pear / 1955 posts
@MrsB2012: Aghh, that's part of why I'm so torn - this is our second, but they're going to be pretty close in age at 19ish months apart (and our family plans include a possible third baby?) We have a Britax B-Agile/B-Safe travel system which I loved with DS1, but I'm not sure if he's big enough/interested enough to buy the stroller board, or if I should just go ahead and buy the double stroller. Or if I buy the double now, maybe I'd still use it if/when we have a third? Or maybe it'd just sit in the basement and be an expensive dust collector?
apricot / 458 posts
Ladies question.... what's the best and most useful breast pump? I get a free one through insurance but there is a variety and they come with different things. Most are medela, but even those are all different. I will probably be breastfeeding at school too? HELP!!!
pear / 1955 posts
@Weswife: I got a Medela Pump In Style Advanced last time, and it worked fine - but since it's the only pump I've ever used, I can't really compare! I'd probably try to consider what's most important to you when it comes to pumping (does it need to be light-weight and portable? fit the bottles you'll be using? have multiple accessories or a battery pack? how often/how quickly will you have to pump?) and then try to choose accordingly.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@raspberries: yeah it's so tough to know. My first two were 18 months apart and I never bought the second seat for our b ready. If you don't use a stroller much with your first and babywear, I would hold off and then maybe if you see a really good deal on a double, get it, but don't spend the money just to have it?
apricot / 458 posts
@raspberries: ahh since neve pumping or having the experience I don't know! Oh no!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
I got the ameda purely yours for both my kids and it was alright. A lot of people don't like them though. I mean it did the job and was small and easy to take around. I hear that the Medela is great!!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
My stroller came with the 2 seats and I still use it on walks or out and about with the kids. 1.5 and 2.5. Now I'm trying to figure out if I want to get the hover board or a hover seat thing for my oldest. She walks like a sloth so that isn't an option haha.
pear / 1955 posts
@Weswife: I think it's kind of a crapshoot for first time parents - do you know where you'll be pumping when you go back to work? (My work has a "mothers room" but it's basically a storage closet with a couple of chairs and a table in it.) Maybe check it out ahead of time, and see if there's a convenient outlet - if there is and you'll only be pumping at work, there's no need for a battery pack or a carrying case and all that because you can just leave the pump at work. (As a side note, I think the tricky thing is that no one knows how breastfeeding will go for you - you might end up exclusively pumping or not breastfeeding at all, so just make the best guess you can! You can always buy accessories or a whole new pump if your circumstances are much different than you anticipated.)
@MrsB2012: I think this is what I'm leaning toward too - I'm just freaking myself out in advance by wanting to prepare for every possibility, ha. We'll buy it if we need or if I see a fantastic deal, but otherwise, I'll probably just wait.
@anonysquire: Hahaha, same with my kid - I can't even imagine trying to go for a walk and him actually walking without stopping to inspect every crack in the sidewalk.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@raspberries: just getting from the car to the house is excruciating lol.
apricot / 458 posts
@anonysquire: I am going to get this one. Insurance only covers the medela one that basically has no parts this one has everything. My friend had it and loved it so since it's free! I am going to try that.
@raspberries: no pumping room. I was just going to lock my classroom door ha! But my plan is also to pump at night and in the morning before I leave so I will need to tote it around. This at least is the plan haha! We will see what actually happens!
On a side note had my appt. today. Heart rate 160 and belly measures 24cm! Doc said right on track!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@mrsmacSLP: congrats!
I'm doing my glucose test right now. The lab is so busy I have to stand, ugh haha. I've been here for an hour ( took 15 mins for them to give me the drink.) they've taken a bunch of blood and now I'm just standing, waiting for my hour to be up so they can take more. Plus when she was taking my blood, when she asked my birthday she was like uhh.. I think they had the wrong lab sheet.. hopefully they don't have to draw up even more blood after!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@mrsmacSLP: ahhhh congrats!!
Not last one to update since I never did update. Hahha.
We shared with our family last night... we're having a second boy
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
Has anyone used the kiinde bags and bottles? I used the bags to pump in for my first and loved them! I'm thinking I might try the bottles this time.
pear / 1955 posts
Updating the list - let me know if I've got anything wrong, but I think we have all of our non-team-greens reporting in? With so many boys, I think (statistically) a lot of you team greenies are going to turn into team pinks!
