bananas / 9973 posts
@Arden: Sounds like how I've been painting my toes to for the past couple of months. I'd like to get a good exfoliation in!
@Adira: That would be such a fun Pedi Date!
@keepcalmcarrie: Those are probably BHs! In the beginning I thought it was just the baby moving, but the OB told me they were for sure BHs.
@katiew92081: LOL! Yup! I keep telling DH she's got no room to grow! I feel her head butting my bladder and colon way down there at the same time as pressing up against my rib cage - and now she's just stretching out on both sides! And yay for your good appt.! I'm jealous you get another U/S!
@Adira: My only paperwork has been to pre-register at the hospital too. They told us at our class that someone would come to our room with the paperwork for SS# and Birth Certificates, etc.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I am guessing cause they know exactly how long it has taken while at the hospital. They can't know for sure how long you were at home.
I am scared about my water breaking too. I just know it is going to be at work, some public place, or on our brand new mattress (we have a waterproof mattress cover, but still). I asked DH if we should put down trash bags as well, and he looked at me like I was crazy.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: Oooh, thanks for the info! I didn't even think to ask about that when we had our class at the hospital, but I bet it's similar. I'll have to remember to ask my friend who gave birth at the same hospital to see if she remembers.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@smurfette: You tend to think to push with your hooha, but you need to bear down like it's the biggest poop of your life. Those are the muscles that get the baby out. My ex sil was having trouble during her birth until her bff who was in there with her to push like you're pooping...then like magic the baby was out, lol. It's really important to know that when you have an epidural, too, cause you already know how to poop. Even if you can't feel anything, you'll know what to do.
@adira: I didn't get a binder! My midwife just tells me stuff as I need to know it. I guess at 8 weeks pregnant, I don't need to know about labor, yet, lol. Now, I do, so I have the paper for it, lol.
@smurfette and @adira: I will probably call my midwife sooner than what the paperwork says. I generally jump the gun on a lot of things. But, I'm going tot eh birth center, so it'll be just as comfy as home, rather than getting tied to an IV too soon.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Oh my gosh, I'm so scared of it happening on our mattress! We used to have a waterproof mattress pad on it, but I took it off because it was making me so hot and uncomfortable, but maybe I should put it back on for these last few weeks! I don't want to ruin the mattress!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@katiew92081: I think I'd prefer getting the info as I go instead of all of it upfront. I'm easily overwhelmed with too much information! And then I just kind of read some of it and quit and never get around to going back!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@adira: When I had ds in the hospital, they just came around to my room as some point postpartum to fill out the paperwork. At the birth center, the goal is to bond with baby for a bit, shower, eat and then go home. They don't even do a pku until a couple days after, when we come back. Filling out paperwork is done as much as possible ahead of time cause my midwife says, "no one likes to do paperwork instead of holding their new baby!" lol Last appointment I signed the waiver for eye gunk, and had the option of other waivers (that I didn't waive, lol)
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: @Adira: The nurse told us in class to put trash bags under the mattress pad (if you have one). I've also read about using the shower curtain liners. DH was immediately like - "Put down some of those extra puppy pee pads on your side!" He doesn't want me to ruin the mattress! lol! Good thing is if you have a mattress pad, if you put anything UNDER the mattress pad, you won't really hear or feel it. And the mattress pad is machine washable! We had to wash EVERYTHING this weekend anyways so I laid out some of the puppy pee pads we had stashed and used those instead of trash bags.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@adira: agreed...I'd rather know stuff as I need to, at least as far as pregnancy...I think if I had gotten a binder I wold have lost it by now, lol
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@dojo: Sounds like you and I are in the same spot.
Just came back from my 38 week doctor's appointment. After telling the doc what I had been experiencing, he told me that the contractions I'd been experiencing didn't sound like BH, they sounded more like contraction contractions. He asked me if I wanted a cervix check, to which I gave a very enthusiastic -yes- because I want to know what's going on!
Like @dojo, I'd progressed a lot in two weeks. From 1.5 - 2 centimeters to 2 centimeters and a little more. I've effaced 70%, the baby is definitely lower (at the -1 station, a little below), and his exact words were that I am "on the launching pad." He wouldn't hazard a guess as to when it would happen but he made it sound as if he would be very surprised if I would make it through the week. Especially with the way my body reacted Saturday night/Sunday morning.
So DH and I are officially on baby watch, our parents have been notified, and we've got everything packed.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: OMG, you're so close!!!! I can't believe some of you ladies are on baby watch!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Do you have everything ready?? Eeek, it could happen any day now for some of us!!!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Adira: Mentally, sure. Physically, maybe. Do I have absolutely every flipping thing I need? Nope but it will keep my MIL out of my hair if I have 'errands' for her to go run
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: Ooooh, making the in-laws run errands, that is SUCH a good idea!!!! I am soooooo going to do this!!!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Adira: Glad I could help. So fret not, we're all going to make it through this together. One way or another.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: It's going to be so interesting when we're all on the other side and have brand new babies!!!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@naturallycathy: Wow, exciting! I know it's not exactly how you had hoped, but it's still so nice you're meet your little one pretty soon!
