Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I know, right?! Well, there are only 3 days left in April so some of us are bound to make it! I remember we were both on the same TWW thread together and cheering each other on and analyzing bloat and gas : ) Too funny your parents are here - the Cape is so beautiful! Have you been? We are joining my parents there for a week in August - will be interesting with a newborn!

    @MsMini: Welcome home! I'm glad you are doing well and hope Sawyer's jaundice improves. It sounds like otherwise things are going well - and good for you for putting your foot down about visitors. Can't wait to see a pic of him!

    @Mrs.M57: Wow two May babies in ONE day! Good luck!!!

    @pastemoo: We had a mini excursion yesterday to pick up DH's golf club - and then stopped and got a donut....sounds so lame but it was great to be out of the house!

    @Nskillet: Congratulations!! Sounds like the c-sec was the way to go...I'm glad it all worked out! Swift and easy recovery to you both!

  2. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Nskillet: Congratulations!!! Beautiful name for your little girl. I hope you get some rest and enjoy that extended hospital stay before you have to head home to real life!

  3. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    Lily Alise was born this morning April 28 @ 7:15 am 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 1/2 inches! After water breaking I labored from 830ish pm til just a bit before 6 am an hour and a half of pushing and out she came! Epidural definitely saved me! More details to come for now going to enjoy my beautiful baby girl!

  4. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @nskillet congrats! Yay we have birthday twin little ladies! I hope you and Abbey Marie are recovering well!

  5. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

  6. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @Nskillet: @Mrs.M57: Congrats! Both your babies have beautiful names!

  7. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Nskillet: CONGRATULATIONS on your outside baby. I love her name, and I so glad that you're happy with your birth story. Can't wait to see pictures. Hope this first week is a good one for you.

    @msmini: In that case, I hope you hear nothing from the pediatrician.

    @winniebee: So glad you got an excursion today. YOU DID IT! You kept the little boy cooking until 36 weeks, like some kind bed rest magic.

    @Mrs.M57:Can't wait to hear your birth story. Welcome little girl! Great name. Congratulations!

    In my news: BEST RESPONSE EVER:
    On facebook today I posted: I want a cookie, and a massage, and new arms.
    A friend said she'd make cookies. So, on my sitting rest, she came over with dough already made, brought chairs in my kitchen so I could stay sitting, we had cookies and some coffee, and then I went for my daily walk (that I'm still allowed to do).
    Can you believe how sweet that is? She lives 35-45 minutes away, and still did that for me!

  8. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Congrats mamas on the two baby girls! Love the names!

    Very excited for everyone.

  9. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, I think we are safe, we went for the bloodwork 7 hours ago, and no word from the paediatrician! Yay! I must head back to my house full of 9 guests, so I will be back to post and reply to everyone on Monday at the latest.

  10. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Mrs.M57: & @NSkillet: Congratulations to you both! I hope you're enjoying your new families and can't wait to hear more about your little ones! So exciting!

    Someone's going to join me in having a May baby right?!

    @pastemoo: Your friend is a sweetheart! That would have made my day!

    @MsMini: Glad that you got your no news/good news! Thanks for mentioning your dog's reaction. I've been wondering how some of the pet introductions have been going. I hope you get lots of Mommy/Sawyer time with your full house, hopefully you'll have 9 people spoiling you!

    @winniebee: Woo hoo! You made it off bed rest!!! I hope you're able to enjoy the last weeks of your pregnancy with no complications! Great job hanging in there!

  11. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @winniebee: yeah girl! You made it to 36 weeks!! Awesome job!

    Can we do a re-check of everyone's due dates? You know, for the girl who just popped in here recently?

  12. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    I'm due May 9 and @LAGS, I'm pretty sure I'll make it at least another 2 days!

    @pastemoo: Mmm cookies! How nice of your friend!

    I'm having some killer pain in my pelvis… every time I stand up I'm in so much pain, but it gets better after I walk a little bit. Guess it's baby's head?

    Today is DH's birthday so we just laid low and I made him some tres leches strawberry shortcake. Soo delicious!

  13. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Mrs.M57 and @NSkillet: Congrats you two! I am so excited for the both of you! I cannot wait to read the birth stories.

