Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs.M57: Awww. Good luck! Bummer that you had to go back home!

  2. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Hope your shoot went well! Can't wait to see it.

    I think I'm doomed to be late, too.

  3. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, we did have a productive weekend. Our car seat is installed, and the car cleaned. Our nursery decal ended up taking over 3 hours to put up, even with 2 of us going at it! We hung all the tissue poms, and lights and mobile, but I am not happy with how the tissue poms are hanging, so I am going to buy and paint a frame like I used for the mobile and put them back up (my DH is going to kill me LOL). We got the cradle fixed up and assembled, and will put it in our room soon. We also got the guest rooms cleaned up for now, and the beds in place. I am going to clean the house tomorrow, then we will be ready for baby!

    I feel pretty relaxed about the idea of being induced tuesday, and if baby waits for induction, I am really at peace with that. I am just happy that despite everything, I seem to be cooking a healthy baby, and however he/she needs to come out, wether vaginal or my c-section, by induction, or not, medicated or not, I am going to be a happy mommy. I am sad that pregnancy is drawing to a close, but I am SO READY to meet my baby now. I really did need this last weekend to sleep in and get ready for things.

    @cvbee: Congratulations on your little guy! It sounds like you had an awesome labour and delivery experience! I hope you guys are settling in well, and that Nico is treating you well!

    @winniebee: Sounds like you are having a great weekend!

    @Mrsdaredevil: I hope you enjoyed your maternity pictures and that they turn out beautiful (I am sure they will!)

    @Mrs.M57: Ugh - prodromal labour is no fun. I have had a couple times where I had regular, uncomfortable contractions that lasted a few hours, and it is such a pain! In my case it didn't even lead to any dilation or anything!

  4. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    @cvbee - congratulations!! So happy to hear everything went well and can't wait to hear more about Nico!!

    I have my external version tomorrow. If it doesn't work, c-section scheduled for May 4.

    I can't believe we are all here!!! There will be be a baby every few days for the next few weeks for this group. Good luck ladies and I can't wait to read everyone's progress and stories!

  5. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @MsMini: Wow, I can't believe Tuesday is practically here already. You must be so excited to meet LO. Man, time goes by fast!

    So the shoot went pretty well today. DH was not excited about being in so many pictures, but he was a trooper. The photog sent me a couple teasers and I posted them on the May Babies thread on WB so you could see them. Of course my first instinct is to tear them apart and hide them away forever, but I am not going to let myself do that! My DH keeps telling me to embrace it, so here I am!!! Hope you ladies had a good weekend!


  6. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Ah you look so pretty!

  7. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: Sorry you had such a rough week - you are on the home stretch!!

    @Mrs.M57: Ugh!! I think one of the hardest things at this stage is figuring out what is *real* labor...sorry that Friday turned out not to be the real thing.

    @MsMini: Awesome you got it all done! I'm so happy for you that you are at peace with the induction Tuesday. You have had a lot of bumps along the way, but seems like it's all going to work out just fine in the end!

    @shortcake: Good luck with the external - hope the baby moves to the head down position.

    @Mrsdaredevil: You look fantastic! You will be so happy that you have those pictures down the road.

  8. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @MsMini: How exciting! And your nursery just keeps getting better!
    @shortcake: Good luck with your ECV. From what I've heard you may want to take a Tylenol before.
    @Mrsdaredevil: Thanks for sharing your photos. You look fantastic!!

    I have a really busy work week (maybe the busiest since I started this job AND I need to fit in training people...)--wish me luck and remind the baby he's not allowed out before Sunday even if it's a stressful week!

  9. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    So, DH is starting a new rotation for his residency this week which lasts through June (he's an orthopedic surgery resident) and last night finds out that he got totally screwed on scheduling. He has a week off in May (May 20-27) that he is supposed to be able to move to around when the baby is born - that he had to select a YEAR in advance before we even knew we were pregnant. And how are we supposed to know when I'll go into labor?? Well, the way it is working out, it's going to be very difficult to get coverage for weeks other than his vacation. So, he may not have time off immediately after the baby is born AND not sure what is going to happen if I don't go into labor by May 20 (39 weeks). How's that for pressure?

