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<3 June Bug Labor & Deliveries 2015 <3

  1. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: I just went through this. You can do this! It will be so worth it in the end. I was finally discharged today at 2pm, as it was the first time they got my BP under control. I walked in at 0cm dialated, and had baby girl vaginally on day 3. Being stuck in the bed is the worst. If you have any questions let me know! I promise you can do this!!

  2. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @dc yoga bee: Did you have the magnesium too? I am not looking forward to being stuck in bed and unable to eat (I love me some food and hate feeling hungry). They're going to be putting a urine catheter in soon (want to track urine output with the mag drip) so I don't even get to get up to pee!

    Glad you and your little girl have gotten to finally head home!

  3. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: She broke my waters before they ended up doing magnesium. But, I was stuck in the bed the three days before because even though I wasn't anxious or even doing anything, my blood pressure was steadily increasing up to 160 something over 90 at one point. Rest, rest, rest! That's the one thing you can do in the bed that will help you the most! You'll need the energy when it's time to push. It took me 45 min to push, and I was kinda getting tired, but she said I wouldn't be able to take as many breaks due to the blood pressure. Are you getting an epidural? I got the epidural 15 minutes before the catheter, and didn't feel a thing. But, it was amazing to no longer feel the urge to pee.
    I asked them could I take a catheter home lol.

  4. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @dc yoga bee: I really don't want an epidural. So so far - no. They've inserted the catheter which for now feels really weird (I feel like I'm about to pee myself) but they said that sensation goes away once your body gets used to it.

  5. badwolf

    grape / 77 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Good luck! Hoping for a fast and smooth induction!

  6. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    They inserted a foley bulb around 11:30 tonight and said I should be at 4-5 cm at whatever point that comes out. I'm having contractions (although I can't feel them at this point).

  7. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: you're making progress! When will they check you next? Try to get some rest!

  8. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    @mrs.Kmm: thinking of you ❤️ hang in there mama you got this!

  9. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Yay!!!! Thinking of you!!!

  10. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: yay good luck mama!

  11. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    The foley bulb came out this morning and I was measuring 4cm and 70-80% effaced. They decided to start me on Pit (at a 2) and continue to ramp it up. I was getting good, consistent contractions but when they checked me again this afternoon, I'd made no visible progress.

    They decided to stop the Pit and do another round of Cytotec. The 4 hours for that ends really soon so hopefully we'll be able to see some changes!

  12. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Thanks for the update... I've been thinking about you! I hope you see some progress at the next check! Finger crossed for you!

  13. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Thinking of you!! I hope all is going well!

  14. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Hope things are progressing for you!

  15. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    After two long days of labor and a c-section, Elizabeth "Ellie" Grace entered the world this morning (May 28) at 5:37am! She weighs 6 lbs 10 oz and is 19 inches long.

    They switched me back to Pit after the second dose of Cytotec and manually broke my waters. I spent many hours with consistent strong contractions again but they still didn't do a thing to progress me beyond 4cm. They tried giving me an epidural too to see if that would help but no avail. We ended up needing to go the c-section route for failed induction.

    Apparently my body just wasn't ready to give birth yet but the scary high BPs gave us no choice. Every aspect of my birth plan got thrown out the window during the 42 hour process but it was what was needed to keep baby Ellie and me safe and healthy. Now it is time for snuggles and rest!

  16. Bea

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: congratulations!! She is a cutie!! So glad you're both happy and healthy!

  17. andthewildones

    cherry / 180 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: rest, for sure!! unfortunate plans changed but y'all look happy and healthy!

  18. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Congratulations, mama! I'm sorry about the c-section, but so glad she arrived safely!

  19. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: congratulations! Glad to hear that everyone is safe and doing well! That is a really great family photo! Enjoy the many cuddles

  20. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Ahh, congrats!!! Love her name and you look fantastic!!

  21. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    @mrs.kmm aww yay! Congrats she's adorable and you look great

  22. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: congrats! Glad you got through your labor!!

  23. rpparker

    apricot / 363 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: So happy to hear that everyone is ok! 42 hours! Whew!

  24. MamaB

    cherry / 234 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: I hate it didn't go the way you had hoped, but the baby is beautiful!! Congratulations!!

  25. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Congrats!!!!!! It's okay that it didn't go to plan, because you still have a beautiful daughter in your arms right now! The most important part is that you and Ellie are safe!

  26. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    Congratulations mama! Most important thing is that you and baby girl are healthy! Sorry you didn't get the labor and delivery you wanted though.

  27. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @MamaB: and @Meltini: and @MrsBrewer: I'm honestly totally okay that nothing went to plan. It is just so awesome to be able to hold her in my arms that I don't care what bumps (or more like pot holes!) it took to get here!

  28. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: it's a pretty awesome feeling, isn't it?! I can't wait to hold this little one!

    I decided to go ahead with the induction tomorrow at 7am. A sweet L&D nurse called today to finish my registration and told me that if contractions keep me up again like last night, I should just call my OB and come in during the night rather than 7am. So we'll see. I'm nervous about laboring while feeling so sick, but she said she didn't think it would cause any difficulty and that it was probably better for me to get the baby out so they could give me heavier duty meds. I'm tired of debating it, so I think I'm just going to go for it given my husband's situation and everything else.

  29. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @78h2o: Good!! I'm glad you feel better about the induction! I bet you will feel like a new person once you are able to kick this sickness, plus you will have a little one in your arms!!! Good luck!!

  30. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @78h2o: yay! Glad you're feeling better about the decision. It seems like there are a lot of factors that will make this plan work best for your family.

  31. BabyMats

    nectarine / 2031 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: congratulations!

  32. andthewildones

    cherry / 180 posts

    @78h2o: good luck!!

    just scheduled an induction today for tuesday. so nervous!!!

  33. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    @78h2o: So excited for you!!! I hope everything goes smoothly, and it sounds like a good decision Can't wait to "meet" her!

  34. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Comgratulations! She is a doll!

    @78h2o: Thinking of you for a smooth and easy delivery! Even though my induction took three days, overall I'm happy about my experience. And it is so much better having her on the outside now!!

  35. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    May 24: @dc yoga bee Maya
    May 25: @cascademom James Francis
    May 28: @mrs.kmm Elizabeth "Ellie" Grace

    June 1: @78h2o (#2 ),
    June 2: @meltini (#2 )
    June 3 (maybe): @hocuspocus (#1 )
    June 4: @badwolf (#1 )
    June 5: @MrsBrewer (#1 )
    June 7: @mamatoboth: (#2)
    June 10: @MamaB (#1 )
    June 11: @merriment (#2 ), @Ifyoulikepinacoladas (#2 )
    June 13: @TarHeelBee: (#1), @MUI831: (#2)
    June 14: @Eko (#1 ), @Ash (#2 )
    June 15: @Corduroy (#2 ), @extrasprinkles (#1 )
    June 16: @glitterboots (#2 )
    June 19: @Jess1483 (#2 )
    June 23: @rpparker (#1 ), @just_ju: (#1 )
    June 24: @MrsKMM (#1 )

  36. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @78h2o: good luck mama! Hope everything goes smooth for you!

    @andthewildones: that's exciting!!!

  37. MamaB

    cherry / 234 posts

    @78h2o: Good luck today!!! Sending good thoughts and vibes your way!

  38. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    Thank you all!

    I'm hooked up to the pitocin now...fingers crossed! I was a "tight" 3cm at check-in and still 70% effaced.

  39. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @78h2o: Go cervix go!!

  40. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @78h2o: Good luck!!! But you know what, at least you are somewhat dilated and effaced!!!! It's a start!!

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