    @pastemoo: Your friend kicks ass! What a sweetheart.

    @MsMini: So good to hear the news about your LO's bloodwork!

    @mediagirl: I'm due May 1st. Baby will be born no later than April 30th though.

    My stomach has not been happy today. I pray that means impending labor. I've just been feeling blah. I keep having period like cramping and sharp back pains, but I know it is not true labor.

    Have a good weekend everyone! Look forward to reading more updates.

  14. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @mediagirl: I'm due May 12.... which could not feel farther away with all these early babies we've had!!

    @duckduckkristen: I have the same pain, mostly when I'm getting up from sitting on my ball or if my bladder is full. Happy Birthday to your husband!

    @marriedandlovingit: Sending good thoughts your way that the cramps and back pain turns into something very exciting! When's your possible induction date again?

  15. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    @nskillet - congratulations! can't wait to hear more but glad you are both doing well.

    @msmini - did you find a binding helpful around your incision or is it best to leave it uncovered for air circulation? I have heard some people say it feels better to have a wrap or bandage holding it all together and was wondering what your experience has been. And will you be using any scar cream to help the healing process?

  16. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    Wow, babies all over the place! Well done and congratulations ladies! I would've expected more of us to be late than early, but it's exciting!
    @mediagirl: if I were having one baby I'd be due 31/05, chop two weeks off that cos its twins, and they're inclined to come even earlier than that sometimes too. All along I've said I'd be happy if we made it into May so it looks like I'll manage that anyway, nothing alarming happening here yet!
    One of you was concerned about 120/70 bp, was wondering why? Mine (up until last week) was always 120/80 and docs/midwives etc were always delighted with that, said it was perfectly normal.
    . @duckduckkristen: I had pain like that last week and I won't lie, it took me down! I had to lie down for and hour til it passed, there was no walking happening! Fair play to you for walking through yours!
    !@winniebee: Well done you for surviving your house arrest so well! Fingers crossed now for a nice easy couple weeks until baby arrives.
    It's crazy isn't it, we're into May on Tuesday... Fingers crossed for all of us now! Nothing new to report here really, just getting bigger and more awkward all the time. Got into my car last night and my bump just touches the steering wheel. Eek! So I probably won't be doing a whole lot of driving now until after.
    Went to my own doc on Friday for a quick Bp check, all ok there, and weight check - they never bother at the hospital - and I've gained a total of 6.5 lbs since the end of September. Happy days. I had lost 15.5 lbs in total at the end of January, as my appetite was so bad first trimester, then I obviously regained that and an additional 6, but I'm certainly not complaining. Assuming I don't explode entirely in the next couple weeks, I should wind up with two outside babies and a good 20/25 pound weight loss. Nice unexpected side effect!
    Anyone not looking forward to the hair loss after? My hair has always been fine, and I've enjoyed the last while- never had so much of it.

  17. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @MsMini: NINE guests? Have fun, take care of yourself.

    @duckduckkristen: Maybe? I started have crazy difficulty walking and my friend took one look at me and said he definitely dropped--so maybe? @aunt pol--I couldn't walk through mine either.
    @duckduckkristen:That cake sounds soooo good. Happy birthday to your husband!

    @mediagirl: May 21
    @aunt pol: Me, too- I'm so surprised everyone's early. I have a feeling I'll be around awhile!
    Only 6.5 pounds? I'm jealous. I'm at 38 pounds!
    I am looking forward to shedding--I feel like my whole body is fuzzy now and the hair on my head is thick but now it s duller than usual.

    And again, yes, my friend rocks!

  18. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @pastemoo: no joke, your friend really does rock! Last check for me was 32lbs but I think these past two weeks packed it on with party foods.
    @aunt pol: 120/80 is about where mine is now. It's usually a lot lower. They haven't had any problems with that. Hope you do last till mid May! Nice job on the weight loss!
    @marriedandlovingit: tomorrow's the day!! How exciting!
    @Mrs.M57: not sure I ever congratulated you so I wanted to make sure I did!
    Wow... Three babies on HelloBee in two days. Awesome.