@adira: Yeah, make people work for you, lol. I plan on telling anyone that if they want to visit, they need to bring some form of food. Doesn't have to be dinner. A pack of Oreos would suffice, lol.
bananas / 9973 posts
@NaturallyCathy: Wow! You're right there! At least you feel mostly prepared! We'll be all anticipating your little arrival!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@NaturallyCathy: So exciting!! We are all on baby watch with you.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@aprk: I do too. The funny thing is that he's always been this 'cool' about the whole thing. First time we met, he gave me a fist bump. He always comes into the examination room singing something. Very cheerful guy, which is why I like him.
Love midwives but for this second one, I was happier to have less hands on and he was a great fluke. Our personalities mesh well. Which is why it was nice when I told him what was going on, he said that those were contractions. My body was priming itself. I was "on the launching pad. I have no idea when you'll go into labor, but you're definitely on the launching pad."
@Smurfette: @shopaholic: @Adira: @katiew92081: Thanks for all the support I will let you guys know, by Twitter or smoke signal, whenever anything happens.
pomegranate / 3452 posts
@NaturallyCathy: I'm so glad you found such good care. Can't wait for our first "march" baby
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@aprk: It'll be an honorary March baby. Besides, my sister (the second born) tells me that the second born babies are always more impatient to be born. My mother agreed with her, so I should have known better than to hope I'd actually make it to March... Especially when my mother and sister kept laughing - good-naturedly, mind you - every time I said I was going to make it March.
persimmon / 1223 posts
@NaturallyCathy: That's so exciting sounds like it could be any day for you!!!
watermelon / 14206 posts stomach is a mess today! I'm gonna be spending the day sipping ginger ale. Everyone is saying, "it's a sign!" but you know...everything is a sign and it's not, lol. She's gonna hang in there 2 more days, then I can have her at the birth center.
honeydew / 7589 posts
@katiew92081: Take it very easy (try to stay off your feet and rest), and we'll keep our fingers crossed she stays put for at least two more days!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@katiew92081: Rest up and tell that baby to stay put!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: I think it totally depends on the baby! With my mom, her first born was a week early and her second was a day late! Though I definitely think it's more common for the first to be late and the second to be early.
@katiew92081: I hope you're able to rest and the baby stays put for a few more days!!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Hmmm... I think I might've just seen some "bloody show" or something, but I'm not sure. I went to the bathroom, and when I wiped, the toilet paper had a pinkish tinge to it. Is that bloody show? Or is spotting normal at this point? Now I'm just confused, haha.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Adira: I would call that spotting. Until it looks more like a period, I wouldn't call it bloody show just yet. But if you have any questions, of course call your midwives.
And Henry was four days earlier than his due date. So maybe my body just refuses to follow any sort of logic.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Exciting! I asked my doctor about this and the mucus plug, she said some get it and some don't. She told me that spotting, pink tinted discharge is normal, just be concerned if you have a period like bleeding.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: @Smurfette: Thanks ladies!!! I'll be on the lookout for anything more - sounds like this isn't quite IT yet, which is good, because I'm still not ready, haha!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Adira: Some motherly advice: You'll never be as ready as you feel you should be and that's okay. Because where it counts? You are and -that's- what's most important.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: You're so sweet. This spotting is just reminding me to get off my butt and pack my hospital bag!!! I think once I do that, I'll be okay for the baby to come, haha. I just don't want to be scrambling around last minute trying to pack things and forget to bring everything I want to the hospital! I'm a nut.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I don't think that we are ever going to feel ready!!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira: I'm finishing packing my bags today, I hope. It's an easy thing to put off, isn't it? I packed mine about 2/3's a month ago at least, but I can't seem to get myself to finish. Bending over makes me hurt.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Sooooo true!!!
@Arden: haha, I hear you!!! It's a struggle every morning to put my boots on! Maybe I'll start packing tonight... I have a list of everything I want to pack and I HAVE everything, so it's really just a matter of actually putting stuff in a bag/suitcase!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I am going to start my bag tonight. Some things we won't be able to pack till right before, eye glasses, camera bag, phone chargers, etc. but I am going to tape that list to the suitcase so we have a checklist to go over when it happens.
I emailed a friend yesterday, who is a L&D nurse at the hospital I am delivering at. I was asking her about diapers and wipes. She said they provide diapers and dry wipes, so if we want wet wipes to bring our own, or we can just wet with water. She said to bring a NB and 0-3 outfit for coming home for baby, and a hat. Everything else for baby they provide. She gave me a list of stuff for DH and me to bring, which I already had on my list. Made me feel like I was a little more prepared. Now to go buy some stuff and pack it all up!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: That's awesome you have a friend who is an L&D nurse as a resource!!! That's awesome!!! And I JUST picked out my NB and 0-3 outfits for the baby the other day, so I think I'm good with that! Just need to start packing!!
And I agree - there's definitely some things I have to wait until last minute to pack, like my toiletries, camera, chargers, etc. I just hope I don't forget anything when the time comes!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Smurfette: @Adira: Same here - I put a list on the fridge of the things DH will need to gather and add to the bag just before we leave, in case I'm not up to it. My makeup bag, glasses, camera, etc.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I bought a newborn outfit over the weekend, but I don't have a 0-3 one, but we do have a cute outfit someone gave us that we can just pack. I am hoping she is going to be in NB cause I don't want to push out a 8lb+ baby!
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