    And that's not the worst part. He is currently scheduled to work every weekend in June despite the fact that he requested call weekends at the end of April/early May so that he can avoid June. The other residents on his service are very difficult and won't switch with him (due to other commitments, but still), and his residency program is so ridiculous - there is NO one in charge of master scheduling. You have to work out switches with co-residents who are on your service...so there are not many options.

    Of course, DH keeps telling me not to worry, he'll figure it out, etc etc. But how can I not worry? This is the single most important event of our lives so far, and he may not be able to enjoy the weeks after birth? Or, he he'll be there for the labor and have to rush off to work the next day while baby and I are in the hospital? I'm supposed to be ok with being on my own with the baby all week and every weekend in June? Of course, we have tons of family and friends, so I won't truly be alone, but still. The whole situation sucks and I just can't wait until residency is OVER.

    No advice needed, just had to vent.

  10. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @pastemoo: Hope your week isn't too crazy and you at least get some time to relax in the evenings! Baby stay put for another week at least!

  11. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @mrsdaredevil your pictures are so pretty! makes me wish i would have done maternity pics!

    @msmini so excited for you that you soon get to meet your little one! how exciting!

    @winniebee i'm sorry your feeling frustrated, that is sucky. hopefully it will all work itself out so your hubby can be with you as much as possible when LO is born

  12. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @winniebee: you know, I can't get over how insensitive other people are! This post just proves it to me. Why wouldn't another resident be a good person and make the switch with him so he could enjoy the birth of his first child with his wife? This is common sense to me and it enrages me that people in a "helping" profession can be so thoughtless. I'm really sympathizing with you Winniebee!

    @Msmini one more sleep till you're off to the races! How excited are you! It must be so thrilling because you're also getting the incredible gender reveal and finally meeting your baby! Of we don't cross paths today best wishes and can't wait to hear your birth story!

    @msdaredevil you and DH are so stylish!

  13. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: That just sucks about DH's schedule. I hope he manages to guilt some other residents into helping out (or refuses to bail them out when they need some time off - I'm mean that way!).
    I can't believe the May babies have started arriving and by the end of this week, we'll have 2! So exciting!
    Shower was yesterday - and I'm super sore today. Too much standing and sitting and not enough elevated feet. I received way too many hooded towels and wash cloths. I need to figure out where people bought them and hope BRU and Target are nice about giving me store credit without a gift receipt. Because no one needs 10 hooded towels. I need bottles and a changing pad more!
    @mrsdaredevil: super cute maternity photos!

  14. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @cvbee: CONGRATS!! So exciting to have your LO! I'm glad to hear that most things are going smoothly for you so far!
    @nskillet: You're so close (hopefully!) to your LO! All these people having babies already are making me jealous - I still have 4 weeks to go!
    @marriedandlovingit: I hope you're feeling better after that episode. Did you talk to your dr?
    @mrsdaredevil: I don't know what you're talking about, you look gorgeous! Those are great pictures!
    @msmini: sounds like you're all ready for LO! Did you post nursery pics at WB?
    @goldilocks: BRU has (or had) the worst return policy. If you don't have a receipt and it's not on your registry, they don't care. If you can, find the items online and add them to your registry. Or go, scan them one day and then return them the next. At least, that's how it worked when I had DD1.

    We had a good weekend, felt like a good mix of getting things done and making time to relax. We set up "Baby Central" in our family room for when we're downstairs with the swing & the pack n play. DD is already pretending to change LOs diaper and she read her a story. It was SUPER cute.
    I also managed to get 3 freezer meals packed up so we're making a little progress there. Spent too much at the grocery store but it's worth it not to be scrambling when LO comes.
    Oh, and got the car seat all washed so we're ready there. Now we just need to pack the hospital bag and we're basically ready. After this week, she can come whenever she wants to!

  15. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    Wow, exciting to see some people are giving birth already! I'm hoping I'm not too far behind... but hopefully let's hope she waits until I finished a few things first.

    Today is my first day off. (Vacation 2 weeks, then mat leave) so I am spending the day doing my hospital bag (yes, I know it should have been done by now) putting away clothes, and organizing her room.

    We are finishing the decor of her nursery tomorrow. So technically if I'm not a lazy bum today... we should be ready for her by wednesday.