  19. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Mrs.M57: baby girls sharing birthday!

    Doing well today! Sore but moving around wonderfully. Abbey is doing a great job nursing. She has a little symptom of jaundice but nothing major her blood sugars have been perfect.

    Yay for birthday twins!

  20. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs.M57: Congratulations! Love her name : )

    @pastemoo: That is so nice of your friend - amazing really : ) Hurray for awesome friends!

    @MsMini: NINE guests? Dear lord. Well, I hope that means you get time for a shower with all of those extra hands!

    @LAGS: I'll be joining you as a May mama, I have very little doubt about that ; )

    @mediagirl: My due date is May 27! I am the May mamas caboose (along with auntpol, but she's having twins).

    @marriedandlovingit: Maybe you'll start labor on your own in the next 24 hours (hopefully)!

    @aunt pol: Dang, with so little weight gain you are going to bounce back so quickly! Hope you and the little nuggets are doing well. I want my tummy to shed, it's so hairy (but blonde so I guess not that bad). I do not want to lose my head hear though - freaks me out!

    Thanks to all of you lovely ladies for the well wishes! 36 weeks today and so proud! DH rolled over this morning and planted a big kiss and said "Congratulations" - I do feel like 6 wks of bedrest and keeping the baby safe is a big accomplishment. It really is a relief to know that if we had him now, it would be just fine. Now, DH really wants to make it to 37 weeks (and so do I) as we know our LO is a small baby and every ounce counts! Also, even though yesterday I just laid around, I had LOTS of BH contractions (which I know is normal at this point anyways, just don't want to jump start labor). Plan is to lay low until Tuesday when I see my OB and see what she says in terms of adding in more activity. In the meantime, today we may have a little outing and then tomorrow will lay around again. I seriously would have gone bonkers without my Hellobee friends the last 6 weeks!

  21. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @duckduckkristen: I have a lot of pain in my pelvis too, but only right when I stand up. After a minute or two of moving around, it goes away. Especially if I have been sitting a long time... sometimes when I stand up my legs give out! Weird!

    @winniebee: I am so happy for you and how far you have made it, and of course for your great attitude you had the whole time. I am sure strict bed rest like that is extremely hard but you were such a trooper and did exactly what your baby needed.
    All this talk of your braxton hicks contractions though has me wondering if labor is just super far away for me--I have not felt a single one!

    @Nskillet: So glad you and baby are doing well! Good job mama!

    @mediagirl: I am due May 13. Doctor says that if I am at least a bit dilated by 39 weeks (May 7) that she will induce me because of my high BP. However, I have a feeling I won't be dilated at all by then because I just don't feel ANYTHING... and my bump is still super, super high!

    @aunt pol: I think my bump is starting to touch my steering wheel too--how funny! I can't believe how little weight you have put on, especially with twinnies!

    @marriedandlovingit: It's been half a day since your last post, are you having a baby right now???

    So yesterday I walked the mall and even walked up several escalators. In Nordstrom, I kept going up and down the levels so I could get extra trips up and down the escalator....apparently climbing stairs is supposed to induce labor? I even walked around downtown, went to a farmer's market, and then went for a long evening walk with dog and hubby. Then we DTD last night. Still, NOTHING! I feel energized, my bump is high, my vagina feels relatively normal.....it's kind of freaking me out like I am going to be pregnant forever. UGH!

  22. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: Have fun on your outing! YOU DID IT!!

    @Mrsdaredevil: I keep freaking out that I'll be pregnant forever, too, but I'm pretty sure that's never happened to anyone before, so NO WORRIES!

  23. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: No labor yet! Come on baby!! I know how you are feeling about wanting labor to start/not wanting to be induced. Keep walking like crazy and dtd. Both are good for you and make you feel good regardless, right?!

    @winniebee: 36 weeks is a great milestone. I can't blame you for wanting to lay low until your appt on Tuesday. Hope your OB tells you that everything looks good!

    @mediagirl: Thank you!

    @aunt pol: The hair loss afterwards grosses me out! I shedded a ton in first trimester. I can only imagine what postpartum will bring.

