pear / 1955 posts
-March 2017 Mamas-
March 4: JennEn
March 5: Raspberries , anonysquire
March 12: MrsB2012
March 13: OskarsMommy
March 15: Weswife
March 17: Pinkberry
March 19: sheskrafty , kick641
March 21: daniellemybelle
March 22: codeitall
March 24: lilyann
March 26: LoveHope, islarey
March 27: LovelyPlum , Mrs. Pen
March 30: Aspen
March 31: beth24
April 2: mrsmacSLP
Always in our hearts :
Coffee-Lover's baby boy
olive / 61 posts
Thanks all, I feel better after commiserating..I've most just gained it in the baby pooch but i still feel it in other parts of my body (i.e. Backfat). Oh well, I have 3 weddings shortly after giving birth so it'll be motivation to drop the spare weight.
In other news, has anyone not taken the birth classes offered by the hospital? Mine offers a 4 series of 3 hours each in a row and it sounds awful. I'll just watch a video on YouTube instead.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@raspberries: ahhh yayyyy what a huge relief! So happy for you.
@Pinkberrry: I think my practice requires a few classes so I don't have a choice lol even as a second time mom!
pear / 1955 posts
@Pinkberrry: We took a birth class the first time around, but had the option to do it all in one weekend (so one 8-hr day on Saturday and one 4-hr day on Sunday.) I think it was more helpful for my husband than myself - I had done so much research already that I knew just about everything they went over. But DH is more of a hands-on learner than I am - it helped him learn ways to support me during labor, stages of birth/labor, what would be expected of him before/during/after, what would happen if we needed a c-section, etc. I did find the infant CPR class good to take, and the hospital tour was also useful for knowing where to go, but I think you can take both of those without taking the birth class also.
@Mrs. Pen: Thank you!
pear / 1955 posts
Anybody traveling for the upcoming holidays?
We're driving 10 hours to my parents house, and I'm soo not looking forward to that car ride at almost 30 weeks. But I am looking forward to seeing my extended family, especially knowing that I probably won't get back there for at least 6 months with the end of pregnancy and newborn life.
kiwi / 625 posts
@raspberries: ouch! 10 hours, good luck - hopefully you can sleep, read and relax!
We are flying to TX, 2 flights, to my husbands tiny hometown. Looking forward to being in someone else's house and having nothing to do!
pear / 1955 posts
@oskarsmommy: Thank you! Hope your flights go smoothly and that you don't have any layover issues. I'm also looking forward to having grandparents take care of DS so I can basically just veg on the couch, haha.
coffee bean / 33 posts
I just had someone ask me when I'm due and they were SO shocked that I'm only 27 weeks (tomorrow) because I'm "ALREADY SO BIG!"
I might be having a bad day but I am so over people telling me how big they think my belly should or shouldn't be. She also said, "But you're big in a good way."
Whatever, I'm over it.
nectarine / 2878 posts
@Aspen: I'm sorry I just walked through the lobby at work and the security guard said, "getting really close, huh?" I said, not really and darted into an elevator. Comments are the worst.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
Happy new year everyone!!! Finally it's the year our babies come
kiwi / 625 posts
Where is this damn "nesting instinct". My husband took my son to the park so I could get some cleaning & organizing done to set up baby's room.. 2 cups of coffee and ALL I want to do is nap. I'm screwed.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@oskarsmommy: take the nap and enjoy the quiet time
@anonysquire: Happy New Year!
I can't wait until we move into our new house in 3 weeks. I feel like I can't start anything baby without being in the house. I just want to get things done!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@MrsB2012: oh man!! Hopefully you have a lot of help moving! We moved when my first was a couple months old and it was a pain. But mostly it was a pain because I was tearing down wall paper, painting and tearing up carpet while pregnant so we could move in.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@anonysquire: I think we have lots of help so it should be OK. Maybe getting everything organized after the move will help labour along haha.
My mil said she would help with the move, by watching the girls. Um, I'm like 8 months pregnant, how about I watch the girls, and you help with the move hahah.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@MrsB2012: how "helpful" of her haha!!!
I am having such bad pains in my cervix. It's so weird. It's like throbbing shock pain. If that makes sense. I hardly even know how to describe it. Ugh!!
nectarine / 2878 posts
@anonysquire: Lightening crotch? I got it pretty bad with my second, close to when labor started. I have had a few episodes of it this time around too, typically when I have lifted, carried or walked too much.
So excited about our 2017 babies! I'm 29 weeks this week
nectarine / 2466 posts
@anonysquire: I agree with lightening crotch. I had it with my second and I've had a few bouts of it this time too. Not fun.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@lilyann: @MrsB2012: thanks ladies! Familiar with the term but I guess I never had it with either other pregnancy.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@oskarsmommy: oh gosh!! There is zero running going on over here. Kudos to you!!!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@anonysquire: @oskarsmommy: @MrsB2012: ugh. I've never heard the term lightning crotch but that's exactly what I have. Mine has been related to my sciatica too, I had it Cobi too.
