GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Aww, that is sweet that they got a lady to help them, so they wouldn't mess it up for you. Sounds like you got some good stuff. And even more so ice cream cake!! Yum!!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@adira: Yay for a great surprise shower! So sweet of them to recruit someone to take care of it! That's surely is the way to go with a group of men, isn't it? Just pool the money and let a lady do the shopping, hahaha.
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira - Aww, that sounds great! I'm glad it was fun for you. And now I want ice cream cake.
I just painted a second coat on the whole room, and I'm starting to worry that I don't like the shade of white and I might want to go whiter. Oddly, it dried darker than it went on. Looks slightly gray, which I'm not happy with. *sigh*
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@aprk: @Smurfette: @katiew92081: @Arden: The ice cream cake was delicious - I had two pieces (one for me, one for the baby, haha). And apparently they were e-mailing each other around about gifts, and the woman was like "Can I PLEASE help you guys?" and they were soooooooo relieved to have her take over, hahaha. Men!
@Arden: Booo, bummer about the white not being the right white!!! It sucks when it doesn't look right after it dries. It could be the lighting though - maybe wait and see what it looks like in the morning?
watermelon / 14206 posts
@adira: That's so funny the lady stepped in. She's your hero, haha.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@katiew92081: Definitely my hero!!! The guys said if left up to them, I would've gotten some cases of beer, haha.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Ultrasound day! Before I was thinking I might decline a cervical exam, but if this OB offers, I think I might take her up on it. I'm just so curious to see if there's anything going on down there!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@katiew92081: I'm getting an ultrasound too today, a "super quick swipe" my midwife says, to check position since something felt a little wonky.
Send me prayers/good thoughts for a head down, nose down baby! (Ideally a smallish one! Say, six pounds?). lol
I'm going to ask them to double-check the gender since I'm scared to death they were wrong last time (not that I would be unhappy with a boy, but it would be a mind warp I'd need time to get used to).
I'm also getting my blood draw (CBC, STD screening so I can decline the eye ointment, Vit. D check, and checking to see if I have antibodies for Chicken Pox since I don't think I've had it) and my swab for GBS. Ug.
No cervical checks for me though!
bananas / 9973 posts
@katiew92081: @Arden: Dude! Are you ladies "up" for the morning now? I'm "still awake" in my neck of the woods. Cannot sleep for the life of me. And it's no wonder I can't keep up with the pages every morning - you gals start EARLY!!!
bananas / 9973 posts
@katiew92081: I'd want to know any kind of progress at this point! Good luck today!
@Arden: Sending you good wishes for a head-down smallish-nosed baby girl! I didn't realize you had been told the wrong gender before! That was a big fear of mine for months!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@shopaholic: Heh, I meant a small baby (so I just edited to make that clearer) not a small nose, but hey - that too! lol
And I wasn't told the wrong gender, I'm just afraid I was. I've only had one ultrasound and they said girl, but I'm thinking "what if..." so I want them to double check today.
Yeah I'm up for the morning. Lately I've been falling asleep at like 7PM and waking up at 6. It's odd for me, but I'll take it.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@arden: I'm double checking the gender, too! It's just been so LONG since the first tech saw it, I want to be sure! lol That's a big paranoia spot for dh. He's worried he might have a son riding in a pink carseat, haha. I hope your kiddo is in the right position!
@shopaholic: haha, yep. DS has to be at school between 7:05 and 7:25 so I'm up at 6:30 and he's up at 6:40. I brought him earlier today, since I'm getting ready for my appointment. Luckily, the school is across the street from my apartment complex.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Arden: Ahahah! lol! OK - that makes sense! I was just thinking maybe big noses ran in your family and you didn't want one "poking" out too high coming out the birth canal or something! lol! "pregnancy logic"
*argh - the past few days have been rough and tough on me!
When I actually can sleep, I wake up about every hour on the hour. Feel nauseous and ravenously hungry. Sciatica and rib pains are back. And weird stomach cramping (like you almost menstrual or "have to go!" kinds) but they are often so short-lived I can't believe they are anything close to a contraction.