    I have a little bit of cleaning I need to get done before we head to the hospital this evening. I only have 5 hours to go into labor myself before I head there to be induced. It's looking pretty unlikely that will happen. BOO. Hope all of you are having a good Sunday. Take care!

  24. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    So behind! Here I go with page 28. We just had another set of guests leave (MIL and FIL). I also caught up on some of my to-dos (register the birth, birth certificate, etc, and got some registry stuff done as I am having a post-baby shower at the beginning of June for my out of town family to meet Nico. It will be our first overnight trip (I think!).

    @Mrsdaredevil: how fun that your babe is super active on the NST. Does this mean that you are in for an active baby?!

    @LAGS: there was a gal from my prenatal classes whose placenta was calcifying super duper early on in her pregnancy.

    @Nskillet: even though I'm late I'm really enjoying reading your journey story. I never did lose my mucus plug...just got some blood after contractions started picking up, hours after the water break. I always imagined that the mucus plug would be bloody. Ahhh! Your water broke at work too! I wonder what they did with my chair....how about yours....mine was a fabric chair....yuck! Wow! welcome Abbey Marie! I wonder if back-labour is on the red-head superstition list. I had back labour too, and so did my Mom with me. ha! My little guy is more of a blondie with red highlights.

    @winniebee: It's so true: I LOVE the way that we've all journeyed together like this. I cannot imagine my pregnancy journey without this community. I loved being able to share all the little details with all of you; I am so excited for everyone becoming mommies!!!

    @goldilocks1107: That business of expecting things to be much worse is a great thing. Read up on all the terrible post-birth issues. I was so scared of my first poop, the stretching burn of baby crowning, the sore lady bits, etc and honestly none of those things hurt me. Best to be prepared for the worst though, eh? And you're right: It's crazy how many May babies ended up being April already!!

    @MsMini: Our dog was really really excited about baby too, but she did respond to 'no' quite well. She was all about smelling him and all his stuff for many days, but now, at 12 days old, she is no longer interested at all. Whoa, is my baby really 12 days old already? yikes!! Good for you for cancelling visits. I haven't minded the drop-by visitors but I was honestly getting very tired of our parents staying with us, first my Mom, then my Dad, then my Mom again, then the in-laws, and soon my Dad again. I am pretty on-the-ball but washing and changing the guest room sheets, plus planning meals for more people and trying to entertain has been a bit annoying. Glad your latch is working out. My nipples are getting really long from all this breastfeeding. It's working out, but my guy is a short-eating snacker still. When I read that yours is feeding for such a long time each session it inspired me to try to make mine eat longer....like, re-offering the breast many times, and sometimes he is taking it.

    @Mrs.M57: So exciting!! Glad your contractions started for you. I know I'm late but it is exciting to read the 'labour just started' posts.

    Alright. I will have to tackle page 29 next time I have time.

  25. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @aunt pol: I am looking forward to losing some of this crazy belly hair, but my head used to shed like crazy before I got pregnant and I am NOT looking forward to that again!

    @winniebee: So happy for you! Can't believe it's been 6 weeks. You've done so well and have had such a good attitude!

    @Mrsdaredevil: That's exactly how I feel too! The pain is right when I stand up and sometimes it's so bad I feel like I'll fall over, but it goes away after being up for a bit.
    I didn't have ANY BH or anything until about a week ago when DH and I had sex and then I got really bad BH and I've been getting them every day since. Then they got worse after I saw my midwife on Wednesday and had my cervix checked. And that was the day I also started getting the pains in my pelvis. Any time I do any significant amount of walking now or DTD I get pretty bad cramps, so I guess it's working? Even if nothing is happening, the exercise is still good for you and so is quality time with DH!

    @marriedandlovingit: Good luck! Hope the induction goes well and you get to meet your LO soon!

    My bump feels sooo tight I don't know how this baby could possibly get any bigger!

    We also finally installed the carseat and realized it's a bit big for my car. I have a small car (Honda Fit) with a tiny back seat, and I'm tall so I sit pretty far back, so the carseat will only fit in the middle and it rests on the front seats a bit. Uhhgg. I was hoping to keep my car til we had a third, but looks like we'll need a new one once I get pregnant with #2! I don't even think a smaller infant seat would work since there is so little room back there!

