Hellobee Boards


March 2013: Mamas & Babies!

  1. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: I know!!! I'm actually resisting switching Xander out entirely of his 0-3 sleepers because I don't have as many in the 3-6 range. I think I'm going to need to send a grandmother on a shopping trip, hehe!

    I have a TON of clothes from my SIL, but unfortunately all her 3-6 and 6 mo sleepers are for the winter and will be way too warm for Xander. I need more light outfits since it's going to be summer here soon.

  2. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    I have to admit, as much as being sick totally SUCKED, being home with Xander for 5 days in a row was really nice. I miss him now that I'm back at work!

  3. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: I can imagine. I know every Monday is going to be way harder then other days of the week.

  4. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Ugh, yes! Mondays are the worst!!! How are things going with you and R? Is each day a little bit easier?

  5. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Things are good. I actually just called day care. They said that she is doing much better today. They swaddled her up in a blanket and she took a 50 min nap. So I am going to send some A&A blankets tomorrow. She said that R is much happier when she sleeps. I wanted to be like duh! She only ate 1oz with her first bottle, but she drank 3.5oz with her 2nd one.
    Each day is a little easier for me but I can't wait to leave to go get her each day.

  6. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Ooooh, that's good she finally took a decent length nap there! Hopefully as she becomes more and more used to daycare, she'll sleep better and better there! Bummer she only took 1oz with her first bottle though - does that mean 3oz down the drain? *cry* But if she didn't finish the second bottle either, she must not be starving!

  7. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Yes, 3ozs down the drain. She wastes so much. At least I am pumping more then I need, otherwise I would really be mad!

  8. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Oh my gosh, I would cry! But you seem to have a really good supply, so it sounds like it doesn't matter too much since you're able to pump plenty (for which I'm sooooooo jealous)!

  9. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: So far today, it is still enough, but it is less then I was pumping on Monday. But I also didn't eat oatmeal this morning and haven't been drinking water. I need to go guzzle some.

    Yesterday she didn't eat 4 ozs that I sent.

  10. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @Smurfette: Regarding dirty diapers and spit up, as a reflux mom, you'll appreciate this. Every time one of the boys has a dirty diaper, we say, "Better down south, than out the mouth!" Gotta look at the positives, right? The idea of the boys not sleeping a 5-hour stretch until 8 months makes me want to throw myself off a bridge! I guess I should be really thankful!

  11. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Ugh, it's so hard for me to get in enough water! Maybe that's why my supply isn't as good as yours. I just forget to drink it!

  12. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: LOL! Love that. Seriously, the poor guy looked exhausted.

  13. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: That's great the boys are getting 5 hour stretches already!

    @Smurfette: Awesome that R is doing well at daycare and they even manage to get her to sleep! Boo on wasted milk though!

    @Adira: Aww. Xander is a tall boy! Yes, just mention it to the grandmas and I'm sure he'll get some new sleepers! Carter's is having a pretty good sale right now btw.

    @aprk: K used to go down to sleep like A, around 9:30-10. But she kept gradually moving up to 9pm now. I preferred it later since DH usually gets home 9 or later. But I'm just hoping she doesn't move up even earlier!

    @ALV91711: How is Isaac? Do you think you're in a wonder week yet?

    As for us, I can't believe it but K is 3 months old today!

    Thought it would be a nice time for an update from everyone!

    Baby: Kaitlyn

    How old is baby now? 3 Months today! (13+1 weeks)

    Some Stats: 11lbs 12 oz. and 23 1/2" She "petite" as the doc put it.

    Latest milestone? She is just progressing leaps and bounds (no doubt the Wonder Week thing!) My in-laws were here yesterday and just had a blast with her laughing and "talking" to her and she's just so interactive these days! I've had an exhausting few days with a lot of things going on and K now rarely wants to be in any kind of seat. She wants to be up and see everything in the world it seems! So I end up carrying, baby-wearing, or holding her in my lap.

    How's baby sleeping? Usually from 9:30-10 pm to anywhere from 3 - 6 am. It hasn't been consistent, but I usually get at least a 6 hour stretch. The longer she sleeps though, she doesn't fall right back to sleep in the mornings like she used to.

    What you're looking forward to most? For her to actively grasp, hold, and play with some of her toys. For now, grabbing and holding onto is not all that intentional besides the rings on her car seat toy. She's really into her sucking her thumbs and fists, but can't reach yet when strapped in her car-seat and gets frustrated. Can't wait for them to "reach!"

