Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Going into L&D...blood pressure spiked today. Not necessarily having baby, but getting tests for pre eclampsia. Bringing hospital bag just in case!

  2. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Are you using them for diapers or as burp cloths? I'm only intending to use them as burp cloths. Do you think they're still a little cheap for that? Thanks for the heads up! So jealous of your progress. I didn't get an internal today and I'm dying of curiosity.

    @cvbee: Wow thank you for sharing your BF experiences. I'm sorry you've had a few bumps in the road but it sounds like you're handling everything so well. From all I hear its definitely a learning experience and like you say you're only a week in. I'm sure as the days pass it will feel more and more natural. Good luck!

    @marriedandlovingit: That's exciting! Even if it doesn't mean immediate labor, you're still one step closer!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Maybe your nesting is a good sign! You never know Keep slapping on the lotion, at least the stretch marks wont be stretched out for long. Maybe that will help them fade more quickly?

    @MsMini: Congrats again. So excited to hear you and Sawyer are doing well. So scary he was having troubles during labor, good thing you were in good hands and even better that you were still awake for his birth! Can't wait to hear more.

    @bluestriped bee: Hah! I have to admit it's weird getting used to a 26 page thread with no glitches and ghost pages!

  3. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: I've been eating non-stop lately too. Its insane. I figured I'd be up so much weight at my appointment today and somehow I managed to loose a pound. More demands on the body call for more energy I suppose!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Oh no After things had been going so well. I hope the tests come back negative. Good luck!!

  4. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @MsMini: Cool. That makes sense and I'm glad to hear your explanation, as you are the expert (and I was starting to wonder why no one told me to do that too, but I see that solutions are not one size fits all with babies!) Good luck with the night shift. I'm slightly dreading it. I don't like feeling cold at night when I'm trying to feed and change him. And I feel a little bizarre when I wake up, like, I get confused about what's going on for the first ten seconds. Here's hoping for a good night.

  5. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Thinking of you and hoping everything is a ok!! If mothing else that baby girl has made he entrance safely into this crazy world!!!

    @MsMini great advice on the GD and your choice to supplement. I am inclined to do the same because my baby must take bottles early due to her need to be in FT daycare and her daddys desire to feed her too!

    @winniebee youre so close! Im counting down my last day of work which is friday and Im going nuts!!! I cant imagine being broken out of bed rest you must be so excited! i can only imagine how over protective your surgeon hubby is, he knows too much for his own good. What do you have planned for an activity? Im also starving, I feel your pain girl.

    @cvbee thank you thank you thank you so much for your detailed posts about breastfeeding and your post birth experiences!! I cant commend you enough for the incredible work youve been doing and also being so diligent in asking questions and advocating for yourself with the nurses/hospital. If nervous and comfortable dont be afraid to supplement with formula babies will eat what is provided!! Also, dont best yourself up. You and Nico are brand new at this, practice makes perfect.

    Has another OB appt today and am more effaced and dilated but not by much. I have more cervical pain/pressure and the doctors continue to marvel at how low baby girl is. Im trying not to focus on when its going to happen, but I cant seem to help myself. Also noticing my reclier gives me wicked braxton hicks so DH has been enjoying the chair hee hee. Anyone else getting more and more forgetful as youre getting later and later?

    @Goldilocks hope youre getting some much needed rest tonight!! Shopping is so mentally and physically exhausting for me at this point. I totally feel your pain!

    @marriedandlovingit YAY!!! They say a few days it should start. Squat into any contractions girl, come on baby!!!!

  6. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Thinking of you! Good luck girl!

  7. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Tonight I had a shower and I touched my va-jay-jay for the first time....up til now it's only been touched by the peri bottle water and patted dry by tissue. I just wanted to see what things felt like down there. Still a little swollen and slightly tender on the outside and I was a little shocked how big the hole is. That's when I wished I didn't check. I did not touch the episiotomy area.

    Today I also slacked off on using my lanolin and sure enough, my nipples got a little cracked. I vow to use lanolin after every feeding tonight/tomorrow.