  26. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @aunt pol: I'm the 120/70 BP girl - it's within range, but high for me. I'm rarely above 100/65 so having it jump that much in 2 weeks was a little concerning for me.
    And, I had a wicked headache set in last night, lasting into today so I called the on call line and they had me talk to the on call OB. I took my Tylenol like she recommended and my headache is mostly gone, but I had my mom check my BP and it's now at 130/85. So we're going to check again in an hour. If it's still at that level, I'm going to pop into the clinic for an official BP check, just to make sure everything is okay.
    @winniebee: Congratulations! Hope everything goes well the next few days until your OB appointment. @marriedandlovingit: Good luck! You'll probably be our last April/May baby! Then we're all in the home stretch with under a month to go (yippee!).

  27. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: Aww, good luck at your induction!

    @duckduckkristen: Oh. I am nervous that it won't fit in our new car--we have a small backseat, too. Sigh.

    @goldilocks: oh, scary with your BP. I hope it goes down!

  28. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, all my guests but my Mom (who is staying a few more days) have headed out, and I am feeling really relieved, and it is 100 times calmer already. I feel like every day around here is a completely different experience. We were doing awesome breastfeeding wise until last evening, then I got hit with engorgement/oversupply. I feel like I am using every bit of breastfeeding knowledge/techniques I have to keep us going lately. I am going to be a much better nurse when I go back to work next year I think. I will post an album with pics soon, since I have some downtime without all the guests here.

    Oh I almost forgot, I downloaded the Baby Connect iPhone app to track feeding, sleep and diapers and it is awesome! I love the way it keeps track, of everything, and graphs all the data. It came in handy with my phone visit from the public health nurse.

    @LAGS: Yeah, poor Charlie was super over-excited/overwhelmed. With a couple more days time he has calmed down a lot, and it really cute about giving the baby kisses.

    @marriedandlovingit: I am sorry your stomach feels crappy, hopefully it is labour coming though! Best of luck on your induction, I hope it goes smoothly and speedy.

    @shortcake: I tried a support belt yesterday, it felt good to be supported, but the incision is a little red today. I am going to try gauze against the incision under support belt tomorrow, and left it open again today. I am not planning on using any scar cream, I am not that concerned about it scarring though, considering it came from a good cause.

    @aunt pol: So glad to hear that your checkup is going well. Congrats on the minimal weight gain, that is awesome! I have a lot of edema left to my legs and feet, and I am curious about what my weight will be once the swelling lifts.

    @pastemoo: Yeah, it was a full house, now everyone except my Mom has left, so it is much much calmer in here! Your friend sounds amazing for the cookies and company.

    @Nskillet: Glad to hear you and your little girl are well!

    @winniebee: HUGE congrats on making it to 36 weeks, I will keep hoping you get 1 more week, with minimal restrictions!

    @Mrsdaredevil: I am sorry you feel like you will be pregnant forever! Have faith that your baby will come in the best time and way for her. I feel like my birth experience has really changed my perspective on the whole birth issue now (in a healthy/good way I think!)

    @cvbee: I feel like my breastfeeding experience changes daily, my milk came in friday, things went decently yesterday until the evening, and then engorgement kicked in, now I am using my "coping with oversupply" techniques to manage that ... sigh! Hopefully we settle into "our" routine soon! It is crazy your baby is 12 days already! Time flies so fast once baby arrives.

    @Goldilocks1107: I hope your BP stabilizes, and no more headaches. The BP battle is no fun at all!

  29. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Yay! I get to reply to page 29. Finally caught up!!!

    @Mrs.M57: Welcome Lily Alise! congratulations!!!!

    @pastemoo: awwww best friend award for that!

    @aunt pol: do you really think the hair loss will happen? when? no change for me yet.

    @MsMini: I have been freaking out about 1 or 2 houseguests at a time. 9?! Crazy.

    @winniebee: Horray for completing your bedrest! You already deserve the best mom ever award.

    @Mrsdaredevil: I'm sure you just can't feel the BH due to your tight abs. And don't worry: I had no symptoms and suddenly within 8 hours I went from nothing to having a baby on my chest!