    I'm starting to pack and prep for our trip end of the month. We actually need to buy some big suitcases to check since DH and I have always traveled light with just carry-ons! It seems a little daunting all the things I'll need to prep, but trying to look like I'm cool about it because DH is already dreading it all. Also need to find another ped to get K's rotovirus vaccine since ours doesn't give it.

  14. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @shopaholic: Thanks for the tip about Carters! I love them!! The only problem with having the grandmother's buy clothes though is our tastes don't always match, haha. My mom tried to give me some hot pink onsies for Xander and I had to be all "Um, no. Please try to stick to neutrals or boy colors..." hahaha

  15. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Hot pink for a boy?

  16. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    I am really really bad at keeping up with this board because it sees so much movement! So I'll take a page from @shopaholic: and give a quick update while both babies are (temporarily) asleep.

    Baby: Emma

    How old is baby now? 3 months (13 weeks, 4 days)

    Stats: Will know for sure next Wednesday and will post them then. However, she's giving her big brother a run for his money. She's already into 6 month clothing, wearing size 2 diapers comfortably, and is getting incredibly long.

    Latest Milestones: We're still talking, cooing, and smiling up a storm. Em apparently had an opinion about anything and everything she intends to share it. We're nearly rolling over! We can go from back to side and we've managed to get this hip motion down for the full roll but she hasn't figured out tucking her shoulder yet. It's only a matter of time, though.

    How's baby sleeping? I can usually get her to bed between 9 - 10 and she won't wake until 3:30 - 4. When she does wake, she expects a bottle and I can usually coax her back to bed for another few hours. However, when six or seven rolls around? We're up and ready for a few hours of watch big brother play and exercises.

    We're still co-sleeping more than I like. If there's been a bad night where she's gone to bed at the usual time and then she wakes me around midnight, in desperation to get some sleep I'll often just take her to the guest bedroom to nurse/comfort suck herself to sleep. Pacifiers don't always do it for her so we snuggle and nurse/sleep. Usually, in the mornings just to get a few more hours of sleep I'll pick her up when she's fussing and do the same nurse/comfort suck just to get a little more shut eye until big brother wakes me for good for the day.

    Naps are irregular at best. Most of the time we can get her down for a good long one in the afternoon. Sometimes she has to be in the swing, sometimes she'll lay in the bassinet or cradle, and sometimes she just refuses all other comfort except - you guessed it! - nursing.

    On the up side, we've been swaddle weaned for a little over a week now. That went surprisingly well.

    What are you looking forward to most? Her rolling over; no more co-sleeping (need to stop this and just get my lazy butt up to feed her a bottle); no more nursing/comfort sucking/etc (wanting to wean that); a time in the future when I can just lay her down and let her play with her activity gym and not have her screaming after five minutes...

    Oi, bebe...

  17. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Baby: Reagan

    How old is baby now? Will be 3 months on Tuesday

    Some Stats: She was 11.4lbs and 23.25" long at her 2 month appointment. No clue now. I told DH I want to try and weigh her this weekend and break out the craft paper to measure her like they do at the doctor's.

    Latest milestone? She is smiling so much these days. Holding her head up great. No interest in grabbing toys or anything yet. Last night she followed the rattle when I was shaking it for her.

    How's baby sleeping? At night, usually 7-9 hour stretch. Naps aren't good since starting day care, although they swaddled her this morning and it was better. I am interested to see how much total she napped today.

    What you're looking forward to most? For her to play with her toys and entertain herself a little more. I can't wait to put her in a pool too!

    This was R this morning. She is so stinking cute!!

  18. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: RIGHT?? I was like "Why did you buy this for him???" and she was all "Because it had cute cats on it and I didn't think the color mattered while he's this young." I mean, I love cats and it definitely seems like the trend is cats for girls, dogs for boys, but still! It was HOT PINK. And maybe I'm being superficial for caring what my son looks like in clothes, but that's my right, right??

  19. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: That is your right, for sure!! I put R in a sleeper the other night and DH was like what is with the cats? We aren't cat people, DH is allergic even. So I never buy anything with cats but this was a hand me down, and I just grabbed the first one since she was crying.

  20. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: haha, yeah, Xander has a bunch of dog items and we're not exactly dog people, but if they're cute, I don't mind!

  21. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Baby: Xander

    How old is baby now? 14 weeks, 2 days

    Some Stats: These are as of his 2 month appointment, so over a month old: 11 lbs, 13.1 oz (our scale claims he's currently 13.5lbs at the moment), 23.62" long (though I'm SURE he's longer now)

    Latest milestone? Grasping things on purpose!! He was really working on this one while Hubs and I were home sick. We'd lay him on his activity mat and he'd look intently at the hanging objects, look intently at his hands, and then actually grab the objects! Sometimes with both hands! And then he would often try to eat whatever it was, haha. He's also smiling and "chatting" a LOT, which is awesome to see! And I think we FINALLY heard a laugh out of him, but he's definitely not doing that very often, so I'm not positive that's what it was.

