pear / 1664 posts
I can't believe I never posted this! This was 11w6d. I am now 13w6d.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@lazylightning: How cute! It looks like a baby! Mine was so early it looks like a long blob. I can't wait for an u/s where it actually looks like a baby.
pear / 1563 posts
@LazyLightning: So cute! My NT was at 11w6d also, though my pics are much more blurry.
pear / 1664 posts
@Revel: I've been told this was a "very good" profile for that age. They must have just gotten a new machine or something! Either way, love it. They gave us 9 of these pics on a CD. Most look pretty much the same and this is one of the better ones. Baby measured ~2".
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@LazyLightning: That's awesome. They showed us so many views of our little bean and then we only got one printed picture I was somehow imagining a zillion. It's amazing how picture crazed I am already. Yikes.
pear / 1664 posts
@knittylady: I wish we'd videod it or been given a video. Would have been cool to show our moms how active the little fella was.
olive / 69 posts
ughhh im at the point of this pregnancy where I think everyone is looking at me saying "look at the chubby lady". Have the startings of a bump, but more just looks like I ate too many snickers bars.
clementine / 814 posts
@itsmejules: Im the same. I havent announced at work that I am.. I plan to next week possibly and I just feel like everyone is staring at my belly! I work with all men!
pear / 1664 posts
@itsmejules: I hate that. Luckily most people in our society are chubby anyway so the odds are, no one notices! (Sad to have to think of it that way but hey, it made me feel a little better.)
olive / 69 posts
my in laws are on a 2+ week vacation, so we told my family at Thanksgiving, but dont want to tell anyone else until we tell my husbands family. Good news is they come back Tuesday.
Also waiting on a raise at work. Hoping to keep it quiet until the new year, but we'll see. Pants are terribly uncomfortable.
pea / 24 posts
@itsmejules: Oh, I totally agree about the chubby lady feeling. But the holidays are a good excuse for looking chubby, right?
For those of you who already have maternity pants, what brands do you like? Also, full panel or low panel? I'm so confused!
pear / 1664 posts
@itsmejules: Good luck on the potential raise! Fingers crossed!
@dewdrop: I'm told that the panel depends on the gal. For me, I went Full Panel. I bought mine at Motherhood maternity online because they sell tall sizes and i needed that for my long legs. I like them a lot. I bought a pair of jeans and a pair of black slacks for work, and 2 pairs of leggings to wear under long sweaters or dresses.
Full vs. demi/low:
Full covers your whole belly almost up to your bra. I've heard from some ladies that they find it itchy, I don't. Plus if i get tired of it on my belly i can fold it down. My only complaint is that it rolls a little sometimes, so i have to adjust them throughout the day or it'll roll down like control-top pantyhose do (but it isn't tight like that!)
I bought a pair of demi/low Gap slacks off ebay before buying any full panel pants, and oh, i hated them. I was ready to cut the panel with scissors by 10 AM at work the first time i wore them. But stuff low around my belly makes me feel ill, like my belly's being pushed up. So I can't really wear my sweatpants like that at home or anything either. If you aren't bothered by that you might like demi better.
For size, buy either your normal pants size or a size up. I went a size up and they fit great (I gained/am gaining weight all over, in my butt and thighs too, so it works. Plus the belly part is looser on bigger sizes. I can't imagine how i'll wear these jeans in 4 more months, they fit great now at 14 weeks!!
pea / 24 posts
@LazyLightning: Thanks! This really helps. Guess it's time to buy some pants...
pear / 1563 posts
@dewdrop: I have two pairs of maternity pants, both from Gap. One is a demi panel skinny jean, the other is a full panel pair of work (dress) pants. The demi panel ones fit now, and are pretty comfortable, but seem like they will not be good when the belly is really big. I don't think they're a waste though, because I imagine they might be good until 20 weeks or so and then again post partum?
The full panel ones I just wore for the first time yesterday - SO comfortable! I will buy more of those for sure - they're only just now not ridiculous to wear though, and I barely have a belly. I didn't have the rolling/itching/sliding down problems I've heard about.
I've also read that full panel is better for smoothing out the bump - I can tell the demi panel pants will give me a little muffin top if (when? sigh.) I put on some more weight in general on hips and belly.
Also, do you have a bella band, or be band from Target? I got one of those and I think it's very comfortable for prolonging the wearability of some of my pants in this in between stage.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@dewdrop: I recently bought three pair from Kohl's on my sister's recommendation. She is on her third pregnancy and those are her favorite. She wasn't a fan of Old Navy or Target for pants and thought Kohl's were more comfortable/stayed up better. Plus they have awesome sales. I got all three pair for $65!
Mine are all full panel. I felt like I would be able to wear them further into my pregnancy if I just went ahead and got them.
pea / 24 posts
@Revel: @tlcbaby: Thank you both for the tips! I just bought a bella band and am wearing it today. So far, so good. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will work out well! And now I'm off to go check out Kohl's. It will be so nice to feel comfortable in pants again.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
pear / 1664 posts
This morning the scale flipped over to a 'tens' digit I've *never* seen before. Ugh.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: I'm teetering right on the edge there! Unfortunately, I have seen the number before, but I am much healthier now than I was then!
cherry / 184 posts
I have started off with a couple of pairs of demi panel work pants from the Gap, a pair of demi panel cords (also from the Gap), and a pair of full panel Joe's Jeans in one waist size larger than my usual size. The jeans didn't really "fit" until this past week -before that they seemed like they might slide down, so I held onto them, but my largest "regular" jeans are now getting a bit uncomfortable by day's end.
All of the pants seem to be working well so far (I'm one day shy of 12 weeks and have been wearing maternity pants for more than a month!) Since it's such a limited selection for work (black pants and brown-ish patterned pants) I did decide to wear a pair of regular-but-one-size-up grey pinstripe work pants to work last week, and by the end of the day I was regretting it. Those waistbands just have no forgiveness at all!