    @MsMini: that ap sounds great. I am super old-school with the paper and pen. It's really annoying in the middle of the night when I have the baby on the boob and I reach over to record the time and the pen falls on the ground. Also, I'm always asking 'what time is it?'. I thought I needed a watch...maybe I need an iPhone!

  30. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @cvbee: Yeah, we wanted to let everyone come right away, so we opened our home to everyone for the weekend. It was exhausting, but worth it, and now we will be visit free from when my Mom goes home wednesday for next weekend, and mother's day weekend. In 3 weeks, we will either have house guests, or travel to our hometown, depending on how we are all feeling.

  31. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    And now I'll catch you up on me and my life with baby Nico!

    So, I was really headstrong about being an independent, successful new Mom and I am going to toot my own horn here: I've done awesome. I wake up in the morning and get pretty and clean while I go and eat breakfast and take care of the baby. I decided to go to work on Thursday to teach dance. I had Nico in the sling-wrap and all worked out really well (he just sleeps in there). And it was dance recital weekend and I made it to all 3 shows (Friday night, Saturday afternoon and Saturday evening) and was able to be in the wings for all my dances to help the little kids with remembering their dance and just to watch and support my older gals. Nico slept in the sling-wrap again the whole time (but there was one moment backstage where he made a little sound during the most quiet song ever and I got really worried that he was about to wail.....but we were safe).

    So today was my first day to have nothing to do. It was actually hard for me to slow down my super-mommy pace and my husband had to give me a bit of an intervention talk. I was indeed being a bit of a psycho perfectionist. I think I'm back to normal now.

    This morning I had my bath (glorious 2nd bath in 9 months, since I was too afraid of cooking the baby when I was pregnant due to my love of hot water) and I touched my lady bits for the 2nd time since the birth. And.....they felt normal!!! Like, totally normal. Sitting here now I admit they are a little achey, but I am quite pleased with the progress. I might ask DH to take a look tonight. No one has looked since I left the hospital the first time. I was so used to getting checked twice a day, I've been a little wondering about the 'down there' progress since then.

    Nico lost his cord stump this weekend. Cute little belly button now! I'm doing a great (okay, maybe perfectionist crazy) job of documenting his entire life in photos and posting them onto my facebook with comments for all my friends. I plan to keep it up.

    I never told you gals this yet, but I meant to: (haven't told anyone in real life and I don't think I will....it's just too weird). Okay, so after Nico was born, over the next 3 days every time i looked at him, in my head I called him 'Julian'. It was so bizarre! Julian wasn't even on our list of names. I have no idea where it came from. But we had by that point already told everyone his first and middle names. I didn't want to mess with the system. But I also felt really wrong like God/the baby's spirit was telling me his name or something and I was ignoring the message. I've always heard stories about people who took one look at their baby and changed their mind about the name. I never believed them. Now I do. But we're sticking with Nico. I hope I haven't like messed him up for life for not calling him by the name that came into my head. (I was fighting that name so bad, but it just kept coming into my head when I went to 'talk' to him). Sigh. Okay, now I feel better that I've typed that out. Isn't it weird?! I will have to eventually tell DH.

    I also wanted to talk about post-p hormones. I told you about my can't-stop-crying session upon re-admittance to the hospital. Since then the crying has levelled off, but I am so easily moved to tears when I hear a song that makes me think about Nico or if I try to sing him a song about how much I love him. It's kindof sweet. The other hormonal thing I noticed was that I had really bad night sweats. And my MIL told me that the same thing happens to her because of menopause. I would be so uncomfortable feeding Nico in the night because I'd be all damp from my sweating and yet feel freezing cold. I learned to feed him, change him, and then change my own pajamas. That helped a bit. Last night I decided to just wear my bra and pants and I felt much better....or maybe my hormones are just levelling off.

