honeydew / 7589 posts
@aprk: She mentioned it here - http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/my-completely-unmedicated-hbac-turned-hospital-birth-almost-cesarean
"Had my appt with my midwife, D, that afternoon we found that I had quite a spike in my b/p, eek! To combat it we started me on calcium-magnesium 3 times a day, lots of protein & water, and rest! It worked great and I was once again ready for labor to start."
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Arden: How are you feeling today? Still wobbly?
@shopaholic: Bummer you couldn't get an extra ultrasound! But guess it's a good sign that everything's looking normal. Bummer about the strep B though - my friend had it too and had to get the antibiotics. I think it's pretty common.
@aprk: Yikes about your blood pressure! Hope everything is okay!
So I had my ultrasound last night! The ultrasound tech told me the baby weights 9 lbs already!!!!! Ahhh!!!! I really hope these things aren't accurate!!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Wow!! Baby boy is going to be a big boy. Although they told my friend her's was 9lbs, so they went ahead and induced her at almost 40 weeks. Her little girl was like 7lb14oz or something close to that. So it can be totally off. Just pack 0-3 months outfits to be safe.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: I really hope that they are off!!! I want a baby-sized baby, hahaha. But I will definitely pack some 0-3 to be on the safe side! I was going to anyway, but I'm bummed that I probably won't get to use my totally cute NB outfit I had picked out.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I would be bummed too. I have some really cute newborn stuff I want her to wear as well. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@adira: My friend was just induced last week cause the ultrasound said 10 pounds...baby was actually 8lbs 13 oz. I wouldn't invest too much into the scan. Those things can be off by a lot.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@adira: Oh, also, the weight at birth goes down a bit afterwards...they can lose up to 10% of their birth weight cause they have so much of your fluids in them still. So, even if he is bigger at birth, there'a still a small window he could wear some nb clothes...but maybe not home, lol
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Thank you! I mean, it WOULD be nice to give birth and automatically be down 9+ lbs from the baby, but I think I'd rather have him be smaller and be able to wear these cute outfits in the beginning! Plus I have NB diapers to use!
@katiew92081: Ohhh, thank you!!!! That makes me feel better!!! I knew that the "hand measurements" where the doctor just feels the baby from the outside wasn't very accurate, but I wasn't sure how accurate the ultrasounds were. Glad to know they can be pretty off!! That gives me hope!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
So I just was looking at my registry cause I was going to start figuring out where I need to buy what this weekend. Holy crap, I think work got enough money to buy the pack n play, activity saucer (which we just a hand me down from my nephews), and the swing. Then there were misc other small items off the registry. I am shocked. Now I wish that I hadn't looked so I would have been surprised. I should have some good credits for BuyBuyBaby now, cause we have a monitor to return there too. Yeah, hopefully I won't have to spend any money this weekend and still have gift cards left for diapers.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Oh my gosh, that is AWESOME!!!! When is your work shower happening?? That's great that you're going to get so many of your big items!!! You'll just have to fake surprise though when you open your gifts just like I will when I go to the party, haha.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: It is tomorrow! I never expected that much. I can't think of anyone else that would have bought us stuff since we already had two showers.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Well hopefully you actually get those items tomorrow! Otherwise you're going to be all "WTF - who bought them and where are they??" I had a couple of those moments with my registry, but then the items showed up in the mail later from people who had missed my shower.
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira: Not wobbly anymore! I was crampy this morning, but it's gone now. I feel like I suddenly REALLY need to get everything done pronto. DH was taking too long to get everything done so...
In the last two hours I painted the entire bedroom (while wearing a giant respirator that made me look like Darth Vader).
Now I'm chilling in the other bedroom sorting stuff while the paint dries so I can do another coat. Between the respirator, the air purifier, and all the windows open I think I'm pretty safe, so I don't feel too guilty about doing the painting myself.
I might even paint the bathroom tonight...
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Arden: Oh my gosh, you're being so productive!!! Good for you!!! What color are you painting the bedroom?
I've been feeling crampy lately too, although I'm a bit further along than you. It sort of comes and goes though and isn't very consistent. Not sure if it really means anything.
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira: I'm painting everything white, because I was feeling like the rooms were too dark and depressing. So everything is getting a coat of bright white and then I'm bringing in some colorful items to cheer the place up.
Yeah, the cramping worried me a little but it wasn't anything timeable, it sort of ebbed and flowed and never stopped/started. It lasted about an hour and then vanished.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Arden: Neutral colors are always soooooo nice because you can do ANYTHING in the room with them. Most of our house is a white/off-white or tan color. BUT we have some UGLY accent walls that are like olive green or something that I HATE. They were like that when we moved in and I keep trying to convince Hubs we need to paint them, but so far, no dice. I'm thinking I might just have to do it when he's out, haha. I have these gorgeous aqua curtains in the living room and they clash horribly with that wall, but I REFUSE to try to match that ugly wall!!!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira: I'm going with this sort of vibe in the house -
We're only here a short time so might as well make it a fun and cherry place that's easily adaptable for the next person living here.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Arden: Oh my gosh, I LOVE those!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the colorful accent colors!!! It's so cheerful!!! And easily adaptable, so definitely a good choice!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira: I'm going to get a bright green rug from IKEA, and I have tons of plants I want to hang on one wall, and then I'm grabbing some bright accent pillows for the beds. I might do a little frame collage above the dresser where the changing table is too, with bright colors.