-March 2017 Mamas-
March 4: JennEn
March 5: Raspberries , anonysquire
March 12: MrsB2012
March 13: OskarsMommy
March 15: Weswife
March 17: Pinkberry
March 19: sheskrafty , kick641
March 21: daniellemybelle
March 22: codeitall
March 24: lilyann
March 26: LoveHope, islarey
March 27: LovelyPlum , Mrs. Pen
March 30: Aspen
March 31: beth24
April 2: mrsmacSLP
Always in our hearts :
Coffee-Lover's baby boy
nectarine / 2878 posts
@anonysquire: I am interested in them! Target has them marked down today plus 15% off...would make it so much easier not to clean pump bottles, etc.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@lilyann: I got one of the bottles from a baby's r us gift package thing. It's very interesting!!!
nectarine / 2878 posts
@anonysquire: Babies R us and Buy buy baby have Kiinde stuff 25% off today, plus you can stack coupons. So it looks like I will be making a trip after work. Target also has them on sale plus 15% off today. So glad you brought these up!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@lilyann: cool!! Let me know which pieces you get!! I'm going to buy a couple more bottles, the warmer, freezer tray and a couple pcos of bags.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
I forgot to update, I had an appt yesterday. Everything went well and my belly measured right on track. I didn't want to meet again before Christmas so I'll go back the beginning of janurary. Although I'm going to schedule another ultrasound in 2 weeks. Also the midwife who was there (not my main midwife) said if they baby is still small but has no obvious concerns or iugr or anything then they might have me sign some sort of contract so that I can deliver there "early" if they end up changing my due date. So basically I can give birth anytime in March and be ok to give birth there! If they change the due date that is. This feels like a stressful mess but I atleast feel not as hopeless about things.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
My belly is just one giant constant Braxton hick. Seriously, it feels like I have a side ache in my belly at all times.
nectarine / 2878 posts
@anonysquire: So glad everything seems to be fine now! Hopefully the US goes well too! I feel you on the BH, I've had them since about 11/12 weeks and they are only getting worse, doesn't help that baby is always transverse-painful.
pear / 1955 posts
@anonysquire: I have this too, with the Braxton Hicks making me achey for a lot of the time - I never had them the first time around, so I wasn't expecting it this time. Ugh!
Has anyone had sacroiliac joint pain relating to pregnancy? If I'm too active or inactive (sitting all day at work or in the car), I get these awful shooting pains in my left hip/lower back that make it hard to walk. I'm going to be asking about it at my appt next week, but the internet seems to imply that you can take tylenol or a warm bath and that's about it. It's SO painful.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@anonysquire: That's good that it looks like you can still deliver where you want. If your belly is measuring on track, but your baby small, I can't see them changing the due date? I don't know how that works, but I had a friend where the baby was measuring small, and they said it's normal that sometimes babies are just small. Hopefully it's all good at you can just deliver there!
I have constant BH! They can be painful at times too which is annoying. I didn't have this with either of my other pregnancies.
@raspberries: Yes, i can get that really bad sometimes. I go to the chiropractor and it makes a world of a difference.
pear / 1955 posts
@MrsB2012: Oh good to know - I didn't even think of a chiropractor, but I'll definitely ask about it at my next appointment. It's crazy how two pregnancies can be so different from each other.
coffee bean / 33 posts
Hello ladies!
I'm almost 24 weeks along now and just checking in. I've had some interesting things happen lately - my face is getting hairy, my underwear I have worn exclusively for YEARS have become uncomfortable so I've had to switch, and someone at work yesterday just told me that I'm huge. So far, it's been an eventful pregnancy
My current dilemma - we have a lot of people trying to give us things they no longer need from when they had babies. This is very nice, and I am very grateful, BUT, they're not necessarily things we need or want. What's the proper etiquette here? Just because someone digs a crib (for example) out of storage to give to us, when we've already bought one and do not need one, are we obligated to take it? I feel like we've become a dumping ground for everyone's old stuff!
Also, we had our follow up ultrasound yesterday. Baby is in the 67th percentile at 1 lb, 7 oz and my placenta has moved on up.
Hope you all are doing well!
kiwi / 625 posts
@Aspen: I'll just say I turned down some stuff (clothes / bibs / toys) and I also distinctly remember getting into an argument with my mom because she bought me a used pack and play, and it was a "used" looking, and I really wanted to just go buy my own, because I thought they weren't THAT expensive, and I wanted a clean new one.