    Last night I slept and fed baby without my bra on. I leaked ALL over the place, so tonight I am definitely wearing the bra.

    I am really excited for all the mommies in waiting. Take care of yourselves and enjoy the cool baby movement inside. I do miss it. Pregnancy is so special.

  8. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @LAGS: I'm using the BRU ones for burp cloths and the OsoCozy ones as cloth diapers with my Flips. The BRU ones will do for burp cloths I think. I'm sure they will absorb, they are just cheap and wash funny. The OsoCozy prefolds are exactly like the Indian prefolds I bought from Cotton Babies.

    @Nskillet: I am definitely getting more and more forgetful! I keep finding myself staring into the fridge or pantry wondering what I went in there for. I also space out soooo bad.

    Just had our hospital tour and it made me feel a lot better. They seem very supportive of natural birth and breastfeeding.

  9. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Just wanted to give an update! I am back home and everything looks good with baby. I had a small amount of protein in my urine, but my blood work came back normal and I am not swollen at all. I am going back tomorrow and am supposed to be laying super low, but I didn't have to have baby! My blood pressure kept going up and down while i was there, but ultimately by the time my bloodwork came back it was low enough they could send me home.
    The doctors said that I am extremely anemic and low on iron, which isn't something I had heard before. I don't know if it is completely unrelated...but I am going on an iron supplement now.
    I am tired but I feel great about how nice the nurses were and my room was super nice. I guess it was good practice for the real thing!!

  10. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @MsMini: Congratulations!! And I love his name. So scary! Was the cord around his neck, or do they know why he wasn't tolerating labor? I'm so glad they saved him with the c-section! How are you feeling now?

    @aunt pol--so glad you're home. sounds like a frustrating time at the hospital but I'm so glad you and the babes are fine.

    @goldilocks: I tried to buy something at Target.com yesterday, too, and it was so frustrating with the shipping not going through as free that I gave up, too. Hope it works next time.

    @volksgirl:The cookies are made by metamucil, usually in the fiber supplement pill area, but they are already made into little biscuits. You HAVE TO drink water with them. They are gross if you're expecting cookies, but fantastic if you're expecting medicine.

    I feel you all on the sleep thing--I wonder if we'll ever sleep again

    @LAGS: the $17 for prefolds was too much for me--I got a 4 pack of receiving blankets for $8 or something so I figured it's good enough.

    @duckduckkristen: thanks for the warning about the prefolds being scratchy--hopefully you can wash it a bunch and they'll soften up. Glad your hospital tour was nice.
    Good luck! Glad your bags are packed--very exciting!

    @cvbee: I am definitely printing out your story with advice for breastfeeding. I know I'll need the advice and I might be too exhausted to get online! Thanks so much for sharing.
    And... guess I should get some raspberry leaf tea! And keep dragging my husband out to go walking with me!
    So glad to see you posting about recovery still, since that is the biggest mystery to me!

    @mrsdaredevil: Could be nesting? I hope so! Glad they figured out what was up.

    @bluestriped bee: LOL. Hi Thanks.

    @winniebee: 3 more days, and then it's Sunday-- YOU CAN DO IT! I am so excited for you--it's been a long long time for you already. What are you planning to do?
    I'm eating non stop, too. It's crazy! I'm up to a number on the scale that at this point just cracks me up. I ask my patients' height and weight everyday, and now I just keep thinking--"I'm heavier than you, and you, and you, and you..." At least it's funny now and not freaking me out.

    @nskillet: A few days! YAY!!

