pea / 24 posts
Sorry I've been so quiet lately, I've been struggling with this pregnancy a bit, both feeling ill more often than not as well as generally being "over it". I feel guilty about that because this baby is such a true blessing (and surprise) and something my husband and I never thought we would experience again. But... all that said, having a very physical toddler who is going through separation anxiety issues and now is extra clingy and two dogs that are longing for attention, makes for a long day and I'm very much touched-out by the time bedtime is done.
I'm just ready to feel in control of my body again, and I realize how selfish that sounds, but I'm hitting that point where I waddle now and wake-up with sore hips and I've found that the poorer my sleep is, the more I am nauseated and will still puke the next day. (Don't worry, though, I've put on 13lbs from pre-preggo weight, so I'm still making up for the lost meals, obvi).
As far as the baby goes, our anatomy scan revealed that my umbilical cord terminates close to the edge of the placenta, which is a "soft-call" for concern for my doctor. Your cord is meant to be in the middle and mine is off to the right. My doctor assured me this is "normal, but uncommon" or maybe it was "common, but abnormal", either way, this means I will get another ultrasound to check that there are no growth restrictions with the baby and that everything is a-ok. This is the final push I needed to just accept the planned c-section and not wish after a VBAC after all. I think that will get scheduled before the end of the year, but I'm not sure when that is usually done.
Sorry for the novel, all the feels and emotions are on the surface today. Thanks for reading/listening to me whine.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@JennEn: I totally get you! I am having similar feelings. I'm so sorry that you are still sick though. Were you sick the entire time in your previous pregnancy? I get the touched out. Sometimes I'm like "get this baby out of me!!" Then I remember that j have weeks to go . It sometimes gives me some anxiety though. Pregnancy is a rough time with all the emotions and everything else in the background still goes on. I've never heard that about the umbilical cord! Prayers that it's no big deal at your next ultrasound.
pea / 24 posts
@anonysquire: I was sick (and taking medication) with Colton until probably 22 weeks or so. With both pregnancies it seems I had that "second trimester energy" for about two weeks before quickly moving on to the "waddling and over-it" stage, lol. I was hoping my energy would stick around longer this time because my son requires a lot of attention to keep him out of trouble, but alas, no luck there.
I'll have my next ultrasound next Friday (the 16th), so I'll hopefully be assured all is good. My OB explained it's a soft call because 9/10 everything is totally fine and the 1/10 have other indicators of growth restrictions besides just the cord abnormality. Since she doesn't see any of those indicators with me, she doesn't seem all that worried. But her philosophy is better be informed than surprised, and I'm inclined to agree.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@JennEn: oh yes, I agree too!!! I swear I hit that waddling stage earlier and earlier with each pregnancy. So silly haha!!! Pregnant with a toddler is no joke!!!
kiwi / 625 posts
@anonysquire: @JennEn: waddling here too. And with the vulvar varicose veins(ugh!) / tender lady parts issue, as well as the SPD / groin pain issue, the girls at my work have asked if I am ok, and what is going on, because I kinda walk like I've been on a horse sometimes. I've just told them they don't want to know.
With my son I had ZERO issues, and was motoring around just fine. Add to that a high energy toddler, and yeah, I often wish this pregnancy to be over too. But then I remember this is likely my last, and that once the baby is out it gets harder, not easier, so then I feel ok with the moment I am in now.
JennEn: fingers crossed you are the 9of10 and all is fine with your cord!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@oskarsmommy: I have vulvar varicose veins too and that is no joke. It hurts to even stand up somedays.
This pregnancy has been super difficult for me, I've been off work since I was like ... 20? 19? Weeks pregnant. Thank goodness otherwise I would have 100% sure had a mental breakdown. Then I think though, I'll be 27 weeks pregnant on the weekend, and that's only 10 weeks away from when I delivered my first 2 babies. I could easily have a baby in 10 weeks and that's just crazy!!
kiwi / 625 posts
@MrsB2012: totally! I've had a few bad days and was shocked by the pain!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
Well I don't think I slept last night. I maybe got 2 hours of sleep. I guess my midwives and the birth home director are going to be discussing the due date issues tomorrow at the staff meeting. One midwife wants to change it and the other wants to keep the due date the same since she's going by my last period, date of my positive test and my 11 week ultrasound. It's mind boggling that they would change my date to a date where I got a pregnancy test 3 weeks before I even got pregnant. So frustrating. But j can hardly even think straight. I thought this was all behind me.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
Omg, finally got a call back!!! No change to the due date!!!!!! Omg I'm so relieved!!! She did schedule me for another ultrasound to check babies growth next week and said we might need to talk about weaning both kids if it's causing contractions. And she also said I will need to take a supplement later to calm down my uterus!
