee Boards


June 2017 moms!

  1. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @rattles Thanks for listing! My due date is now 6/11 and my anatomy scan is the 18th! I'm excited!

  2. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @rattles: yay! Thx for the list! I think winnie13 is having a boy and girl.

    My anatomy is on the 30th. They also want me to do a fetal echo or so, which is on the 1st. I don't think I did it with my two other pregnancies.

  3. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    Hi all! Had my normal 18 week appointment today, and TH's heart rate was good. Now just really anxious to get to the anatomy scan next week. Physically feeling so much better these days but cranky as heck. Ah well. I finally have a bump! It literally seemed to appear out of no where. People at work are surprised haha. Yet somehow, this is the first year where a student has not asked me if I'm having a baby. I'm looking forward to being able to give an answer other than "that's not really a polite thing to ask"

  4. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @msmilkshake: it's so fun to finally start to show, isn't it? Glad to hear your appointment went well!

  5. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    DH and I had a wedding out of town over New Years (our first weekend away from the girls since DD2 was born) and had some good convo re names while on the road. Anyone making progress on names? I also got a diaper bag for Christmas from my folks and am excited about that.

    Tomorrow's a big day for a lot of us! Excited to hear how everything goes. It's an impressively even gender split so far!

    June 2017 Mamas

    June 3: Iced Tea (#2)
    June 4: NewlyPregnantLady (#2)
    June 6: GreeneB2 (#2), rattles (#3)
    June 7: MrsStar (#3)
    June 10: Lilybean (#2), Winnie13 (#1 & 2)
    June 11: MsMilkshake (#1)
    June 12: MrsF (#3)
    June 13: BookwormMama (#2), MissKriss19 (#3)
    June 15: Mrs.Hawk71 (#2)
    June 17: Tequiero21 (#4)
    June 18: Kitty (#2), Mrs. Pajamas (#2)
    June 21: Mrs.Joy (#2), MrsT927 (#2)
    June 22: Tubbs (#1)
    June 23: combatlibby (#2), yogibeachwife (#1)
    June 24: Rae (#2)
    June 26: jape14 (#2), JennyG (#3)
    June 30: Beatlesfan629 (#2)
    July 3: winniebee (#4)

    Anatomy Scans
    1/11: rattles, NewlyPregnantLady, MrsStar, winniebee
    1/13: Iced Tea
    1/17: BookwormMama
    1/18: MsMilkshake
    1/24: jape14
    1/26: MrsF
    1/30: Mrs. Pajamas, Tequiero21
    2/9: winniebee

  6. Tubbs

    olive / 67 posts

    @rattles: still haven't discussed names yet. I have my second midwife appointment this Thursday (at 17 weeks) and my anatomy scan on Feb 3rd. We're going to wait to find out the sex of the baby so just hope we can both stay strong and not cave during the ultrasound on Feb 3rd!

  7. Tubbs

    olive / 67 posts

    @msmilkshake: so good to know everything is progressing smoothly! I know I keep looking forward and waiting for the next 'milestone' but always surprise myself by how far along I've come - 17 weeks already here! It's slipping by so quickly! My belly is so large now so I'll have to tell work colleagues this week. I think I've gotten away with it so far just by hiding it unde my Christmas weight gain but will have to come clean this week when my maternity cover job advert has to go public. I think once other ppl know - time will slow a bit.

  8. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: we have a girl and boy name picked out. We've had the boy name picked out for a while and talked about the girl name soon after I got pregnant. We both like it, so if it's a girl we will probably go with that one!

    Exciting day tomorrow for lots, can't wait to hear results of your anatomy scans! Good luck!

  9. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @Tubbs: awesome, I'll add your scan to the list. Good luck at your appointment!

  10. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bookwormmama: That's impressive! We never even have it down to one for each. We usually take two options per sex to the hospital and decide when we meet. We've got a short list of 4 each right now.

