Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: i dont own a scale either....its the devil!!!! Go ahead and eat that ice crem girlfriend...

  2. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: I don't look at the OB scale either - I take my post-visit summary home, then look at it and see how it compares to my previous doctor visit weight. DH laughs every time I step on the scale backward.
    Tonight's ice cream flavor is cherry chocolate chunk. I am now purchasing those individual sized containers. I get to try lots of flavors and have a built-in "I'm done" signal (aka, the container is empty!).
    Gym time! I enjoyed my day off from working out, but am looking forward to going today - my hips always feel better if they get some exercise.

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Speaking of ice cream Ben and Jerrys now has frozen yogurt made from Greek yogurt - it's actually quite good and low fat!

    So who else is with me in the grotesque cellulite dept? I had it before but the lack of activity while on bedrest has helped it reach epic proportions! DH and I just marvel at it - it's on my calves now too. At least I now know I never want to be pregnant in the summer!

  4. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I finally bought our stroller today, a Britax b-ready, I got a display model for $100 dollars off (YAY). Since it comes to under $500 with the discount, DH's work is going to reimburse us for it as their baby gift to us (they are so generous in that way). I have to make a little BRU order with some gift cards, but otherwise we have all we need for baby now! I also found out today that my BPP is scheduled for friday, so I will get another peek at baby then, as well as an NST that day.

    Today I am doing some spray painting for the nursery, and also organizing the gifts from the shower. I am going to work on the thank-you cards tomorrow (I should be able to do them all in one afternoon if I put my mind to it).

    It is amazing to me that it is just one week until induction, a week and a half from now we will have a baby! Crazy! I am getting anxious/excited about that now. I can't wait to see what our LO looks like! Strangely enough, I am still not that concerned with wether baby is a boy or girl!

    @volksgirl64: Your DD and her imaginary "little sister" sound so cute! I hope that means good things to come for their relationship.

    @Goldilocks1107: I am sorry to hear about your grandfather. Good idea to ask your OB about travel restrictions, my OB didn't have a preference, as long as I felt up to it, but I don't have the same insurance considerations. I would love some ice cream, but with my GD it makes me feel super guilty (even though the dietician said I could have a little). I can't wait to eat what I want without guilt!

    @LAGS: Thanks! The shower was just what I needed to feel ready for baby. If it comes now I don't feel at all unprepared (even though the nursery still needs finishing touches and I am waiting for a couple things to be delivered). If baby came now we have everything we need!

  5. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @winniebee: Even though I'm due the first week of June, I follow this thread since I could possibly have a May baby! Anyway, I just wanted to say re: cellulite, I've got it so bad on my thighs...in a dream world it would just melt away after giving birth but CRAP I'm going to have to work my booty off this summer to get rid of it you aren't alone! And you've at least been on bed rest but mine has just accumulated out of nowhere!
    Oh and @MrsDD: so glad your BP is down!!!
    Okay I'll go back to stalking this thread since I'd rather have my Junebug come on time

  6. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @volksgirl64: I understand wanting baby early for travel and return to work times!
    @msmini: Your date is coming right around the corner! SO exciting!
    @cvbee: My mom said the same--with diaper cream you only need it if there is a rash.
    @goldilocks: I totally understand! And so glad you got some sleep.
    And,,. we missed DH's great grandma's funeral--11 hours away...
    Sorry to hear--I hope he makes it, though, Meeting a new baby can be a huge motivation to live longer than the doctors expect.
    @volksgirl64: Don't worry about the weight gain! It's all worth it for baby. I love that your daughter is being so cute about baby sister!
    @auntpol: No clue where to buy nightgowns. sorry

    @winnie&@goldi: I do have a scale--having a scale is a really bad thing! I don't even have it at home, I have a scale at work--I am up 35 pounds and really disappointed in myself. BUT, I really have been trying to keep my weight gain down, so at this point it's just wait and see--hopefully in 2 months the new number is less scary!
    @winnie: i have the cellulite, too!
    But--how weird is this for a pregnant lady who usually has a sweet tooth--i have had ice cream 4 times since the beginning and 2 were at work for work birthdays with ice cream cake.
    @msmini: yay for the new stroller! and the nursery! you are really organized and getting things together!