    Me: going to my regular doctor today about my numbness (probably can't do a thing about it, but at least I want to ask, and my regular OB visit. I'm going to skip the internal again. I just don't want to hear "high and closed"

  11. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: 3 more days until you're sprung! You've been a bed rest all-star!
    @Nskillet: Had a good night's sleep last night. Still tired, but at least I can claim it's pregnancy fatigue and not caused by insomnia!@Mrsdaredevil: Glad everything is going okay - eat some spinach and hamburgers to push that iron up (or take the supplement :-).)
    Tingly fingers last night - pinky fell asleep, taking half of the ring finger with it. Not surprising since my fingers have been getting more swollen over the past few days.
    OB appointment today - we'll see where I'm at. I'm really hoping for at least slightly dialated.
    And a sad update - my grandpa passed away yesterday, which is also a bit of a blessing since he has had health struggles for the past few years. It's still a bit of a shock because every time we've heard "He's not doing well, this might be it" he's always bounced back. I did go in to work today, but I'm thinking of throwing in the towel because I'm not really "here". And in a morbid sense, this is a fitting end for the end of my pregnancy. My maternal grandma passed away 2 days after I found out I was pregnant. And my paternal grandpa passes away when I'm over 36 weeks. To be honest, I'm mentally preparing myself to go into labor any minute because it's just too weird of a coincidence . . .

  12. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Oh glad to hear things are good. Ya, I think this time around I have extremely low iron... so pop those pills!

  13. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @LAGS: Doesn't it rock when you see you lost weight?! I think it's my favorite thing EVER!!!

  14. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather passing away losing family members is so hard especially during such a monumental time in your life. The good news is your sweet baby girl should really be an angel for your families grief. Thinking of you and wishing you all the best.

    @Madaredevil so glad everything is ok! Of course, you having your baby would have been exciting too. Glad you got a good sense about the hospital, isn't that relieving?

    @Auntpol I hope you're resting lady! You and the babas have had quite a few days!

  15. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    I have my 37 week doc appointment today and I'm hoping the doc says I started dialating. (that's when I had started with my first pregnancy - yet still gave birth 1 week late) I don't want to be pregnant another 3 weeks.... so hoping baby girl decides to come early.

  16. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @cvbee: First time around, I was obsessed with "checking" aka touching my vagina. I felt like a sausage that was sewn up too tightly. haha.

    It's good to inspect once in a while though, because I had some stitches that came undone causing me to have a 4th hole (until it closed naturally) I mean really..?! Did I need any more holes down there!?

  17. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @blushink: Fingers crossed we both get good news about progression at our appointments today! I'm so ready to be unpregnant, it's not even funny. As I told DH last night, the baby could show up anytime in the next 5.5 weeks. And I'm telling my OB today that I do NOT want to go more than 10 days over. Since she was already around 5 lbs at 32 weeks, I doubt she'll need additional time to cook. And it will probably just make birth that much harder for both of us if she IS overdue.

  18. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Nskillet: @pastemoo: @LAGS: Lags, can't believe you lost weight! I haven't been weighed in 2.5 weeks....I can't even imagine what has happened. Here is a glimpse into my day yesterday: bowl of chex w/ banana, english muffin w/ PB, glass of V8, 3 pieces of pizza (leftover), half a hershey bar (why I don't know), bowl of honey bunches of oats, 2 beef tacos w/ rice and beans (homemade), bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. WTH!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Glad to hear all is well with baby....hope everything stays stable so that you can go into labor on your own : )

    @cvbee: I don't know why but the aftermath of my lady parts is just terrifying to me! I don't think I'll even want to know/deal for like a month! I'm hoping to fit into normal pants by like 6 wks post-partum ; )

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. It must be so hard to be sad about that on the one hand and then happy about your new daughter on the other hand. Thinking of you!

    I'm jealous of all you ladies and your OB visits...haha, I know they are a pain but I don't have one til next week since she just wants me "resting." I think we'll go out to lunch on Sunday as our big outing. Trying to talk DH into a mani/pedi for me on Saturday but he keeps saying that I'll only be 35+6. I say what's a day? I will be annoyed if my OB tells me Tuesday to keep resting til 37 wks....I'm fine with a 36 weeker but DH really wants me to get to 37. And after all this I'll probably end up going past my due date...........

  19. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Nskillet: It gets so hard not to become obsessed with progress and when everything will happen. I feel like its all I think about lately.