I'm over this back and forth thing.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@anonysquire: So glad they aren't changing your due date. That doesn't make any sense this late in the game. What a relief for you! Hope your ultrasound goes well!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
omg I've started to leak a tiny bit from my breasts!! AH I'm only 24+6!! haha.
I think I remember this happening with my first though too, and being caught off guard by how early it started.
pear / 1955 posts
@anonysquire: Yay, glad it's working out in your favor!
@Mrs. Pen: Me too, especially after a nice hot shower - ugh.
I had my 28 week appointment today, got the TDaP and did my glucose test. I failed it with flying colors - my glucose was at 157 after an hour. Other bad news - it looks like I'm anemic and have low platelets again. I was already taking iron supplements in addition to my prenatal, so they're going to keep close tabs on my iron to see if infusions will be necessary again. The platelets are just on the low end but still in normal range, so we'll be watching those closely as well, and if they start dropping too quickly, we'll have to induce early. Blech.
The good news is that baby is great - active and measuring right on track, and blood pressure is good too (106/68). Also, the three-hour glucose test can be done at my doctor's office now, so I can just go there instead of the hospital, which is much more convenient.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@MrsB2012: @raspberries: thanks!!! I want no more drama this pregnancy haha.
@raspberries: crap!!! When do you take the next test?
apricot / 458 posts
@raspberries: I pasted my glucose but my hemoglobin and red blood cell count was low ... although not very low only like a few percentages low so waiting for doc to tell me something. I just read the tests results myself in my account ha!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@raspberries: oh man I'm so sorry, ugh. When is the three hour test?
I'm so nervous for mine! It's January 3.
@Weswife: definitely better to have low hemoglobin than gestational diabetes. It's one of my worst fears. I think because I am a nurse and know what people with diabetes live like and it scares me. At least with low hemoglobin you can take iron and increase iron intake through diet!!
pea / 24 posts
So I swear the baby flipped breech today. I was having crazy movement, and then it suddenly got uncomfortable... almost like sharp little jabs and kicks and now all the movement i've been feeling feels like a baby is trying to kick its way out of my lady-bits! What the heck!? We'll see I guess, ultrasound is Friday. This really doesn't matter much since I'll be a scheduled C-section, but still, how crazy. Anyone else have a baby flip the wrong way this late in the game? What happened??
apricot / 458 posts
@Mrs. Pen: yes I know! I was terrified about diabetes!
@JennEn: I don't know anything about his direction. I wish I did! Haven't had a ultrasound since 20 weeks and was told I don't get anymore
nectarine / 2466 posts
@JennEn: I think it's still pretty common for babies to flip at this stage. I think they want them head down by 36 weeks or so? I can't totally remember.
@Weswife: you can ask your dr the position, they can tell pretty easily. I had a resident doing a check on one of my other pregnancies and she was kinda talking to herself as she felt baby. " this is the bum because it's softer, this is the head because it's firm" it was neat!
I'm half way done my last week of the second trimester I feel like the third trimester is just going to fly! Dh's bday and our Xmas party this weekend, then Xmas, New Years, we move into our new house mid Jan... busy busy!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@JennEn: my kid is transverse 🙄 It's actually kind of annoying hahah. Thankfully not big enough to make it completely uncomfortable though
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
Does anyone else's belly just ache? Especially with activity. I already have sciatica, and it goes around to the front and sends shooting pains down my groin. But lately even while walking just a mile or less than, my stomach just aches and is so sore.
I'm pretty active too- but it's making it harder!
I'm considering a pregnancy support belt. Has anyone else tried one before??
nectarine / 2878 posts
@raspberries: So sorry Hope you pass the 3-hour one!
My OB doesn't want to test until 28/29 weeks for GD, so I have a few more weeks. I had it with my first and I think I went un-diagnosed with my second. Lately, my weight gain has been out of control, so I am assuming my body is still not processing the glucose right. I've made some diet changes so I am hoping it helps because I was wanting to gain less this time around.
kiwi / 625 posts
@lilyann: between 24-26 weeks I gained 6-7 lbs. Dr said baby often has "growth spurt" at this time - I thought she was just saying that to make me feel better, but let's just say that's what it was. Perhaps yours is havinga growth spurt as well
nectarine / 2878 posts
@oskarsmommy: I figured baby was doing some serious growing but my OB isn't super encouraging in that department, she is more of a weight nazi
pear / 1955 posts
@anonysquire: @Mrs. Pen: I can go in at any time to do the 3-hour test since it's in my doctor's office - there's a phlebotomist available from 8am onwards. I'm going to do it early next week since we're going to be traveling for the holidays, but ugh, not looking forward to it!
@Weswife: I think they'll probably tell you to eat more red meat/green leafy vegetables and take an iron supplement - hopefully it's not too bad and can be managed with some diet changes. I love having that info available immediately, but it also stresses me out waiting to hear from the doctor!
