Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @winniebee: yep. Something about the placenta starting to deteriorate early because of the constant high BP. She said it would be best to not go past 39 weeks.

  2. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    I propose a date night with some spicy foods
    My friend was scheduled for an induction today, but had her little one over the weekend - I know she had walking, date night and spicy food on her to-do list to avoid the induction!

  3. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    Quick update! Cooper Austin was born at 4pm today at 7.5lbs and 21 inches. He is doing great! Breastfeeding has gone well so far. Labor was hell, not gonna lie. I needed an episiotomy (sp) and forceps after pushing for 3 hrs. Obviously worth every push! We are so in love with our little guy!

  4. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: congratulations!!!!

  5. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: Sorry it was such hell--but CONGRATULATIONS! So very exciting! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  6. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Nskillet: Glad to hear you and Abbey are doing well!

    @MsMini: Hope you're enjoying some down time with your husband, Mom and of course Sawyer!

    @cvbee: Wow, not much can slow you down! It's great you're keeping up with the things that are important to you. I have a feeling I'm going to be a sappy, mush-ball too after LO is here, even after the post-partum hormones wear off!

    @winniebee: It's crazy to think how quickly the contractions come back for you. That hospital bag might be coming in handy pretty soon!

    @Goldilocks1107: Woo hoo! Full term and no pre-e! Great news all around. Good luck on Friday. When will you take possession of your new house, was it June?

    @Mrsdaredevil: Hopefully you'll be one of those women (like cvbee) and labor will just start for you with little warning! I have an appointment tomorrow and I'm curious to see if they have some of the same concerns your Dr. has re: staying pregnant for much longer. I'm thinking my case must not be as advanced.

    @marriedandlovingit: Congratulations and welcome baby Cooper! I hope you're enjoying your new family! Looking forward to hearing more.

  7. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I'm practicing the 'public' breastfeeding for the next few days with my Dad here. I find a chair where the exposed boob is 'away' from the 'audience'. I prep the open bra without lifting my shirt all the way up. (ANd I wear either a belly band on my belly or wear 'secret panel' maternity pants so mybelly is not exposed). Then I get baby in my arms correctly and put him in the right spot and hope he latches well. So far, so good. Once he's latched it's not much of an issue and he doesn't seem to mind my t shirt on his cheek. Baby's head blocks most of the view.
    @Mrsdaredevil: No, I felt nothing different AT ALL. Maybe I'm just 'insensitive' or something because I swear all the labour mostly just felt like a TERRIBLE pain in my sacrum and pelvic bones....but not where I would think I would feel it. No mucus plug, no dilation, no nothing. Came out of no where.

    @Goldilocks1107: I ate spicy foods throughout my pregnancy (love spice!) but hey, is it a coincidence that my water broke moments after finishing my curry for lunch? Go spice.

  8. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: yay! Welcome Cooper! Congratulations!!! I had an epistomotomy (or however you say it) too and 13 days later, it looks great (had DH look at it). Don't forget your sitz baths! It's hard to think of taking care of yourself when you are all about baby, but I think the sitz is important. Glad breastfeeding is off to a good start: that is fabulous. Thanks for the update! So happy for you!

  9. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: go to the health food store and get some red raspberry leaf tea and start drinking it like 5 times a day!

  10. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Today I spent the morning showing off baby. Went to the school I worked at for most of the year. Nico slept the whole time as I went from kid to kid showing him off. The teachers asked if I was scared about the germs. Maybe I'm naive but I figure that Nico has my immunity and these are the kids I've been around this whole time.

    Oh! And one of the senior kindergarten kids said the cutest thing: "Is he real?!" She was totally serious. I'll remember that forever.

    I stopped at the post office because I thought I had a package there to pick up, which I didn't. The post office lady recognized me and said 'you had your baby!'. And I got all excited so I went and got him to show her. I'm such a geek about my baby.

    This afternoon I spent with my Dad, who is very good at sitting and doing nothing. Helped me to slow down and do nothing too.

