Hellobee Boards


March 2013 Mommas!

  1. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    I was up in the wee hours this morning dealing with what I'm guessing was bh since they're gone for now. Every 6-10 min my belly would tighten for about 20 seconds. Went on for about 2 hours. I'm starting to really doubt I'll make it to march. My ligaments are sooo sore this morning. I'm gonna try and nap now that ds is off to school.

  2. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Not me. I still go to lay on my stomach and realize that it won't work.

    @katiew92081: Drink more water today and lay down!!

  3. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @katiew92081: I feel your pain. I'm still not experiencing what I would describe as regular BH contractions but there's definitely something happening. My body's gearing up. Funnily enough, it only gears up at night when my husband's home. Through the rest of the day it just aches annoyingly.

  4. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    Ugh, I'm pretty sure I'm getting PUPPP -- those tiny, itchy bumps on your belly. They just popped up yesterday and there aren't a lot, but they are insanely itchy. I'm trying not to scratch and am basically just basting myself with Bio-Oil and lotion. I read that they're supposed to form on stretch marks, but I don't have any yet on my stomach -- I wonder if this means they're about to appear! Ugh.

  5. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: No idea, but I have friends that had it really bad, so I know that isn't pleasant to deal with. When do you see your doctor again? Maybe they can give you a prescription for something to help?

  6. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    I think I am feeling hiccups for the first time!!!

  7. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    Morning Ladies!

    Hope everyone had a nice and romantic Valentine's Day! DH was so sweet! He actually got off work early, picked up steaks and groceries, and cooked up dinner for us! And I got a HUGE amazing bouquet and card and sweets.

    Sleep last night was really uncomfortable again. Again with the rib pain and I experienced a couple of new sharp twinges which I don't think are round ligament pains. One was on the side and really sharp! I actually thought it might be the first contraction, but it was so short and my stomach only got hard on the one side. Later, I felt these sharp twinges of pain for probably about 10 min. "down there". I can only guess it's my cervix getting ready to stretch?

    @keepcalmcarrie: Oh that sucks! Have you called your Doc to see what you can put on it?

    @Smurfette: heehee - aren't hiccups the funniest feelings?

  8. cokiezombie

    apricot / 286 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: Ohh I'm sorry. I had rashes all over my belly during my 2nd tri and the itchiness was horrendous. I stopped using Bio Oil when the rashes started, and my DH started applying fresh aloe vera gel instead. It worked wonders for me. Hope you can find some relief soon!!

  9. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: Oh no! I hope your dr can find you something to give you relief. The good news is that it's only a few more weeks!

    @smurfette: Ahh...hiccups! How exciting! Isn't it weird? lol

  10. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    Okay ladies! It's been awhile since we've done these! I couldn't find the format we were using on this thread, so I just copied the one from my blog.

    I'm officially Full Term in a few hours! woot woot!

    How far along? 37 weeks
    Total weight gain: ~ 19 lbs
    Fruit/Veggie Size of the Week: Baby weighs a little over 6lbs and is the length of a Swiss Chard!
    Maternity clothes? Mostly just leggings and big tops at this point!
    Stretch marks? Just the one belly button one, but some hydrocortisone cream has been helping a little.
    Sleep: Easier to fall asleep lately - been SO tired! Waking up more frequently for bathroom & water breaks.
    Best moment of this week: Getting the sneak peek of our Maternity Photoshoot & taking Maternity Boudoir pics! Also, excited to start the weekly cervical checks with the OB. I'm ready to get this show on the road!
    Miss Anything? Being able to put on my shoes. Being able to get out of bed easily.
    Food Cravings: Cinnamon Buns (again!)
    Anything making you queasy or sick? Chicken Pesto Pasta made me want to puke!
    Gender: Team Pink!
    Labor signs: Started to get weird and sharp twinges of pain. Is that the start of real contractions and dilation?
    Symptoms: Everything.
    Belly Button In/Out? In, but shallow and wide!
    Wedding Rings On/Off? Wedding Rings on, though it's more comfortable to wear only one or 2 rings at once.
    Mood: Is TIRED a mood? lol? In "Nesting" mode!
    Looking Forward To: Looking forward to meeting our baby girl! This is probably going to be the same until it comes true!

