Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    still more to catch up on! I'm trying to keep up.

  2. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @blushink: I love how embarrassing all of pregnancy and childbirth is, and yet so many people go through it and just never mention anything! It's kind of hilarious.
    Oh, yeah, and I only just recently got warned how similar I will look when I leave the hospital. So sad! My OB today said I will also still swell for 2 more weeks, and some of the swelling may get worse before it gets better.

    @nskillet: Thanks for the cluster feeding warning. So much new stuff that I haven't read up on. In the beginning, I read so much about pregnancy, and now I'm sick of all the books and haven't read in a few weeks. And I am totally going to start those squats.

    @msmini: Breastfeeding sounds more and more complicated! And your baby sounds sooo sweet. Too funny about your DH and that blow out diaper! I can't wait till that happens to my DH. You're ready to go home already? YAY!

    @mrsdaredevil: So sorry about your BP spiking again! How frustrating.
    AND I can't believe that aunt! I would FLIP OUT. Holy crap, the nerve of some people. I'm proud of that nurse though!

  3. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: youre supposed to sit on the ball and open your hips/legs as much as you can and kinda so hula hoop motions I guess or rock side to side. This should take some pain off the lower back and also open your pelvis more.

    I guess this position is super comfortable in labor which is why some ladies like cvbee like laboring on the toilet. It opens you up more!

    I dont have the birthing ball so kinda squat like im gunna pee on a tree hahaha

  4. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @winniebee: w\Wow, I wish our hospital had a strict policy like that! Basically all you have to do to get on the L&D floor at my hospital is say the patient's name you are seeing into the intercom and they open the door for you. I am really going to try and keep everything on the DL when I go into labor so I don't have a bunch of people trying to visit me!

    @pastemoo: I also heard that swelling can get worse immediately after labor. Hopefully that doesn't happen... eep!

    @Nskillet: Thanks for the tip! I am going to do that right now!

    So I went to my OB check and of course the doctor and nurses marveled at how hyper my baby is (I had an NST). She was just moving around like crazy, which is a super good sign!
    Basically my OB said she thinks my BP keeps spiking and them coming back down because my medicine is starting to wear off since I have been on it for almost 8 months now. She gave me a higher dose of the same medication and just said to keep coming in for monitoring and NSTs. She did mention that with high blood pressure and blood pressure medication, the placenta tends to deteriorate early, around 39 weeks. She said that because of this, she would really like to induce me at 39 weeks if I have not gone into labor naturally by then. She said she would only do it if I am at least a little bit dilated though, because trying to induce someone with a very high and closed cervix is a long process that usually just leads to more intervention. So 39 weeks is Sunday, May 6. That's only a week and a half away... I can wait that long!
    I am glad she doesn't want to induce me if my body isn't ready for it though, that makes me feel a lot better. I think I would rather be pregnant longer than get induced early and run the risk of getting a C-section.
    Anyways, everything was mostly positive news and I am glad my BP spikes aren't freaking her out too bad.

  5. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: glad you got the news about the meds and are taking more!

  6. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @MsMini: Sounds like you and Sawyer are doing so well! Good luck for your first day home tomorrow! You must be so excited to be going home with your new little family!

    @Nskillet: I've been living on my ball lately and trying to squat instead of bending over/down to pick things up. Starting to get antsy to get this show on the road!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Have you had an ultrasound to check on the placenta? I think I'm dealing with something similar. At my appointment earlier this week they saw that my placenta was already calcifying. My MIL kinda freaked me out about it because she said usually that's only seen in women who are overdue and the reason I've been getting these growth scans is to keep an eye on the placenta to make sure its doing its job.

  7. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    My cousin's SO just had their baby this morning. After laboring at the hospital for over 30 hours she had a c-section this morning. She gave birth to a 10lbs14oz little boy.... YIKES! She's such a tiny person too... so crazy to think she had nearly 11lbs of baby tucked away in there!

  8. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @LAGS: oh I wonder if it is the same thing! Have you been having high blood pressure at all?
    my doctor said that if I am not dilated at all by 39 weeks then I need to go in every other day to check on the placenta!


