I thought Id start this for those of us who have welcomed our bundles of joy!!!
I thought Id start this for those of us who have welcomed our bundles of joy!!!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
Ugh - typed a long post that got ate by the internet!!!
K is doing good! Clingy with daddy now which is sad for me to see but good probably! She loves the doll that Emmy brought her. I just love how much she loves her!!!
Emmy is doing good. Real chill baby so far. Had our first dr appointment Saturday and she was down about 9% and a little yellow...so we're watching her color closely and hoping my milk coming in helps both those!
She's sleeping well at night...going 2 hrs start to start of nursing...so I get a nice 1 hr nap which is fine by me! Nursing is going good except in the evenings we seem to hit a rough patch the last two nights...not sure if it's my supply still catching up or maybe slow letdown but she gets fussy and frustrated trying to nurse and latches and unlatches repeatedly...then works herself into a full meltdown! Had to supplement the last two nights...it's stressing me out big time but I know it's ok my raging hormones are overruling the rationale me...
How's everyone else doing?!?
cherry / 109 posts
Im exhausted since goin between hospital and rmh daily since birth.. Feeding ds directly and pumping for dd takes a lot of time but worth it praying daily
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@momtimes3: good to hear from you... What a dedicated mamma you are - I can only imagine how exhausting it is! Praying for you three often!!!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
E's belly button fell off today and I am so thrilled!!! I hate that thing...so relieved to be done with it!!!
nectarine / 2115 posts
@Mrs D: Josh is down 9% today, too, in spite of round-the-clock nursing! I started pumping after feeds today to help encourage my milk to come in faster, and we are supplementing with a little formula as well. They weren't too worried, but we decided to take a more aggressive approach since (a) his constant nursing isn't doing the trick and (b) I'm exhausted from only getting a few hours of sleep in a day! DH is taking on all supplemental feeds so I can sleep a little more.
Any other STMs have surprisingly little bleeding/mess this time around? I've had periods heavier than this postpartum bleeding!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Mrs D: glad everyone is doing great at home!!
@momtimes3: oh man! Running back and forth must be exhausting but glad to hear both babies are doing good. Did they say when your lil girl can come home?
@Mrs D: her umbilical cord fell off already?? Yay!! R's is still firmly attached. For DS, his fell off about this time.
@mrsrain: my bleeding isn't bad, it's thick like period on day 2, but only rushes out when I'm nursing or pumping. Kind of like a clot/thick mucous? Otherwise, my bleeding is minimal. So the pumping/nursing induced bleeding is annoying.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
DD is sleeping about 3-4 hours at a time and eating 2oz at each feeding. I let her nurse then supplement with pumped milk since she's such a lazy eater at the boob. She suckle/nurse a few times. Rest. Nurse a few times. Rest. Then pass out. But when I pop her off, she's rooting like crazy. Or she'll keep passing over my nipple in search of it and do the latch on and off a few times before staying latched on to eat.
She has a very slight ear deformity that she may or may not outgrow. But if we want it fixed non-surgically, we had to decide before the end of this week! I can't decide!!
Meanwhile, we took our newborn pics yesterday and DS was uncooperative for big bro/lil sis pics. I'm so sad!!! Sigh.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@mrsrain: yes on the light bleeding...this whole recovery has been so much easier than the last (minus BM issues)...it's crazy. I feel so lucky to have had it this easy...I'm already down to only pain meds once a day which I think took two weeks last time!!!
@Alivoo01: e is a lazy eater too! She totally does like 7 drive-bys before getting a good latch! Sometimes I have to alternate her 3-4 times side to side before she settled in!
E had a could 'abnormalities' the ped at the hospital gave us a heads up about - nothing that requires attention now so I can't offer advice from that standpoint but it was weird hearing "just a few little things we saw that I don't want you to worry about..." Is her hearing ok? My only advice would be follow your gut...
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Mrs D: "drive by's" Hahahaha. I like that term. Totally using it going forward.
As for her ear, her hearing is totally fine and passed the hearing test. It's the top lil lip of her ear that's a lil smooshed down/flat and a bit pointy.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@Alivoo01: Es looks kinda similar...I guess I was thinking it was just a little smooshed from delivery!!!
nectarine / 2115 posts
Josh gained 5.5oz overnight! AND I SLEPT. And I think my milk has finally come in! #winning
pomelo / 5573 posts
I'm having a rough time - yesterday when they got me up after my c section I fainted, so they did bloodwork and found that my hemoglobin had dropped. Two more rounds of bloodwork and it's stable but low. Ultrasound and CT scan today revealed that I was bleeding into my stomach from somewhere probably along the incision. It seems to have stopped but I have to stay a second night, get a blood transfusion, and monitor it. I'm heartbroken at not getting to go home and see Bennett, I miss him desperately, and so so dreading another night in this terrible hospital bed with people coming in all the time.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@erinbaderin: I'm so sorry you're having a rough go...is Dh home with Bennett? Gould he facetime you? I was super sad the second night in the hospital it dh facetimed w Kate and it made me feel better! Keep my fingers crossed for you!