    @heatherloveskenny--you are too cute! stalk away!

    Also... did you have to ask your doc about travel restrictions, or did they just tell you them?

    I'm Ela. I;m a complain-a-holic.

    Today I can't decide if pain or numbness is better--this nerve pain thing in my hands is driving me nuts. Burning pain at night, numbness alternating with regular pain (not the burning nerve pain) in the day, and ugly sausage fingers all the time. Ewww. I have also decided that I do not want an epidural OR a nerve block. If there is going to be a body part that I can see but can't feel--I WILL have a panic attack. If they have to do surgery, I am going to have to be ASLEEP.

    This complain-a-holic better sign off for the night. Hope you all have a great evening!

  7. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

  8. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @MsMini: so cute!

    My aunt who designed my giraffe shower just posted the pictures on her blog!

  9. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @winniebee: Oh my goodness, I swear I noticed cellulite on my calves the other day too! And a couple dimples on the back of my arms! I can't BELIEVE how much it has cropped up... especially since I hardly had any pre-pregnancy. DH would never say anything to me about it, but I am sure he notices it. It has taken over my body!
    P.S. I heard you get a lot of cellulite during pregnancy not necessarily because of more fat but because of retained water?

    For this reason, we are going to try to get pregnant again next May, June, July, or even August. Then I won't have to be pregnant during the summer--another spring baby!

  10. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: Yay, I am so glad you popped in! Is there a June board you post on? You should keep posting on here!

  11. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @MsMini: You look great!
    @duckduckkristen: That is awesome!
    @Mrsdaredevil: LOL Nothing scares you. The cellulite and everything is enough for me to want just my lonely only.

  12. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: I can't believe that you will meet your LO in a week and a half, either!! Do you have a feeling one way or the other re: boy or girl? I'm going to say girl ; ) BTW you look great - super cute top in your bump pic.

    @HeatherlovesKenny: Hi! You should stick around - great group of mama's to be here...and we all plan to start a thread when the babes are here. It should be a great resource! Sadly, I had cellulite before the bedrest, it's just gotten much, much worse. Down to me knees now and on my arms...

    @pastemoo: I'm sorry you are down about your weight - it's such a difficult thing. The good news is you liked workin out before and you will probably like to do it post-baby so that will help with your loss. Also, I had several friends who gained 40 lbs in pregnancy and all lost the weight pretty easily, and then some. Since I am off my schedule for doctors visits, I have no clue what my weight is doing, which is sort of scary because I could be gaining way too much. Oh well.

    @Mrsdaredevil: Mine literally is down to my knee caps - I wish I could blame it on water weight, but sadly I think it's just fat and muscle degradation : ( We were going to start trying again next summer, too, but honestly after the bedrest thing we need to carefully consider our options.

  13. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Oh, I posted a bump pic too over on WB, even though I feel like a whale these days : )

  14. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @pastemoo: I had to ask my OB about travel. Which I found really strange, since she apparently likes to restrict it at 32 weeks. If I hadn't asked, I never would have known! I mean, it's not like I didn't have a 32 week appointment!
    My boss gave me unwelcome news yesterday. I was complaining about my swollen shrek feet and she said after she had her first, the swelling got WORSE for a week or two after delivery. As in, so bad her flip flops didn't fit anymore AND her feet seemed to make little sloshing noises whenever she took a step. Ugh!
    Everyone's bumps are adorable. This weekend is my next scheduled bump pic, then I think we'll start taking them every week.
    @winniebee: Love the green dress!
    My parents took a copy of my 32 week ultrasound picture with them when they went to visit my grandpa yesterday (and get him set up with hospice care). He and my grandma really liked that. He's a tough old coot, so we'll see how long he tries to stick around. Either way, they've got him set up to be comfortable now, and a continuous stream of visitors (they had 14 kids, so there's plenty of people to keep him company!).
    I think I'll try to get baby #2 "scheduled" for a March/April delivery. But that would really cut into my "flip flops as shoes" mentality if there's snow on the ground . . . Either way, no late summer babies!