  11. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @shopaholic: you look amazing! I look like a whale next to you and I'm a week behind!

    My belly button is wide and shallow too lol

  12. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    I stole @shopaholic's survey to do this:

    How far along? 36 weeks on Monday
    Total weight gain: about 5 pounds...will find out the new number Monday.
    Fruit/Veggie Size of the Week: Feels like a watermelon, haha. babycenter says a crenshow melon, but I honestly have no idea what that is.
    Maternity clothes? I have 2 pairs of pants I wear and I can still wear most of my tops...although they're getting stretched out. I'm looking forward to shopping for regular clothes once this kid comes out!
    Stretch marks? I haven't really noticed any! dh says he doesn't see any new ones, either. But, he might just be nice.
    Sleep: Still fighting a lingering cough, but for the most part I'm sleeping ok. Getting pretty uncomfortable, though
    Best moment of this week: Waking up this morning with a lot less bloating. I was feeling HUGE last night, but I seem to have deflated slightly today.
    Miss Anything? Shaving my legs with skill, getting up out of bed or out of a chair like a normal person.
    Food Cravings: Everything. Yesterday I ate everything in sight. I couldn't help it, I just didn't ever feel satisfied!
    Anything making you queasy or sick? Chocolate as always. I really miss it.
    Gender: Team Pink!
    Labor signs: Crazy bh's going on for hours at a time, making me think labor is coming. Today had some pink discharge, but dh and I had some sexy time this morning, so it could be the reason...or the event did a little inducing? Who knows. Now just waiting to see what happens, I guess.
    Symptoms: too many to list
    Belly Button In/Out? In, but shallow and wide! (me too!)
    Wedding Rings On/Off? Off
    Mood: cranky...can't help it. I'm so uncomfortable, poor ds is having to walk on egg shells around me.
    Looking Forward To: Getting this over with and bringing my baby home.

  13. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    My baby shower is tomorrow! I'm very excited for that, although to be perfectly honest the idea of dressing up and wearing fancy clothes for several hours makes me feel sick. I've been so tired and nauseated every day lately, so I hope I can get through the shower without getting sick.

    How far along? 35 weeks, 4 days
    Total weight gain: Um... 32 pounds.
    Fruit/Veggie Size of the Week: I'm not sure, a honeydew I think?
    Maternity clothes? I'm outgrowing most of them in the belly. I'm down to dresses, mostly.
    Stretch marks? Nope!
    Sleep: Sleeping most of the day and half of the night. I'm always so tired!
    Best moment of this week: Taking some maternity pictures, although our main session with a professional was postponed.
    Miss Anything? Soft serve ice cream. Being able to move. Having energy.
    Food Cravings: Balsamic roasted carrots. I'm going to make them tomorrow.
    Anything making you queasy or sick? Random waves for no apparent reason.
    Gender: Team Pink!
    Labor signs: Not really.
    Symptoms: Um...
    Belly Button In/Out? In.
    Wedding Rings On/Off? Off, way too tight to wear now.
    Mood: Stressed.
    Looking Forward To: Baby shower tomorrow!

  14. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @arden: What? Soft serve ice cream? Am I not supposed to be eating that? I think I have a couple times.

  15. dojo

    persimmon / 1223 posts

    How far along? 37 weeks + 1 day
    Total weight gain: about 30 lbs eek!
    Fruit/Veggie Size of the Week: Swiss Chard
    Maternity clothes? Just wearing mostly the same outfits over an over for work - leggings and long top or pants with top and open sweater - so over maternity clothes!!!
    Stretch marks? a handful on my lower belly and a couple weird looking ones on my hips I was so sad when they appeared around 32 weeks but just hoping now that they don't get too crazy and that they will fade a bit eventually...
    Sleep: I do alright until I wake up to use the restroom then it is hard to find a comfortable position and actually fall back asleep...
    Best moment of this week: Dinner with parents and dh for his birthday - they got him (us) a really nice camcorder - looking forward to using it for home movies with our little guy!
    Miss Anything? Sushi, being able to bend over to put on shoes/boots, running/working out
    Food Cravings: Not really anything specific
    Anything making you queasy or sick? I have been getting nauseous some mornings probably because my stomach is empty I guess? Fried foods kind of seem a little gross these days
    Gender: Boy!
    Labor signs: Nope
    Symptoms: Major heartburn - All. The. Time.
    Belly Button In/Out? In - but really wide and shallow
    Wedding Rings On/Off? on
    Mood: blah - a little tired/cranky sometimes - not too bad
    Looking Forward To: Meeting our son and not being pregnant anymore!!!