    I'm getting ready for the 'night shift' again. Last night I did really well until 4am, when I fell asleep with the baby on my chest. DH woke me up at 6am and was like 'where is the baby?! (since he wasn't in the crib). He was under the covers on me. I am such a bad accidental co-sleeper. My goal tonight is to not do that again.

    Good luck to all the new Mommies on night shift. And for the pregnant ladies doing the million-times-a-night pee, know that it is indeed preparing you well for learning how to wake up in the night and importantly to also get back to sleep.

  11. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Funny that you say that because I am so not a spicy food gal at all (I mean I hardly can eat medium salsa) but I was feeling desperate and just went all out! I went to a Tequila bar/Mexican restaurant and asked for the spiciest sauce they had... (it was some sort of habanero concoction) and ate as much of it as I could! It's been an hour or so... still nothing.
    I think next I will try thai food and ask for something that is 10 stars!

    @marriedandlovingit: congratulations mommy. can't wait to hear birth story, as grueling as it may have been for you.

    @LAGS: Anxious to hear about how your appointment goes tomorrow and what the doctor says. How do you feel about induction, if it came down to it?

    @cvbee: I keep using your birth story as "hope" that the same thing could happen to me! I wake up every day feeling great--I haven't had any sort of cramping, pressure, contracting or anything! I just feel plain old normal. I don't even really feel different after walking a couple miles...it's honestly quite discouraging. You give me hope!

  12. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @msmini: Welcome to your "real" home! I'm glad you're feeling much calmer now that everyone is going back to their own homes. Hope you're enjoying the quiet time.

    @cvbee: First off, I can't believe how well you are keeping up with the demands of newborn! You ARE doing awesome. So glad you're hear with so much very useful advice!
    And, you got your lady bits back, and can take a REAL BATH, and now that baby lost his cord stump, he can take a real bath, now, too? Very cool.
    You are TOO CUTE showing him off. I love it!

    winniebee: Hahah, snails pace! I keep having to ask my husband, "slow down!" Sooo glad you're walking. When is your appt again?
    Do the contractions go away at all, or come more and then less frequently? Do they feel the same as when you were on bed rest?
    I still get them a few times an hour and they hurt more now, but nothing drastically different. And the pain is this weird "relieving" pain kind of pain, where it hurts but it feels good at the same time like... poking a bruise. Like.... this has been hurting for so long, it's nice to feel something that seems "useful" (even though it's not labor, and it's not even under my control!).

    goldilocks: YAY FULL TERM! I keep watching your progress since we're due the same day. I am so curious!
    So glad your BP isn't pre-e!

    volksgirl: Sorry the sale wasn't as fun as you'd hoped. And... if it's the bloody show--you're close now! That would be awesome!

    mrsdaredevil: I hope you don't have to get induced! Sorry all the wives tales aren't working for you.
    I agree--go do something really fun, just you and DH--maybe baby will want to spoil it and come out? And if not, you'll have a fun date night.

    LAGS: How are you doing? Hoping it's going well.

    In my news: Friday is my last day of work. I keep dropping things and can't really function at work well anymore (that and the 75+ minute commute is too much for me now, too).
    Then... potentially 1.5 weeks of being home bored (my original last day was May 15, with my May 21 due date--easier to end at the end of a pay period. Oh well.)

  13. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: I know, it's a little freaky! I'll probably be one of those women who have contractions for several weeks before labor!

    @cvbee: Sounds like a fun, full day! I hope and plan to be out and about with the baby even within the first few weeks.