  15. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @winniebee: I saw the B&Js in the store - I might have to try it now!
    @golidlocks1107: Eat that ice cream! We do runs occasionally but I always have SOME sweet around the house. I really hope your grandpa holds out for you guys. My g-pa was in hospice about 2 years ago and we didn't get to see him, but then he got up and walked out and has been relatively fine ever since!
    @msmini: Wow, 1.5 weeks! That's so nuts!
    @pastemoo: I have had the worst sweet tooth with this pregnancy! Last night I was eating leftover Easter jellybeans because they were all I could find.

    DH encouraged me to sleep in a bit this morning which was really nice. My heartburn was bad last night and actually woke me up at 1:30am which sucked. Then DD came in at 4:45 to try and get in bed with us so I had to walk her back to her room. But then she slept with me after DH got up and took a shower and that was cute.
    I saw the chiropractor yesterday and it has made a difference with aches. I told him that when I come back in 3 weeks he can feel free to hit all those pressure points that start labor for me! I'll be 38 weeks then.
    Also, made a batch of overnight oatmeal last night and it's pretty good! It needs some add ins but it will be great to have grab & go containers to bring to work.

  16. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, I woke up this morning with a high BP, so I am sitting in LDR being assessed. I am crossing my fingers that my OB keeps our plan as-is for induction Tuesday, because me and DH really need the weekend to sleep in, and finish getting ready.

  17. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: You look stunning in your latest bump pic! Gorgeous pic!

    @MsMini: Adorable bump! One more week?! That's approaching so fast! I cannot wait to find out how it all goes and what you are having!

    @winniebee: My cellulite is disgusting as well. Whenever I wear shorts, I notice how far it goes down so it is impossible to hide. My yoga pants and jeans are my go-to's these days!

    @Goldilocks1107: Everyone is different, so maybe you will escape the shrek feet post-delivery.

    I am so congested today. Again. Is anyone else taking 2 showers a day? I cannot shake this icky feeling, and I find myself taking one in the AM and one in the PM. I had a hair appt today, but it was cancelled bc my colorist is out sick. I was bummed for a second, then happy bc that meant I had time for a morning shower and I didn't have to drive downtown in the rain haha. I'm going to try again on Friday. I need my hair trimmed and colored desperately!

    I'm wearing my nursing sports bra today for the first time. I grew out of it since I bought it a few weeks ago. It's doable for now, but it's not exactly comfortable. Crap. I couldn't imagine the next size up fitting me, as this size was pretty loose when I tried it on.

  18. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @MsMini: Oh man! I'll be crossing my fingers that little one stays put!

  19. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @mini you look great and finger crossed!!

    Anyone else MORE hungry lately? I have been the past couple of days. This third trimester slow down in hunger is a bunch of malarkey I tells ya!

  20. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @MsMini: Fingers crossed your assessment goes okay and you get a few more days to get everything ready (and bank that sleep!)

    @volksgirl64: I think I'm going to get a few different flavors of ice cream at my next grocery store run. My sweet tooth is out of control too! I started out craving salty, but have completely transitioned. If possible, I'd live on cake and chocolate!

    @marriedandlovingit: I usually have 2 showers per day (morning and post workout) and if I don't get that evening one, I can't breathe at night. And in the morning, I at least need to wash my face to get the sinuses moving.

    @Nskillet: I'm hungry during the day - yesterday was really bad. But then it slows down at night and I have a smaller dinner. I still have my bedtime snack though, because otherwise I wake up at 3am STARVING and can't go back to sleep until I eat something.

  21. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Nskillet: My appetite is all over the place. I think I've gained a lot this past week. My face is looking pudgier and my love handles are in full-force.

    I've been having some groin and upper thigh pain for a few days. Whenever it hits, it is so hard to walk. I wish I did some prenatal yoga throughout pregnancy, as I don't think I would be this uncomfortable right now had I of been doing it. Next pregnancy, I suppose.

  22. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: Hope your assessment goes well and that you get a few more days before LO is here!!

    @marriedandlovingit: There's just no way I could do shorts right now. It even peeks out of my knee length dresses! I wear my nursing sleep bra around the house. I bought it a size up and so it fits well now (not much support) but it's super comfy.

