Hellobee Boards


March 2017 moms!

  1. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @JennEn: congrats!! I forget, is this your first or second?

  2. JennEn

    pea / 24 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: this is our second baby and second boy! I'm so annoyed I gave away all of DS1's clothes now, lol. But we never thought we'd be having another baby of any kind! (DS was achieved through IVF).

    The ultrasound is pretty brazen, though... my husband looked at it and goes "you're welcome, kid"... wow... HAHAH

    Meanwhile, I got this note from my doctor after she reviewed my ultrasound images and I'm doing my best to not google "growth restrictions in utero" and various other worries.
    Note: "The umbilical cord is implanted closer to the edge of the placenta than normal, which is pretty common. It just means we'll check another ultrasound in the early third trimester to make sure there are no growth problems with baby."

  3. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @JennEn: Congrats on the boy!!! It makes it so hard not to worry when they kind of give you that tidbit and no explanation!! I'm sorry

  4. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    I'm having no mercy heartburn over here. I always have heartburn the entire pregnancy but today it's just not leaving. I've had like 20 tums. So atleast I'm getting some calcium

  5. Coffee-lover

    apricot / 340 posts

    Hi, its been awhile since I last checked in. Glad everyone seems to he doing ok.

    How many weeks are you now? 18 weeks

    When is your next appointment? The anatomy scan is next week

    What is your occupation? How much time will you and your SO take off? Are you planning to keep the same job/schedule after LO arrives? Im a RN. I plan on taking as much time off as I am allowed until my job thretens to fire me (happened at 4 months pp last birth). After Im forced to go back I will continue to work my 3 12 hour shifts a week for a few months. Hopefully we will be moving out of state by next fall so I am going to have to stick it out until we move. After we move I will ideally be able to find a job only working 2 12 hour shifts a week for a few years and can hopefully move to managment after that (im almost done with my msn right now). My husband will hooefully he able to take a month off work, which will be nice since ill be getting another c section and will also have a toddler at home.

    Do you have a name picked out yet? We have 2 names we like but are keeping them secret until birth.

    Do you have a birth plan? If so, what are you planning? Another c section. Hooefully the baby doesnt come out 3 weeks early this time.

    Have you started working on the nursery yet? What theme are you going with? I wish we had another room to use a a nursery. The baby will be in our room (with our toddler) until we move

    Do you have any baby shower plans yet? I didnt have one last time and Im not having one this time.

    What are you most excited about? Finally being able to have 2 kids (and hooefully feeling like our family is complete).

    What are you most nervous about? im still having gender disappointment issues. Im not at all excited to be having a boy. I dont feel at all attched to this pregnancy. Im scared its not going to change and i may end up having problems bonding with this baby. I have known for 7 weeks and my heart still sinks whenever I see a boy in public and realize thats what im going to have. It just makes want to cry, I wanted a second baby so bad and had 3 miscarriges to now feel this way about my pregnancy.

  6. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    -March 2017 Mamas-
    March 4: JennEn
    March 5: Raspberries , anonysquire
    March 12: MrsB2012
    March 13: OskarsMommy
    March 15: Weswife
    March 17: Pinkberry
    March 19: sheskrafty ; kick641
    March 21: Coffee-Lover , daniellemybelle
    March 22: codeitall
    March 26: lilyann , LoveHope, islarey
    March 27: LovelyPlum ; Mrs. Pen
    March 30: Aspen
    March 31: beth24
    April 2: mrsmacSLP

    (Side note: let me know if I've got anyone's due date/team wrong - I've been trying to keep up with changes, but I'm not sure if I've been on top of it all!)

  7. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: Man, I'm jealous - I haven't been getting home until 6 or so, and after dinner and putting the little man to bed, I don't have any energy left whatsoever. I've only been working out on weekends. I've been trying to be better about eating healthy, so hopefully that will keep the weight gain down - but at the same time, I'm pretty resigned to my body doing whatever my body is going to do.

    @codeitall: Thanks! I'm trying to figure out the best time to talk to my boss - I don't want to do it too soon and have her resent me, but I don't want to spring it on her at the last minute. And we need to officially hold a spot for LO2 at our daycare, assuming the three day/week will work.

    @Jennen: Woohoo! And that ultrasound is hilarious, Baby Boy is making himself KNOWN! Congratulations - I think it's kind of cool that we have so many boys on this board!

    @anonysquire: Ugh, that all day relentless heartburn is the worst. You have my sympathy!