    @pastemoo: My husband marveled like are you going this slow b/c you are scared or are you going this slow b/c you can't move any faster? My *real* contractions go away with rest. Like on Sunday after our excursion, I had them 10, 15, 10, 15 apart and just laid on the couch all evening and chugged water and they subsided. For me, my entire stomach gets hard as a rock and it feels like squeezing/pinching/cramping of my lower uterus and sometimes I get mild low back pain too. The BH contractions come regardless of what I do (and come every time I get up to use the bathroom or do anything on my feet). I really have still been bedresting other than the two excursions so I have no clue what my body will do when I'm actually on my feet. I'm really confused about when I'll be considered to be in labor and what rules will apply to me from here on out so need to have a really good conversation with my OB today (and of course, DH can't come). I'm glad you'll get some time to yourself before baby since work has been so busy for you lately.

  14. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: Yay!

    @LAGS: Yep - we take possession at the end of June. I'm looking forward to our walk through on Friday because I'll be able to start planning how I want to lay out the nursery.

    @pastemoo: I've been having some lower pelvic cramping the past few weeks - definitely on the verge of painful lately. But since I wasn't dilated or anything last week, I'm not holding out hope that they're doing any good. Enjoy your last few days at work - sorry the nerve issue is bringing on maternity leave even sooner than you wanted

  15. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Oh question re: hospital bags. Do you bring it wherever you go? Leave it in the car? I feel like I have way too much crap!

  16. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    Just had my 39 week (according to their EDD) appointment this morning. Blah. They did an internal and I'm 1cm and 70% effaced. She was happy to see my cervix was nice and soft but thinks baby is posterior. I have to get on my hands and knees to help her into position. My stomach still is only measuring 35/36 weeks too... I'm hating how there are all these little things that probably aren't issues but make me so paranoid.

    She wasn't going to sweep my membranes at first but after feeling how things were inside decided to. I bled a ridiculous amount... even the look on her face seemed a little surprised, (TMI) but it pooled a little and was dripping off the table. It seems to be tapering off now.

    Anyone else have more than just spotting after their exams?

    @Mrsdaredevil: I definitely would want to do whatever I could to avoid it and to be honest and induced labor scares me because I hope to go naturally. They still haven't mentioned it yet, but seem like they want to do what they can naturally to get things going. Meaning I'll have my membranes swept at my next appointment too They'll also start with NSTs next week and check on fluid levels.

    @pastemoo: Yay! Work will be finished before you know it. Hopefully your time off isn't too boring... maybe baby will make a grand entrance before its too bad!

    @Goldilocks1107: That's so exciting! I hope the walk through goes well and you get some good ideas for the nursery. With your situation will you technically have another walk through between them moving out and you in?

    @winniebee: Mine is sitting in our room, probably 1/4 packed. There's just too much I use day to day to be able to have it "ready" enough to be of any use in the car etc. If I have any outings far from home or day trips in the next few weeks I would consider bringing it along though.

  17. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: I feel like we need to put my bag in DH's car so we're prepared. But I also don't have everything ready yet. Maybe we'll put the suitcase, pillow and breast pump in the car now, and leave the secondary bag in the house so we can throw the last minute items in (laptop, kindle, etc.)?

  18. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: Congrats! Another April May baby!

    @cvbee: Aww. Kids are so cute with babies.

    @winniebee: I just leave our bags at home all the time. They are all packed, but I don't go far from home so I figure there's no point keeping them in the car.

    @LAGS: Wow, I didn't realize sweeping the membranes could result in so much blood. I had some spotting and cramping after my internal last week, but nothing major. My midwife may do it at my appt tomorrow since last week I was already 2 cm and 50%, so I'll let you know how that goes.
    Do you think your real due date is far off from their EDD? Hopefully baby will turn!

    I'm starting to think DH was right about this baby coming early. I lost a couple chunks of mucus plug over the weekend and have been having pretty intense cramps on and off since 3am. I have my 39 week appt tomorrow so we'll see how things are progressing!

    Happy May!

  19. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @winniebee: honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about it. There are so many things I want in my hospital bag that I use on a daily basis, there is no way I could keep it packed. I have a list made up of what I want in it, and when the time comes we will just refer to the list to make sure we have everything. Generally (especially with first babies) you will have time before you head to the hospital....you most likely wont be in a mad dash with a baby falling out of your va jayjay, so you will have time to make sure your bag has everything you want.
    since I had my list, it took only 5 minutes to get my bag situated when I went into L&D last week.