    @duckduckkristen: I felt soo good after our hospital tour. Eliminating that whole unknown of what the hospital was like was the biggest weight lifted!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Yay! Kick back and hopefully things will remain stable so you can have your natural labor! At least you were able to figure out your iron was low, hopefully getting that back in order will help you feel a little better.

    @pastemoo: I hope you get some good news/advice about your numbness!

    @Goldilocks1107: So sorry to hear about your Grandfather. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    @blushink: I know, right? I was preparing myself and DH in the waiting room for a big jump and was terrified because I was seeing the Dr who had chewed me out about it before. I couldn't believe it! It was a great day!

    @winniebee: Your looks very familiar, except I totally wouldn't have been able to stop at half a hershey bar! I hope you get the chance to pamper yourself out of the house this weekend, you deserve it! Saturday might be 1 day early, but you'd be relaxing at your mani/pedi anyways so it should cancel out.

  20. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @blushink: ha! thanks for telling me about your sausage vagina with an extra hole: how horrifyingly hilarious. I laughed out loud.

  21. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @cvbee: Glad I could humor you !

  22. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @cvbee: that's really interesting about the "second night." Something to think about in the future! I hope the feedings get easier for you. Can you get a lactation consultant to come to your house to help you out? Also, congratulations.

    @blushink: Haha, I really enjoyed that little bit, as well. Gee, can't wait for my own sausage vagina... LOL. I hope you're progressing!!

    @winniebee: I don't think there's anything wrong with going out at 36w6d! What's a day??

    @Mrsdaredevil: Glad everything is okay! Iron pills aren't too bad, they're not horse pills and they're really easy to get down (this comes from a girl who hates taking pills).

    @LAGS: I really do think it's the demand on our bodies even though we are eating more as we get to the end of the third trimester. I've been losing weight, as well and don't understand it. I haven't been eating all that great and I've been eating a LOT!

    Ps...ya'll I'm totally popping into this board now. The June board is so dead and my due date is only June 9th...not too far out of May.

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mediagirl: Happy to see you here!! I just talked him into going and helping him new pick glasses on Saturday - he gets a benefit, I get a benefit : ) But, I'll be 35 w, 6 d so not quite 36 weeks. Either way, 36 weeks is *basically* full term.

  24. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @mediagirl: You are more then welcomed in our thread... hopefully as the month passes and people give birth the june thread will get busy.

    Isn't giving birth and the aftermath sexy. Extra hole-y sausage. I remember when it happened I was so embarrassed didn't want to tell anyone... now i'm like... whatever! ha

  25. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @winniebee: Isn't full term at 37? I could be wrong.

  26. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    Oh btw, in case you didn't know... you leave the hospital looking 5 months pregnant. No-one told me when I gave birth to my second. Definitely a shocker! ha.

    So... don't do like the girl I shared a room with thinking her regular jeans would fit!

  27. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Happy to hear that you and your LO are doing good! Also good to hear that you like the hospital! It sounds like a nice facility. Get some rest!

    @winniebee: You are so close to being off of bed rest! It's sweet how your husband is being so protective of you and the little one!

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather! My heart goes out to you. Big hugs!

    @pastemoo: Good luck at the OB today! Hope there is a solution with the numbness. That sounds uncomfortable

    @MsMini: Thinking of you girly! I hope you and Sawyer (love the name, btw!) are well and getting rest!

    I lost more of that disgusting plug today (Btw, I cannot say 'mucus plug' without making a face! It grosses me out!). I am remaining hopeful but realistic that it may not happen before Monday. My husband wants him to be born now. He is so excited. He doesn't have the nursery all the way complete, but it's so close! I can't wait until it is picture ready!

    I hope all of you ladies are doing well and having a good day!

  28. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @blushink: 37 weeks is considered full term.

    I'm trying to come to terms that I will still look pregnant when I leave the hospital! How long did it take for you to get your stomach back to normal the first time around?

  29. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: losing more is a good sign! You got this girly! If you have a birthing ball hop on that sucker all weekend! My DH is in the same boat. So ready to meet baby girl!