    How's baby sleeping? Xander's pretty consistent that he'll sleep from 9:30/10:00 to 4:00/5:00 a.m. And then after a quick meal, it's back to bed until around 7:30. We also put him to bed around 7:30, but he gets a wake-up at 9:00 to eat before this Mama goes to bed!

    What you're looking forward to most? Rolling over and laughing!! I would LOVE to be able to put him down for tummy time and not have him freak out! I think once he can roll over and knows how to do it, he might not hate tummy time as much (of course, it may be impossible to make him stay on his tummy once he figures this out). I also can't wait for him to really laugh! I think he's done it once, but it was so short and only the one time, that I can't really be sure.

  22. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @shopaholic: great idea to do an update roll call!
    @adira: how is everyone feeling today?? Hope you were able to get some rest!
    @smurfette: so glad daycare is getting better with each passing day! Adorable photo!!!!

    Baby: Peter

    How old is baby now? 11 weeks

    Some Stats: At his 8 week appt, he was 12lbs and 22 inches.

    Latest milestone?
    Smiling a ton! Trying to stick out his tongue when we do it to him. Neck strength and tummy time finally started improving this week.

    How's baby sleeping?
    Most of the time, pretty well. He sleeps in his nursery now, still tightly swaddled. Pete gets super tired around 6pm so we do bath, swaddle, nurse. Then he just relaxes/unwinds from about 7-8:30pm, hanging out quietly in our arms or his swing and he falls asleep around 8:30pm. He usually wakes to eat at 3:30am, 6:30am. After his 6:30am feed, he is pretty alert and happy until about 8am which is when he goes back to sleep for another hour or so. Every so often though, we have a rough night where he wakes up a lot or he’s impossible to get back to sleep. Naps are sporadic, depending on our fairly hectic schedule each day.

    What you're looking forward to most? Tomorrow we are taking our first flight so Pete can meet his great grandmother, cousins, aunts and uncles in the Midwest. I’m so excited for everyone to meet him! Also, we’re taking a trip to my family’s lakehouse for 4th of July week. It’s a rustic cabin where I spent my summers as a kid. Now, I can’t wait to spend time making memories there with my own little guy. And of course, I also look forward to more interaction, playtime, rolling over, everything!!

  23. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @QueensBee: ooh!!! Good luck on the flight tomorrow! You'll have to update is how your trip goes!

  24. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @QueensBee: I thought I was feeling better yesterday and even went to work, but I feel worse today. Probably becayse I was up half the night coughing. Thank goodness I hqve today off. I just can't wait to feel better!

    Good luck on your trip! Sounds like you have a fun smmer planned!

  25. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts


    How old is baby now?
    9 weeks

    Some Stats:
    As of Monday, 11 lbs 7 oz and 22 inches. 90% for head circumference, 15% for height and 45% for weight. Lollipop baby!

    Latest milestone?
    He's much more interested in looking at books and faces intently. He can follow toys with his eyes, albeit slowly. He smiles when he sees me and that is so awesome. His neck strength is much better, too.

    How's baby sleeping?
    Pretty well, actually. He usually takes a pre-bed nap in the evening and the goes down in his bassinet from around 9 or 10 to 5 or 6, usually. Some days he wakes up around 3 though. He almost always goes back to sleep for a few morning naps - I bring him into the bed and he'll nurse and nap on an off from 6 until we get up for the day around 9 or 10. It's pretty awesome.

    What you're looking forward to most?
    More smiles and definitely laughter!

  26. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    Soooo, Andy rolled over from tummy to back today. This is the third time he's done it. I thought it was a fluke bc he has suck a big head that sort of leads him over, but this time I sort of think it was intentional. Super early, right??

  27. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @aprk: Good job A!! I think it is a little early, but I have heard some do it that early. My pedicitrian told me to not expect it till closer to 4 months. R is no where close to it. But lately she hates laying on her tummy, so who knows when she will

    @Adira: So one week into pumping and I am already getting less. Still enough for her bottles but less today then I did Monday. Did you have this?

  28. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @aprk: yay! Wow!! K has only rolled back to tummy once Nd that was weeks ago. Since she's mastered her thumbs, she has no I interest in rolling!

