Hellobee Boards


March 2017 moms!

  1. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @anonysquire: I'm sorry to hear this if you need any support we are all here for you

  2. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @anonysquire - still thinking about you everyday ❤

    Over here, my husband has gone out of town for the week, and in his abscence I discovered our basement flooded. I've been working like a dog - had to take the last few days off - to try to clean up as much as I can. Yet trying to be careful not to send myself into early labor. In LA we are so not prepared for this kind of thing.

    Hope you other ladies are doing well.

  3. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @oskarsmommy: Oh no! That stinks Hope it gets cleared up soon and you are able to rest.

    I've had a rough couple of weeks with our washer breaking, DH traveling only to come home and have Flu A over the weekend and other misc setbacks. Lots of solo parenting and exhaustion. Hoping things start looking up before baby comes. Had an appointment today, 32 weeks, baby had its head buried down low so we couldn't see it's face, bummer.

  4. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    The fun keeps coming. Leaks in our roof > damp walls in bedroom. Drywall repair today > found mold in the walls. Guys said "no big deal - let it air about" and left walls open and mold exposed, and left for the day. And my husband is out of town.

  5. Pinkberrry

    olive / 61 posts

    On Wednesday night I was doing some light exercises and stretches before bed and I started bleeding bright red blood..I immediately laid down in bed and called my doctor..he told me to not worry as long as I wasn't actively bleeding anymore and if it continues to go to the ER...luckily it stopped but I passed a clot at 3am and couldn't sleep the entire night. The next day I went to my perinatologist and he said everything looked good but I'm still worried and have been having anxiety all day today about it. I've been trying to take it really easy at work too. Ugh, I was so lucky to have a non complicated pregnancy up until now too.

  6. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    Pregnancy mercury is in retrograde or something.

  7. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @anonysquire: Thinking of you

    @oskarsmommy: @lilyann: You guys are making me so glad my DH doesn't travel for work much! Sorry you've had to deal with so much lately - hopefully things start looking up soon!

    @Pinkberrry: So scary! How are you doing?

    How's everyone feeling mentally lately? I've been having so many mood swings lately - I'm just up and down and all over the place. I had a mini anxiety attack this past weekend because I was imagining all the worst case scenarios about going into labor and no one being available to watch LO1 - and I haven't been sleeping well, which I'm sure isn't helping things either!

  8. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    -March 2017 Mamas-

    Feb 24 (scheduled): anonyquire
    Feb 27 (scheduled): JennEn
    March 5: Raspberries
    March 12: MrsB2012
    March 13: OskarsMommy
    March 15: Weswife
    March 17: Pinkberry
    March 19: sheskrafty , kick641
    March 21: daniellemybelle
    March 22: codeitall
    March 24: lilyann
    March 26: LoveHope , islarey
    March 27: LovelyPlum , Mrs. Pen
    March 30: Aspen
    March 31: beth24
    April 2: mrsmacSLP

    Always in our hearts :
    Coffee-Lover's baby boy

  9. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    Mentally, I am doing pretty good. DH will actually be traveling the next 3 weeks in a row (home for weekends) and I think I handled that news pretty well, haha. I told him he needs to curb it after that because I will be about 36 weeks and DS2 came at 37.5.

    I had the most vivid dream about giving birth last night, even the pushing part. It was my first dream about gender and it was a boy! We fought over the middle name

  10. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @lilyann: you are my hero - I would shed tears over 3 more weeks solo-ing, and I only have one kid!

    I am having some pretty bad anxiety, but for me I think it is a result of the stress of the last week (and the news we likely need a new roof )

    Yesterday I kept panicking that I forgot my son at home - like replaying over and over in my head that I DID drop him off at school. I was a little on edge until I picked him up. So yeah, some major displaced anxiety/crazy going on over here.

    Thank god DH comes home today.

  11. JennEn

    pea / 24 posts

    @anonysquire: thinking of you and your family. I can't imagine the emotions you must be going through.

    For me, this is getting more and more tiresome. I catch myself resenting being pregnant and have to do some emotional coaching to remind myself how lucky we were to even get pregnant in the first place. So I'm trying to focus on the things that are fun and exciting about the home stretch of pregnancy. So I scheduled maternity photos to be done and now, of course, I'm paralyzed on how to dress! LOL.

    Help me ladies, I have this dress and think it would work well with Kameron's affinity for plaid and his love to dress Colton the same, haha. I need help/suggestions with accessorizing. We will be outdoors and weather reports call for rain and mid-40s weather (fun times).

    so, as a much needed distraction from all the depressing things I could be viewing on the internet, let's play dress-up:

  12. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    You ladies are all so sweet. Thank you everyone!! I feel like a bad friend, I'm over here moping and missing everyone's updates. How's everyone doing??