If this baby goes to 40 weeks, I'm going to be delirious by the time she arrives!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@shopaholic: Hehe, yeah I meant nose-down as in facing down, not sunny-side up, because I know posterior labor hurts more. And then smallish baby because, well... I figure she'll be easier to push out if she's little.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@shopaholic: I had the stomach cramps earlier this week. They're no fun. I was so uncomfortable earlier this week, I was sure I was either dying or going into labor soon, lol.
I've slept great past two nights. My cough is gone and my stomach feels normal again. I get to feel human a few more days/weeks, I guess, until baby comes.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Arden: Oh that's one of my fears since BFF had a "sunny-side-up" baby, which she says is the reason why she had a 3rd-degree laceration (3 episiotomy cuts!) I hear it's more common with the anterior placenta (which I still have, they confirmed).
P.S. I'm hoping for a little one too thinking it might be easier for her to "slide out" - lol!
bananas / 9973 posts
@katiew92081: That's nice you're sleeping well and things are ok! I think we deserve to be able to sleep like we're in a coma leading up to the days/weeks before baby actually arrives. I mean, you're going to be totally sleep-deprived AFTER they come, so your body should let you stockpile some hours and reserves, no?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@katiew92081: I am jealous. I am off in a bit to the doctor but they are just listening to the heart and measuring the belly.
@Arden: I hear ya on the gender. I had to have another ultrasound at 24 weeks and I made her recheck baby is still a girl and nothing was hiding at the 20 weeks one. But I still have this fear she is going to come out a he. Hope baby is heads down!!
@shopaholic: I am ususally at work by 7:15 EST every morning. I love weekly doctor appointments cause it gives me one day to sleep in a week now. Love it. I didn't have to get up till 7:15 today. Sorry you are feeling so bad. I wonder if you over did it last weekend with the smoke clean out. Try and rest today, lay off your feet for awhile.
I have a fear for sunny side up as well. I asked the doctor last week if she could tell when she checked for head's down. And she said no and it didn't matter at this point cause baby could still spin around in there.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@katiew92081: Oooh, exciting! What time is your u/s? (i.e. when can we expect to hear the results?)
@Arden: What time is your u/s?? Hope everything's looking good and baby's in position! And hopefully you're not having a giant baby like me.
@shopaholic: Booo, sorry you're so uncomfortable!!! You don't have too much longer though (assuming baby comes around due date and not two weeks late or anything)!!
I talked to Hubs last night about the fact that he carpools to work and told him he should probably stop doing that next week! His response: "What timing! My carpoolers are on vacation next week." haha - I told him if they come back from vacation before the baby is born, he should continue to NOT carpool and he totally agreed, so I'm glad that's out of the way now!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Oh my gosh girls, the amount of mucus I have going on is out of control!!! WTF! No blood or anything, but it just keeps coming out! So gross.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Arden: Blah, your appointment is too late in the day! I'm going to be at dinner with a friend by the time you come back to report so I'll have to wait until LATER to find out how it went!!! Booo!!!
But not to make it all about me. I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed for you! I'm sure everything is fine though!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira: Heh, yeah all my appointments are late so my husband doesn't have to take off work too early.
Ok, I'm going to go attempt to shave my legs. Wish my luck - this is dangerous... lol
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Arden: OMG, good luck!!! I'm attempting that on Saturday so I can get a pedi! Please don't hurt yourself!
watermelon / 14206 posts
Well. No ultrasound. Not even a cervical check! BUT, when she went to measure my belly and check the heartbeat, I apparently had a nice long contraction! I had no idea, but she pointed to my belly and said "oh, look at that! You're having a contraction right now!" I didn't even realize that's what it was! And, of course, now that I know, I've been feeling them all morning. She said it could mean something, but it could not. Either way she said she felt baby was head down, so no US, and the contractions pretty much tell her that checking my cervix was unnecessary.