Everything hurts. My back, my front, my ribs/lungs, my cervix, and my stomach feels so stretched out!! Like it can't possibly get any bigger. Haha. He is still transverse!! Ugh. I want him to flip because it hurts. It's so uncomfortable.
I had my 28-week appt today! It went great. My blood pressure was perfect- thank god.
I'm awaiting results from my GD test, and they also ran some labs for pre eclampsia since I had it with my first.
Appts are every two weeks now! So crazy. Less than 12 weeks to go!
Has anyone set up maternity photos?
nectarine / 2878 posts
@Mrs. Pen: Yay for a great appointment! I hope baby flips soon! Mine was transverse for the longest time too but flipped head down a couple of weeks ago and the pressure down there, yikes!
My doula is also a birth photographer and she happened to be doing a special when I booked with her, free maternity session, woohoo! We are waiting to see if it snows this week because we thought it would look pretty for pictures outside.
I was surprised I passed my 1 hour GD test, I've been gaining weight fast lately, it seems. My placenta is still partial previa, so I have another high risk appt in 4 weeks to see if it has moved. I will be seeing my regular OB 2 times between now and then and she said she will probably do a vaginal ultrasound to check it too.
kiwi / 625 posts
@Mrs. Pen: oof! sorry everything hurts.. I only have occasional lightning crotch, and now if feels like my tailbone / pelvis is crooked, and kinda hurts when I walk. again, when I don't exercise, nothing hurts, but I really don't want to stop yet - it keeps me sane! Thankfully only one part hurts at a time - I'd be in tears if I had both the front and the back hurting. I am gonna book a chiropractor appt this weekend - hopefully it will help.
My Dr. at my last appt. said baby was head down, but he feels transverse again to me, so I know the feeling..
I am doing a birth photographer (who will also be my doula) and she agreed to do some maternity pics. Her style is very strong & raw, so I am keeping the pressure off on how I look - she is just going to come to our house and kinda document our lives for the afternoon. I'm excited - I love her work! This is her site:
I do worry about having such a fast labor that even having a doula/photographer is worth it.. I guess that would be a good problem in the long run..
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@Mrs. Pen: no maternity photos here. I don't want to have record of me being a cow ha.
I had an appt yesterday and surprise, surprise, they got the due date wrong again. If anyone is keeping up, when I went in for my 20 week ultrasound they said I was measuring 4 weeks behind and moved the due date back. After I sent in my charts and basically told them it was impossible for me to be that far back, they moved the due date back. So I'm 31 weeks, and at my appt yesterday she said "measuring right on track at 25 weeks". After some tears, because I'm just so freaking frustrated about all this mess and thought it was finally resolved, I called the director again and was told the due date is the same (31 weeks) and finally we are going to figure out why the baby is small. So ya, im over this. I think it doesn't help that we had the failed adoption but I'm just so over this pregnancy. Blah.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@anonysquire: oh my gosh, I'm so sorry that you're still going through with the due date stuff. I hope that they figure some things out for you soon.
@lilyann: glad you passed your test!
@oskarsmommy: her work is beautiful, you'll get some amazing pics from her!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@MrsB2012: ugh I hope we can figure it out too. I don't want the labor and delivery to be surrounded by stress. I have an ultrasound Monday so hopefully we can figure things out.
kiwi / 625 posts
@anonysquire: wow - good luck! keep us posted, hopefully Monday provides some answers..
olive / 61 posts
Had another Drs appointment yesterday, all is well..I took the Counsyl genetic screen a few weeks back to check for CF and it tests for 100 other inherited disorders as well and I came back as a carrier for deafness, so now we're waiting on my husbands results to see if he's a carrier for it as well .
In other news I haven't done anything in the nursery other than paint it and I'm feeling very behind. Is everyone else done with theirs? I haven't even ordered furniture yet, yikes.
I did order my baby shower invites last night for the first weekend in February..which also seems late considering my due date of March 17th, but I hope it all works out. Time is flying by too fast!!
kiwi / 625 posts
@Pinkberrry: hope your husbands results come out negative!
As for nursery - ha! We have done NOTHING. truth is baby will sleep in our room, and we know we don't really need a nursery for a while. Having said that, we are trying to convert out office into the nursery, little by little, just to have a place for the baby stuff my son has outgrown (toys, clothes, books, etc)
Don't stress too much. With my son we were renovating a house we bought and didn't move in until I was 35 weeks, and all worked out ok
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@Pinkberrry: hopefully you get good news about the genetic testing!! When do you find out??