  20. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @LAGS: Yikes! The membrane thing sounds terrible! Hopefully this one did the job and you won't need another one.
    We won't have another official walk through before we move in. Basically, they move out, we move in, and the occupancy contract specifies what they owe us if they damage the home.

    @duckduckkristen: Here's hoping you're on the home stretch!

  21. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I can't believe you have your home closing so soon - so exciting!! Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the change?

    @LAGS: Ugh sorry about the measurement thing - if it makes you feel better, two of my girlfriends measured consistently 4 weeks behind and gave birth to 7.5 lb babies on or around their due dates. The membrane stripping thing sounds terrible, ugh!!

    @duckduckkristen: Eeek! Hope you are feeling well! I feel like it is so out of the ordinary for so many first time moms to go early!!

    Had my OB appt today - baby is doing well and I'm measuring right on and....gained SIX pounds in 3 weeks. Haha, oops. Up 26 pounds total which I'm fine with but seems like a lot for just 3 weeks. I'm now 2 cm dilated (slightly more than before), and 50% effaced (same), and baby's head is LOW....as in 0 position and ready to go. So, doctor wants me resting til the weekend. I'm OK with it since I know that every time I add activity I get contractions and so much pressure down low. It would be nice to kiss bedrest goodbye, but another 3-4 days won't kill me. My next appt is next Tuesday and maybe return to work after that.

    I think I'll give DH his overnight bag for his car since there's nothing in there that we need. I guess I'm just thinking if I do go back to work in the next week or so that we'd be going to the hospital from a few different places so wondering the best place to keep my bag since I do use some of the items now. When I had to go to the hospital last time I packed in 5 mins too and didn't even use half of what I brought!

  22. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @winniebee: Do you think you will have time to go back to work with all the progress you have made down there? With his position and your dilation, maybe he is coming sooner than you think!!!

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: i know! I hope to go back for at least a few hrs to organize and get a few thugs. My bet is that once I am on my feet I will progress pretty quickly! So I'm hoping for end of next wk at earliest. Of course my doc won't make promises but she basically said there's no way I'm getting to my due date and I think she thinks I'll go pretty quickly once I'm on my feet too. Crazy....

  24. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Neither did I. Apparently its totally normal, but it still caught me off guard. Still just spotting now so it ended pretty quickly. Based on my cycles I was thinking May 12, so they're super close... I just like to go by May 12. In the event that I go late, its 4 days less to stress over. Good luck at your appointment tomorrow, excited to hear your progress. It sounds like you're getting ready to go!

    @Goldilocks1107: That's good, I figured there must be something in place to make sure everything is in order.

    @winniebee: That does make me feel better! I keep telling myself some women just carry differently. That definitely reinforces that idea! I hope you're able to get through the weekend and button things up at work, it sounds like a little someone is getting impatient to meet his Momma!

  25. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, we are officially on our own, just me, DH and Sawyer. My Mom went home a few hours ago, and we have been just hanging out on the couch since. I have taken up breastfeeding on the couch instead of in the nursery, and it is nice to still be in the action, although I appreciated feeding by myself in the nursery, for some down time when we had all the guests. I am glad our families had time with Sawyer right away, so no regrets about having the full house this weekend.

    Everything is going pretty well overall. Breastfeeding has its frustrating moments for sure, like last night Sawyer was being really testy and difficult to feed, fighting with me, even though he was clearly hungry. It was taking 1 - 1.5 hours each time (every 3 ish hours) to get him fed, and not settling easily back to sleep, but today he is back to normal. Since my milk is in, he has reduced his nursing to 15-20 minutes every 2 1/2 hours, during the day which is pretty manageable. We have our first well baby visit tomorrow, and I will be interested to see how his weight has changed. We are also battling a bit of diaper rash that isn't responding to airing out, barrier cream and lanolin, so we probably need to get a medicated cream to clear that up.