  11. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: I love baby names and talking about them even when I'm not pregnant, haha! I am also hugely picky and my DH knows it so he will randomly bring up names all the time to see if I like them.

    We picked out our DS's name on a car trip when I was like 9-10 weeks pregnant. A blogger had just named her son it and j really liked the idea of its nickname. It's funny because I left it pretty open, but once we found out he was a boy my DH was totally stuck on the name we originally talked about. I was a little wish-washy because I was worried about how it sounded with our last name, but I told like 2 people and they loved it so it helped me feel more confident in the choice. And it fits my DS SO perfectly. I could not imagine him with another name. I think we will have a backup just in case we decide the name doesn't fit in the hospital, but I'm hoping we have another perfect fit!

  12. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bookwormmama: I love names too! DH and I have relatively similar taste, but he jokes that as in most things, our taste in names is like concentric circles, him liking the smaller. I like traditional choices he likes, but I also try and sneak some less common choices in there. I love both of our girls' names, but we're struggling to find one we both love as much if it's a girl again. And after years of babies, we still have never felt confident in a boys name. It worked out when we had girls the first two times, but we'll see!

  13. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: I like your style! We talked about a couple of the names you picked/talked about! We like having "proper" or full names with a nickname option. We have chosen pretty traditional middle names, but our first name choices are "newer" without being weird (IMHO). We didn't want anything too popular or too strange. We did the traditional middle names for two reasons, one they are strong family names in my DH's family and two we wanted our kids to have the option to use them as their name if they decided they didn't like their first names.

  14. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bookwormmama: love it! Those are such handsome boy names, and I'm a sucker for <redacted>. Formal plus nickname is our usual approach too.

  15. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @rattles: we are still struggling with girl names. I've been watching movie credits for ideas and none have really popped for us. We typically like fairly mainstream names (like top 500), and I just haven't had much luck.

    I have considered Adelaide/Adah/Ava for this baby if it's a girl. But I'm just not sure. I'm kind of hoping it's a boy just so I don't have to keep thinking about names! Lol.

  16. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: I'm biased out of those, but they're all lovely! We've always been the opposite where it was good it wasn't a boy for names! Can't wait to hear what you're having!

  17. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: Thank you! I really love my son's name and it's crazy how well it fits him! I agree that Penny is really adorable. I hadn't really entertained the idea of it for a name because I felt like it was really popular, but my DH asked if I knew anyone IRL with that name and I admitted that I didn't, so we decided to put it on the table.

    I also love the names Sullivan (Sully) and Theodore (Theo) for boys, but I have a cousin that used a different spelling of Sully for their daughter, and my DH thought it might be a little weird to have 2 kids with presidential names.

  18. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bookwormmama: I love Theodore! It always makes my own shortlist, but I don't think DH loves it. They both go nicely with your son too! I see what he means re Sullivan, but I don't think it's as obvious as other presidential choices might be.

  19. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    My timezone is a day ahead of the US so only 4 hours until my anatomy scan! Really hoping baby cooperates and let's us see! Narrowed down to a boys and girls name so will be interesting which one we can rule out by the end of the day!
    My 17 month old is a grumpy teething monster today so I'm praying she behaves during the ultrasound otherwise I'll have to get my mum to take her out.
    Good luck for the other anatomy scans happening soon!

  20. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @MrsStar yeah so excited for you to find out! Good luck with the teething toddler!

    Is anyone else having issues with maternity clothes? I got a huge box from a good friend but it turns out her pants are all a size or two too big! I'm so bummed. I tried on a million pairs of jeans at destination maternity last week, came home with 2 that I really liked and now wearing them around the house they are saggy in the butt and wont' stay up. My pregnancy with DD was mostly summer so I only bought one pair of Old Navy black pants that I still love. But I definitely need a few pairs to last me until spring. I'm thinking the full panel just doesn't work for me. Any advice or jeans/pants you absolutely love? I've combed thredup but they don't have too many skinny style which is pretty much all I wear.

  21. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsStar: yay! so exciting!