Also I haven't even thought of a nursery haha. We are finishing our basement so will be rearranging all rooms anyways.
@oskarsmommy: my almost 2 year old is still in my bed haha. I guess I need to figure him out before The baby comes. But I'm sure the baby will be in the room for a while
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Pinkberrry: Hey, your nursery is painted, you're further along that me! We move in 2 weeks, so I literally haven't done anything. I have a crib from my oldest daughter and that's it. I guess i have her old bedding too, but I'd like something new. It's hard being team green, I can't get motivated to get anything. It's even harder not being in our new house because I haven't decided on colours or anything.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@lilyann: yay so glad you passed! Heard my results today and I passed too- I'm thrilled. I have started gaining 1 lb a week and starting to feel large too. I'm up 18 lbs total so far ugh.
@oskarsmommy: oh my gosh her work is INCREDIBLE! I love that. I wanted a birth photographer this time too, but most packages started at 1k and most were more and that's just not feasible for us
Yes, the pain is worst when I work out too! I decided to do a water workout instead last week and it was a lot more comfortable.
@anonysquire: ugh what a mess. I'm sorry you're still dealing with that.
@MrsB2012: so excited about moving into a new home just in time for baby!! We had hoped to get in a new home before this baby, but there's hardly anything on the market (sighs). We're hoping it picks up soon now that the holidays are over!
So getting pre eclampsia again is a concern of mine so my midwife has been so on top of it, closely monitoring me. She did some labs yesterday (liver and kidney function primarily) and said they came back great. My BP was great yesterday, and at my last appt, urine was negative for protein. Such a relief. I know I still have a ways to go (I was diagnosed at 38 weeks the first time), but it takes a lot off my shoulders to know everything is okay right now.
Work has been ridiculous. By Friday I'll have worked the last eleven days with only one day off. I'm exhausted. And the days I work, I don't stop from 8am to 8-9pm. I'm so tired. So overwhelmed and burnt out. I can't wait until maternity leave.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
So I've been having Contractions all evening. I know they are not Braxton hicks because I've been having those since week 12. These ones are really hurting me!! Not close enough to be worrisome. But also one thing I noticed is that baby's head is like wayyyyyyyy low! I can't sit for very long because it feels like there is a lot of pressure in my bum/crotch. Sorry, tmi!!! I guess baby has dropped? I don't even know what the heck is going on haha. But I'll admit I am getting a little worried that I won't make it to 37 weeks.
nectarine / 2878 posts
@anonysquire: That is very worrisome! My best friend is 34 weeks and just had an entire day of that (also baby #3) but seems to be feeling better after taking it easy for a few days. I am worried she won't make it to term either. Wish your appt was this week and you didn't have to wait until Monday
@Mrs. Pen: You need a break! Those are ridiculously long hours, so sorry!
kiwi / 689 posts
Hi Ladies, I'm back after being away for a while. Hope you all are feeling great. I'm currently 28 weeks and feel pretty good besides having major back pain. We just went in for another anatomy scan and baby looks great. I'm considered high risk because of my hypothyroidism and tested low for Papp-A in the beginning of the pregnancy but she looks great.
nectarine / 2878 posts
@LoveHope: I have hypothyroidism as well! It only seems to flare up when I am pregnant, which is weird. Sorry about your back pain, have you seen a chiropractor? I have been going about once a week since starting the second trimester and it has helped my hips so much!
pear / 1955 posts
For all of you still working out - way to go! Some days, just carrying laundry from the basement to our bedroom on the second floor leaves me out of breath... I have so much admiration for all of you who have stuck it out this whole time. Hoping to get back into working out after this little one comes, but I'm pretty sure I'm done running for now.
We had the trip from hell when we went to visit our families for the holidays - everything from a speeding ticket to the stomach flu to my grandfather's cat dying. I'm so glad to be back home and focusing on the new little one - we're planning to install his car seat this weekend, just in case!
@Mrs. Pen: I was induced for pre-e the first time around too - my labs have all been normal up until this last appointment (31.5 weeks) where I had trace amounts of protein in my urine. My BP was still good (106/66), so here's hoping it goes away by next time. Also, that work schedule is insane! Are you guys understaffed, or is that what it's always like? That sounds like it'd be difficult to maintain even when not pregnant.
@LoveHope: Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl yet, or are you team green?
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@lilyann: I know! I asked if they had anything this week but they only have the ultrasound guy come once a week.
@raspberries: omg, we've been dealing with a stomach flu from hell over here. 6 days of vomiting and diarrhea. It's been crazy.
kiwi / 689 posts
@lilyann: I should have done that. I'm going to get a prenatal massage to soothe my back. Hopefully that will help for a bit.
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