    Waking up throughout the night continues to scare me. When I go to sleep I hope that it won't be so bad. Honestly it has gotten better every night. At first I was really delusional when I woke up...sometimes thinking my cat was my baby, and other times thinking the baby was on my chest when he was actually in his crib. I also would get sooo tired. Two nights in a row, around 3am I gave up and co-slept (giving up mid-breast-feed, and not changing his diaper). But I would like to report that for the past 3 nights I have made it through the night shift successfully. I find if I go to bed at 8pm it helps, because although I only sleep for 1-3 hour increments, then I get enough of them in throughout the night to feel better. Yesterday I additionally took a nap at 4pm. So, even though I have been getting so much better at the whole nighttime thing, I know I will still feel a little sense of dread when the shift begins: worrying about how I'll make it through.

    Breastfeeding is getting more normal. I'm still worried that Nico might not be gaining enough, but I'll have another weigh-in next week and hopefully I'll feel better about it. He had gained on Friday's weigh-in. I'm starting to be able to breastfeed around other people. I've done it a few times. The trickiest part is getting started because I need the nipple to be exposed enough for baby to get it, but covered enough that it's not on public display. Plus, Nico isn't always very good about getting down to business right away. Sometimes he struggles for a while, or plays (it seems).

    I'm really looking forward to Wednesday, as it will be my first time at the Early YEars Centre with the under 12-month group of Moms. Can't wait for Nico to meet all of his new girlfriends!

    Got to go: apparently Nico is sucking on the quilt. Time to get that baby a boobie. Hope everyone is having a good, restful Sunday!

  32. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Wanted to pass along a breastfeeding resource: Jack Newman's website. There is a page of articles, and a page of videos. Haven't watched them yet, but I've heard that the videos are amazingly helpful. Check them out now and bookmark for later:


  33. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @cvbee: Oh my goodness, what an amazing mama you are! It's so funny, because I have had it in my head that I am going to be a "super mom" after my baby is born too... running all over town and doing all the things I couldn't do while I was on bed rest. It is amazing that you are already feeling good enough to go to dance/recitals... you really are a trooper! I have so many friends who stayed in their house for several months after giving birth, so GO YOU!
    I am happy for you and the normal lady bits news. I was terrified of the thought of my va-jay-jay being ruined/puffy FOREVER! Glad to hear it goes down relatively quickly.

    Thanks for the breastfeeding resource, I will definitely be checking that out! Funny how you noted about the whole breastfeeding in public thing... I always thought about how awkward it must be at first and embarrassing to do in front of people when you don't have the hang of it!

    So the days leading up to labor, you didn't feel different at all? No extra pressure or extra sore down there? I have been walking like crazy lately and I swear I don't even feel pressure!

  34. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Thank you! I still say you probably have BH but don't feel them b/c of your super tight abs! The mental picture of you hoofing it up and down the elevator while shopping is pretty funny! Maybe getting close to your due date is letting you *appreciate* pregnancy since you had such a rough go at it for a time. I keep thinking that all of my wishing not to give birth early will mean I'll make it to my due date ; )

    @pastemoo: THANK YOU!

    @marriedandlovingit: Thanks! You might actually have your baby now!! Hope everything went smoothly!

    @duckduckkristen: I can't believe it's been 6 wks either. Haha just when you think it can't get any bigger, lo and behold, it does.

    @MsMini: I hope things are even better now that you aren't inundated with guests. I can't imagine how stressful it must be to be learning the ropes with a bunch of people around! My friend recommended the Baby Connect app too - your husband and any other caregivers can add to it too, which seems like such a good feature.

    @Goldilocks1107: Oh dear. I hope your BP went down and you are feeling better. Of course this stuff has to happen over the weekend...

    @cvbee: Sounds like you are doing so well and so busy!! That's so interesting about the name Julien. I can now understand why some people change their babies' names! I think motherhood must be pretty hard for those of us with Type A personalities. I've lost enough sleep lately wondering how I'll be as a mom, whether I'll be relaxed enough, whether I'll be confident. It seems like your husband is so supportive (and hopefully you can rest more after his intervention). Thanks so much for the BF resources. I never got to go to a class so am reading and watching as much as I can.

