bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: I woke up this morning to what I think was knee jutting out - it was the most I've seen a body part sticking out so far!
@katiew92081: Yay for not being high risk anymore and weekly appts.! I've heard that too and at one of my classes the teacher said a good #of times to aim for was to have sex 20 times to help bring on labor! I wanted to laugh out loud b/c idk if we've even DTD 20 times since I've been pregnant!
@Smurfette: I don't think I have anywhere for her to drop! I'm super uncomfortable now, esp sitting and trying to get up. It's so solid it's hard to bend around the belly. Yesterday I could feel her head hopping my bladder and bruising my ribs at the same time.
@Adira: I've been buying all Pampers Swaddlers after countless reviews and moms and dads IRL telling us. We also have a gift box of Huggies Natural Care and I bought a few packages of Honest Company diapers.
@Arden: Yay! Sounds like you had a wonderful shower! Ours was super long too! I can't believe u went and did returns straight after! Wonder woman! The disposables are good to have on hand just in case or for longer outings or trips i hear, even if you are going to CD. I know what you mean about other stuff like bottles though. We got like 9 or 12 bottles we can't return and I'm pretty sure will rarely if ever get used. Returns for store credits are awesome though and glad you've got pretty much everything you need now!
@NaturallyCathy: I thought for sure the next update we'd get from you was baby news! Lol! Hang in there! I'm keeping my fx'd for you this house goes through!
@dojo: Isnt incredible when you get a night with a long stretch of sleep these days? Wishing you a productive day off!
As for me, ugh...spent ALL DAY yesterday cleaning and doing laundry to air out the smoke smell. Thought we did pretty good, but had to close the windows and turn on the heater at night and I feel like I've been sleeping next to a bonfire.
I've been hoping for this girl to come soon but with this smoke fiasco, I need this week to give the whole house a thorough cleaning and hopefully squeeze in a massage". A pedicure would be awesome too! Im kicking myself for being so ahead of the game and prepared too with stuff. I opened the car seat, took the mattress out of thelastic, washed the sheets an blankets. Now they have to be re-washed and aired out as much as possible before she comes!
Oh and we took our childbirth class on Sat. Very helpful to help me make birth plan decisions now. And Im glad DH is a really good listener and takes a lot of the instructions to the dads to heart. They were showing dads how to help the moms if we were visual (fingers to count), auditory (count for us), or touch sensory (rub or light stroking). Well I could tell him immediately NOT either of the first two - I'd be so annoyed! So light touching it is.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Ugh ladies, I'm sorry about the TMI, but this is sooooooo annoying to me. I've been feeling this pressure in my bowels ALL morning like I have to go, but there isn't anything coming out!!! UGH! I've been experiencing this for the past week or so where I'll feel like I need to take a huge dump, but then after 15-20 minutes of struggle, I get maybe a rabbit pellet to come out and that's it. And today I can't get anything to come out and the pressure is just there! Make it go away!!!
bananas / 9973 posts
@Adira: I totally feel your pain! I think the pressure to go #2 means baby dropped lower! I find laying down helps, but as soon as you move to sit up, it's a trip to the bathroom!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: Ugh, that totally sucks about the smoke fiasco and all the extra work it has caused you!!! Hopefully you have plenty of time to get everything re-cleaned and aired out before the baby shows up!
Gahh, I probably should have taken a childbirth class, just so that Hubs could get some pointers on what HE'S supposed to do during labor! I'm now thinking I'm going to want my mom there with me so she can help be my coach and encouragement, because as awesome as Hubs is, I'm not sure he's really up for the task!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: Ohhhhhh... maybe the baby DID drop then! I was just thinking I was experiencing some horrible new kind of constipation where you have to go all the time but there's nothing there! Guess this could be a good sign then.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Um, I am having this same issue. Everything I have read says constipation comes back in full force now. I was hurting Sat cause I had to go and nothing was happening. I have upped my fiber and that has helped some. Do you have any Metamucil or something to add to water and see if that helps?
@shopaholic: 20 times??!!?? I can't imagine having the energy for that. We only did it once this weekend, cause I didn't want to take a chance with DH traveling. But once he is done traveling next week as well, sounds like we need to get busy and get this baby evicted!