    @Mrs. Pajamas: I have been struggling with maternity pants big time. I loved my Old Navy maternity pants last time, (of course they don't fit now) but I feel like they changed them. The crotch is HUGE in the full panel ones that they are constantly falling down. Then my thighs end up rubbing together if I'm doing a lot of walking, so it's really annoying and irritating. I thought I was kinda between two sizes and went with the bigger size expecting to need it, but now I'm debating ordering the same pair a size down. I did get the no panel/stretchy pocket style on clearance at Old Navy and the crotch fits well, but I have to wear a belt to keep them up. And I feel like the belt makes my belly look weird (like just fat instead of pregnant). I keep hoping they will fit better as I get bigger, but I think the amount of movement I need for chasing my toddler makes them a difficult style to wear.

    To add even more issues, my inseam is like 29 inches, so I always struggle to find pants that fit my length well, and when the ON ones sag, they end up dragging on the floor. I've tried to order more, but they only have the short inseam online and they have been sold out for months. It's ridiculous!

  22. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: I have no suggestions, honestly. I'm unhappy with all of my maternity pants this go around. I had a pair of Hudsons I liked the fit of, but the quality was terrible. I had a pair of Old Navy ones I liked, but my old pair split between the belly band and denim, and the fit of the newer ones is all wrong. I miss being pregnant in a season of dresses, although where I am, that will come soon enough I suppose.

  23. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    So anatomy scan went well! Baby wasn't very co-operative though so we need to go back in 2 weeks to look at baby's heart again and confirm the gender since we didn't get a great look. But so far it appears baby is a BOY!!

    And my teething monster cooprated throughout most of the scan, had my mum take her out near the end since she was getting cranky.

  24. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @bookwormmama I'm short too so I have the same inseam issue. My only maternity pants from last pregnancy that I love are old Navy pixie ankle. They are the perfect length! Wish they had those in jeans!

  25. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsStar: congratulations! Hopefully (the likely) he cooperates more in 2 weeks!

    @Mrs. Pajamas: I don't like the Pixies very much because I hate that polyester type material they use (I'm really picky about material and usually only wear cotton). I did have a pair of the chino Pixies I liked, but I don't think they do those in maternity. I asked my cousin her favorites because she's the same height as me and she said she liked Motherhood Maternity's jeans. I'm probably going to try a pair on soon and order at least one pair. I will be wearing jeans for at least another 4-5 months so it's worth it to have some that fit! They are having a BOGO 50% off right now...but I also noticed that Amazon also sells them with free shipping.

  26. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: @bookwormmama: @rattles:
    On Black Friday and Cyber Monday, I ordered maternity jeans from Old Navy, Gap, and Loft. I was sure something would work and I would just return the rest. It was a total failure! I couldn't understand why none of them had much stretch, unlike my previous maternity jeans. I finally went into Motherhood and found some great ones. They are labeled jeggings (or "feels like jeggings"?), but they are actually extra thick and stretchy. They have the light colored panel, which I like since I wear a lot of light colored shirts. I do have to cuff them because I'm short. Strangely, the light color is sized more generously than the dark color; I bought one small and one medium as a result. They are very comfy. I disliked Motherhood's other options, but these are pretty great.

  27. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @bookwormmama: I got some jcrew mat jeans second hand and am loving them

  28. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MrsStar: Glad everything looked good so far! Congrats on (most likely) a boy!

  29. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @MrsStar: congrats! My scan is today and I hope my baby cooperates (actually I hope both my babies cooperate - lol!).

    I've basically just converted to 100% leggings because maternity jeans make me furious. I got some Gap maternity leggings on a Black Friday which I've been wearing to death.

    I've even taken to altering my old maternity jeans and they still fall down or suffocate my belly. I'm certainly no seamstress but I've had to alter all my old clothes because I lost weight between pregnancies and I just don't have the budget to keep buying clothes all the time!