    @Nskillet: I'm still super hungry, too. I'm getting low on snacks at home and DH must get to the grocery store tomorrow before I start eating the carpet!

    @Goldilocks1107: I looooove sweets lately. This whole pregnancy I've had more of a sweet tooth (even fruits) but lately I just want ice cream, brownies, cookies. Mmm.

  23. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @MsMini: hope everything goes well and you get the extra time you need!

    @marriedandlovingit: I've been really congested since about 20 weeks, but I'm lazy and only shower every other day. I've never been this congested in my life!
    I've been doing yoga once a week for most of this pregnancy and I still get the groin/upper thigh pain! It's the worst after I've been laying down and I've found that going for a walk helps. It is the strangest and most uncomfortable pain though!

    I'm 37 weeks today so I guess that means full term!

    I actually WANT to be pregnant in the summer. Guess that makes me crazy but the whole time I've been pregnant I've been dying to swim and you can't swim for 6 weeks or so after delivery so I'm going to miss part of swim season this summer and be all pudgy and gross. Ideally I'd like to get pregnant late fall so when I'm sick the first trimester I can just curl up on the couch since it will be cold, when I'm feeling better I can start going outside in the spring, then have baby in like September so swim season will be over but it will still be nice enough to take baby for walks.

  24. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    Best of luck Mini, I hope you get your weekend back!

    I'm so glad some of you have mentioned the groin pain- I had it last night and it was woeful. I was trying to move from my left side to my back and every time I lifted my right knee even an inch, over about ten minutes, it hurt like fury! Then I had a second bout of it again later on. Really didn't enjoy the experience at all. I'm kind of reconciled to the fact that I'm in the consistently uncomfortable phase now- I have to keep reminding myself I've been ridiculously lucky so far, a few weeks of aches and pains won't kill me. Fingers crossed

    Hospital bags 50% packed, cot set up, car seats sorted... We're finally getting to some kind of readiness. If the babas stay comfy another couple weeks I'll be quite happy. Of course our wedding anniversary is the 7th of May, and I can't imagine what we can possibly do to mark it- I'd say walking will be tough at that point, if I'm not already in hospital!

  25. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Well, I spent several hours in LDR. Baby looked good on the NST, BP slowly came down, and bloodwork looked okay. I will still have an ultrasound on Friday, and will go into LDR for re-assessment on the weekend, because my BP could be a sign that I am heading towards HELLP syndrome, but she is hopeful I can make it to Tuesday without getting into too much trouble.

  26. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @MsMini: Well I am glad that baby is doing well in there. This whole thing must be stressful for you (not good for your BP!) What is HELLP syndrome? Good luck... keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

    @duckduckkristen: Swimming certainly does sound like great exercise during pregnancy--the one thing that actually sounds nice right now! However, I couldn't bring myself to wear summer clothes while I was pregnant. I would want to cover up all the time to hide the largeness!
    P.S. Your shower was SOOOOOO cute.
    @Goldilocks1107: Agree on the no late summer baby thing too! I would love to have our next baby any time from April-June, which would make our two babies almost exactly two years apart. Thinking about you, your fam, and your grandpa. Hope he can be comfortable--so glad he got to see the ultrasound picture!!
    What do doctors say about swelling feet? Do they suggest anything to help deal with them? I haven't had to deal with them yet but a close friend of mine has horrifically swollen feet and she doesn't know what to do about it!

    I swear as time goes on I am feeling better and better. I told DH that aside from my large belly and feeling baby move, I don't feel pregnant at all today! I just went on a total cleaning binge in the house and am about to take the dog for a walk. I am energized and really not in a lot of pain. I think those massages have been doing their job! I am feeling really blessed to not be dealing with any swelling or water retention either.

    Oh, I posted a bump pic a couple days ago on the WB thread too!

  27. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: You look awesome, though!
    @Goldilocks1107: WHAT!? The swelling gets worse? Why?
    @volksgirl64: what is overnight oatmeal?
    @MsMini: Good luck at L&D this weekend, and I hope you get to enjoy what part of the weekend you do get, together and to yourselves!
    @marriedandlovingit: Where did you get the sports bra? Also, I've been working out the whole pregnancy except weeks 27-30 because of my accident, and I still get groin pains and it's hard to walk!
    @duckduckkristen: Full term! YAY!!
    @aunt pol: Yeah, the constantly uncomfortable part... ick--and I feel like I still have such a long way to go.