pomelo / 5573 posts
Ok, it took an additional 24 hours, 6 blood draws, an ultrasound, a CT scan, and a few medium sized tantrums, but I'm home from the hospital! I've parented two kids for almost 3 hours and it's HARD! B loves his little brother and keeps gently petting his back and saying "I want to look at him!" which is melting my heart, but feeling torn in two is going to take some balancing.
pomelo / 5573 posts
@Mrs D: B was home with my parents in the mornings, then they took him to daycare, and my husband went home in the evenings to do dinner and bedtime. I didn't want to FaceTime because I thought it would make things hard for him - if he had been talking or asking about me I would have done it but apparently he was ok.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@erinbaderin: Ya - we tread lightly on the facetime if K is having melt downs bc sometimes it can trigger one. Glad you are home. Totally 100% and completely agree and feel you on the two is hard statement. I hate having to not help K with something because of nursing E or what not. I know its going to get easier but especially with the hormones now it is rough!
blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts
Hey everybody! Totally forgot about this thread. So much to update on!
So F has had mild jaundice since birth and that has meant 5 heel prick blood draws, with supposedly another one coming today at his 2 week check up. UGH DS1 had it bad enough for a bili bed and after one night it was over, that almost seems easier now. Although DS2's color is getting a ton better, as well as his eyes.
We also had to go to an ENT for a second tongue tie clipping which was successful (the risk is bleeding too much) and nursing is going well but I'm still on the nipple shield because he seems to do better when I use it. I used it last time until about three weeks when we got thrush. Hoping to avoid that this time!
@erinbaderin: Sorry about the longer hospital stay and scary recovery!! Glad you are home now!
@Mrs D: Oh man, I was so happy when F's stump fell off, it was stinking so bad, I don't remember it smelling last time!
Glad feeding is going well for the most part!
@mrsrain: Yay for sleeping and baby gaining weight!
@momtimes3: Thinking about you!
@Alivoo01: F also has a funny bent ear from being squished in the womb, will take a pic later. OH and our newborn photos were great except for the brother pictures, we could not get older brother to do anything we wanted despite bribes of Elmo and fruit snacks. I think she still got some nice ones, but we haven't seen them yet.
blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts
I'm also struggling with the two kids and the not sleeping plus hormones. It's been so tough!
Hubby went back to work (well he worked from home) for two days this week and I had both boys by myself. It went better than I thought but the days were long. I wore DS2 in the K'tan a lot and even changed DS1's poopy diaper and outfit while wearing the baby.
And the second day I took both boys to Target, everything just takes SO MUCH longer haha. My mom is around to help next week with outings and DH will be back at work. I just need more sleep to function. I hate this sleep deprivation.
DS is going three hours ish between feeds so we get about 2ish hours of sleep and hubby and I take shifts on the couch right now since are room is so close to DS1's room. But after today's appt we're thinking we'll move the bassinet thing into our room and attempt that. It's not like you can't hear him crying from the living room, it will just be louder once he's next door to big brother.
Our first son was an awesome sleeper and his chunks in between feeds kept getting longer and longer. I am scared we won't be as lucky this time. But my mom is trying to pump me up, we made it through the first two weeks, yay.
Does anyone else's baby take like an hour to go back to sleep at night after a feed? It happens more to my husband but I can't do every shift, he already doesn't have to wake up to nurse, ya know?
Sorry this is so long!
blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts
Oh and one more thing, I have to vent.
People keep commenting on how big DS2 is (like on FB or at the store) and it's starting to annoy me. I feel like you can't win as a mother, either your baby is too small or too big. Trying not to be sensitive but I am.
The lady at Target asked how big he was at birth, I said 9 lbs, she said, wow you must have eaten a lot more with this one! (DS1 was 7 lbs 13 ounces.) WOW. I replied, actually I gained LESS weight this time. which is true, and with my first I measured two weeks ahead, with this little guy I was right on. It's totally random but thanks for calling me a cow.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Mrs D: that's what I thought too so I wasn't concerned till the pediatrician said something. The smooshed part is growing in, but she still has a bit of a pointy ear. Like an elf's ear! Lol!!!
Left pic is from birth and right pic is a week later.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@mrsrain: yay for weight gains, sleep, and milk! Triple crown win there!!
@erinbaderin: what a scare and sorry you had to stay an extra night! Ditto on handling 2. But DS was a HUGE mommy's boy and him getting some extra bonding time with DH is good. He still obviously prefers me, but he's not as clingy. Which is good.
