Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    Milestone - I made my first "is this okay" call to the OB's office today. I figured between my low back pain and periodic "sharp, stabby" pains in my vagina, it might be worth a call. Result: totally normal.

  2. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I'd say that was a relief! Or are you ready to be done now? I'm beginning to feel somewhere near ready now. My friend reckons that's why there's so much discomfort in the final month/two - so that we're fed up of being pregnant and labour is preferable to continuing!

    In other news, u/s today showed I'm having a pair of elephants. 5lb5 and 5lb15 respectively, 69th and 90th percentile. Eek! I was a bit freaked about twin2's size, but consultant said its perfectly fine, they only worry if over 95th percentile/paired with high blood sugar. Blood sugar seems to be fine, blood pressure has come back down from its little blip two weeks ago. They're quite content to leave me be, if all continues as smoothly as this, until 38 weeks. A month from Thursday, the 17th of May. If these two savages continue growing at this rate, they'll be over 7lb8 and 8lb! Madness! So whereas before I wanted them to let me go as long as possible, I'm beginning to think it might just be a good thing if the babas decided to come a little sooner! Washing everything for the hospital bags tomorrow, probably best to be some way prepared:)
    You're all so lucky with showers, registries etc- they're just not done here, even for weddings. I'll be inundated with gifts when the babies are born, most of which will probably be pretty clothes! Pretty clothes are great, obviously, but it must be nice to have some of the larger purchases taken off your hands.

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Oh - if you have time - can you weigh in on this little dilemma here? http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/not-sure-what-to-tell-dh

  4. jennylynn

    persimmon / 1134 posts

    Hi guys! I've been really busy with baby girl, so I'm way behind on the boards, but I did manage to post my birth story today on my blog for anyone interested in reading! Hopefully once things get settled down I'll be able to catch up on the boards! Hope you all are feeling good, and enjoying your time pregnant!

  5. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @aunt pol: If it makes you feel any better, we are not having a shower and I am in the US :). I've turned down the offers from people here, simply because I don't know that many women where we currently live and I didn't want to head back to my hometown or LA (where I lived for several yrs before here) before baby. We will probably have a 'sip and see' when we go back to our hometowns in August. We've received gifts despite not having a shower though, and I am sure you will be showered with gifts after the fact. Who doesn't love spoiling adorable babies?!

    Those are some nice sized babies!!

    @winniebee: I hope you don't mind if I weigh in here, rather than that thread....

    I would feel confused too, but I would lean more in the direction of him going. As long as he keeps his phone on him at all times, then all should be good. Labor for your first normally lasts for a while, so there is some peace of mind there. Would your mom be available and close by?

    @jennylynn: Congrats again! I'll definitely read your blog! Hope you and baby are feeling well!

  6. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: I'm glad you had such a good weekend!! Sounds exhausting though! Hope you can put your feet up a little this week. When do you find out about your induction date?

    @blushink: Excited to see your finished product!

    @Goldilocks1107: Good to hear "normal" and yes I *check* for the mucous plug every time I go to the bathroom, too.

    @aunt pol: Wow, that's awesome your babies are so big and strong! Our little one is destined to be a peanut. I doubt he will be a hair over 6 lbs regardless of when he is born! The shower culture in the US IS great....but hopefully you can hold off on getting clothes and enjoy all the great gifts post-birth.

    @jennylynn: I will check out your birth story! Hope all is well with you and the LO : )

    @marriedandlovingit: Thanks! I feel conflicted but think I'm going to tell him to go. My mom (who lives an hour away) will come stay with me for as much of the weekend as I want. I know there's always a risk that I'll go into labor and that it could progress quickly, but I feel like the chance of both of those things happening when I'm just laying around the house is pretty low....

  7. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @jennylynn: I just read your blog. I teared up reading it! What a great birth story. Congratulations! She's beautiful!

  8. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @aunt pol: eek! huge! you'll be ok though
    @Goldilocks1107: lol. so glad the answer was normal!
    @winniebee: done
    @jennylynn: congrats on baby girl! going to read your story next
    @marriedandlovingit: what;s a sip and see? i'm not having a shower either

  9. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Love all the posts!
    @winniebee, I weighed in on your situation, posted on the thread! Good luck... I am sure the weekend will go by with no hiccups at all!
    @Aunt Pol yay for big babies! As much as a pain in the ass (literally?) big babies might be, my doctor always tells me that higher weight babies always do better at feeding and sleeping through the night.

    Update: Had an NST today and everything looked good. I was having contractions (6 over the course of 30 minutes) but couldn't feel a thing. Nurse wasn't too worried about it though, especially since I haven't lost my plug or shown any other signs of impending labor.