  28. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Ive read foot swelling can be a sign of the baby engaging in your pelvis for some women!! Im feeling the same as you though felt like a million bucks today!

    Had a scary migraine yesterday but got tons of good sleep and a rub out of DH yesterday and am feeling good today. The waiting is te worst part! Next friday is my last day at work. How close is everyone else?

    First internal is tomorrow, kinda scared.....

    @msmini im glad you got a few days more!! You can make it to tuesday and if you dnt youve done a marvelous job incubating that bun!!

  29. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Nskillet: aww, mine is tomorrow but ill probablt opt out unless it s recommended based on my other symptoms. i had one at 27 weeks and it sucks less than a pap

  30. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @Nskillet: God, I hope she's engaged in my pelvis now. Because yesterday I almost couldn't get my gym shoes on, my feet were so swollen. My ankles were almost as big around as my knees. So uncomfortable. And my right hand started to swell. I'm going to be super cute at my shower on Sunday if this doesn't calm down!
    @Mrsdaredevil: My OB didn't really have any advice on bringing the swelling down, besides elevating my feet and drinking lots of water. I slept with my feet slightly elevated last night and it helped a bit. But now I have a headache because of the awkward sleep position.
    @pastemoo: I think it can get worse because of fluid build-up during labor? And it takes awhile for your body to get rid of everything you'd retained? Not really sure, but I definitely had a sloshy feeling in my feet last night. Not cool.

    So . . . newborn photos. Who's doing them and how many/what kind of accessories are you getting? I was on etsy yesterday looking at flower headbands. Which then showed me tutus and butterfly wings. I think DH would be upset if I went too overboard, but maybe one headband and a wing/headband set would be okay (as long as I keep it under $40)?

  31. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Congrats on getting to full term!!

    @aunt pol: Sounds like you are making progress!!

    .@MsMini: Glad everything is OK -- hoping that you get through the rest of the week and weekend without incident.

    @Goldilocks1107: We're doing them - were gifted them by our friends for my shower. Little boy accessories are not nearly as fun as little girls! I think we'll mostly do naked ones/ones with blankets covering his baby bits....I have a few really cute little newborn outfits. I don't think we'll do accessories though (don't have any crazy cute hats or anything). If we were having a girl, would go overboard, for sure ; )

    @Mrsdaredevil: I feel good, too, but that's because I'm just laying around ; )

    @Nskillet: I don't think internals are really that bad - when I had pre-term labor, I had five over the course of four days. It basically feels like a pap to me (in fact, I think paps hurt more....) I just felt some pressure/pinching.

    How are people doing on To Do Lists?

    We still have some clothes to wash, have to put together the pack n play and snap n go, and need to install the car seat (but the car must be cleaned first). My mom will do the washing and putting together of the remainder of the gear this weekend and DH will need to deal with the carseat situation. Also, I need to finalize our insurance decision (switching plans to DH and figuring out life insurance). I am going to start putting together a hospital bag, too, but not that concerned about it yet.

    Oh, and my mom is going to hang our fishy wall decals for us (http://www.etsy.com/listing/62169453/fish-wall-decal-stickers-baby-ocean-fish) this weekend. I think that's it....

    Anyone have a prediction on when they will go into labor? I think I'll make it a few weeks after I'm up on my feet again. I'm going to say that we have this baby on May 15, when I'll be over 38 weeks. Sounds like a good day ; ) The only day (after 37 weeks) that I hope the baby doesn't come is May 10. That's the day my miscarriage started last year. That would just be too weird of a coincidence.

  32. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @nskillet: I still have 3 weeks of work to go, boo. I'm about ready to stop working though.

    @pastemoo: It's oatmeal made in the crockpot overnight. http://www.melskitchencafe.com/2012/03/overnight-maple-brown-sugar-oatmeal.html is the recipe I used. It needs something added though like pumpkin or banana or apples.

    @msmini: Here's hoping baby stays put for another weekend!