  16. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @volksgirl64: I was thinking about doing that - finding them online and adding to my registry. I figure Target will be a little better.
    36 weeks today!
    To dos - thank you notes and wash new baby items (after figuring out what I'm keeping).
    Then I need to push DH to get his portion of the hospital bag ready. No more procrastinating!

  17. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Beautiful preview shots! Can't wait to see the rest of them! You look stunning.

    @volksgirl64: I see my Dr tomorrow.

    @Goldilocks1107: That's an excessive amount of towels and washcloths! I know that Target has a good return policy. That sucks to hear about BRU. Hope you have luck returning them.

    @winniebee: How pathetic and selfish of his coworkers to not switch with him. I can't imagine not helping out at a time like this.

    39 weeks tomorrow! As I said yesterday, I started to pack. I'm not done because I am confused as to what to pack. It helps to hear that many women hardly use what they pack.

    I feel so out of it these days. I am useless around the house. I am going to try to clean the bathrooms today, but bending over to do things like clean the bathtubs is tricky these days. I will do my best, bc I am going crazy not having clean rooms.

    My dad is so silly. He's supposed to drive down to our place from the midwest to help us out after the baby comes. He called me on Saturday and told me that if I go into labor between Wednesday-Saturday this week, that he may not be able to come down to help out right away. His reasoning? There will be nobody available to pick up the newspaper and mail those days. I guess he has never heard of stopping both while he is out of town. I sent him a 'how-to' e-mail last night on how to do both lol. Parents!

  18. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    Winnie- that's so lousy. Are many of his co-residents parents themselves? That's a really sucky time to be inflexible! I hope your DH's optimism pays off.
    Mini- every time I come back here I'm stunned by how much you've done, you're a workhorse! Best of luck tomorrow, will be watching for your update!

    I'm in the feckin hospital! Came in for twin clinic and blood pressure was a wee bit high so they kept me. It's already dropped a teeny bit - 3 hours later - and babies are fine, no contractions or anything, no headaches or blurred vision etc, so I have high hopes of being kicked out again at 4pm tomorrow. Poor DH was a bit spooked, and annoyed we didn't put the hosp bag in the bloody car! So he's gone home for that while I lie up here and look around me.
    There's another twin mama on ward as well, and I feel like such a mudgin being here with my borderline complaint- her babies have heart problems, are v likely to have surgery v shortly after birth, and v likely to have Downs syndrome as well. Feeling v grateful!
    Will be watching the boards rather a lot this evening, not a whole lot else to do! Hopefully you all are very chatty but have no drama to report!

  19. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @aunt pol: Hang in there - I hope your BP continues to go down and you get to go home tomorrow. And I hope your hubby is bringing something for you to do. I keep thinking I might put a deck of playing cards in my hospital bag, as if I'll really be up for playing a game of cards while in labor . . .

    I started my thank you cards over my lunch break - 8 down, tons to go. But I think it will be a nice way to break it up - a few during the day, a few at home at night and eventually I'll be done!

    I'm also prioritizing the items on my registry that I didn't get at my shower. That way, DH and I can budget a bit better and figure out what we need to have, and what I just want to have for the baby. I just have to remind myself that the 10% completion bonus isn't super awesome, so I don't need to get everything on my registry now. Maybe just the big-ticket items like the pack n play, swing and floor "gym" mat thing.

  20. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    How many changing pad covers does/will everyone have? I only have one at the moment. I was planning to make a few more myself but haven't found any fabric I like and I'm thinking I should at least go buy a quick second before she's here.

    @Mrs.M57: I can't imagine how anxious you must be now, what a tease Hopefully the read deal will follow soon!

    @MsMini: I can't wait to see nursery pics, complete with a squishy little baby! I hope you enjoy your last day together with your husband, I can't imagine how you two are going to get any sleep tonight!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Your pictures are great, you must be so happy you went ahead with them - and don't listen to yourself, you look gorgeous!

    @winniebee: I'm so sorry you have that weight hanging over you during such an exciting time. I couldn't imagine not doing what I could to help someone in your husband's position out, even if it were just switching a day here and there. Like someone else mentioned, I hope your husband's optimism pays off and things fall into place for you. Your poor husband must feel so stressed too.