    @mediagirl: welcome! Despite my one unhelpful "work part time" tip the nurse at y breastfeeding class did warn us that baby will cluster feed on night 2 because they actually go through a mini growth spurt already. She also warned us of cluster feeding and lots of fussiness at week 3 and week 6!

  30. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @blushink: Oh yeah. My neighbor told me that yesterday. I knew I wouldn't be a size 8 again 2 days after birth but I also didn't realize just how large you still look post birth!!!

    @Nskillet: work part time, huh? Wow, she really is helpful....

    @marriedandlovingit: That's awesome!! It's almost time for you!!

  31. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Nskillet: Does a birthing ball really induce labor? If that is the case, I am going to get one/find the exercise ball I haven't seen since our move here lol

  32. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @blushink: No, a completed 37 weeks is full.....which is why I said 36 weeks is *basically* full term. I'm just trying to find a frigging way to get myself sprung from bedrest before 37 weeks : )

  33. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Hey guys! Thanks for the kind words, I am going to try to catch up, but probably just on the last page for now, since I have a little time before visiting hours start.

    Me and Sawyer are doing awesome, he has perked up with his feedings, so right now we are breastfeeding for 30-40 minutes every 3 hours, and at the end of the breastfeeding if he is still hungry then I give him a top-up (he is a starving little man let me tell you). Overnight he went from lazy to vigorous as far as nursing goes. I am lucky though that latching has been good, so my nipples are still in good condition! I am going to continue to offer breast first then bottle until my milk comes in, then he will get weaned off of the bottles. This is working great for us though, and his sugars have been so good we are no longer watching them.

    Today I looked at his chart, and noticed that out DAT is positive, which means my body made antigens for his blood that are in his system, this can increase jaundice, and he does look a little yellow, so I had them run a bill level, I am keeping my fingers crossed that keeping him well fed will help reduce the chances that he will need phototherapy.

    The OB who did my c-section said tomorrow they will look at removing my staples, and I will definitely go home tomorrow. I am so excited to get home to my pets, and a weekend full of visitors!

    My DH has been super cute, he has never done anything with babies before (even dodging holding infant nieces and nephews so his first would be his own baby), and he is doing great with some coaching. He had his first blow out diaper today, and while he was cleaning it Sawyer peed all over himself, it was so funny! I thought I was going to bust a staple laughing so hard!

    @marriedandlovingit: Thanks!

    @blushink: Yeah, my belly is a sight to behold right now, looks like a bump, but floppier and jello-like with a bunch of staples at the bottom ... it is beautiful.

    @mediagirl: Welcome to the thread!

    @winniebee: Every week you can grow that baby helps a little bit! 36 seekers can be a tricky bunch sometimes! You are so close to being set free though, you must be so excited!

    @Goldilocks1107: I am sorry about your grandpa. Now that Sawyer is out, I can't imagine being pregnant any longer, although a week ago I still felt like I could be pregnant forever ... I hope your LO pays attention and shows up soon!

    @pastemoo: Thanks! I actually feel pretty awesome, I have kept up on my meds (alternating ibuprofen and tylenol 3's), and I have been wandering around, getting up and down on my own, etc. The cord wasn't around the neck or anything, and they couldn't see any reason why he wouldn't tolerate labour, so it will always be a mystery.

    @Mrsdaredevil: I am glad that you stabilized, I hope that things stay stable for you!

  34. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: My OB has recommended the birthing ball or doing a squat while holding a counter/railing because it apparently opens your pelvis a bunch. She said it can help the baby drop more and also to lean into contractions that way too by squatting so baby continues to descend and use gravity! I haven't purchased a ball but have been doing th squats which can actually feel quite good. Don't know if it accelerate labor but it's something! Also, sexy time if you're up to it!

    @MsMini so glad to see an update from you! I am so thrilled for you and Sawyer and MrMini! Having your precious big thriving must feel so good! Bet you're glad for all that NICU nursing experience now!