    Overall Sawyer is a pretty mellow guy, he has good 2 hour awake phases in the morning and evening, and only cries when he is hungry, otherwise he is pretty quiet!

    Recovering from the c-section is also going well, I had my staples removed yesterday and my incision looks awesome, and a lot of my pain went away when the staples came out. I am still taking T3's every 6 hours, but I will likely switch to just tylenol day after tomorrow (we have a lot of things on the agenda for tomorrow so I will wait until I clear up all our errands).

    @marriedandlovingit: Congratulations! I am sorry you had a hellish labour and hope that you heal soon!

    @cvbee: I use a nursing tank and cover to nurse in front of people, and it makes it SO EASY! Glamour Mom nursing tanks are amazing! I got one of those free covers, and I find it really easy to use, and still have a good view of baby. I definitely find the night shift tough lately, we had a particularly rough night last night for some reason, but everything is good again today.

    @pastemoo: Enjoy your pre-baby time off of work! Gets lots of naps in and relax, you will be glad you did once baby comes.

    @winniebee: Our hospital bag never went into the car until we were ready for induction. I hope your last few days of rest go quickly!

    @duckduckkristen: Fingers crossed that your baby is coming soon!

  26. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @pastemoo: yes! Nico is able to have real baths now too, which he LOVES. (He really did not like the sponge bath thing, as I couldn't keep him warm enough). If I have time I might give him one every day. I feel like he is always dirty in the morning because on the 'night shift' I don't do a good job of wiping the bum, and I drip milk all over him, and he spits up when I don't notice. Things get messy at night. We both need to bathe in the morning. Today I washed both of our bedding too. Messy night shift.

    @winniebee: ha! You SHOULD have the hospital bag in your car. I didn't, which meant that DH had to go home to get it. (And I had a small list of things I had forgotten to put in the bag)

    @MsMini: ouch, sorry about the diaper rash. Hope you get through that soon. I am jealous that you have alone time with baby now. I have another day or two with my Dad here and then I think I'll be alone at last. I totally want to get a nursing cover like you have. There is going to be a shower for me in a month and I registered for one, but who knows if someone will get it for me. I still haven't actually nursed in public: just practicing in front of my Dad at home here.

    Night shift last night started great, but by 3am I did another accidental co-sleep where I fell asleep with the baby. (Was doing side-laying feeding). I really want to stop doing that, as I have a soft mattress and thick duvets. It was a tough night, and at 7am I was still soooo tired, but I had no major plans, so I let myself sleep one extra cycle which meant I didn't wake up until 10am. I'll do that again any time I need to. So far this is working out well and I'm not tired in the day.

    I have noticed today that if Nico is getting fussy when trying to latch, if I switch to biological breastfeeding positioning (where I recline and let him figure out how to latch himself and I just barely support him) that seems to satisfy him. He doesn't seem to feed as long in that position but it settles him.

    It's a special day: Nico is 2 weeks old today and today is my due date. Happy birthday Nico.

  27. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: It's funny - I'm not feeling overwhelmed at all. More like relief that everything we've been waiting MONTHS for is finally getting here. I think if we were also moving right away, then you'd see some panic!

    Since we seem to be on a roll - anyone have a baby yesterday?

    It's storming here today (and supposed to keep it up off/on for the next week. Last night, I told baby girl to stay put for another 72 hours, then she's welcome to come any time. I really don't want to sign all the closing documents at the hospital!

    Lots of lower abdominal cramping the past 2 days (right below the bump). Not sure what that means, but in my head it = progress. We'll see if I'm right tomorrow at my OB appointment.

    And funny thing, I was emailing DH some middle name ideas and told him my favorite first name was Audrey. Of course, his is the other option, Natalie. Of course! So, the final name will probably be a game-time decision based on what she looks more like (or if I can pull out the "I just had the baby, can we PLEASE name her Audrey" card).