    @Coffee-Lover: I'm so sorry you're still having gender disappointment. It might be worth talking to a professional about the bonding issues you're feeling (or afraid of feeling, once the baby's here - I think it'd be easier to get help now before he's here.) I'm not sure if there's anything I can say to reassure you, but your feelings are completely legitimate - they're not right or wrong, just feelings, and it can be hard to let go of the family you imagined for yourself. We're here if you need someone to talk to!

  8. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @Coffee-lover: I am kinda right there with you. My whole life I have pictured and had dreams about my daughter. I have known this was a boy 2 months and it still hurts. I had an abortion when I was 20, and a miscarriage earlier this year, and I can't stop thinking if the miscarriage was my daughter, but I lost the pregnancy as payback from terminating my first pregnancy way back when. Like I think about that probably once a day.

    I am also not bonded with this pregnancy. I remember with my son I was always rubbing my belly and having warm fuzzy feelings thinking about him. At his 20 weeks scan I was very "aaaaww, show me his face" and this time around I was more like "the femur bones are both the same length? Great" I truly chalk that up to this being my second time around.

    Having said that, I KNOW the amount of love you have for your kid is just the outermost that your heart can handle. I don't think when this baby is born I would love him any more if he were a girl - the amount of love will be the same. And that makes me excited. I know my son will be so happy to have a brother, and that makes me excited.

    Also, the other day I had to go to a kids boutique to pick up a baby gift for a friend, and I kinda perused the girls clothing section. I realized that if this were a girl, I would probably break my family financially with girl clothing and all things girly. In a way, I really do see it as a good thing that I cannot let that happen.

    All this is to say you are not alone. I have the same feelings. And as Rasberries said, they are just that, feelings. Not right or wrong - just there and totally valid.

  9. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @raspberries: I didn't update earlier but my OB moved my due date to 3/24 after my first scan. Thanks for keeping up with the list!!

  10. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Coffee-lover: sorry to hear you're still struggling with gender disappointment. My husband had it bad the first two pregnancies, he actually got teary when we found out we were having a second girl. We aren't finding out this time, and part of the reason is his difficulties with gender disappointment. As soon as the baby is born, it goes away for him, I hope that when the time comes, you don't have troubles bonding.

    @oskarsmommy: I wasn't anywhere near bonded with my second pregnancy either. I don't know why. I know it got better after my 20 week ultrasound when we found out the gender, but in general, it was very different than my first. Oddly enough, I feel more attached to this pregnancy, maybe as I know it's my last?

  11. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    -March 2017 Mamas-
    March 4: JennEn
    March 5: Raspberries , anonysquire
    March 12: MrsB2012
    March 13: OskarsMommy
    March 15: Weswife
    March 17: Pinkberry
    March 19: sheskrafty ; kick641
    March 21: Coffee-Lover , daniellemybelle
    March 22: codeitall
    March 24: lilyann
    March 26: LoveHope, islarey
    March 27: LovelyPlum ; Mrs. Pen
    March 30: Aspen
    March 31: beth24
    April 2: mrsmacSLP

    @lilyann: Thanks! Fixed ya!

  12. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    Hey y'all! I've been lurking, but not posting mainly because this pregnancy has been not-so-fun and I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, haha!

    But I'll join the survey fun

    How many weeks are you now? 18 weeks

    When is your next appointment? I have my anatomy scan in two weeks!

    What is your occupation? How much time will you and your SO take off? Are you planning to keep the same job/schedule after LO arrives? I work from home part time (basically a SAHM to my 3 year old) and I imagine I will take several months off since there's no maternity leave in freelancing anyway. My husband works for a large tech company and we are very fortunate that he gets 3 months off.

    Do you have a name picked out yet? Yep!

    Do you have a birth plan? I want a VBAC and if I have a RCS, I want a family-centered/gentle C-section with skin-to-skin in the OR and no separation.

    Have you started working on the nursery yet? What theme are you going with? We're not doing a nursery because what would be the baby's room is upstairs and I'm not going up and down the stairs at night! He will be in our room until we move, figure something else out or he STTN.

    Do you have any baby shower plans yet? Yes, my best friend here is planning a "sprinkle" for me!

    What are you most excited about? Getting to experience having a son after having a daughter and seeing my LO be a big sister!

    What are you most nervous about? I don't know if this is something I am "nervous" about, but this pregnancy has been really rough and I am over it. I guess the good thing is that I am excited for it all to be over and to meet our new baby at the end which was the whole point

  13. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @daniellemybelle: sorry to hear you're having a rough pregnancy. This one has been much harder on me too. Don't feel bad about coming and having some vents, even though it's such a blessing and all that, sometimes it just sucks too!