  9. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @LAGS: nearly 11 lbs? That is seriously insane. Did she end up getting a C-section because baby was just too big to come out vaginally?

    I posted the rest of the maternity photos on my blog:


    Hope everyone is doing well. I think about every single one of you EVERY DAY! I feel like you are my real friends!

  10. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @LAGS: huge baby!! I really hope my labor is not that long.
    Are they checking your placenta again?

    @Mrsdaredevil: Me too! Love all the photos, thanks for sharing!

  11. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    Update! This morning I definitely lost my mucous plug! It was totally gross so I'll spare you the details but I felt extra slippery and literally fell out!

    Thank god today is my last day at work! DH is so excited he is nesting and wants to mow the lawn "just in case" he is just so cute! I've read losing your plug means labor is imminent!

  12. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Nskillet: that is so exciting!! We'll be waiting for news from you!! Good call on the water consumption. I noticed my ankles have started to swell again....sigh.
    @lags: Almost 11lbs? HOLY MOLY! I'm afraid ours is going to be that big, too. I'm surprised that the docs let her go that long with a baby that big in there!
    @Mrsdaredevil: How exciting! I hope you do end up going into labor naturally so no extra measures have to be taken!

  13. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    Wow this board is SO busy! I'm sure I'll miss someone but here we go:
    @nskillet, @duckduckkristen, @marriedandlovingit: you are getting so close!!! I'm so jealous because I still have 3.5 weeks. I feel like I'll be the last one on the boards!
    @winniebee: Have a great weekend with your "escape"! I hope you enjoy yourself.
    @goldilocks1107: I'm so sorry about your grandpa. I know you wanted LO to see him before he passed and I'm sorry you didn't get to.
    @msmini: Congrats on Sawyer - I love the name! I hope things go well for you!
    @mrsdaredevil: Glad to hear everything is ok with you and baby. Crossing my fingers for you!

    Dr appt today but I'm only 36 weeks so I'm fully expecting to hear that everything is still closed up tight. GBS today but at least this time I'll know its coming (I didn't with DD and that was a shock!). And only 2 more weeks of work!
    Huge Kid consignment sale this weekend so I'm hoping we find a lot of good stuff! We don't actually need much except 3T clothes for DD for the summer but you know I'll be looking at all the darling NB outfits.

  14. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: No high blood pressure but when some of my second tri screening results came back abnormal, they mentioned they'd need to keep an extra close eye on the placenta and development which is why I had all the growth scans. That's great they're going to keep such a close eye for you... I keep freaking myself out over it. I don't have all the details yet, but I can only assume his size was what stalled things, she's a tiny girl so I couldn't imagine him being delivered vaginally, owch. Your maternity photos are gorgeous, even if you're a little uncomfortable in your own skin right now you must be so happy you did them, they turned out so well and you totally rock pregnancy!

    @pastemoo: They didn't mention that they would which has me feeling a little paranoid. But they did mention they'd like to sweep my membranes next week so I think they're thinking if things happened soon that'd be a good thing.

    @Nskillet: Woo hoo!! That's so exciting! I've been dying to see some sign of mine... but no such luck. I hope this means things are right around the corner for you! Fingers crossed!

    @mediagirl: I have no idea how they missed his size? She only had an anatomy scan but you'd have to think her belly measured significantly ahead. She ended up going a few days late too which couldn't have helped things. I'd be a bit disappointed in my medical team not catching on.

    @volksgirl64: Have fun at the consignment sale! I missed the big one in our area and was pretty disappointed. Hopefully you find some good buys!

  15. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I'm glad the NST went well and that your OB will continue to monitor you closely, too. PS I am starting to get a fat face, too. I thought my face looked pretty normal until recently but I think I'm starting to gain there, too.

    @Nskillet: Yay for last day of work and double YAY for losing the mucus plug! You're on your way!!!

    @volksgirl64: I may very well be still pregnant until your due date too! I'm assuming that getting on my feet again will trigger contractions and labor, but who knows. I may make it to my DD of May 27 (one month from today!) I'm kind of jealous of everyone else who is making all this progress!