So, um...full moon this weekend? I'm a little weirded out, now knowing that I'm really contracting and never knew it.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
Checking in: Didn't have any noticeable contractions for the past few days but I've been having a few this morning. DH and I are both a little disappointed, we had hoped the baby would appear sooner. Beloved family pet had to be put to sleep last night to end her suffering. While she was an old dog, it still leaves a hole and a whole lot of pain. One shower, a night's sleep, and a nap later? I finally feel a little more normal. Grief is finally letting up. I know it's mostly hormones but she'd been a part of my life for nearly twelve years. Hard not to be affected.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Fun times!! Maybe that means something is going to happen this weekend
@katiew92081: Bummer no u/s but at least baby is heads down.
Full moon huh, I bet we have our first baby this weekend! Just as long as it isn't me
watermelon / 14206 posts
I called my mom, to tell her about the unfelt contractions. She said she had that with my big brother, which I kinda knew about, but she was about to have lunch with her boss, so she's calling me back to tell me how it went down with her. I just wanted to compare notes, lol. I think the story is, though, she went in to the regular dr appointment and her dr said she was dilated 4 cm and having contractions and she could go any day. That was in the morning, and by 6 pm that evening she was holding my brother! I know I'm not my mom, but I'm waiting for her to call and tell me the story again, lol.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@katiew92081: What does it feel like?? The contractions, I mean.
@NaturallyCathy: So so sorry about your dog! It's always hard to lose a pet, especially if they've been in the family a long time.
@Smurfette: I told my friend that I hoped things start happening for me Sunday night, but not earlier! Hubs' mom is supposed to come over and help clean the house and I want her GONE before I go into labor, haha. Of course I hear it's supposed to snow, so maybe the cleaning won't be happening...
honeydew / 7589 posts
@NaturallyCathy: I'm so sorry!
@Smurfette: Yeah I think somebody is going to have a baby this week. Not me either though!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@naturallycathy: Aw, I'm so sorry about your dog. That's always so hard to deal with.
@adira: I thought it was the baby pushing against the front of my belly. But it wasn't her at all, it's the contraction. But, it's like a tightening and my belly seems to grow a bit when I have the contraction. When the OB measured my belly, during the contraction, I came up 40 cm, but then she measured again after and it was 37. I also get them in my back...those ones run up and kinda stop me in my tracks for a minute...I have been feeling them, just not the ones in between.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@smurfette & @arden: I don't mind if it's me, lol. I would just like it to be Saturday or Sunday, so that it doesn't mess with dh's work or ds's school, lol. I've been telling LO she needs to be convenient, lol.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@katiew92081: Interesting! Thank you for the details! I've been feeling a pressure against the lower front part of my stomach, but I think it might just be from my giant baby. I only really notice it when I'm walking around - when I'm sitting, I don't think I experience it.
I can't believe how close some of us are to having our babies!!! They could show up any day now!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@NaturallyCathy: I am so sorry about your dog. That can't be easy to deal with.
honeydew / 7589 posts
Ok I officially shaved my legs the whole way up! I haven't done above my knees in like a month, lol. It was really tricky, but I survived!
I have a feeling the lady bits aren't going to see a razor until at least late April... lol
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Arden: I need to shave mine. So hard in our new shower, there is no where to prop my legs up. Think that we are going to buy a rubbermaid step-stool or something.
I am going to bite the bullet and go get waxed since I can no longer see my girly parts to shave. And I refuse to ask DH to do it.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@arden: I'm impressed! I gave up shaving my legs a couple weeks ago...and nevermind the tops, I haven't touched them in over a month. I don't even want to know what my lady bits look like! I know I'm gonna have to do some major landscaping after LO arrives!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Arden: OMG - you shaved your thighs??? Okay, I'm not doing that, haha.
@Arden: @Smurfette: @katiew92081: I actually had Hubs shave my lady bits a couple weeks ago!!! It took him FOREVER because he had no idea what he was doing and was being SUPER careful (which is good, but seriously, I was so sore from standing there for as long as it took him to do it). After he finished though, I was like "Okay, that's it, we're not doing this again - I'm letting it go until after the baby's here!"
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