    @Goldilocks1107: Fingers crossed you can return a few. I received close to 50 wash cloths, none of which I can return (purchased in Canada, not registry items etc) I'm thinking some will soon be my new dust rags.

    @volksgirl64: Good job with your freezer meals! Our grocery bills have been through the roof lately too... I've gone into stocking up mode. Now I just need some of your motivation to turn some of those groceries into pre-made meals!

    @marriedandlovingit: I love the little things people get hung up on, that's too funny. Hopefully he'll follow through with his mail service!

    @aunt pol: Glad to hear the babes are okay and you're feeling better. I hope they don't keep you too long. That poor woman, she must be so scared. Definitely puts things in perspective.

  21. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @LAGS: I'm thinking of getting 2 covers for my changing pad. And maybe you can hold on to some of those baby wash cloths and re-gift to friends? I'm hoping that if they don't let me return some of the items, I can at least exchange them for a gender-neutral option. That way I can use with the next baby or re-gift to a friend in the future!

    Today's complaint of the day is around my calf muscles. They are so tight today. I can't tell if it's because my feet/legs are so swollen or what. Irritating, if nothing else.

  22. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @cvbee: Congrats! Sounds like you had an amazing birth!

    @winniebee: I'm sorry the other residents are being so unhelpful! DH told me he couldn't imagine having a baby while in residency since it's so hard to get time off when you need it (unless you are the woman having the baby, then apparently it's super easy). Even now that he's working it's hard to get time off last minute. I'm due May 9 and he is off work May 19 - June 2, so I'm hoping I'm late or have the baby on a weekend!

    @volksgirl64: YAY freezer meals! Our freezer is stocked with soup, so I'm hoping I don't get sick of soup after LO is born! Are we supposed to wash the carseat before we use it? I didn't even think of that and haven't taken it out of the box yet!

    @Goldilocks1107: I got a lot of towels too. Since you only need like 2 or 3, I don't know why people buy so many! Mine were all BRU brand so I was able to add them to my registry online then go to the store and return them for store credit.

    @aunt pol: Hope everything goes well and you get to go home!

    @LAGS: I was gifted 2 changing pad covers and hoping that will be enough. If not, I can always order more later. I also have two of those fold up waterproof change pads to use all over the house.

    So, I wasn't on here at all this weekend since we were busy visiting w/friends and family who we probably won't see again til after baby. It was so weird to be saying bye and tell them "Next time we see you we'll have a baby!"

    After not having any BH until 36 weeks, now I'm having them every evening for 30-60 minutes, especially if I've been standing a lot. Hit 30 lbs today with about 2 weeks to go. I've gained 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks! At this point it just doesn't matter anymore I guess. Amazingly I'm still sleeping great, but the groin pain is making it difficult to walk. Pregnancy brain has taken over and I keep forgetting so many things! Overall, still feeling good though!

    Can not believe baby could be here in 2 weeks. I think I'm in denial about the fact that he is coming out and will not be inside me forever.

  23. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Ack! I wrote a long reply to everyone earlier and it got eaten because my router is acting up!

    I got my nursery linens today, so they are in the wash and we can finish putting together the nursery tonight, and take pictures (DH will use the pro camera and wide angle lens), I will post them in the next few days.

    As for the induction tomorrow, I am totally ready to get started, but I am prepared for a long process. Typically in the hospital here it is a 3-4 day process, so days 1, and 2 are cervedil insertion, followed by 2 hours on the monitor, then you get kicked home, day 3 is either another cervedil if you need it, or pitocin if your cervix is nice and soft. Depending on how my body and baby takes it all, baby could be born any time between thursday to saturday. Worst case scenario, baby doesn't tolerate induction at all and we end up with a c-section right away.

    Means from here on out I am at the mercy of the OB, the baby, and my body in that order (LOL). I will probably be posting a lot if I end up with 2-3 days of cervedil, because I will be going crazy, but it will let me get a lot more done around the house!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Your pics are beautiful! You look great and I am jealous of how fast your photog is!

    @winniebee: I am sorry your DH is stuck with such a rigid and crappy schedule! I hope he can find some co-residents to help him out (or baby is born just at the right time).

    @Goldilocks1107: Good luck on finishing your thank-you cards! They aren't the most fun to write, but I always feel so good when I get them all in the mail!