  35. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @MsMini: so glad you are doing well and get to go home wtih your little man tomorrow! That is very exciting. I hope Sawyer's jaundice stays in check. My word, I LOVE his name, too!!!

  36. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I am really sorry about your grandpa.
    @winniebee: I think my eating is very similar to yours. I am just SO hungry lately. I have an OB appointment today and I am definitely not looking when they weigh me!
    @Nskillet: So do you just sit on the ball like you would on any other seat or stool? I have one, I just want to make sure I am using it the right way!
    @MsMini: So glad you and baby are doing so well! I love his name, it's precious.
    @marriedandlovingit: Honestly, the thought of still looking pregnant when I leave the hospital kind of depresses me! I have been looking at all my cute size 4 summer dresses hanging in my closet and I am filled with resentment and bitterness! I just want to magically shrink back down and lose all this nastiness.
    @blushink: 4th hole! bahahahaha that cracked me up! Was your vagina horribly painful after your first? My gf couldn't sit down for months it seemed like... she was complaining about how bad her cooter hurt until at least 16 weeks pp.

    So when I got home last night I kind of laid low and went to bed early with my DH. However, once I got in bed I was overcome with a horrible headache and I could just tell that my BP had spiked again. I usually can feel when it gets super high. I started to get super nauseous and then threw up twice in the bathroom. I really have no idea what is going on... I have an OB check today so I will talk to my doctor about it. When I was in L&D yesterday I didn't see her, it was just some generic hospital doctor who didn't really have any clue as to my medical history. Hoping I can get some answers because I don't think I have felt this miserable the whole pregnancy.

  37. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Okay, I just wanted to share a funny/weird story about something that I overheard while in the hospital yesterday. I thought I would share it because I know some of us are afraid of having unwanted visitors while at the hospital.

    So we were sitting in our room in L&D and our door was open because I was super hot and sweaty. We heard this lady (maybe in her 50s or 60s) making a commotion outside. She was out of breath and crying and arguing with one of the nurses. We kept hearing things like "but I drove all this way" and "you have no right to tell me what I can and can't do!" Then she said "I am her aunt, not a stranger off the street! This is a f**king joke."
    Basically, this woman had driven from goodness knows where because her niece was in labor. When she got there, the niece had told the nurses she wanted no visitors and would prefer that her aunt waited in the waiting room until the baby was born. The aunt was obviously not having this and was outraged when she wasn't allowed in the room.
    Well the fight between the aunt and the nurse went on for some time...the nurse was trying to explain that the niece was in transition phase and was in a lot of pain. Eventually the lady physically pushed the nurse out of the way, barged into the room, and slammed the door behind her. All we heard was the girl in the room next to us screaming bloody murder.
    All I was thinking was "OMG... if this EVER happened with one of my family members."
    I can't believe the nerve of some people! That woman was her aunt... not even her mom or sister, I can't believe she thought she had a right!

  38. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: So glad to hear from you - can't wait to see a pic of little Sawyer : ) I'm glad you get to go home tomorrow, too - pretty swifty c-section recovery! I would much prefer to make it to 37 weeks (which seemed totally impossible 5 weeks ago). The plan is have an outing on Sunday and maybe one Saturday and then lay low the rest of the time until my OB appt Tues (36w, 2days).

    @Mrsdaredevil: Ugh what a roller coaster for you!! Do you feel better today? Good luck at the OB. PS why are people so crazy!! Our hosp. allows you to authorize only one person other than partner in deliv. room - and they aren't even allowed on the floor without a pass!

  39. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: My condolences! Please do take off work. Hugs and prayers coming your way.

  40. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @mediagirl: Welcome!

    From the doc today: (Primary doc) 1: here's some splints for carpal tunnel. 2 weeks after delivery we can actually do something about it--until then, nothing we can do to help.
    (Obstetric NP) 2: (and I didn't opt for the internal): I can be off work NOW--she said she'll let me work this week, but after that, I'm probably done. Wow. Also, they won't let me go over 41 weeks. At 40w 2 or 3 days, they would send me for an NST and it would be up to the hospital at that point.

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