    @LAGS: Holy crap, that is a big baby. YOUCH! So do you have any idea if they might induce you b/c of the placenta issue? Glad you are getting monitored closely, too.

  16. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Nskillet: ahhhhhh you lost your plug! I want to lose mine!!!!! Lol that is so exciting....keep us updated if you can.

  17. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I will! It's nuts! I hope it means good things!

  18. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Nskillet: so was it like your cooter blew its nose?

  19. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: hahahaha actually yes! Honestly looked like a ton of EWCM (egg white cervical mucus) when you're ovulating if you ever had it/noticed it.

    I got up to pee this AM and TMI when I wiped noticed I seemed slimey? Got up to finish getting ready but felt something almost coming out of me. Sat down quick and it slipped right out into the toilet! Just looks clear/white nothing blood tinged or anything like that. I've had more clear egg white kinda discharge throughout the day and some increased pressure/cramping but nothing consistent or major.

  20. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @Nskillet: Yay - here's hoping labor is imminent!
    @Mrsdaredevil: Glad everything seems to be (semi) under control with your BP.

    I did take the rest of yesterday and today off. Definitely needed it and I used the time to organize the nursery and wash all the baby items we got at my shower last weekend. And bought some more items that we still need. Not relaxing, but it really helped.
    And I'm not dilated or anything AT ALL. I also refused to look at the scale at the OB office. I figured if my home scale said 190, there's no way I was coming in under 200 on the OB scale and I just didn't feel like crying in front of the nurse. Especially since I know most of the weight gain is water retention. My feet are ridiculously swollen - every time I put a pair of laced shoes on, I have to loosen them a bit more for them to fit. I couldn't even bend my toes last night
    And my BP was 120/70, which concerns me a bit, since 2 weeks prior I was under 100/65. My OB didn't seem too worried - she says it's probably due to the water retention. . .

  21. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Nskillet: YAY!!! How exciting! Hope that means labor is just around the corner?

    @Mrsdaredevil: You look fantastic!

    @volksgirl64: You are so close! 3.5 weeks will fly!

    @winniebee: Have fun this weekend! Take advantage of the freedom!

    @LAGS: Um okay...OUCH! That's huge!

    Not too much to update today. I have zero appetite, and I slept in today which felt amazing. I am taking advantage of these last few days of sleeping in!

    We got the glider in yesterday. We are so glad we didn't get the ottoman, because we realized that there would've been zero room for it. I got a nursing stool instead, which should work.

  22. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @Nskillet: WOW! Losing your plug really did mean labor was imminent! Good luck!

    @LAGS: It's always so crazy when tiny people have such huge babies! My brother was almost 11 lbs, and he was born in about 2 hours, but my mom is 5'7" and it was her 3rd. I really hope my boy isn't that big!

    @Mrsdaredevil: You are so adorable!

    @Goldilocks1107: Every time my weight jumps up i just spend the next couple days downing as much water as possible and that usually brings it back down a pound or 2. Its crazy how much water us pregnant ladies can retain and even stranger how drinking a lot *more* water helps make it go away.

    Anyone else having trouble putting on/taking off their pants? I never thought such a simple act could be so difficult!

    I think baby must have dropped because I'm having a good amount of pain/pressure in my pelvis. Guess all that rolling around on the yoga ball must have helped. Waddle is now in full effect!

    I finally have everything done and ready for the baby with just under 2 weeks to go! Now it's time to just walk, sit on the ball, and have as much sex as possible and see if LO will make his entrance!

  23. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    Update: in the hospital water broke 2 hours before I was done with my last day! At my desk! Got back from the bathroom had a quick chuckle at the thought of going into labor and then freakin went into labor!

    Contractions are getting much more intense now but I'm managing through them for now. I have a very strong feeling an epidural is in my near future!

  24. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Your Mom is an impressive woman! Holy crap! I have good days and bad days with the pelvic pain. Sometimes its so painful, and others there's nothing!

    @Nskillet: Holy progress! That's fantastic, best wishes for a safe and speedy delivery! Our next April-May Mamma!