  30. jape14

    pear / 1586 posts

    so I ended up going for an elective ultrasound yesterday (long story but my regular OB appt was canceled due to weather and I was getting super anxious about not having had an appt since before Christmas. DH and I decided to just go for the scan since we are impatient!) and found out that we are having a girl! DS came with us and was waving to the baby on the screen - it was adorable. I was so, so surprised and now I have a lot more shopping to do. now we will just confirm that it's still a girl at the anatomy scan on 1/24

    @MrsStar: congrats on the boy!

    @Mrs. Pajamas: @rattles: @bookwormmama: I feel you ladies on the maternity jeans. last time around, I was mostly pregnant in the summer so I didn't need many pants. however, I really liked my maternity jeans from H&M and topshop (I bought them online at nordstrom). both are sized smaller/European so you'll want to size up accordingly. I'm not wearing maternity clothes yet, but I got two pairs of DL1961 on sale/clearance from a pea in the pod and the fit is great initially anyway. I also got another pair of the H&M ones for a cheaper option.

    the topshop ones I had are here (and probably have more options/sizes on the topshop site): http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/topshop-pretty-leigh-skinny-maternity-jeans/4580592?origin=keywordsearch-personalizedsort&fashioncolor=RED

  31. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Iced Tea: @winniebee: @jape14: thanks for some of the recs! I'll have to check them out!

    @jape14: congrats on the baby girl! We are bringing our DS with the ultrasound next week too...I hope he cooperates because he was a bit of a pain at the last one!

  32. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    Thank you every one! Kinda want to go a bit crazy on the clothes shopping since this is out first boy but 1. I need to make sure it actually is a boy so 2 weeks is going to feel like a long time! 2. Will be a winter baby and all the summer stock is out at the moment so not much I can get anyway! Will just have to research other stuff I guess!

    @jape14: congratulations on the girl!

  33. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @MrsStar: @jape14: congratulations on your little (likely) boy and girl! How fun to have the opposite experience of what you've had so far!

    My scan went well overall - adorable little profile rubbing his/her sleepy eyes after kicking up a storm. Vital organs look good, but there is too much fluid around the baby's kidneys, so I'm being referred to a high risk MFM for follow up testing. Apparently there's nothing to be done in utero, but there's a chance baby will need surgery at birth. No other markers to indicate that this is part of a larger problem though, which is good news.

  34. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsStar: but you can definitely buy some boy stuff at the end of the season for next year!

    @rattles: glad the vital organs look good and baby was active for you guys...do you know when the MFM will see you? I'll keep you and baby in my thoughts! Hopefully the MFM can give you positive news and helpful advice!

  35. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bookwormmama: thanks, I appreciate it! I just booked an appointment for 1/25. It'll be nice to know more.

  36. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @rattles: I'm sorry that you had this curveball thrown at you during your ultrasound. I'm glad they will be watching you closely and it sounds like you are in good hands. I have had a few friends have this issue and it was no big deal (baby was fine at birth, no issues).

  37. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    All is well so far per mfm. I had the ultrasound tech that teaches the sonographers and residents. She did a super thorough job of all anatomy - since I'm petite she could see pretty much everything. Perfect brain and spine. Mfm doc said no concerns!

  38. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @winniebee: oh I'm so glad to hear everything looks good for your little one! What a relief! That's really wonderful. And thanks for your kind words. I'm optimistic it will resolve itself, but it will definitely be nice to have a better idea of what's ahead either way. DD2 had a congenital heart defect (discovered at birth), and I think having had a complication in the past made it more matter of fact/less scary somehow today.

  39. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    Hi everyone! Just got back from my anatomy scan and all looks well, and our LO2 is officially a ! My first thought was "of course it's a girl because we can't find any girl names we agree on!" And this will be the 6th granddaughter in a row on DH's side! What are the odds of six in a row??

    @rattles: I hope everything goes well for you guys! You'll be in my thoughts.

    @winniebee: glad to hear things went well!

  40. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: thanks, and congratulations! Two little girls is such fun!

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