GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Smurfette: Henry was 7 lbs, 13 ozs at birth and therefore most of the NB stuff was never even used.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Oh my gosh, I HOPE my baby fits into NB as well!!! At my last doctor's appointment, he guestimated that I was going to have a 9 lb baby!!!! I HOPE NOT!!! I have an ultrasound tonight to see just how gianormous my baby really is, but maybe that will just mean I don't need to bring the NB outfit and can return/exchange it! I left the tags on for now just in case, haha.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Smurfette: @Adira: @Arden: Am I the only one who has my hospital bag completely and utterly packed except for my camcorder?
And if you're curious as to what I'm bringing, I did post pictures of what I have in my hospital bag on my blog... the one titled "I Wasn't Ready! But Now I Am"
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Oh wow! I have no clue what she is. Guessing they won't ever try and estimate unless I have to have an ultrasound. I will ask on Thursday at my appointment. I hope she can fit into the newborn outfit I picked out for her to come home in. I already took the tags off, and it is in the pile to wash tonight
@NaturallyCathy: Looks like it. But we just moved two weeks ago, so otherwise I probably would have already had it packed. I have a feeling I am not going into labor until right around my due date, so I don't feel as much pressure to get it done.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: I'm going to go with YES! Although I don't really know. I did use your blog as a resource though to make a list of things I needed to pack. Just need to pack it now!
And now looking at the pics on your blog, I feel even less prepared, haha!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: @Arden: Yeah, my doctor just estimated his size by feeling around my stomach when I was there. I've heard it's not really accurate. They did the same with my best friend and told her she was having a 10-11 lb baby, but her baby ended up only being 8 lbs, so I'm hoping they are wrong with me too. Plus I have an anterior placenta, so how can they really tell?? I think that's why I'm having an ultrasound tonight though - to see exactly how big the baby is. They did something similar with my friend, though hers was to see how much amniotic fluid was left (maybe that's REALLY what this ultrasound is for). But she was also a week overdue and I'm not yet so... who knows!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@naturallycathy: I'm packed. Ive been feeling so awful lately that I'm more than ready to go lol
watermelon / 14206 posts
@adira: I'm getting an us tomorrow so I'm curious how big shes estimated at. Im hoping not crazy big. I love a lot of her Nb stuff lol. Hate to see it not being used lol
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@katiew92081: I think that's what got me motivated too. All this fun we've been having over the past few weeks has spurred me to make sure I'm ready and double check everything.
Hopefully we'll both be on the other side of this soon. The next one's supposed to be easier.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@katiew92081: I know what you mean! I don't have a ton of NB outfits, but I have some that I LOVE and I want to be able to use them!!! I also have some NB diapers, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get some use out of them too.
nectarine / 2631 posts
You guys are all so close now- i feel left behind... stupid end of March due date!!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@adira: Now that I think of it, I don't think I packed a 0-3 month onesie for the baby. I guess I should stick one in there! I'm really hoping she can get home in the outfit I coordinated for her, lol
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@cheert16: @aprk: It'll be your ladies turns soon enough! And who knows, some of us may go late, some may go early! I don't think our due dates mean much anymore!
@katiew92081: Yeah, good idea to just throw in something a little bigger, just to be on the safe side! Hopefully she can wear the outfit you want her to wear though!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@cheert16: @aprk: I am looking it from the beginning ladies are just going to let us know what to expect. By the time we need help figuring out to get baby to sleep, they will be experts
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: @aprk: Or we'll totally freak you ladies out with our horror stories and total ineptitude!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Well I don't know about you but I am having the perfect child, so I am not scared
nectarine / 2631 posts
@Smurfette: Ahh- you are so right! Also hilarious!
I think Ill probably end up having a April baby! (March 31st is my due date!) Can I still be a honorary March 2013 member??
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@cheert16: Definitely!!! I'm still planning on being a March Momma even if baby comes early in February!
So no more spotting - just that one little incident from this morning, but I've been extra... mucusy today... and I feel like I'm leaking, lol, though when I go check, there's nothing on my panty liner.
honeydew / 7589 posts
(TMI ALERT) So... I'm suddenly having stomach weirdness and loose stools. This comes after nine months of rabbit pellets, so I'm a little bit nervous about it.
I know it could mean nothing at all, but it's odd because my diet hasn't changed and in six hours I went from constipated to diarrhea for no apparent reason. Hmm.
pomegranate / 3452 posts
@Arden: I have had diarrhea for a month now. We have no idea what caused it, but I certainly was not expecting this problem!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@adira: I've been extra mucusy for days. I think my plug is coming out in pieces, but it's not red or anything. Not really sure what I'm looking for!