I have also tried a bella band over one of my usual pairs of work pants as well, but it's not as comfortable as those elastic panel waists! I can't wait until I've told work that I'm expecting, so I can stop worrying about people noticing, and can start wearing tunics and leggings to mix it up a bit.
pear / 1563 posts
@tinypiglet: It it totally a relief once work knows! I told last week and it has been nice to not worry so much about what I'm wearing, although right now I really do just look kind of chunky, not pregnant, haha.
On a related note, does anyone feel like their belly is, deflating a little bit at around 14 weeks? I am 14+2 and I swear I am smaller than I was at the end of last week (13+6). I know it could just be bloat going down but of course I am wondering. Otherwise I feel the same as I have - less tired, still having headaches, nausea has still abated. No cramps or spotting - just those stretching type pains from time to time. From googling, it seems that bloat can go down at around this time.
Anyone else notice something similar?
It is also entirely possible I'm just getting used to my size and just haven't grown any in the last week or whatever.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Revel: I still feel huge!
@tinypiglet: Does your Gap have a maternity section or did you get them online? I don't think our Gap has a maternity section.
pear / 1664 posts
@Revel: nope still huge at 14w 3d. Seem to have gained 15lbs. Yay.
More headaches for me, and the nausea remains (but i think my worst weeks for that were 7-10). My boobs don't hurt anymore! That symptom's been gone for about 2 weeks.
cherry / 184 posts
@Revel: I am hopeful that I'll be able to tell them this week...I have my NT scan tomorrow.
@tlcbaby: I ordered them online, but a couple of the Gap stores here in NYC carry maternity (I just can't be seen there yet!) I ordered my "regular" size and they were perfect.
In other news, I'm slightly apprehensive about the NT scan tomorrow; hoping it all goes well. Anyone else in the same boat?
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@LazyLightning: I've gained a lot in the first trimester as well. My doctor told me to try to gain only half a pound a week until the 3rd trimester now. Uh, yeah, I so know how to control it to that level! It's scary knowing that I'm going to break a certain number on the scale I never knew possible. Yikes!
pear / 1664 posts
@knittylady: Ugh. I tried to eat better today and with more control, but the results were not agreeable. (Felt like utter garbage most of the day and still do, even though i gave in and started eating more later in the day.)
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@tinypiglet: I was really scared for the NT scan. It was out first u/s too, so at first I was just anxious to see that things were progressing properly. Once I saw that, the importance and stress of the testing itself settled in. all I can suggest is focus on how amazing it will be to see you LO floating around in there!
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@LazyLightning: That's my problem too. The doctor also said eating better will get easier as the nausea lifts. Then at 13w5d I had my worst morning sickness day yet! today is better but it sure is hard to eat healthy when eating but carbs is a trial!
pear / 1664 posts
@knittylady: agreed! I don't want to eat so badly but it's all i can muster! And in a steady stream.
nectarine / 2750 posts
I must be lucky because my midwife laughs at my weight gain concerns...she acts like I have nothing to worry about even though I feel like I am gaining more than what the "averages" are up to this point.
pear / 1664 posts
A lot of you ladies are still exercising though, right? I haven't exercised since 6 weeks. Every time i do, I'm sick for the rest of the day--*really* sick. Even when i rode my stationary bike for 10 minutes on a really low resistance, slowly. My body was like 'no way'. I know my doc is concerned about how unhealthy i am being, but all I can do is survive at this point.
apricot / 423 posts
@LazyLightning: i'm just walking 4-5 miles a few times each week. but not the past couple weeks since it's been raining really hard. i used to jog, but had to stop because my sports bra was not doing a good job of preventing painful bouncing.
pear / 1664 posts
@softcream: at least you're moving! I need to start again. But every time i try, i get so sick.
pear / 1664 posts
GOOD NEWS today - the Verifi blood test came back negative for Downs - we're good to go!
pear / 1563 posts
@LazyLightning: GREAT NEWS about the Verifi! I remember reading your saga with the doctors, I'm so glad you got a good result.
I am still exercising, though I was barely there in my first tri. I had a similar experience of having a terrible day of sickness after I pushed to workout around 6 weeks or so - it really made me feel much worse than I was otherwise. I've been relatively lucky on the nausea front though and am feeling a lot of relief now, so am back in the gym about 3-4 times a week. I hope you get some relief from the nausea soon - it is the absolute worst!
In response to those of you that commented that you're still feeling large - I think I am too - yesterday must have been an anomaly. I've heard that size can fluctuate a lot at this time and even with time of day, so crazy!
pea / 24 posts
@tinypiglet: Yes, in the same boat with being slightly apprehensive. My NT scan is tomorrow. I hope yours went well today!
@LazyLightning: Glad to hear your good news! I hope you feel better soon.
I'm still exercising, but, yeah, it feels like my body isn't cooperating most of the time. Even if I don't work out very hard, I feel so wiped out afterwards. Still trying to find a solution for that...
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@LazyLightning: Yay!! Congrats on the great news! You must be so thrilled.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@LazyLightning: Yea, that is good news! And honestly everything I have heard about the first tri is that it is just about survival. Hopefully you will start feeling better soon, but you certainly shouldn't be doing anything that makes you feel worse than you already do.
olive / 69 posts
passed my first trimester screening test too. Woohoo! Now, if Old Navy would deliver my maternity pants, I'd be happy. There's only so much squeezing I can do these days!
apricot / 423 posts
our NT scan was yesterday too and we're pretty comfortable with our risk assessment. so yay!
baby was shy though during the ultrasound. it had its back to us most of the time. though we did get to see it spazzing out (reflexes) which was super cute.
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