I hope you are getting some rest today after you cleaning all day yesterday. DH was giving me a foot massage Friday night and commented on my toes. I said I know they are bad I haven't had a pedicure since Christmas. He was like well why not? So I am taking that as I need to treat myself this weekend, since I ran out of time this weekend.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Adira: yeah the smoke fiasco..ugh... It's been such a long weekend and no end in sight! We literally have to wash everthing, even everything in closets, dressers, linen closet, even dishes!
I ve been told a few times the pushing in labor is like pushing to make a bowel movement so the pressure down there seems to make sense.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: yes, the constipation this weekend sucked! Even though I already take Colace! I just figured it's pressure too. I'll promise there is no way DH and I will DTD 20 times before baby! No way. I can't wait to go get a pedi hopefully end of this week.
Looking forward to 37 week appt. Tomorrow! Idk why because it's not so exciting, but I just want to know if I've progressed since last week! After last week's cervical check I spotted for 3 days! Did anyone else's spotting last that long?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Ugh, I'm glad I'm not alone, but sorry you're dealing with it too! I've got my Fiber One bars with me today, so hopefully that will help! I do know when I don't have as much fiber in the day, I notice things don't move along as easily.
Oh my gosh, definitely get a pedi!!! They are sooooo nice! I just got one a couple weeks ago and I'm already planning on going again. I want pretty toes for labor (I'm so vain), but also I figure I won't have time to get one anytime soon after, so I need to do it now! I'm thinking I'll go again on Friday.
@shopaholic: Oh yeah, I think I've heard that too, about how labor pushing is like bowel pushing, so maybe that's what this insane pressure is! I'm really looking forward to having this baby out and having a lot of these annoying symptoms GONE.
ETA: I still haven't had a cervical check at all yet, so no spotting because of it! It's crazy that you spotted that long - you should ask at your appointment tomorrow if that's normal. It'll be interesting if anything has changed since your last check!
persimmon / 1223 posts
@Adira: I think I am having the opposite issue - my bm's have been way more loose and more often too it seems - quite annoying and icky!
@shopaholic: What a pain to have to wash everything again! Hopefully you can squeeze in a massage and pedicure to make up for having to do all the extra work! And um... 20 times!?!?! I think that will not be in my plans to bring on labor - at this point one time seems like too much already!!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@dojo: I can't decide if that sounds worse or not, haha! Everything to do with BMs suck!
pomegranate / 3452 posts
@Adira: so frustrating!! I have been having, uh, the opposite problem for about a month now. Either way, I think the cure is BABY GET OUT!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@aprk: I agree!!! At least I only have (potentially) two weeks left!
persimmon / 1223 posts
@shopaholic: I spotted for a couple days after my last check - mostly the first day but a little more the second. I won't have another check until 39 weeks so I'm a little anxious to know if there has been any change since the last one where she said I was about 70% thinned out and that baby's head was at about -1 station. I'm so curious to know how much that may change in a couple weeks!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: I didn't have any spotting with my cervical check last week. I have had an increase of discharge but still not a ton, and nothing I think is my mugus plug. Even though I have no clue what that would really look like. Your office does a check every week now? I don't have another till 39 weeks.
@Adira: I usually go every 2-3 weeks for a pedicure, so this is a record for me. I need to fix it stat. I even have a gift card for a man/ped.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: I used to go every 2-3 weeks as well! One of my best friends and I would go on Thursdays (our pedi place has a pedi-sale on Thursdays) and then we'd get Mexican. It was AWESOME. But then she moved across country so I don't go as often anymore. Until I went two weeks ago, it has been since Christmas for me as well - my feet were looking gnarly! So now I'm trying to go again before the baby is here!
I've also had an increase in discharge and have taken up wearing panty liners now. I don't think I've lost my mucus plug or anything like that yet though - I think that would be tinged with blood maybe, and I haven't seen anything like that.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I used to go with a girlfriend as well. She had a baby so now she has day care pickup, so for the last year we have been trying to go on the weekends, just getting so hard. I don't like going by myself as much. But this weekend for sure I am if she doesn't have time.
bananas / 9973 posts
@dojo: Wow! Those seem like great numbers for for your last check! She didn't say anything to me about effacement or station. Just that I wasn't dilated at all yet but the cervix was soft. 70% is really good! OK - now my bets are on you and @NaturallyCathy: to go first!