@princessandthebee: what's up with ornery older siblings and refusing to cooperate for pictures??? We tried bribing too and he still wasn't having it. Sigh. Lol
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@princessandthebee: DD has been sleeping in 3 hour stretches until two days ago. She sleeps great during the day but on Wednesday, she woke up at 2am and stayed awake until 5am! Wth. If I put her down, she get fussy after a few minutes. She keeps rooting around like she's hungry but when I nurse her or give her a bottle, she doesn't really take it so dunno what's going on! Last night, she was up at 9pm and stayed awake until 1am. But then slept until 7am. Hopefully she'll keep pushing back her long awake hours earlier in the day so we can all sleep at night. Or rather, so mommy can. Lol
Wth on ppl calling you out like that!! Both of my kids are IUGR babies so they're small. And we constantly hear about it. Even now that DS is 2.5! When ppl comment how small DD is right now, I'm like "she's actually bigger than her big bro at birth". And they all look at me like how is that possible. She's already itty bitty!! Plus, they're size, small or big, doesn't define them. Sheesh! Can't you comment on how pretty/handsome they are or how much hair they have, etc? Plus, who doesn't love chunky babies??? Rolls for days? Oh man, I die every time. Those rolls are just so yummy looking man!!
blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts
@Alivoo01: Oh man! That is a long stretch of awake time in the middle of the night! I hope that changes soon!
The ped told us today that the first four weeks are pretty tough and not to worry about patterns yet. But DH and I love a schedule. I forgot when things changed with ds1!
Here's a pic of ds2's ear...
grapefruit / 4545 posts
So...snapped this pic of my sleeping beauty today post bath...she did two 3 hour stretches last night but fussed for an hour and a half at 4am.
Also...I just leaked through my tank...she had eaten like 2 hrs before....
cherry / 109 posts
Hi ladies... My daughter lasted 3 weeks but passed Wednesday night in my arms i am completely devastated n have to plan her funeral now... I miss her so much! Her heart just gave out
pomelo / 5573 posts
@momtimes3: Oh no, I am so sorry. I'm totally heartbroken for you. Thinking of you and praying for your family and your sweet daughter.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@momtimes3: I have no words...you have an angel watching over you now. I'll be praying for you and your family. Many hugs...
apricot / 451 posts
@momtimes3: I am so sorry! I can't even imagine the pain that you must be in.... She was so lucky to have such a loving mother!
cherry / 109 posts
Thank you ladies. She was truly a blessing and captured many hearts in her short life. I am thankful i have her twin brother to keep me going. This is my princess MacKenzie Cheyenne:
blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts
@momtimes3: Oh I'm so so sorry. Prayers to you and your family for peace.
nectarine / 2115 posts
@momtimes3: I am so, so sorry for your loss. Words truly aren't enough right now, but I hope you know that you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
nectarine / 2115 posts
@Mrs D: what a sweet picture! I leaked through my shirt yesterday under similar circumstances... Back to using nursing pads, I guess...
@Alivoo01: wow, I'm impressed with the difference a few day makes!
@princessandthebee: I remember feeling that way with my daughter! I kept trying desperately to get her on a schedule. Already having a routine laid out for my daughter has made it easier on me this time around because I still feel some structure in my day, even if my son is all over the place with regards to when he sleeps and eats!
nectarine / 2115 posts
Me again! I'm posting while Josh is up nursing, hence the 3 hour time gap. It's been a stressful week in my house. On Friday morning I had a 10:15 appointment at the midwives' office to check my blood pressure, then at 10:45 we needed to run over to the pediatrician for a weight check on Josh. Instead the midwife sent me to the ER to spend the day having my bp monitored and carrying out other tests. Apparently it was VERY high, and the fear was that I was developing post-partum pre-eclampsia. My husband had to drop me off and take Josh home, since the ER is no place for a week-old baby. My parents were supposed to fly out that afternoon so they postponed their flight to stay and help out, and my husband rescheduled Josh's weight check for that afternoon (he did great-- nearly back to his birth weight). As for me, thankfully all tests came back negative for pre-e so I was eventually sent home on bp medication. It does seem to be working. Apparently all of this excitement was too much, and I started bleeding again, but a few days of good rest should help. My parents left today and we are officially on our own. (Cue scary music!)
Edited because I posted too soon.
pomelo / 5573 posts
@mrsrain: Oh man, that sounds stressful! I'm sorry! It's been a few days, hope you're feeling better!
We're all still getting adjusted, but things are going well! B is in love with baby brother, he's the first thing he asks about when he wakes up and every time Weston is in a chair and makes a peep B yells "He crying! Quick quick mommy pick him up!" We've been taking turns sleeping with him in the reclining chair, which is not ideal, but he's already passed his birth weight - he gained 10oz in 6 days!
pomelo / 5573 posts
Also I spent part of the day getting Weston's newborn photos done, and our photographer has already posted a sneak peek!
pear / 1650 posts
@momtimes3: I am so so
Sorry to hear this. I am praying for you and your family.
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