  28. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @pastemoo: Glad to hear you're close to being done with work. That commute is a lot! I'm thinking it's not bloody show and probably just irritation from my internal. I've still got 3 weeks so that's ok.
    @winniebee: Wow, you're close! I can't believe that you're basically ready to go, how exciting!
    @duckduckkristen: yay for losing the mucus plug! How are you doing?
    @goldilocks1107: I can't believe you're moving so close to baby! Hope she stays put for a few days.
    @msmini: glad to hear you and Sawyer are doing well being at home!
    @cvbee: I got a nursing cover from uddercovers.com - you can find a code to get them for free so you basically pay shipping. They can be slow on delivery though but it's a legit deal. I haven't used mine but my SIL has one too and she really liked it.

    So pregnancy brain strikes again and I showed up for my dr. appt. first thing this morning to be told that it's actually tomorrow! Doh! At least I got to sleep in a tiny bit after a VERY rough night and will again tomorrow.
    Lots of pelvic pressure lately but she's still moving a ton so I'm guessing that she's not engaged in any way and we've got a while still.
    I posted a bump pic online and tried to like for you guys but it won't work! Oh well.

  29. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @volksgirl64: Still pregnant! haha
    Oh pregnancy brain! I keep walking into rooms and just staring for a long time, forgetting what I am doing or why I am there. And I keep driving the wrong way to places I've been a hundred times!

    Just got back from my 39 week appt: I'm at 3 cm, which is one more than a week ago. While the midwife was checking me it hurt a lot and I yelled "ow!" so she apologized and said she did a "vigorous check" to try to get things moving. I'm not sure what exactly that means, but I don't think she stripped my membranes since I'm not spotting or anything. I am very crampy though.

    DH says this Saturday's "super moon" is going to pull the baby right out of me. haha.

  30. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: I love hearing your updates! I'm glad your recovery is going well - hope Sawyer's wellness check goes well, too!

    @cvbee: WOW 2 weeks already!? Crazy! I'm not even aware of the BF positions that you mention...I really need to read up...

    @Goldilocks1107: The way I see it, some cramping is better than none, right?? I feel like this thread has been more quiet than usual lately = maybe another baby was born??

    @volksgirl64: I wish we could post pics easily here! There is a "Bump Love" thread over on Weddingbee and I uploaded one there.

    @duckduckkristen: Good progress girl! My theory is that when they do the checks it can cause uterine irritability and then maybe contractions and then maybe more dilation?

    Hmmm supermoon Saturday = maybe more May babies this weekend? I'd like to make it til the following weekend. How awesome would a Mother's Day baby be?

  31. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Definitely think you should be able to play the 'I had it' card on decision night with the game. I will unofficially be thinking of your baby as Audrey from now on. I know you will win!

    @volksgirl64: hmmm. I think I remember looking into that. I feel like I definitely need to get a nursing cover. Today I went to the Mom and baby group and I am pretty sure I was the only one without a cover. I felt like I was being rude.

    @duckduckkristen: oooh! The full moon May 6th will totally bring on some babies!

    Okay, so last night after Nico turned 2 weeks officially at 8pm, I swear he turned into a 'real' baby. He started being more fussy. In fact, last night, he fussed sooooooo much at 2am. He woke up and acted like he wanted to eat, but every time I tried to put him to the boob, he would just fuss, and eventually he was crying sooo loud. I tried switching positions, as I had suggested to all of you yesterday as 'the cure' and NOTHING worked. I swear I tried like 400 positions. Nothing helped and he got more and more mad. I changed his diaper. No change to the screaming. I tried to burp him. No change. Nothing. Finally DH came up and took him from me and Nico calmed down. He eventually put Nico back in the crib. Then Nico did his usual small cry and I took him out and nursed him. The whole episode took about 2 hours. Yikes!