@Adira: You've just taken up wearing pantyliners? OMG I've actually had thoughts about how much money these pad companies make from pregnant women! I have to change my pantyliners several times every day!
I'm jealous of you gals with regular mani/pedis! Well, I think I do a pretty good job on my own, but totally slacking with how rough I've been on my hands and not bending very well. I used to get them more regularly when I worked, but cut back that expense when I stopped. But I know at this late stage in the game, I deserve it!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: I know what you mean about going alone. It's so much better if you can go with a friend. I've gone a handful of times by myself, so I'm starting to get used to it. I just close my eyes and try to relax in the massage chair while they do their business! But it's definitely nicer if you have someone there to chat with!
persimmon / 1096 posts
@shopaholic: I'm not sure if it was "spotting" per se, but I had some different kind of discharge for a few days after my cervical check last Thursday too. It was light brown and just an increased volume of discharge. Very little that day, then a fair amount Friday and Saturday. It sort of makes me wonder if it was my mucus plug... I'm going to ask at my appt on Wed. I get weekly cervical exams at my office now too.
I've had almost no BH contractions. Maybe like 2 or 3 this entire pregnancy? Hope my uterus isn't being lazy -- it better be in shape for the big event!
pear / 1799 posts
Mamas!! Your month is quickly approaching. Just wanted to pop in to share lots of love & wish you all a lot of comfort before the little ones arrive.
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira: It was a really long day, but I'm glad I got it all out of the way. The only thing I have left to buy is the car seat. I'll probably buy it Friday if my parents don't get it by then (they've mentioned that they might want to get it).
@shopaholic: I don't plan on using disposables at all, and if I did it would only be organic ones, so that's why I figured I'd donate them. I know a lot of people plan on using both though!
The smoke cleaning sounds killer. I'm so sore just from the shower, I can't even imagine cleaning all day. I'm sorry!
@Smurfette: I couldn't return all the blankets, we got one handmade one and three we can't figure out where they are from, but I returned two to Target and one to Kohls. I'm going to download that UPC scanning app and see if I can figure out where the others are from.
Oh man, a pedicure sounds so good! I hope I can get one before labor. I can still sort of paint my toes, but they look a little sloppy.
@VEGMAMA: Thank you!
bananas / 9973 posts
@keepcalmcarrie: Yes, my spotting was just like brown discharge too. Wow! That's crazy you haven't really had any BHs! I started noticing them around 19 or 20 weeks and they never stopped!
@VEGMAMA: Thanks lady! That's so sweet of you!
bananas / 9973 posts
@Arden: That's really great of you to stick with just CDs and organic ones. Donating sounds really sweet! Yeah, the cleaning IS killer! I ended up with a pinched nerve or sciatica last night. SO glad and thankful for the yoga ball because that was the only way I could sit comfortably to eat dinner!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@VEGMAMA: Thank you!!! You're so sweet!!!
@Arden: Oh my gosh, you paint your own toes??? I definitely don't think I could do that, haha! When I step out of the shower, I can't even dry off my ankles, lol.
@keepcalmcarrie: My best friend didn't have any BH during her pregnancy either! And I guess in the beginning before she was induced, she actually WAS having contractions, but couldn't feel them! So you're not the only one.
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira: I SORT OF paint my own toes. lol
It involves sitting down, putting my foot up on the coffee table, bending my body weirdly, and dabbing at them until they look halfway decent. Like I said, they are messy. A pedicure would be awesome. lol
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Arden: I wish we all lived close to each other - we could all go get pedis together!!
persimmon / 1096 posts
@shopaholic: @Adira: I think I've felt a couple -- one was a long time ago, like 17 weeks, and the others have been when I walk "too fast" (aka not super-slow) downtown. It's hard to tell for those ones though, if they're BH or just a stomach cramp haha. But that's only 2 or 3 times. So weird!
@Adira: Aww, I'd love a pedicure date! None of my local friends are pregnant or have ever been pregnant before, so this is kind of a solitary experience for me IRL.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Oh my, you ladies were busy today while I was out!