    Yesterday we grabbed sandwiches in our town center and I walked a few blocks from the car. Holy crap now I know what ya'll have been complaining about the last month! So. much. pressure. I literally was walking at a snails pace (doing a penguin waddle according to my husband) and then was so out of breath when we got to our destination! Then went to my sister's and occupied her couch for the afternoon so I could see my nieces. Just that bit of activity triggered pretty regular contractions last night - real, but mild ones - at one point they were 15 mins apart. My husband actually is nagging me to pack my hospital bag....I don't have an outing scheduled for today so that's my big event this afternoon.

  35. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    Update: at home BP reading went up to 134/85, so DH and I headed to the hospital to get checked out. The folks in L&D were super nice and got me situated in a triage room and hooked up to the monitors quickly. And what was strange is the BP in my left arm was 135/85, but when they checked my right arm, it was 139/85. I got to hang out at the hospital for 2 hours while they checked my urine (no protein!) and ran blood work (all normal!). So no pre-e for me right now. And this morning my BP was down to 126/78.
    They told me to call my OB this morning to find out if she wanted to see me earlier this week (my appointment isn't until Thursday), but they didn't think there was any cause for alarm. And that I should keep taking Tylenol for my headache and checking my BP 1-2 per day to make sure it stays down.
    Being hooked up to the monitors also confirmed what I'd thought - I haven't been feeling any contractions, but the baby really enjoyed kicking the monitor so that showed up on the chart!

    And . . . drum roll . . . full term today!

  36. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @pastemoo: What an awesome friend! And the sale was good, mostly got clothes for DD1 and didn't find much in the way of gear. But we have 2 more sales coming up so hopefully we'll be able to find a few things. I got so overwhelmed looking at NB stuff that I gave up and didn't get her anything!
    @nskillet: Congrats on Abbey Marie!! I wanted to name DD1 Abby!
    @mrs.m57: Congrats on Lily! I love the name!
    @lags: Not to worry, I'll be here for a while yet.
    @mediagirl: EDD is 5/22 so I'll be hanging on the boards some time still.
    @winniebee: Congrats on making it to 36 weeks!!! Great job Mama!
    @marriedandlovingit: You have a baby now (I assume)! Can't wait to hear about it.
    @cvbee: WOW - you are awesome!
    @goldilock1107: Glad to hear everything is ok with you. Scary about the BP.

    Dr appt on Friday was good, gained only 1lb and the internal check showed that absolutely nothing is happening. But it hurt from all her pushing. She said the head is still "floating" so zero progress - which is ok, I'm 37 weeks tomorrow.
    Met some new moms Friday night which was nice. Hopefully we'll all get to be friends and we'll have friends again!
    Baby sale was ok, but I didn't feel like I found anything amazing. There are 2 more coming up so we'll see. Also hit BRU to grab a few things and had some MAJOR pressure/pains but nothing else.
    Oh, before I forget, the results of my Group B came back but it didn't say positive or negative, it just said Isolated - does that mean anything? I'm waiting for my doctor to comment but thought I would ask.
    Thought I might have some bloody show this morning but I dunno. We haven't DTD for a few days so it's not that. I'm going to keep an eye on it though I know it doesn't mean anything either way.

  37. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @volksgirl64: I found out my GBS results yesterday when I was hanging out at the hospital. They told me I was "positive" - so I'm not sure what your "isolated" means. Maybe the show was from your internal on Friday? My OB said that can cause it sometimes because the cervix gets irritated and blood vessels can pop.

    It's the city-wide garage sale in our town this weekend, so DH and I are going to see if we can find any deals on some of the items we have left (and on a patio set for our new house - closing is on FRIDAY!).

  38. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Yeah, it probably is but the internal was Friday and nothing showed until today. I'm probably just hopeful that something will happen!

  39. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    I am starting to go crazy! I went on two walks yesterday, have DTD every day for like five days in a row, AND I am bouncing on my stupid ball.... I don't feel anything! I have so much energy and I don't feel like baby wants to come out.

  40. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Glad to hear things have stabilized....congrats on 37 weeks!!

    @volksgirl64: Hmm I've never heard of that result for Group B before. Glad you guys met some new friends!

    @Mrsdaredevil: What else do you want to do with DH? Go out to dinner, get a pedicure, work on something not baby related! Maybe then she'll decide to show? I forget, is she inducing you next week b/c of BP?

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