  14. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    Ok what if you just found out someone very close to you is also pregnant... I am happy but totally panicked about name choices. Ours is picked out but i am now scared they will pick the same and since we aren't telling I feel like we need to tell them... is this weird?

    Sorry to vent my issues I am just totally panicking about this over here. Like the thought of having to change my name has me in tears

  15. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Weswife: if you just found out about them, would you be further along? I find people never tell the name choice before hand, so it wouldn't matter, if you have your baby first.
    Aside from that, if I was set on a name and someone else picked it too, I really wouldn't care.

  16. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @Weswife: girl I found out my sister is 3 weeks behind me!! And my sister in law is about 5 weeks behind her! And my other sister in law had a baby last week. We all seem to be pregnant together. And luckily none of us have similar naming styles yet so it hasn't been a problem.

  17. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @MrsB2012: @anonysquire: there just a really good reason we could both choose the same name so it makes me very nervous. And yes I am ahead she is due in May... but with twins they could easily come sooner

  18. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Weswife: I'm guessing it's a family name or in memory of someone important? I'd probably just tell them the name you have picked out, especially since you already know the sex and have agreed on the name.

    Last time around, my step-sister was due literally one day before me, and she was apparently really worried we'd pick the same name as her - so she told me what it was and swore me to secrecy, and I promised I wouldn't name our kid the same thing if he came first.

    That being said, especially if the name is important to her also, I'd probably tell her earlier rather than later so that she doesn't stumble on it and pick the same thing herself.

  19. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @raspberries: thank you! Yes I think that's my plan!

  20. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    How's everyone doing?

    I'm surprised at how difficult I'm finding this pregnancy compared to my last two. The insomnia ( which has gotten admittedly better the past week or so ) the exhaustion, feeling like I'm constantly walking through mud, it's just so physically hard this time. I had my 20 week appt this week and my Dr made me take a rotation off work ( 4 days which ends up being 14 days off as I had 5 off, then the 4 days she booked me off for, a vacation day I had already booked, then my next 4 off.) She told me I needed to take two rotations off ( putting me at almost a month off) but I asked if I could just do one to start as I don't have any sick time and my work wont sub vacation days for sick days and I can't afford a month with no pay. She basically wants to give my body some time to de stress and have time to reset before I go back to work. I've been off for 6 days and don't feel any better, if anything I'm feeling a bit worse. I'm wondering if my iron might be low and maybe that's affecting me. I might call her mid week if I"m still feeling this week and see if we can do some lab work. The thought of going back to work just seems impossible, which is so unusual for me as I like my job and getting away from the house and all that. I dunno what's going on.

    On another work, I'm just over 20 weeks now Probably over half way which is crazy to think! Is it flying by for everyone else too?

  21. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @MrsB2012: it is flying by... if I was off I was be more stressed I don't know how you are dealing! But hopefully it helps a little and you do find yourself recharged!

  22. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @MrsB2012: I'd definitely encourage you to have a CBC run while you're on your forced break - during my first pregnancy, I'd developed severe anemia at some point between 12 weeks and 32 weeks when they did lab work again, and I ended up going on bedrest and needing iron infusions. I didn't realize that the tiredness I was feeling wasn't normal (doesn't everyone say pregnancy is exhausting?) but it felt exactly how you described it - like you're walking through mud, just constantly exhausted and difficult to function. This pregnancy is much different for me - after the morning sickness ended, I've been pretty much myself (albeit a generally uncomfortable, heartburn- and headache-prone version of me.) All that to say, if you're still feeling worse after being off of work for a week, it can't hurt to get it checked out.

  23. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @MrsB2012: I hope you can do some testing and feel better asap!

    Last week was a nightmare. Both boys had croup all week, my mom watched them on Thursday so I could go into the office for 1/2 a day. I was in a meeting and the next thing I knew, I was getting hot and things were going black. I had passed out and hit my head on our granite table! Once Emsa got there, I ended up passing out again on the gurney. Apparently I was just severely dehydrated and that caused my blood pressure to go down in the 60's. Baby and I are fine, thank goodness!

    19 weeks this week and taking some family pictures this weekend!

  24. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    My "coming home outfit" for baby should arrive today!! This is the first thing I have bought for baby and the first thing I'm excited about. So hopefully it actually arrives today. We've been having some craziness with mail lately.

    21 weeks yesterday.

  25. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @MrsB2012: I feel like I'm kind of dragging too. I feel bad that I've become lame mom all of a sudden. My kids are watching a lot of Disney movies it sounds nice to have a break off work though!! Hopefully you can enjoy it. What if you start eating iron rich foods in the meantime? And see if that helps?