    @LAGS: I have 2 change pad covers, and 2 crib sheets, but might pick up a couple plain white ones from WalMart if I need any more. I am excited to get the induction rolling tomorrow.

    @aunt pol: I hope your BP goes down and those babies give you a break!

    @blushink: Don't feel bad, I am finishing the nursery tonight, and still have things to toss into the hospital bag, and my induction is tomorrow! I hope we don't forget anything, but since we live 7 minutes away from the hospital, as long as we have the camera, everything else is easy to get.

  24. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: You look beautiful!

    @Goldilocks1107: I haven't tried exchanging anything yet, but we did get a bunch of repeat outfits from Carters and I'm going to try to exchange at the Carters store or Kohls. I agree 10 hooded towels is probably a little overkill ; ) Thank you notes can be so tedious, but I feel amazing when they are done! Mine took 3 weeks, but pretty much because I ran out of stamps and my husband had to get more from the post.

    @blushink: Your post prompted me to post about hospital bag!

    @aunt pol: Oh no! How are you feeling?? Do you have anything to keep you occupied there? I'm glad the babes are doing ok though. Hang in there.

    @LAGS: I have 2 different covers (and 3 different sheets). I feel like with a boy the cover might be seeing some more pee action : )

    @duckduckkristen: I forgot your husband is in medicine too. What field? Of course he thought it wouldn't be so bad because he's a sr. resident (will start 5th and final year at the end of June) but he gets screwed in the end : ) BH are so annoying. But, you're warming up for the big day!

    @MsMini: I'm so excited for you!!! Please do keep us posted on your progress. Will be thinking of you and cheering on Ziggy!

    I just can't believe it's here - the May mamas are having their baaabies!

    Thanks for the kind words about my husband's crappy work schedule...today when I talked to DH he felt so bad that I lost sleep over it. It infuriates me because he is always so flexible with others and switches and accommodates others frequently. I guess that's just the way the Harvard hospital system works (me, me, me!) He may have one switch lined up for a June weekend and continues to think he will be able to work it out. I just feel bad because with me on rest, his crazy work schedule, and a baby on the way, he is probably at his maximum stress level!

  25. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: That is so stressful!! My husband has the same issue--and may basically just get 3 days off to be with me in the hospital. That blows. I hope they find a way for him to take off more time. Do you at least have family nearby? I can't believe it that his co-residents are that cold hearted that they'd pull him out of his hospital time with you and baby!

    In totally lame news; I was removing a cast today with the casting saw (pretty dull blade that just rotates), and the kid moved and my finger went into the blade. I've done that a million times, and just yank my finger away and don't get hurt--I actually show patients with my fingertip how dull the blade is so they don't get scared. However, because my hand is numb (and the other woman who'd been covering for me for cast removal since my hands went numb was out today)--I didn't feel my finger hit the blade and left it there and didn't notice till it was bleeding. VERY VERY luckily, the kid didn't see it (he would have FLIPPED!), and I was able to cut the rest of his cast off uneventfully. But--goodness, can I please have the feeling back? Please? Reason #500 that I really just don't want an epidural.

    @Goldilocks1107: Only hooded towels and no bottles? People are bizarre! Glad you had your shower though--sounds like at least some fun

    @volksgirl64: your DD1 sounds so super cute! Glad you're getting everything all set up. And thanks for the tips about returns at BRU. What a terrible policy for a huge company!

    @blushink: LOL. I'm not done with my hospital bag either--you're no bum.

    @marriedandlovingit: Your dad is too funny! And hey, all you really need in your hospital bag for YOU is clothes, toilettries, and anything that makes you happy/relaxed. And really, if you forget everything? Someone goes home and grabs you some clothes!

    @aunt pol: Hope you go home soon, and glad to hear you're feeling so grateful

    @Goldilocks1107: Don;t even use yor 10% completion thingy. Buy one item at a time with the 20% of coupons you get each time you buy something at BRU--you actually get two of them (2 date ranges) for each item. The 10% completion discount there is such a JOKE!

    @LAGS: ZERO! My mom recommended using receiving blankets--so we just have a foam pad (not even the contour one) with a receiving blanket. Then I splurged on 3 little waterproof covers by boppy to put over both. Looks pretty nice.
    ALSO I decided to forgo burp cloths and just use receiving blankets--the size of "real" burp cloths just looks TOO SMALL and receiving blankets are waaay cuter (and we have 7 already).