  16. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @katiew92081: It's one of those things that's up for argument, but a lot of people advise against it because of listeria (just like cold cuts).

  17. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @arden: I've eaten cold cuts, too, lol...and sushi. I was slightly more careless this time around. I didn't eat ALL the no-no's, but I didn't obsess over everything.

  18. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @katiew92081: I'm vegetarian so soft serve was one of the only things I had to give up. I eat sushi all the time but it's veggie, so it's totally safe.

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @katiew92081: Yikes! You definitely sound like you might be close!! How are you feeling today? How are the BH?

    @keepcalmcarrie: I'm jealous you don't have stretchmarks yet, but sorry about the itchiness!!!

    @Smurfette: Oh my gosh, hiccups can be so fun!!! Or annoying, haha. Now that baby's head is way down in my pelvis, when he hiccups, I feel it in my crotch, which is such a weird sensation!

    @shopaholic: Woohoo, congrats on Full Term!!! You are looking fantastic! I'm so jealous of your little bump - mine is HUGE!

  20. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @adira: The pink from this morning I have determined to be from this morning's bed romp. I haven't had anything since. A few bh here and there, but today I've been the most comfortable I have been in a few days. Except my pelvis feels like it's about to shatter, lol. Especially when I walk...this kid is SO low! It's nice to breathe and not have heartburn, but now walking is an interesting feat.

    My face is puffy today. I noticed it while walking into my bathroom...I was like, "who is that??" My feet are swelling more...I'm officially unglamorous...even though I've been feeling it for a lot longer than I've looked it.

  21. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    Posted in the bump post, but here's me as of yesterday:

  22. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    How far along: 37 weeks, 5 days
    Total weight gain: ...37 lbs... ooops
    Fruit/Veggie Size of the Week: Swiss Chard
    Maternity clothes: Still wearing them, but they are barely covering the stomach these days!
    Stretch marks: Ugh, yes - lots on my lower stomach and more every day
    Sleep: Sleep sucks - sleeping on my side hurts my hips and I wake up every 4 hours to pee
    Best moment of this week: Hubs actually bought me roses for Valentine's Day!
    Miss Anything: Wine, I miss wine so bad.... I bought a bottle of wine that I just stare at, dreaming about drinking!
    Food Cravings: Chocolate all the time
    Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything gives me heartburn, but nothing makes me queasy or sick
    Gender: Boy
    Labor signs: None yet - just more intense BH, but only a few a day
    Symptoms: Heartburn
    Belly Button In/Out: Flat in the morning, out in the evening
    Wedding Rings On/Off: On
    Mood: Tired, but mood is still good - getting excited!
    Looking Forward To: Meeting the baby!!! And not having heartburn anymore.

  23. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @katiew92081: Oh my gosh, look at your bump!!! Looking good momma! Looks like your shirt fits better than mine do too - mine are always riding up and barely covering my stomach these days.

  24. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @adira: Amazingly, that's not a maternity shirt. But, I have a short torso, so maybe I can prolong it a little bit more. I definitely feel better in maternity shirts, but it's nice to get away with normal ones. Everything is all stretched out, though...ready to be able to buy new non-maternity clothes, soon!

  25. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @adira: I've never been much of a drinker, but every vodka ad on tv makes me really want some! I want wine too...or beer...or just anything! I could really be a lush right now, haha.

  26. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    Aw hi march ladies! You are all so close!!