honeydew / 7589 posts
Oh and DH promised me a collection of decorative colored glass bottles, so I'll probably do a windowsill arrangement of those.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Arden: That sounds really nice! You should take some pictures when you're done to show us!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
I keep thinking : just eight more days and I'll see March. And then I'll think : I don't know if I can stand eight more days of waiting when the doctor made it sound like we were -so- close. Yay hormones!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: hahaha, glad to see that you are still with us! How are you feeling?? And I know what you mean about the wait - I haven't been given any indication that things are going to happen for me soon, but I'm super uncomfortable and feeling ready to get this show on the road, so waiting until March seems sooooooo far away!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Adira: I'm fine, which is strangely not the way I want to feel. I mean, a little pressure, no contractions, no sharp pains, a little pain in my hip area but that's not unusual... So I'm good. Was hoping doing dishes would get something started. Standing for long periods of time? Nothing. It's like my body went into stasis and I don't know how to wake it up!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@NaturallyCathy: hahaha, guess the baby just isn't ready to come yet!!! I'm sure it will be soon enough though!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@NaturallyCathy: Hang in there!! Are you walking every day? I heard you are suppose to let gravity do the work for you. 8 days isn't that long but I imagine if I was feeling the way you are, it would seem like an eternity!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Smurfette: The weather hasn't been cooperating lately for us to take outings but I walk around the house all day and I've had two doctor's appointments in the last two days (one for me, one for Henry) and had to walk a lot to get there.
May suggest another outing to Gordon when he gets home. We walked around Home Depot Sunday night trying to kick start it again!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@NaturallyCathy: I have to tell you that I thought about you last night. My back was killing me and I though I can't imagine doing this with a little one to carry around as well. And I thought how does Naturally Cathy do it with a one year old! So props to you lady!!
Walking around Home Depot sounds like a great idea.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@Smurfette: It's not too bad most of the time but here in the past month or so, DH has had to take over more. I can hold him if I have to, and for an extended period of time like at the doctor's office, but it is insanely uncomfortable to have those little toes digging into you from the outside and the inside... Very weird sensation.
Luckily, for the most part DS toddles everywhere and we don't have to pick him up for much. Just sit on the floor and cuddle with. Makes things easier when they're walking. My family keeps saying that Henry learned to walk right now so that he could get out of the way for the new baby! Not sure how accurate it is but I'm glad he can
watermelon / 14206 posts
Wow, @arden: Great productivity! Funny how when things happen we start feeling that rush to make sure it's all perfect.
@naturallycathy: 8 days til March?? Why didn't I realize that? OMG! That's freaking me out, and I'm not even sure why!
@adira: When is your surprise shower??
watermelon / 14206 posts
I feel really good today. No stomach issues, my cough is gone...no cramping or feeling weird at all. Tomorrow is my back up OB appointment and ultrasound! It's a 45 minute drive to get there, which I'm not thrilled about, but I gotta do what I gotta do!
Even the weather is pretty nice today.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Oh, and off topic, but we can NOT find a house to buy! There's nothing for sale in our area that we like! Nothing new has come up, and anytime something looks interesting, there's something about it that we decide we can't live with. We're looking at a couple this weekend, but dh and I are to the point where we just expect not to like it for some reason, lol.
Not even Realtors help us...they all try to show us listings of the same stuff we've already seen. We're not against building something, but there's not even any good LOTS for sale.
We keep griping that we're gonna be stuck in a tiny apartment forever, lol.
apricot / 286 posts
@Adira: Yowza! I was almost 10 pounds when I was born..and my mom delivered me without any medical intervention, so I know it's possible!!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@cokiezombie: My grandfather was 13 pounds when he was born. They took him up to the grocery store to weigh him (no joke). Think rural West Tennessee decades ago... And she had him at home without any doctor or anything!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@katiew92081: I am sorry! I know how frustrating it is. We started looking in April and didn't go into contract until Dec 31. But hang in there, you will find something. More houses come on the market during spring and summer. Now is more of a down time. Just keep watching, someone could lower their house price too and it would show up in your searches. That happened to us, the house went on the market in Aug but wasn't in our budget till Dec, even then we went over our max a little but we felt it was worth it.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
@katiew92081: Yes, eight days until March We're nearly there!
And as for the house, we started looking last May and stumbled across our dream house then promptly forgot about it because it was out of our price range. Fast forward to October when we stumble across it again, drastically reduced, and we're in love all over again. November it's off the market due to foreclosure and not back on the market until December. Then from December to now, we've been doing our best to try and get it.
So I feel your pain at not being able to find anything - and now that we found our house, we're having trouble getting it. It's so frustrating!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@katiew92081: It's at 3:00 eastern (so 40 minutes from now)!!
@cokiezombie: So glad to know it's doable!!! I'm still scared though, haha.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Just had my work shower!!! It was fun and such a surprise! The guys actually recruited one of the women in the area (who I know but don't actually work with) to help them. She collected money and went shopping! They got me a big tote bag with the baby's name on it, some clothes, some burp cloths, some food containers, a blanket, and a couple toys! Oh, AND $100!!! Plus there was ice cream cake! It was awesome!
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