    @duckduckkristen: sorry that groin pain isn't going away. Eeeeeee 2 weeks! SO EXCITING!

    @MsMini: Such a long process. Good luck and I can't wait to hear how it is. That and I can't wait to see your nursery!

  26. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    @missmini - good luck this week!

    @missdaredevil - gorgeous pictures

    I promise I have been keeping up with all of you, just haven't had the time to compose a response to all of the great posts! I can't keep up with you all.

    Had the version today but it did not work. Oh well, glad I tried. And it really did not hurt at all. It was oddly uncomfortable, but no pain at all. So c-section on May 4 is now on the schedule. It is weird to know ahead of time, but the bright side is, it makes planning a whole lot easier. My last day at work will be Thursday (hopefully working from home most days for the next two weeks) and will be in the hospital until Monday.

    I am pretty much packed and I am definitely bringing my nursing pillow since I hear it is great to keep the baby away from the incision. I don't think my husband will be staying overnight since private rooms in my hospital are $800 a night extra out of pocket. Insane huh? That's NYC for you. So I guess he can always bring me anything I need in the mornings when he comes for the day.

    I also picked out two outfits from etsy for the photography session we have planned. One outfit is a little white knit cocoon and the other is this over-the-top purple tutu and matching headband set. Yes, I am sure she will hate me for these pictures at some point.

    Hope all the May mamas and May babies continue to arrive perfectly healthy and happy!

  27. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    Thanks everyone. I think I'll buy one more and see how it goes with two. Hopefully that should just about do it for baby supplies!

    @Goldilocks1107: Re-gifting is a good idea. They're pretty cute for dust rags! That's a good idea to exchange for neutral, but fingers crossed you'll have no problems and can at least get some store credit!

    @duckduckkristen: It must feel nice to know your body is practicing for labor! I'm not sure that I've had any BH for weeks... even my pelvic pain and pressure hasn't been so bad lately. I think I'm doomed to go late with little Miss...

    @MsMini: Your linens came just in time! I love how in my excited frenzy I automatically assume your LO would be here tomorrow. I hope the process goes smoothly and quickly for you and Ziggy. Good luck!

    @pastemoo: Holy, you really do have some numbness going on there! I hope things go back to normal quickly for your once baby's here. I'm not doing traditional burp cloths either. I've been going back and forth between just using receiving blankets and/or some pre-folds. Much more coverage that way!

  28. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @shortcake: I am sorry, I may be behind on your story...but have you always known that a C-section was in your future? I don't think I knew that you were scheduled to have one! Is it due to health complications, late baby, or is it elective? Whatever the reason, you seem calm and ready, which is wonderful. I can't believe that it is extra for a private room at your hospital... at my hospital every single room is private and comes with cot for dad!

    @Goldilocks1107: Wow, good thing I am not the only one who got a million wash cloths and towels. Geez, our linen closet is full of baby towels/washcloths and I still have dozens that are unopened in another closet!!! I guess it's just an easy gift for people to pick out.

    @aunt pol: It's been half a day since you posted--hopefully your BP is back to normal by now. It's just crazy what a pain in the butt BP can be during pregnancy... it's kept me on house arrest for four months!!

    @MsMini: I can't believe what a long process induction is! I thought that you would just get put on Pitocin right away and then baby would be born at night time or something. I guess that you probably can't get Pitocin right away if your cervix isn't ready for it though (isn't there something called uterine overstimulation?)
    Anyway, you seem super ready and I can't WAIT to see pictures of the nursery and your DIYs!!

    @winniebee: I am so sorry about your hubby's schedule. I can't imagine having so little time with my DH after is baby is home. I sincerely hope that he can get it worked out and switched around so you guys have more time together.

    So today was super nice again (75 degrees) and DH and I went out to the family beach house. We figured it would be the last time we would be able to go there by ourselves. I am SO glad we went because all the houses on the beach are only summer homes, and since it is April there was not a single person on the beach except for us. I was able to pull my tank top up and tan my belly and not feel self-conscious since it was just the two of us. Boy, did I ever get some sun! I am sitting here typing and sweating because my mini sunburn is making me so hot!