  25. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: They didn't mention it at my last appointment so I'm hoping its not on their radar yet. Next week I'll have an internal and based on how things look I think they'll decide from there.

  26. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Go, @Nskillet, go!!!!

    @duckduckkristen: Haha, yes but mostly because they are getting too tight to fit over my hips!!

    @Goldilocks1107: Sounds like you got a lot done yesterday - glad you took some time for yourself. Sorry you haven't progressed, but as we all know, can mean nothing!

    @marriedandlovingit: Enjoy your last weekend alone w/ your husband!

  27. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Nskillet: YAYYY GOO YOU!!!!!! Think relaxing thoughts...find your happy place!

    I can't believe we have the same due date and you are in labor already... I am SOOOOOO jelly.

    I know you are incapacitated right now but you are going to have to tell me if you did any tricks that you think put you into labor.

  28. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    I just have to say how nostalgic I am - I remember when we were all on Weddingbee and got BFPs.....I literally remember some of you ladies announcing! Now, 9 months later everyone is having their babies...so crazy!

  29. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @mediagirl: I actually will have a lactation consultant come to visit; in my town they send someone automatically. Mine was just delayed due to the consultant being on a conference, but someone from another town did an over-the-phone consultation to check in on me. Fortunately I had so much extra consultations due to my prolonged hospital stay. I got really comfortable with the nurses and felt good asking them questions. The over-the-phone person was really thorough with asking me questions (like about if I have help, and how my emotions are doing, and everything!). Things are now going quite well, but through our phone conversation the new tip I picked up on was to not be too fixated on a certain time pattern for the baby's eating. She said it is normal for him to sometimes eat twice in an hour and other times go for longer stretches. The long stretches get me worried though, so I do my best to force him to wake up and eat....I just don't want to see things go backwards again. Today he weighed in at 7 pounds 9 ounces, which is 2 ounces up from Tuesday. Doctor was happy. I'm happy.

  30. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @blushink: I had heard about looking 5 months pregnant after birth, so I did have maternity pants ready......but I just 'thought' I was looking so much smaller; in my head, 'almost' back to pre-pregnancy. So I thought I'd try wearing a pair of my more loose pre-preg pants. Boy was I wrong. Not sure when I'll dare try that again.

  31. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @MsMini: I love how you can take so much ownership over your care (asking for a bili test, knowing what things on your chart mean, etc) because you understand everything so well. Yay for you!

  32. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Um yeah - at my appointment yesterday, DH helped me put my pants back on. That may become another one of his jobs - in addition to putting on my socks and shoes when I just don't want to do it.

    @Nskillet: Wow! Losing your plug really did indicate labor on the way! Good luck and let us know how everything goes!

    Also, will any of us May ladies actually make it to May?!?

    @winniebee: No doubt! I remember cheering you on and saying I thought September would be your month for a BFP. Crazy how things work out! Oh - I forgot to mention that my parents are in your 'hood this week. They flew in to Boston on Tuesday, checked out Cape Cod and I think they're hanging out with my brother for the next few days before coming home.

    Back to my internal yesterday - I must have the gentlest OB ever because my exam wasn't too bad at all. A little uncomfortable, but not even as uncomfortable as my pap/pelvic exams. Maybe it's because I was expecting it to be really awful?

    Nursery is (almost) ready to go. Just need to test out the baby monitor. I put the diaper pail together today, pulled the stroller out of the room to get a little more space and put the baby toiletries in our bathroom. I'm feeling ready now!

  33. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Hey everyone! Looks like things are hopping around here!

    I got home earlier today, we almost got held back because Sawyer's jaundice is looking worse and worse. They decided to let me go, but I have to take him in for blood work to check his bill level in the morning, and if it is too high there is a chance we would have to go back in.

    Things at home have been pretty good. Initially our Newfoundland dog was frantic about the baby, trying to climb all over him, so DH wore the baby in a wrap and set limits for the dog, and we still have to actively coach and limit the dog about what is appropriate to do to the baby. It will be a work in progress for a few days I think.