I also declined a baby floor gym from my neighbor, because I wanted to keep my own NEW one.. pfft!
Now in hind sight I see how fast kids go through stuff, and I could care less about using a hand me down.
Is there anyway to store the stuff and decide later if you want to toss it or not?
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Aspen: I'd just be honest and say, "oh thanks for the offer, but we already have one. Thanks for thinking of us." or something to that affect. Definitely don't feel obligated to take it, especially if you aren't going to use it.
@raspberries: The chiro helps me a ton. I probably only go once a month, but it makes a big difference.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@Aspen: I would say something like "oh we already registered for a different one. Thanks so much for thinking of us though!" Or "my mom is planning on buying us one. Thank you"
I know this off topic for this group and also just plain crazy but it's what's happening with us now so I'll share really quick. We finally had our home visit for our foster care home study! And we passed!!!! So hopefully we get to meet our teen girl soon. Like I said, we are aware that it's all happening at a crazy time haha. But we're so excited to meet her!!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
SOmething just hit me- I'm 24 weeks as of Monday, which means this is my last month of the second trimester! at my next appt I'll be in the third trimester! That's so crazy. I can't believe we're this far along now.
Speaking of, I had my midwife appt yesterday. My BP has been running a bit high. I'm so nervous about it because I had pre-eclampsia with my first and desperately wish to avoid that. I need to be better about working out regularly and clean up my diet- especially sugar and sweets, as well as caffeine. When I was following the paleo diet, my BP was always awesome.
Sighs. I'm trying not to get worried but I can't help it.
nectarine / 2878 posts
@anonysquire: Oh wow! That is sooo awesome of you all! I would love to foster in the future.
@Mrs. Pen: I hope you are able to control the BP! Definitely scary. Did they control it with meds last time? I have a feeling time is going to fly with the holidays and it will be into the 3rd trimester before we know it!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@lilyann: last time my pre-e didn't start or we didn't find it until I was already 38 weeks! Bp's had been normal until then. I was put on bed rest and when my 24 hour urine test came back, the protein was so high I needed to go in for an emergency induction. It was really traumatic.
My midwife said if pre e happens again, it might happen earlier this time. We're going to do urine checks at every visit and another full panel of labs at my 28 week visit.
In the meantime, I'm going to write out a strict meal plan and work out plan. It's going to be so hard, though!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@lilyann: well thanks. We're excited. Normally in foster care the goal is to be reunited with your birth family so I know it's weird to some to hear that we are excited, but this girl is legal free so her parents rights have been terminated. So yes, we are very excited to get her home!!! You should totally look into it
nectarine / 2878 posts
@anonysquire: I've gone to a few seminars that were hosted by our church and DHS. I think we would start out with respite care when our children are a bit older and can understand. Right now, we just have too much on our plate with my husband's travel with work, my working out of the house full time and a 3rd on the way. Love where your heart is though!
pear / 1955 posts
@Aspen: Ha, we were in the same situation when I had my first - DS has 5 older boy cousins on my side, so everyone wanted to give us allll the hand-me-downs. I just had to be clear about what we would take and what we wouldn't - give me all the clothes (what we didn't want to use/couldn't use, we just donated to Goodwill) but I passed on all furniture (basically by just saying "we already have xxx, but thanks anyway!") For bigger stuff that we just didn't want - we had multiple people try to give us swings or bouncers, which we didn't really want/use - I told them that we didn't have space for them. One caveat though - it might be nice to accept some hand-me-downs that you can just give straight to the grandparents if they're open to it. My parents and my in-laws both have pack-n-plays and some random toys/baby supplies, and it's so nice to not have to lug all of our stuff over every time we go.
pear / 1955 posts
@anonysquire: Congrats! That's so exciting - it sounds like you're going to have some busy days ahead of you!
@Mrs. Pen: I was induced for pre-eclampsia last time as well, and I've been monitoring my blood pressure at home this time (I got a little BP machine from CVS that cost like, $35 - it's good for peace of mind.) Mine shot up at around 37 weeks last time, they put me on bed rest, and I ended up being induced at 38w1d - I had a few other complications so they were planning to induce at 38w4d, but when they saw my BP at my 38 week appointment, they sent me straight to the hospital for an immediate induction. Hoping to avoid that this time too!
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