    I might also add that beach house is on an island and a long ferry ride away from town, so I was kind of freaked out that I would dramatically go into labor and be stranded on this island with no hospital on it, but nothing happened. So that's good.

    I am feeling great and so blessed that my high BP has magically disappeared. We went on a two-hour walk down the beach today and I felt wonderful! It's crazy that at 9 months pregnant I am finally able to start doing things.

  29. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    @missdaredevil - Baby is breech and has been since at least my 20 week anatomy scan. They were hoping she would turn on her own, and my dcotor gave until 36 weeks to see if she would, but she didn't. So today I went in for an external cephalic version, which they wait until 37 weeks to do b/c it could induce labor. Basically two doctors trying to manipulate her to turn by pushing her head and her butt at the same time (from the outside I should add). But she didn't want to move. They really don't know why, other than they suspect she could have a short umbilical cord that is keeping her close to that one spot. So that is why I am now scheduled for a c-section in a week and half (at 39 weeks so I hopefully won't go into labor on my own which would require an emergency c-section.

    Your beach days sounds lovely, glad you got to enjoy that with just you and your husband. And great to hear your BP is down.

  30. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    @shortcake: at antenatal class our midwife said often when the baby is resistant to turning its because they simply don't fit cephalic, that maybe the head is just too big to sit comfortably into the pelvis. Sounds like a section is the right way to go for you! Best of luck!
    @Mrsdaredevil: So happy you're enjoying the last stage, you've certainly earned it.

    It's 7 am here now, and my BP did drop a wee bit more at the 3 am check, but I'm assuming that would be the lowest one anyway, with just lying in bed etc? Anyhoo, will know more today... Fingers crossed!

  31. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @shortcake: It's all good--we re so talkative it's hard to keep up!
    The outfit sounds adorable. My SIL's version didn't work either and she was really happy with her c-section.

    @LAGS: The prefolds are crazy expensive here--my plan was to use prefolds till i saw the pricetag.

    @Mrsdaredevil: Babymoon! Yay! Guess your BP really needed a vacation.

    @aunt pol: More good luck coming your way.

    I'm getting impatient for baby even though I still have plenty I want to do first.

  32. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @lags: I found that the easiest freezer meals are actually crockpot meals b/c you don't have to cook anything first. So I took raw chicken, threw in all the other ingredients and sealed it up! So easy! Now we just need to remember to get them in the crockpot in time for dinner 8 hours later.
    @duckduckkristen: No, you don't have to wash the car seat. Ours was DDs when she was born and has been sitting around for 2 years (and through 3 moves) so I thought I should clean it up for LO.
    @msmini: Good Luck today! I'll be thinking of you over the next few days!
    @pastemoo: Ouch! That numbness is such a weird thing and so annoying I'm sure! Hopefully as soon as LO is born it will subside!
    @aunt pol: Hope BP continues to get better. I'm sure lying in the hospital is no fun.
    @mrsdaredevil: That beach day sounds so nice! I wish DH & I could do something like that.

    DH & I took DD for a walk yesterday and there is a LOT more pressure on my pelvis now. I'm 36 weeks today so I want her to stay put but I told DH that it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if she came any time now.
    TMI but I have hemmorhoids now and I'm upping my fiber intake. I've been lucky enough to avoid them so far but this sucks! I'm going to the drug store after work to pick up either fiber supplements or stool stoftener - any recommendations?
    We have another Meetup group thing this weekend and the big consignment sale too! I told DH that I wouldn't buy a diaper bag until after the sale because maybe we'll find one there. I need to make a list of things I'll be looking for other than clothes.

  33. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @duckduckkristen: I tracked down where most of the towels came from - two from BRU so I added them to the registry and will be stopping by today to return. 3 from Target, and I have a receipt for one, so I'm hoping that store won't be a problem. Then there's one from Shopko, which will be hit or miss, since I don't really shop there. And there were 2 that I just couldn't figure out where they came from so we'll be keeping those. We'll be down to a total of 6, so I'll put half away to use after the others start to get a little gnarly.

    @MsMini: It's starting! Good luck and I hope the baby handles everything well so you can avoid the c-section!