  13. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @oskarsmommy: omg that's horrible!! Did you have family or friends around that helped dry the place out?

    @lilyann: superwoman over there! Is your husband back in town now til you have the baby? I can't even imagine split parenting at this point

    @Pinkberrry: did they check you for dilation? I always have some bleeding when I start dilating! Hoping you are doing better now!

    @raspberries: I'm not sleeping either! It takes me so long to get to sleep. And I'm thinking of every worst case scenario as well haha. So fun

    @JennEn: love the dress!! I'm also at that resentment stage. Well more like just want to be done!! What about some cute tights and booties? Idk, I'm so bad at fashion haha!

  14. Pinkberrry

    olive / 61 posts

    Almost a week post bleed..everything seems okay but I'm still too paranoid to do my stretching/light workout before bed which makes my sciatica and restless leg worse than ever. Speaking of which, I'm waking up at 330am and tossing and turning for an hour or so until I can fall back asleep..I'm pretty miserable 😞

  15. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    I figured I better come back and give a quick update. We're still trying to process everything and there's still so much unknown so it all seems crazy right now.

    So last Monday I went in to the 2nd opinion mfm who was actually the 1st mfm that my midwives consulted after the ultrasound at 31 weeks still showing an inconsistency in growth. Her name is Dr. Clark. Well I first had another ultrasound but this one was like 2 hours long and they took over 200 pics and measured every tiny bone and everything. The baby still hadn't grown any in the 3 weeks. Which I know this could mean nothing since I have had 3 different ultrasound techs and ultrasound machines in 3 weeks. But the baby was measuring 2 pounds 7 ounces. The head was measuring right on track and the arms and legs were measuring 8-9 weeks behind and the belly was measuring 5 weeks behind. But the baby is healthy and active and stubborn and adorable. The baby was tiny and I joked with my midwife and the tech "maybe the baby is just a midget" to which the tech told me that the term midget is actually offensive (I had no idea!!!) and the correct term is now little person. So after the ultrasound we met in a consult room with dr Clark and my first impression of her was that she was the kindest lady I had ever met. Like kindness was dripping from her pores. But she said the baby has skeletal dysplasia and specifically dwarfism or achondroplasia which is the most common. And instantly I started bawling. Which I'm sure they all thought I was a monster or something. My tears came from a mixture of worry, with relief for finally knowing a reason after like 15 weeks to just being really scared. It's still a lot to take in. I'm terrified.

    Oh and also I had to break up with my midwives and birthing center of course because this mfm will be delivering me. And I'll be delivering at this city hospital where there is a ped skeletal specialist that will be part of my team. So I guess I'm also mourning the birth I wanted. And just so scared about the baby and wondering if I will be a good enough mom. Of course I will adore and love this sweet baby to death but I just hope I do it justice. If that makes sense.

    So I think we're at 24 days til induction date (also scared about that!!!) and I'll be 39 weeks then. But since I had my first at 38 weeks and my second at 37 weeks, will I make it that long? I have no idea!! Also since the baby is still under 2.5 pounds and we only have around 3 weeks, I've been buying every single preemie item that I can find. Which is actually hardly anything. It makes it so frustrating. Like I want this to be like all my other pregnancies where I shop too much but there's like 2 pieces of preemie clothes at each store. Really pathetic.

  16. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @Pinkberrry: ugh I hate that tossing and turning. I swear it takes me 2 hours to be comfortable enough to fall asleep. Then j have to pee.

  17. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @JennEn: I would probably add some tights and either wear booties or tall boots (camel colored), possibly a jacket or sweater?

    @anonysquire: He's actually traveling the next 3 weeks I hope you are hanging in there.

  18. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @anonysquire: oh wow - that is quite some life changing news. I can imagine the mix of emotions you must be feeling. I hope you and your family are finding some peace through all of the craziness.

    And you are NOT a monster for bawling when you got the news! Not in the slightest. I don't think anyone would ever even consider that for a second.

    Will be thinking of you ❤

  19. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @anonysquire: wow, that is a lot to process!!! I'm so glad you finally have answers, but I don't think you're terrible for crying!! I would have too. It's so hard to know what to expect and there is definitely a "grieving process" for the baby you thought you'd have vs the baby you will have. We all know you won't love the baby any less, but it's definitely going to be a process... thinking of you!!