    @aunt pol: You're getting ready! We have yet to pack a hospital bag and I still need to wash the car seat cover stuff.

    @marriedandlovingit: I am having groin pain only on my right side but it's SO painful when it happens! I actually yelped last night and DH asked what was going on.

    @goldilocks1107: we don't have plans to do newborn shots yet but I want to. We probably won't do any tutus or anything and just cuddle her up in blankets etc.

    Not much to report this morning. This weekend I'm hoping to cross things off the list like packing the hospital bag and DD's overnight bag and washing the car seat. Oh, and I want to work on filling that freezer for us.
    We're going to a meetup group for parents of toddlers so hopefully we'll meet some families that we can get to know!

  33. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    Yay my appt was awesome today! I am 80% efface, a finger tip dialated, and baby is engaged at a +1 pelvi position! Doctor thinks this show will get on the road within 2 weeks and even said " If I dont see you, happy baby!". The internal was super easy way less uncomfortable than a pap smear. NST was also fabulous today!

    I've officially gained 7lbs with the diabetes/my pregnancy and because my sugars have been so under control they said ive done an amazing job reducing future risks to our daughter!

    I literally squealed Yayy! When the doctor excitedly proclaimed oh wow girl this head is LOWwwwww!

    They think I wont require induction or C section at this point and have encouraged sex, birth ball time, and wow I'm so excited!

    I thought I'd be a little bummed at the prospect of losing paid time off (if the baby comes early I lose 2 weeks paid) but at this point I'm just so excited to potentially go into labor I could care less!!

  34. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: Cute decals!
    The only days I'm hoping to avoid are May 1-May 4. We close on our new house May 4 and I'd really prefer to not have to do that in the hospital! I'm really hoping to go a few days early - May 18 sounds pretty good to me.
    @Nskillet: Great job on handling your GD - that's absolutely amazing!
    If I end up going past my due date, I'm thinking I might just start my maternity leave anyway. Mainly because I'm already uncomfortable at work, and my workload is really getting low. It seems like I spend more of my time twiddling my thumbs than actually doing anything (hence HB!). I told my supervisor last week and she did add me to a brainstorming project that we did yesterday. But now that's over for the immediate future and I'm back to square one: boredom. Which is probably why I found all those cute etsy items!

  35. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @winniebee: now that I am feeling so much better and my BP is down, I have a weird feeling this baby is gonna hang around for a long time and will be late. I am guessing May 17th. I know its a super long time to wait and it is rather discouraging, but I would rather plan on her being late and be surprised than be super anxious cuz I thought she would be early.

    @Nskillet: oh my goodness, baby is coming soon! That is so exciting!!! When is your actual due date again?

    @Goldilocks1107: we are doing newborn photos. I will post a link to the clothes/accessories we are using in a sec ( I am on my phone right now).

    So I don't know who saw my post but my sister bought me maternity photos and I am freaking out. I need some serious help!!!!!

  36. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: my due date is may 13 but doctor seems to think she will be early! Time will tell right?

  37. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Nskillet: Oh right, I forgot we had the same due date. I am so paranoid of this baby coming super late. At first there was a risk of her coming early, but now that things are better I feel like I might be pregnant til June!

  38. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

  39. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

  40. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @winniebee: Since we were on vacation most of this week, I haven't done much on the to-do list lately. Because I had my shower in MA and I had flown up there for it, my mom drove down to the Poconos to meet us with all the goodies, so now I have pretty much everything we need! Now it's just a matter of going through it all, washing stuff, and setting everything up. Still have to pack the hospital bags too.

    I'm due May 9 but had a dream he was born the 13th, then last night had another dream he came a couple weeks early! I still feel like I'll be at least a few days late, but DH thinks this baby wants out and will come early. I've been feeling a lot more cramps and belly pain the past few days, as well as some pressure down below, so we'll see what my midwife says at my appt tomorrow. I don't know whether I'll be getting an internal.

    My belly feels SO HARD now!

    @Mrsdaredevil: OMG I looooooove baby hats! I even have that purple one pinned on Pinterest, but I'm having a boy, so he'll have to deal with just a chicken hat my mom's friend knit for him.

    @Goldilocks1107: Love the 4th one!

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