@shopaholic: I've have feet jutting out the side of my belly for a couple weeks now, lol. Since she's running out of room, I guess it's the only movement she can really do at this point!
@adira: Yeah, I've had that feeling about wanting to poop. It's probably the baby blocking the space for it to come through. I find it really annoying, too. Try some apple juice to get things a little thinner so it glides through a little better. And, yeah, labor pushing is exactly like bowel pushing...if you don't feel like you're trying to poop, you're not pushing right.
@vegmama: Thanks!!
@arden: I can't paint my toes...I can't even clip the nails. I tried today and did a botch job. I can't shave my legs anymore, either, lol. I told hubby that today was it, and I'm just letting it all go until LO gets here, lol.
@keepcalmcarrie: I've been having bh like mad. It's pretty frustrating, actually. If it's not real labor, I'd rather them just not be there!
watermelon / 14206 posts
Midwife appointment went great! I'm 36 weeks, and baby is measuring 37, which is not an issue. I got the official "when to call the midwife" sheet and the worksheet to fill out for the birth certificate. I get to go back in a week! She also said that the OB will probably want to give me an ultrasound on Thursday, so I'm excited about that! I know I only have a few weeks left, but I'm so excited to see a peek at my baby!
Midwife said I'm in "any day now territory", and as long as it's after Thursday's OB appointment, I can go to the birth center for my baby's birth! If before, I gotta go to hospital, so lets hope this kid will hang in there.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@katiew92081: Thanks for the info! It's definitely helpful to hear from you Mommas who have been there/done that! Glad to know this feeling is fairly normal, as annoying as it is! And I'll give the juice a try, thanks!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@katiew92081: Wait, you got actual paperwork?? I'm kind of jealous... I guess I should maybe ask about some of that stuff at my next appointment. The last time I got anything to fill out, it was just to register at the hospital. And I think if I hadn't asked about when to call for labor, they would have forgotten to tell me!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@adira: Yeah, it's just a sheet that says when to call to meet at the birth center. It says when contractions are 3-4 minutes apart and lasting more than a minute or are so intense I can't talk through them.
It also lists a variety of other scary situations that I should call if they come up, but I won't scare any of you with them, lol.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@katiew92081: I have this fear that I am going to push wrong. Is it natural to push like you are having a BM? So jealous you are going to get an ultrasound on Thursday.
@Adira: I don't think that I will get any paperwork. I filled out a consent form for the hospital last week but that's all. I asked about when to call too cause the L&D class leader told us to just go the hospital. The doctor was like Um no, we will have to talk to her. Said to call them first when you think you are in labor and they will listen to what my symptoms are and will tell us to labor at home, go to the hospital, or if it sounds like false labor.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@katiew92081: Actually, I wonder if all that stuff is in the binder they gave me when I first went in at 8 weeks... there was so much information in there, I didn't go through it all, but maybe I should!! I'm probably just going to be that crazy pregnant lady who's calling her OB every hour even though nothing's going on!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: My OB said the same thing about when we think we're in labor to call them and they'll tell us what to do. I think once they give you the go-ahead to go to the hospital, they call the hospital too so that they know you are coming!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira: My birth center sent me home with a binder at the first appointment that has the "When to come in" information on the back. It says "411 or a flood". 4 minutes apart, a minute in duration, for an hour. Or if your water breaks.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I was glad that I said something cause I thought that it was weird that the leader said to just go to the hospital when your contractions are 5 mins apart for an hour or you can't talk through them. I think she said it mostly cause she wants you to labor more at home, cause the longer you are at the hospital the higher chance of a c-section.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Arden: Oooh, thanks for the info! I bet my binder has that too, but I forgot to look at it. I wonder if I can even find it... ugh, not organized. I think I've heard that 411 though (although I thought it was 511, haha).
@Smurfette: Really? I didn't realize that the longer you're at the hospital, the higher the chance of a c-section. Do they think you labor slower at the hospital than you would at home? I'm not sure why it would really matter when you go in unless being at home just allows things to happen more naturally because you're more comfortable?
I'm so worried about my water breaking ladies. My mom said that labor started for her both times with her water breaking! No symptoms before that! Is anyone else doing anything in fear of the water breaking? I feel like I should be sitting on garbage bags and stuff to protect my couch and chairs... or am I just a nut?
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