  27. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Oh my gosh girls, I'm FINALLY being productive (maybe I'm nesting?). I finally installed the car seat - although I think I need my husband to lend me to strength pulling the straps tight - I think the base moves left to right more than an inch, although not by much. I also finally cleaned out the mess that was next to my side of the bed so I finally have room for the bassinet to go there! Now I just need to wash the sheets for the bassinet and pack my hospital bag.

    ALSO, Hubs Mom is coming over tomorrow to help clean! She has her own cleaning business, so she does this stuff for a living, so it'll be really nice to have her over to help. She'll do a fantastic job and our house will finally be clean for once!

    @blackbird: We are so close!!! Especially those of us due in the beginning of the month!! I'm excited and nervous!! You're due in April, right?? Now much longer now for you either!

  28. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @adira: Kneel into the carseat and tighten the seatbelt straps. The weight of you will give you plenty of slack so that you can tighten it to where it won't budge.

  29. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @katiew92081: Good call, thanks for the advice! I'll definitely give that a try!

  30. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @adira, I'm actually due March 30th! But i had already joined the April group based on my very first scan, which said April 5th. But they changed it and since then, I've been consistently measuring for March 30th. I kept meaning to pop in more often, but this thread got sooo big that I got sort of overwhelmed

  31. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @blackbird: I totally understand - we are very chatty on this group!! Is this your first? I'm curious if you'll actually end up being a March Momma or not, though I suspect not! It seems going late is more common.

  32. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @Smurfette: @shopaholic: @cokiezombie: @katiew92081: I wonder if I got this rash from using BioOil? I've been using cocoa butter or Aquaphor lotion mixed with pure vitamin E oil throughout the entire pregnancy, but I picked up BioOil a week ago to try it out and that's when the red bumps appeared. I didn't use it yesterday or today, didn't scratch, and didn't take a super hot shower (like I usually do) -- and my stomach is definitely still itchy, but not as bad as it was, and the bumps are almost invisible. Back to the cheap-o cocoa butter for me!

    How far along? 37 weeks on Tuesday
    Total weight gain: 19 lbs
    Fruit/Veggie Size of the Week: Stalk of swiss chard?
    Maternity clothes? I live in my maternity leggings and tunic sweaters.
    Stretch marks? A few on the boobs, boo!
    Sleep: Waking up a lot more often now to pee and/or drink more water -- I'm so thirsty all the time!
    Best moment of this week: Just finished out childbirth class -- it didn't cover a ton of stuff I didn't already know, but my husband learned a lot and it was nice to "practice" together
    Miss Anything? Not feeling winded/awkward/huge
    Food Cravings: Ice cream all the time
    Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.
    Gender: Team Green
    Labor signs: After my second cervical check on Thursday (which was super uncomfortable), I think I might have started losing my mucus plug (ew). She said I'm almost 1 cm dialated and my cervix is "soft," but it's also anterior and I haven't had many BH contractions.
    Symptoms: Heartburn, rarely sciatica, rarely round-ligament pain
    Belly Button In/Out? The top part has popped out, the lower part is still in.
    Wedding Rings On/Off? On
    Mood: Pretty happy -- ready for Baby to arrive, but trying to enjoy these last few weeks of rest/relaxation
    Looking Forward To: Meeting baby, shopping for boy or girl clothes, not being pregnant anymore

  33. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: Well, that's a relief! Good enough reason to not spend the extra money on it!

  34. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @shopaholic: Woo hoo! Full term!
    @katiew92081: So jealous of your 5lb gain. You look great!
    @Arden: Have a great time at your shower!!
    @dojo: I was telling DH this morning that it is getting too hard to put socks on. I had to get him to get our a purse for me in a tub under the bed cause I didn't want to bend over.
    @Adira: I am with you on the weight, you aren't alone Yay! For a productive day. Hope you got the car seat figured out.
    @keepcalmcarrie: Sounds like it could be the BioOil. Glad that it was better today. I wake up in the middle of the night so thirsty too!