@lilyann: My doctor waited until 28 weeks too (which I have conflicting feelings about. Part of me knows that it's standard to wait until then to do the GD test and CBC, but part of me feels like they knew I had these issues last time around, why couldn't they have been more proactive about monitoring them this time? That's a whole different rant though, ha.) My weight gain has been all over the place this whole pregnancy - I'm still at less than I was last time around, but more than I'd like to be (up about 22lbs at 28w2d.)
nectarine / 2878 posts
@raspberries: Agreed, I would like to get it under control now but my OB wants to wait so there won't be as likely of a chance of a false negative. I have my glucose monitor from my first pregnancy so I plan on testing a few times this week just to prepare myself, ha. I gained 5lbs in the last 2 weeks (ack), so I am at 20 lbs at 25w 4d. I really only wanted to gain between 25-30 lbs this pregnancy.
apricot / 458 posts
@Mrs. Pen: my belly aches sometimes but considering this is so new to me I just assumed it's part of pregnancy!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
How's everyone feeling???
I'm having insomnia. It's been rough. Very happy it's almost the weekend!!!
nectarine / 2878 posts
@anonysquire: Feeling okay! 26 weeks today. I've been extra sleepy this week, not sure why but I already miss the small amount of energy that I had!
I have 2 appointments (high risk Monday, OB Thursday) next week, so excited to see baby again! Also excited about Christmas, my boys cannot wait!
pear / 1955 posts
Meh, I'm feeling okay - everyone has a cold right now, and I'm feeling pretty rough around the edges. We're getting ready to travel next week to visit our families for Christmas, and I haven't finished shopping, started packing, or anything else on the long list of things I should probably be doing.
kiwi / 625 posts
@anonysquire: feeling good over here My husbands snoring has ramped up with the cooler weather, between that and my pregnancy imsomnia I am constanly exhausted!
And baby has hicccups ALL DAY LONG lately.
clementine / 874 posts
@anonysquire: I've been waking up in tears of frustration from dreams then I can't turn my brain off! Bad combo.
I've been super productive the past few weekends filling my new chest freezer full of prepped meals. Oh that was exhausting, and of course now I don't want to cook
Baby is doing good, lots of movement and is measuring a few days ahead like DS1 on the ultrasound. He was 10 days early, so I have my fingers crossed this one will be early too!
I don't know about any of you, but I've already got a countdown up on my work computer to my due date. I will have my lungs back and sit with my knees up again
@MrsB2012: moving will definitely make that time fly by. Congrats on the new house!
pea / 24 posts
So I had my ultrasound this morning and there was nothing but good news to share. What a relief. Apparently my placenta grew more (who knew it still grew this late in pregnancy?) and my umbilical cord now is positioned in the center as it should. Baby is measuring at 28w4d on the femur, but head circumference and torso measurements are around 30w1d, so, he sounds like he's already shaped like his dad and big brother. AND... I was totally RIGHT! He's now breech and facing forward when he was on the screen. So, he's basically my baby kangaroo riding around in there. I'm not all that worried, but it was kind of cool being affirmed that all those cervical twinges and kicks I was feeling weren't just my imagination! LOL
29 weeks tomorrow and hopefully we'll have our C scheduled at our appointment next week.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
I'm sad. It seems that my 21 month old guy ha weaned himself and big sis weaned herself about a month ago. I know it's probably for the best. It's just hard.
olive / 61 posts
Had our 4d ultrasound and everything looked great. Baby is 2#7oz but I've gained a total of 24 pounds..I'm really struggling with the weight gain and hate seeing the scale go up and the u/s tech tells me before I leave "just watch the carbs and try and eat more protein" totally unprompted. Thanks obgyn said my weight was fine last week plus with the holidays, carbs are kinda hard to avoid. But now I'm feeling more self conscious .
kiwi / 625 posts
@Pinkberrry: f that tech! Unsoicited advice - worst. Unsolicited advice about weight?! To a pregnant lady?! She should know better.
kiwi / 625 posts
@anonysquire: I still get sad that my son is weaned (wow, for about 6 months now). About a month ago he was really upset and he couldn't calm down, and he asked for it. He totally didn't know what to do, and it lasted about 10 seconds, but I had to fight back tears remembering that bond with him. ️️
pear / 1955 posts
Just got my test results back, and they were borderline for all four blood draws, but luckily juuuust on the right side of the border. So relieved, but I'm still going to try to keep eating lower carb/sugar. (Just in time for Christmas celebrations, which won't make it easy at alllll.)
@JennEn: So glad everything looks good!
@Pinkberrry: Awww, sorry to hear you had a nasty ultrasound tech - and that sounds like all she was being, since it's totally not her place to say anything about your weight at all. If your doctor is happy, you should be happy (obviously, but we can all empathize - gaining weight, even at a healthy rate during pregnancy, can still really take a toll on you mentally.)
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