  20. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    I went to the labor/delivery (I think that's what it was) floor tonight because I've been having cramping and bleeding for the past 2 days now and couldn't get baby to move tonight. Of course right when I got there the baby was kicking like never before. So embarrassing. But holy cow I sure am losing a lot of bloody show. Sorry ladies, tmi!!! I know it can mean nothing. But on the drive home I did have some pretty good contractions. But now I'm in bed and feeling pretty goodish. I have an appt Monday and just want to see the weight again!!!

    I have a really strong feeling this baby is going to be a handful lol.

  21. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    Oh and I guess this isn't as fun of news but this sweet company makes little teeny nicu gowns for babies that they can wear in the nicu wig wires and tubes or whatever is needed and they sent me 2. The green is up to 3lbs and the red is 3-5 pounds. I'll admit I was teary eyed thinking that I really hate that I will have to use these. Well the red one for sure. Hopefully not the green one!!! But then in the same moment it felt nice getting something fun for baby since shopping for baby has mostly sucked so far with none of my local stores having much of a preemie selection!!! So here's a pic of the cute little gowns it almost makes things seem a little more normal!

  22. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @anonysquire: the gowns are so cute! How have you been feeling today? Anymore contractions? I hope you get some good news on Monday with growth!

  23. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @MrsB2012: I'm feeling ok today. Just crampy. I think this is how it's going to be til I have the baby ha, might as well get used to it

    How's everyone else today??

  24. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @anonysquire: those little outfits are so cute!!! You are way ahead of me, I haven't even pulled out any of the old baby stuff.

    That's crazy you are already having signs of things to come!. I think I am in total denial. I keep catching a glimpse of myself in like a store window and being like, holy shit - I am reaaaally pregnant.

    Nesting has taken a serious hold of me and I can't stop. It's all I want to do, fix up my, buy pillows and lamps and hang stuff. Like up to midnight every night doing stuff. Between that, and the fact that my bowels have finally started to become super normal again, I am thinking this baby is coming by 37 weeks.

    Hope your next scan brings good news!!

  25. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @oskarsmommy: nesting over here too- but it's not very productive lol mostly just Pinterest 😂

    Actually I have some news! We are buying a house! We've been actively looking for several months now, put an offer on one and it wasn't accepted.

    But we actually love this home more- it's so much space, move in ready- but a lot of room for updating. I'm so excited about it!

    Here's the kicker, we close march 20 and my EDD is march 27. I may or may not have a baby on closing date lol! AND since closing is a Monday, we won't actually move until that weekend, and will still have to deep clean our entire apartment before April 1. My oh my. It will be interesting 😂😆

  26. Pinkberrry

    olive / 61 posts

    Today one of my long time Petsitting clients saw me at work while I was with a different patient going over medications..I smiled and waved and continued my conversation and she up and yells from across the lobby "hey chubby how you feeling?"..I just looked at her and continued talking to my patient..like what actual fuck would make someone call out to a 8-month pregnant woman "chubby"??

  27. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    Water broke! I'm in the hospital with pitocin right now. Freaking out!

  28. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @Pinkberrry: chubby???? Wtf!!!!

  29. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @anonysquire: goood luck!!

  30. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @anonysquire: Ahhhh, good luck!

  31. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @anonysquire: oh my goodness!!! Ahh good luck!!

  32. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @anonysquire: thinking of you, good luck!

    @Pinkberrry: what.the.f I hope you gave major side eye when you looked at her

    @Mrs. Pen: congrats on the new place!! Can you hire someone to clean the old place for you?

  33. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @anonysquire: holy crap!! Good luck mama!! Can't wait to hear updates and see pics of your beautiful babe!!

  34. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    Nothing yet. 12 hours of pitocin, cyotec and they put me back on the pitocin and I haven't changed or progressed at all. Starting to lose hope here. But I think it's just my mood lately with all that's going on.

  35. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    @anonysquire: I know I'm not a March mama but I just wanted to wish you all the best and hope things start moving forward for you!

  36. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @anonysquire: hope things start progressing for you

  37. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @anonysquire: thinking about you - hopefully things progress. Good luck!!

  38. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    Baby is here!! No name yet. He's so dang sweet. He ended up doing really bad during labor so thy had to do a csection. Still not sure about what just happened haha, but know it was what was best for the baby. I haven't gotten to hold him or touch him. Hopefully soon!

    3lbs 3oz and 15 inches!! Boy!!!!

  39. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @anonysquire: look at him ! He's perfect, congrats! Hope you get to hold him soon.

  40. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @anonysquire: A boy!!! Look at that cutie 😍 I hope your recovery goes well and that you get to hold him soon! You are such a trooper! ❤

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