    Oh, and then at 4am he started crying after a feeding when I put him in his crib. I was already worn out from the 2 hour fussy session, so I just took him into bed with me. When will I kick the 4am co-sleeping habit?!

    Today we went for our first time to the Mom and baby group. The topic today was 'sleep'. And so the public health nurse led the conversation and asked everyone what they are dealing with right now in the sleep situation. There were lots of Moms trying to move from co-sleeping to putting the baby in the crib. It sounded so rough, so it made me more determined to kick my 4am co-sleeping habit. It also sounded like the soothers falling out of the mouth was an issue for a lot of people and they had to wake up many times in the night just to put the soother back in. That made me think maybe I don't want to use soothers, as I don't want to be waking up just to put that back in.

    It was great to be around all the Moms with their babies and seeing 'the future' and also hearing what they thought of what I was doing. Coming out of that I'm feeling more comfortable with Nico's weight and his behaviors and I think I am going to stop waking him up to feed him and just follow his natural cues. I'm less worried.

    I also am loving that every other week the topic is led by a public health nurse. I'll be able to ask her the little things I wonder about. For example, today after Nico's bath, he was crying (because he hates being cold) and as I dressed him I noticed that with each cry this white bit would pop out of his belly button. I started worrying that it was a hernia or something, but the nurse said if his cord just came off this weekend that it is normal until the tissues close over in there. Phew.

    Oh, I also got a new cloth diaper spray. I spray the stuff on his bum and wipe with a cloth wipe. The stuff worked great and I look forward to incorporating it into my routine.

    Oh, and speaking of changing and sleeping, I have also changed my system so that I have diapers sitting beside my bed for overnight and after I feed him I change him right in the bed with me so I don't have to get out of bed. I toss the soiled diaper on the floor. I don't do a great job of cleaning his bum, I'll admit, and I swear in the morning we are both covered with traces of poop and LOTS of milk (my bed gets soaked in the co-sleeping hours.....another reason to quit!). So my morning routine includes bathing for both of us. I think I'll bathe him daily. He LOVES hanging out on his sling in the warm water. And I love a clean baby.

    Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday. My Dad goes home tomorrow and Nico and I will be alone at last. I think I'll be much more active on the board starting then.

    Take care and happy baby-birthing to all!

  32. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Ugh, I could use some happy thoughts/prayers today.

    I am suffering from horrible anxiety and panic attacks and I have no idea where it's coming from. I was up for about 32 hours yesterday/today and finally fell asleep around 6 a.m. My husband even took the day off work because I was such a wreck. I feel like I am going crazy and my mental health is deteriorating. I need to get this baby out of me before I lose it (not the baby, my sanity).
    I am so sick/disgusted/bitter/sad.....

  33. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: awe. I'll be thinking of you! Have you talked to your doctor? So glad that your husband is there for you...and thanks for letting us know! Keep us posted.

  34. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Sorry : ( You are SO close!! Do you think it has to do with the possibility of being induced, general birth and parenting fears, or wanting your body back (or, all 3?!) If it makes you feel any better I cried my eyes out on Monday for no real reason other than I don't want to be on bedrest anymore. Like inconsolable crying....I blame it on hormones : )

  35. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @winniebee: the fact that I have no control over when this baby decides to come, wanting my body back, wanting to feel normal again, the fear of my life changing....it is probably a lot of things. At this point I am totally willing to have an induction just so I can move on and have this baby!

  36. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: I'll take the cramping - and I'm hoping it will amount to something at my appointment this week. Otherwise, I'm thisclose to asking my OB what I can do to move things along, even though next week is only 38 weeks. So ready to be done! And yes - super quiet the past few days. Hope everyone is doing well!

    @cvbee: I already call her Audrey - so really, there's no hope for him I'll give him the middle name he suggested instead!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Hang in there - I'm glad your DH took the day off work to be there for you. Let us know if there's anything you need The baby will be out soon!