  26. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @lilyann: wow that sounds so scary!!!

  27. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Weswife: @MrsB2012: I dunno I feel like it's just dragging on and on. I can't believe I'm "only" 18 weeks.
    Maybe I feel this way because 1) I don't know the sex and nearly everyone else here does and knew it early haha. I'm going crazy!! 8 more days. And 2) still no bump, 5 lbs weight gain but it's just sitting as pudge and bloat on my stomach so I feel so gross and I'm so ready for my belly to finally pop a little so I can wear the adorable maternity clothes I've already bought lol

    @lilyann: oh my goodness that's sooo scary!!! Thank goodness you and babe are ok

  28. codeitall

    clementine / 874 posts

    @lilyann: Wow, at least you had people around when it happened! Glad you are doing fine. Hope the pics turn out great!

    I think I'm finally starting to see this pregnancy as real. Been feeling little tickle/tickle/punch combos and today he/she found my bladder...

    So, since baby obviously is working on getting my attention, I bought diapers today. And not just any diapers, but 7 big boxes of up and up diapers (DS was already getting 3 to add to his pile of 4 already behind his door). I mean, they were on suuuuper sale, but now I need to figure out where in my little apt I'm going to fit 10 big diaper boxes

    If you have room, I'd highly suggest stocking up with this deal, it is the best I've seen this year all told: http://hip2save.com/2016/10/24/target-up-up-diaper-giant-packs-only-13-89-shipped-after-gift-card-regularly-28-99/

    And I use this as my guideline for prices and quantities (it really worked out with DS, so here we go again!):

  29. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    Got the going home outfit!!

  30. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @codeitall: Thanks for the TGT deal, got some in a few sizes! woohoo!

    @anonysquire: Are those cinnamon rolls? So cute! My oldest son is obsessed with cinnamon rolls and would probably love those pants!

  31. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @lilyann: yes!! The fabric caught my eye on etsy and I messaged the lady to see if she could make a baby outfit and I'm just in love!!!

  32. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @lilyann: oh my goodness so glad that you and baby are ok! So scary!

    @anonysquire: So cute! I want our little man to come home in something with his name on it since we are keeping it a secret till he is born!

    So 19w6d today, tomorrow is 20 weeks and we have our anatomy scan. I am a little nervous... I am not sure why, but I can't seem to just relax and say the baby is fine... Then my neighbor just delivered her daughter yesterday and she is so cute and squishy it makes me so excited for our little man to arrive... but I can wait my 5 months... we aren't ready!!! haha

    Then we are flying to NY Thursday. Is flying while your pregnant basically the same as flying when you aren't? HAHA

    Oh also I found out unless I work 5 days past my due date... I have to go back to work boo! So hopefully this baby can just be a little late! As much as I love kindergarten I would love better to just stay home with my little man for almost 6 months.

  33. Beth24

    cherry / 223 posts

    @Weswife: I have my anatomy scan tomorrow too and I've been anxious all day! I just want to see a healthy growing baby and know everything is going well. Bonus is we find out the sex

    I always drink lots of water when flying pregnant...I get lightheaded pretty easily and it's worse when flying.

  34. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Weswife: when you're pregnant, some women opt not to go through the scanner. You can opt for pat down instead.
    Good luck with anatomy scan! It'll be great.
    I'm so excited for mine- 6 more days!!
    @Beth24: woohoo!!! So exciting!!!

  35. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Beth24: how did it go???

    On our end baby boy is healthy and perfect! I feel so much better! Everything else like placenta, umbilical cord looks good too! He is measuring a week ahead just like every other appointment ha and weighs 14oz. I on the other hand have gained 17 lbs. OMG! Oh well right! And his feet are massive! My child could be huge!

  36. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Beth24: So exciting! Hope it goes well!

    @Weswife: Yay, glad everything looks good! If you're prone to swelling when pregnant, flying (especially a long flight) can make it a bit worse - you can get cheap compression socks at the drugstore if you need them!

  37. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @raspberries: so far no swelling at all... and since this is my first I don't know ha!

  38. Beth24

    cherry / 223 posts

    @Weswife: It went well! Baby GIRL is measuring right on track DH and I were secretly hoping for a boy to have one of each, but we're happy to see she is growing right on track so that's all that matters. Plus, there are so many boys in this group, I figured the odds were I'd have a girl. lol. DD is a bit young to really know what's going on but I'm happy she'll have a sister close in age to grow up with.

  39. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @Weswife: oh that will be adorable!!! Since we're team green I really don't want to get personalized stuff til the baby pops out

  40. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @Beth24: congrats on a girl!!!

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