  29. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: I didn't have it after one week (though it was just 3 days the first week), but it was less the one time I went to work this week. I'm not sure if it's because I'm sick though. I was thinking that once Xander was consistently sleeping through the night, if I'm not able to pump enough at work, I'll start waking up at 1:00 a.m. to get an extra pumping session in...

    @aprk: Yay!!! I think some babies can roll over early, though you'll have to let us know if he continues to be able to do it! Xander actually rolled over at 5 weeks and did it six times in a row, which was AMAZING. I was thinking I must have a super smart baby! BUT he hasn't done it since and ever since then, he HATES tummy time. He tries so hard to roll over now and then just starts crying. I hope Andy has better success at repeating it than Xander did!

  30. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: So you haven't really noticed a decrease? You are a better woman then me. I will send formula before I get up at 1 to pump. Getting up at 5 during the week is rough enough for me.

  31. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: How much of a decrease are you seeing? Since I went back to work, I've pumped anywhere from 13.5oz to 16.5oz. That total includes the pumping session I do at home before heading to work.

    ETA: I'm just thinking about getting up in the MOTN to pump, but I probably won't actually do it. I miss sleep so much!! Especially while sick!

  32. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: I just pumped for the last time, and I have 20 oz, but I think Monday I had 24oz.

  33. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: lol - 20oz... I hate you. It's possible that R just drank more this morning so you weren't as full your first pump. Do you keep track of how much you pump each session? Maybe you need to just drink more water?

  34. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Sorry! I know I shouldn't complain to you. I just don't want it to get worse. I was thinking about just pumping this weekend too, and do bottles just so she is more use to it. The morning is when I get the most cause she doesn't eat much in the morning. Her first bottle at day care too. I only sent 3 oz today, cause she has only been eating 2 in the AM.

  35. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Xander is the opposite. He eats a ton in the morning. When he's home and nursing, he eats enough that he can go four hours between feedings for his first couple feedings and then we're back to every three.

    Is today the first day you didn't pump as much as usual? You will probably just have to see what happens next week. Today might just be a fluke and not a sign that your supply is decreasing.

  36. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: She ate 11 mins on one side, and then 4 mins on the other. So neither side was empty after 10 hours. I kind of had to force the 4 min side too. I didn't really notice I pumped less yesterday till I went to pour the bottles and I only had like 4 ozs extra, after I spilled an 1oz. Mom fail.

  37. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    I'm so terrible at keeping up on this board too... but it might get easier now that I'm back at work (sob!)

    Baby: Jack
    How old is baby now? 3 months on Sunday
    Stats: We call him Hoss sometimes At his 2 month checkup, he was 15 lbs (89th percentile), 25 inches (97th) and his head was in the 98th. SLOW DOWN BABY! He's growing so fast. He wasn't a huge newborn -- 7 lbs 4 ounces and 21 inches long -- but he literally looks bigger every day.
    Latest Milestones: Lots of baby pushups, cooing, laughing. He rolled over a few times by accident around 4 weeks, but he hasn't done it lately. He follows the rattle with his eyes and shakes it when I put it in his hand, and it looks like he punches his car seat bar toys on purpose, but he hasn't reached for anything yet.
    How's baby sleeping? He was sleeping through the night, 10 PM until 5 or 6 AM... and then I started back at work on Monday. My mom is watching him, and he's getting on a *better* schedule and napping more, like he should... he hardly ever napped before... but that unfortunately seems to mean that he'll wake up overnight between 3 and 4 AM and want to eat. We no longer swaddle, we don't use the noise machine, and he's still in his Moses basket (he barely fits now, even though it's a huge one) because we're in the middle of a move and we're staying at my parent's house until we close on our new place.
    What are you looking forward to most? Real belly laughs! His little giggles and coos are so cute it just about breaks my heart. I'm also really, really excited for the fall -- I'm planning on leaving my job. My mom is watching Jack right now every day, which is a LOT but she wanted to do it -- but I'm working on getting my real estate license and am already set up with an agency where I can work from home all the time (other than, of course, showings etc). I cannot wait to spend the days with him again and have control over my workload.

  38. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Maybe Monday was the fluke and 20oz is actually what's normal. You'll probably just have to see how next week goes.

  39. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Just wanted to share a recent picture of Xander and me!

  40. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: aww, sweet picture!!

    Reagan had her best day at school. Note, I like calling it school better then day care. She drank all of her 3 bottles, one 3oz and 2 5oz. She took 4 30-45 min naps. They said the SwaddleMe blanket really helped. So proud of her!!!!!

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