  37. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: How long does DH plan to sleep in the guest room? We should have figured out our immediate post birth sleeping arrangements before now, but I'm trying to figure out what will be best for us!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Hang in there girl! I hope it happens for you sooner rather than later. Whoever came up with the idea that pregnancy should be 40 weeks is insane!

    @Goldilocks1107: Good luck today! Maybe she'll strip your membranes or something if you ask.

    I got upset with DH last night - he's trying to tell me that he doesn't want me driving anywhere this weekend even though I'll be 37 weeks on Sunday. I'm all for keeping the baby safe until full term, but seriously? I'm so over bedrest and limitations I can't stand it. I should be thrilled it's coming to an end, but I feel like it's going to be a constant battle with DH over what I *can* and *can't* do over the next week. He has never been like this.

  38. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @MsMini: Just hearing you talk about the three of you snuggling on the couch has me so excited to welcome our little girl home. I hope his rash clears up and you both keep feeling better!

    @Goldilocks1107: I was told once that the low cramping had to do with my cervix, so I choose to think of it as progress too! I've had a lot of it off and on and was very soft, 70% effaced and 1 cm, so it checks out!

    @duckduckkristen: My midwife mentioned that just by disturbing the cervix while checking it can "wake it up" a little bit, without even having to do a true sweep of your membranes.

    @cvbee: Oh enjoy your time just the three of you! Hopefully Nico's new fussy stage will be short lived.

    @Mrsdaredevil: I hope you're feeling better That's great that your husband stayed home to support you. I think the added anxiety is normal, but hopefully it wont get so intense for you again. Hang in there, hopefully your LO is on her way!

    @winniebee: On the one hand its so sweet that your husband is so protective of you and your little guy, but I can only imagine how hard it has to be for you after being cooped up for so long. I hope you can come to a compromise... you need some freedom to do things that make you feel good before you have a LO who'll inevitably come first!

    I'm loosing/lost my mucus plug. Its coming in pieces but I have a feeling it has more to do with my membranes being swept than it just deciding its time to dislodge on its own. Yesterday I was so freaked/excited thinking maybe things would happen because my Mom went right into labor after loosing hers both times... but here I am, still very pregnant but much more paranoid! My husband is on his days off so it would be sooo amazing if she decided now was a good time to make her grand entrance.

  39. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: Is it because he's afraid you'll go into labor while driving and is concerned about your safety? Or is it just being able to have control over some part of the process, since everything else is really out of his hands?
    I know DH has made some silly rules for me now that we're getting closer to the end (and still yells at the cat when she steps on my tummy - um, I don't think her little paw is going to poke the baby's eye out!).
    And I'm going to have to put the smackdown tonight and tell DH to pull his hospital items together. I don't care if he thinks it will only take him 5 minutes to grab his toiletries and change of clothes. When I'm in labor, I don't want to have to worry about him finding a clean pair of shorts, a toothbrush, etc. I want it in the bag so when I say "go" he throws it in the car and off we go!

  40. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: @LAGS: I don't think it's a control issue really - I think it's because he doesn't want me to go into labor this weekend - he is really adamant about 37 weeks since if you go before then, they watch LO much more closely and things that might not actually be an issue become more of an issue from health care providers' perspective. The fight was basically that I have a facial (through a Groupon, which expires soon, mind you) scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Since he's working, I'd need to drive myself. Since we live in the city, I'd basically be driving a mile away, but then need to find metered parking out front and perhaps walk a short distance to the salon. I think he thinks the walking could induce labor. Which it could, but does it really matter at 36 weeks, 6 days? Sunday, I have a haircut and he has zero say about whether I'm going to go. If I go into labor at 37 weeks on the dot, that's fine by all accounts. Sorry, I'm rambling....

    @Goldilocks1107: Yes, get on your husband about the hospital bag. I fully packed one for DH the other day and it's sitting by the door and I just want him to put it in his car already!

    @LAGS: Hey losing some part of the mucous plug is better than not losing any part of it, regardless of why you are losing it!!

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