    We cancelled our first batch of visitors that were supposed to come today, because I was feeling pretty overwhelmed and had a bit of a cry. It was supposed to be SIL/BIL, their 17 year old son and 1 year old daughter, and it was just way too much for me. My parents have been here for a few days already, and they are staying the weekend. Tomorrow my MIL/FIL are coming, as well as my sisters, and I think that will be better, without the other kids being around. I know it is going to ruffle feathers though, but I am taking care of me and Sawyer and what makes me comfortable first, the rest can wait.

    Breastfeeding is going really well right now. I ended up using a nipple shield on the right side, because my nipples are both flat, and despite wearing shells, the right never really came out. It is working well though, and after getting home and taking a good nap my milk came in! Sawyer is getting more than enough, and no longer needs formula top-ups. It is tougher to latch him on my really hard breasts, but he is able to drain them really well.

    I will go back later and look at the replies and such, but if anyone has questions about the c-section, or the recovery etc please let me know. I have had an awesome recovery so far, and I have been so surprised by how easy and calm it is. I will try my best to come and do replies tomorrow, right now I am breastfeeding for 30-45 minutes every 2 hours, cuddling, and getting things organized around here!

  34. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    Water broke around 8 p.m tonight and contractions started pretty much right away. I'm in L&D now just got an epidural and feeling good! Baby M is well on her way

  35. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Mrs.M57: OH MY GOODNESS! CONGRATS!!!! SO many babies coming in April... YAY!!!!!! GO mama GO!

  36. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    All I have to say is thank god for epidural. I made it to around 7-8cm before I couldn't manage anymore. I had gotten into a zen like state and managed but boy these drugs are incredible.

    Apparently my hospital is popping tonight and babies are being born like mad so I'm most likely ready to push but being held up do to a c section. This is good because hopefully I'm laboring down, got a chance to sleep and now getting ready to push this baby out.

    More updates tomorrow!

  37. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Nskillet: Yay, good for you! You made it a long ways naturally! Good luck!

  38. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @duckduckkristen: I am having trouble getting dressed, too--pulling on pants, putting on socks/shoes, fastening my bra..,

    @nskillet: so excited for you! Good luck and hope all goes well and healthily.

    @LAGS: Hope the doc appt goes well. Is it an ultrasound, or something more complicated?

    @winniebee: Aww,, The nostalgia!
    And... are you going out today? Soooo exciting!

    @volksgirl64: How was the shopping trip?

    @cvbee: Yay! He's gaining again! Love that the lactation consultant is coming over, too. How cool is that?
    And... if I was back to looking 5 months pregnant, I remember I just looked fat then, not pregnant, so that makes sense! And I stopped fitting my regular pants at 9 weeks, so it'll be a while before I'm in regular pants again.

    @MsMini: Hope little Sawyer is ok! When do you get his results?
    And good for you for standing up for yourself and turning away visitors when it was too much for you.

    @Mrs.M57: OH WOW! Another April May Mama. Sooo exciting, Good luck!!

  39. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    Update: Welp, Abbey Marie made her entrance intO the world via c section on April 28 2012 weighing be 7lbs 2 oz with a full head of red hair! Apgar score 9 and 9 and all in all what an amazing experience. Turns out Abbey was sunny side up causing me horrific back labor and caused her to get stuck in my birth canal. After 3 hours of pushing with no progress we called the section and honestly it was the best decision for us. I was so exhausted and the babies heart rate was up. My epidural wore off so I was again in excruciating pain. Honestly, I wasn't sad. I had my own birth story and our daughter is so perfect. I'm very sore today and after being up all night and only a small amount of rest im looking forward to an extended hospital stay. Baby went straight to breast for skin on skin and now is in the nursery while we wait for our room at maternity.

    We can't believe we have an outside baby!

  40. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @Mrs.M57: Yay! I hope everything goes smoothly for you!

    @Nskillet: Congratulations! I hope your c-section recovery goes as smoothly as mine has so far! Enjoy your baby, and being taken care of in the hospital!

    @pastemoo: The paediatrician on call will probably only call me if the bill is high, otherwise I doubt I will hear from him.

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