  35. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    I went to a consignment sale today. Got a bunch of cute clothes for $30. Then I went to Carters and got a one piece as her coming home outfit. I have some socks and a hat or headband(depending on the weather) that will match it. I gave up my dream of a dress since I have a feeling it might still be too cold. But I did buy her a dress and cardigan for Easter. Just need to get some tights so her legs won't be cold. I ran to some other places looking for a lamp for the nursery and I can't find one. Then I went and had my prenatal massage. It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I want another one. Then I got home unpacked boxes and did a little more organizing the nursery. She has the hiccups again tonight and DH felt them.

  36. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    How far along? 36 tomorrow (Sunday)
    Total weight gain: 36 lbs
    Fruit/Veggie Size of the Week: Crenshaw melon (no clue what this is)
    Maternity clothes? Of yeah, although I think some pants are getting tight in my thighs. Some of my medium tops aren't fully covering the belly now, so those tshirts are for in the house now.
    Stretch marks? Not so far, knock on wood it stays that way.
    Sleep: Some good nights, some bad. Wake up 2-3 times a night to pee. It is so hard to roll over to the other side in bed.
    Best moment of this week: Shopping for cute clothes and feeling hiccups.
    Miss Anything? Wine and sleeping on my stomach
    Food Cravings: Candy and ice cream
    Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope
    Gender: Girl! ( I still have this fear both ultrasounds were wrong and baby is going to come out boy and have lots of pink to wear)
    Labor signs: Nope, just BH. Had a cervical check, closed up but cervix is soft. Belly is starting to feel a lot harder.
    Symptoms: Sciatica pains, just when sleeping, heartburn, so tired, and feel winded often.
    Belly Button In/Out? In, hoping it stays that way.
    Wedding Rings On/Off? I probably could get all three bands on but been just wearing one wedding band since it is more comfy.
    Mood: Pretty good, not at the point that I am over pregnancy yet.
    Looking Forward To: Seeing what she looks like, and seeing DH has a Dad. I know I am going to fall even more in love with him.

  37. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Congrats on all the clothes and finding a coming home outfit!! And also the massage!! Wasn't it awesome?? I want another one too, haha!

    Gahh, the stupid weather is messing up my plans. Hubs' Mom was supposed to come over today and help clean the house, but it's snowing and the roads are bad, so we had to reschedule for next Sunday. Hopefully I don't get birth before then!

    I must really be in nesting mode. I finally opened up the bin of all my SIL's baby clothes and went through them, organizing them by size. A lot of the clothes I probably won't be able to use though because her baby was born in November, so she has a ton of warm winter clothes and mine will need summer clothes. Oh well - I figured I could use many of the NB/0-3 and 3month outfits probably, so I'm washing those now!

    For you ladies that have packed a hospital bag already - did you use an actual suitcase? I have a big tote I was thinking of using, but wasn't sure if a suitcase would make more sense? Will I look dumb rolling in a suitcase at the hospital? I don't want to look stupid right before giving birth, haha.

  38. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @Adira: I used a carry-on luggage set - the rolling suitcase has my stuff for recovery, and the little tote has my stuff for labor.

    My doula clients have had everything from rolling suitcases to backpacks to totes to grocery bags, so I don't think you'll look stupid no matter what you bring. They've seen it all!

  39. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Bummer about the weather! Hopefully next weekend will be better. My plan is to pack bags this week while DH is out of town, give me something to do this week. I think that I am going to use a rolling suitcase. Just cause I figure if I am in labor, I am not going to much help carrying anything. So it will be easier on DH, plus the diaper bag, the camera case, and boppy.

  40. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    Had the weirdest conversation...

    I was at church talking to this lady about the baby and getting ready, etc, and she asked me if I had enough bottles.
    I replied "Well I really don't need more than one or two since I'm only using them for emergencies, so yeah."
    She looked at me weird and said "What do you mean, how are you going to feed the baby?" I said "I'm exclusively breastfeeding."
    She looked to incredibly confused. "Yeah, but what will you give the baby the milk with?" "Um... my breasts."
    "But what about when it's older, like in a couple of months?!"
    "Um... still my breasts. As long as it needs milk it will be breastfed." *cue look of shock and horror*

    This woman had three kids. lol

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