@arden: Me too! Today I'm a wreck in my bowels. Gas (especially gas!), diarrhea, funky burps. UGH. I did soak in the tub for a bit, which helped a lot, for a while.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Arden: Ugh, sorry to hear that!!! Although hopefully it's a sign that things are happening!!!
@katiew92081: Oh my gosh, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm wondering if mine is my plug too, but it's also not red or anything. I do know that an increase in discharge at the end is normal so... guess we'll just have to keep waiting!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Arden: I have had days like that during pregnancy too. Could be your body just finally cleaning itself out.
@Adira: I am having more discharge/mucus every time I go to the bathroom. It isn't really on my pantyliner, on the TP when I wipe. TMI, but it is always long and yellow color too.
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira: I don't want things to happen yet, I'm not ready! lol
Besides I can't use my birth center until I'm 37 weeks, so I need her to stay in there another week.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@adira: I guess I did pack a 0-3 month onesie. I feel better that I went back and checked, haha.
@arden: Do you have to be exactly 37? My midwife told me yesterday that as long as I have the ok from my back up OB appointment on Thursday, I can go to the birth center, even if it's a few days before. I'm not 37 til Monday, but she says it's close enough.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: OMG, THANK YOU FOR SHARING THAT!!! Mine is the SAME!!! I feel sooooooooooo much better now!!!! Mine is also not on the panty liner - I just see it when I wipe, and I'll have to wipe a couple times to get it all! And it's exactly as you describe - long and yellowish!
@Arden: haha, well, I'm sure baby will stay put! Your body is probably just getting things ready maybe (or spicing things up just for fun)!
apricot / 286 posts
holy heartburn.. i didn't know what you were until you hit me with a vengeance this weekend. I couldn't even eat anything except drink warm milk.
any other march mamas experiencing horrible heartburn?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: that makes me feel better too! Although I don't like I am getting it too when you are two weeks ahead of me. Not ready for her to make her arrival yet. If you ask your doctor about it tonight, let me know what they say.
honeydew / 7589 posts
@katiew92081: I'm not totally sure. I have an appointment on Thursday (which is 36w1d) I'll ask then.
I'm also going over my birth plan with the midwife at this appointment, and getting my GBS test, blood draw, and getting a super quick ultrasound to check position because something feels a little wonky. It's going to be a long appointment!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: No no, don't worry - I actually had some a few weeks ago too! It lasted a couple days and then went away. I was totally freaking out but was thinking it might've been from the sex Hubs and I had. But this time we haven't had any sex, so now I know THAT time wasn't because of that either. I was actually so freaked out last time that I ended up calling my doctor about it, but they just said more discharge later in the pregnancy is normal and that I didn't need to be concerned. So you should be fine too! Hopefully yours will be like mine was and go away for a while. Before apparently coming back, lol.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@cokiezombie: YES! Heartburn is the DEVIL!!!!! Have you tried taking anything? I've been popping Tums and they seem to work pretty effectively for me, but my doctor suggested Pepsid (sp?) as a solution as well, so you could try that too!
bananas / 9973 posts
@katiew92081: Ugh! I kind of understand...been feeling pretty nauseous since last night. Hope your baby stays put for a few more days!
@Arden: At least you have 2/3 done! From what I hear, a lot of women don't end up using half the stuff they bring anyways - so you're pretty good I think!
@Smurfette: Ditto on the chargers, etc. That's so nice your friend is going to be a nurse in L&D!
@NaturallyCathy: Well, considering you're probably the first one to go and have a lot of signs of it soon, it's good that you're the one totally prepared and packed!
@cheert16: @aprk: Aww...don't fret ladies! We'll just have more to keep us looking forward to on this board through the month!
@cokiezombie: Nausea and upset stomach again the past few days. I've resorted back to taking Tums (which I hate to chew) before every dinner!
I'm headed to the OB today but my regular doctor is on vacay this week. Hopefully this one will be cool and I wish I could somehow get squeezed in for an U/S to measure the baby or something! *wishful thinking*
apricot / 286 posts
@Adira: I've been trying to steer away from any OTC medication and trying to duke it out al naturel.. haha, but I have a feeling I might break down one of these nights and pop a TUMS. Seriously's horrendous. I could barely sleep last night!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@cokiezombie: Yes, I have had a couple night where I was almost in tears cause it hurt so bad. I pretty much take tums every afternoon lately when it seems to hit the most often. Which is weird cause it is like 2 hours after lunch.
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