    @pastemoo: Yeah, the BRU completion bonus is a bit of crap, and just as restrictive as the 20% off coupons. The Amazon and Target ones are better (I'm actually trying to put as many big-tickets items on my Amazon registry as possible, since they have better prices!). And Target is having a baby sale right now (online at least) so I'm hoping to take advantage of that in conjunction with my completion bonus.

    I have around 8 burp cloths right now - do you think that will be enough? Three are the smaller ones you can buy at the store and the rest are handmade. I figure if I get low and don't want to do laundry, I can always use old bathroom hand towels at home and save the cute ones for when we leave the house.

  34. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I think I have around 8 or so, too. I figure a few will be in the diaper bag, a few clean ones in the closet, and a few in the laundry at all times.

    @volksgirl64: My OB recommended Tucks medicated wipes for when you go to the bathroom (also good for post-birth...), Metameusil capsules for when you are backed up, and colasce stool softeners so that you don't have difficult bowel movements.

    @aunt pol: Poor you still in the hospital!! How are you feeling? Any idea if and when you will be released? Hang in there!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Your day sounds AWESOME! I'm so glad that you are getting to enjoy the end of your pregnancy after such a difficult few months!!

    @pastemoo: Oh my gosh, be careful will you!? How scary!!

    @shortcake: Sorry that your munchkin is still breech. I guess the good news is now you know when baby is coming and you can be totally prepared.

  35. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    Hm I definitely don't have any changing pad covers! I assumed the material was "wash ready" so if there was a pee or poo accident it'd be easily wiped up!

    @MsMini good luck! Can't wait to hear your birth story!

    Ugh, guys, I'm in my last torturous week of work! I can't get over my excitement for this baby eeep!

    Went to a breastfeeding class last night and am feeling really overwhelmed one of their tips was to work part time. Really?!

  36. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @winniebee: He's a radiologist. When I met him he was just finishing his residency and about to take his boards.

    @Mrsdaredevil: YAY for belly tanning! Mine is so pasty.

    @volksgirl64: I've had them for months, but as long as I keep up my fiber intake they don't bother me. I try to eat a lot of avocado, sweet potato, berries, and bananas. I've never had to use fiber supplements or stool softeners, so I don't have an recs on those.

  37. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @Nskillet: Ugh - seriously "work part time"?!? And they wonder why women feel overwhelmed by the recommendation to breast feed for 1 year. Advice like that isn't helpful OR realistic for most women! Better advice would have been along these lines "If you are returning to work full time after the baby, here's some things you can do to make breastfeeding part of your daily routine . . ."

  38. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: For real. The benefits are undeniable so I'm going to give it my best shot but my baby will be in daycare FT and I will be working FT. They did say 2 weeks before returning to work is when to start building a stash but I'll probably start sooner if I can!

    I've decided to set small attainable goals and go from there. DH and I were formula fed and perfectly well adjusted/happy. I refuse to fall into the guilt trap hopefully I'm successful!

  39. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @Nskillet: Good luck! I'm going to pump and supplement with formula, which I figure is better than exclusively formula-feeding (my original plan). As my OB says: anything is better than nothing.

    Successful return spree. It really is all about adding items to your BRU registry before returning without a receipt. No issues. And I returned my Target items without a problem and same with Shopko (where I then turned around and immediately spent my return on 2 bottles).

    Now up to 4 different bottle types to try out to see if LO has a preference. Hopefully she'll like one (or all) of the four and I can then stock up on those!

  40. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @MsMini: I'm thinking about you today! Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way! I cannot wait to find out how everything has gone and what you are having!

    @shortcake: $800/night?!! Insane! I cannot imagine sharing a room with a stranger after giving birth.

    @Nskillet: Congrats on being in your last week of work! What a great feeling that must be!

    @Goldilocks1107: We are getting a bunch of prefolds to use as our burp cloths. I used prefolds at previous nanny positions, and I cannot recommend them enough! I personally find them to be much better than regular burp rags.

    I went to the Dr today, and had an ultrasound. They can estimate the baby to be around 8.5 lbs at 39 weeks. I am dilated to a 1, and if I haven't labored naturally between now and Sunday night, then I am going to be checking into the hospital at 8pm then to be induced on Monday. An end is in sight! It's crazy knowing that we will definitely be having an April baby!

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