    Other good news: My BP is the down to my pre-pregnancy number. My doctor said it is nothing short of a miracle and that she has not seen chronic hypertension that lasted an entire pregnancy just suddenly disappear, especially at the very end like this! She is completely shocked, but of course I am celebrating! Having normal BP totally takes away my risk of early induction, and greatly lessens my fears of having certain interventions during labor and delivery. YAYYYY!!!!! I don't know why the heck my body decided to get better on it's own like this--especially since I took a six hour walk yesterday!

    In other news, I sat on an exercise ball yesterday for the first time since I have been pregnant and oh my lanta, it felt so good! It was almost as if it absorbed all the lower back pain I have been having. Needless to say I immediately went out and bought one and have been using it all day. Why didn't I try this sooner?

  10. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Wow! I am so happy for you! Happy for you and your good BP. Happy that your NST helped you to know that you are having some contractions. And happy for your exercise ball miracle. What a great day for you!

    @Goldilocks1107: literally LOL re the mucos-plug checks! I really check things out during the day, but at night I don't turn on the light nor flush during my million trips to pee (because we have a loft space and that would wake up DH)...sometimes I wonder if I might miss it!

    I read a lot of your updates when I got home from work but was too tired to respond and now I forget. I really enjoyed reading everyone's updates and I'll just leave it at that.

    Today I washed and dried the cloth diapers for the first time (out of the 5 times that it has to be done before use....I'm going to do it once a day all week til it's done). I also did a bunch of reading about cloth diaper stuff and found out that even 'cloth diaper safe' cream is not actually cloth diaper safe. We were given a set of 5 fleece liners, which can be used to protect the diaper from bum cream, but I'm worried that DH might not be able to tell the difference between them and the pocket-diaper inserts. So then I googled around and found out that some people use cut-up receiving blankets as liners. A use for my 30 receiving blankets!!! (Probably for one or two of them at least).

  11. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @pastemoo: A sip and see is a casual gathering some couples have after the baby is born.

    @Mrsdaredevil: Excellent news regarding your bp!

    If you ladies call your husbands in the middle of the day, do they wonder if it is 'the call'? I called my husband today because I overloaded the washing machine with a comforter and it flooded (oops!), and he breathed a sigh of relief that is was just that haha. He thought it was 'the call'.

  12. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Ha!! I totally am checking every single time I go to the bathroom lol. Ive had so much pelvic pressure and sharp pains in my vagina ive convinced myself it MIGHT be happening!! I love your names! Audrey Natalie actually sounds pretty together if you couldnt decide between them

    And I also vote yes! Lets all keep in touch when we have our wee ones! I look forward to hearing all of your updates even though it made me realize I dont know any of your names? So, Hi Im Nicole

    @msdaredevil youre incredible!! Isnt it amazing what your body can work out? My blood sugars have been trending like your blood pressure. Basically back to pre-pregnancy. I swear, pur bodies know this is almost over amd are preparing to rejoice by giving us our beautiful baby girls!!! I want to try a birthing ball so bad. Ive been sitting on a chair backwards while DH does pressure massage lately. I swear, he has the hands of a greek god in those moments lol.

    @winnie I say encourage him to go! It may be his last chance for some rest/relaxation and you can have him on speed dial if something changes. However, I totally get him feeling uncomfortable. My DH just turned down a concert because of this same reason. Could he compromise and go to a fishing spot closer? Obviously I may be reaching here...

    @jennylynn cant wait to read your blog!

    @auntpol yay for healthy babies!! You should feel so proud! If it makes you feel better some babies do slow down. I know my 95th percentile baby is now 76th!!

    @cvbee I admire you so much for cloth diapering. Id try if I was going to be a SAHM but going back to work was my deciding factor. 5 times washed huh? How intense!!!

    @msmini so glad to hear about your baby shower, wasnt t so surreal feeling? It was a huge milestone for DH and I. Now we have nightly convos about how we are literally weeks or days away from never being just the two of is again.

  13. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @cvbee: I have a friend who uses coconut oil instead of diaper cream. Is that better for cloth diapers than rash cream? I've yet to research it. Still have to wash all of mine the 5 times!

  14. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Delighted with your bp! That's fantastic! Now. What the blazes were you doing, a SIX hour walk in your final month???!! Fair play to you for feeling up to it- half an hour is my limit now- but wow!
    @winniebee: Hey 6 lb is a perfectly fine sized baby, don't let anyone tell you different! DH was ten pounds and is 5ft7 now, his nephew was 6 pounds and is 6ft 5 now. I think once they're inside normal ranges it doesn't matter a whole lot!
    @cvbee: I think it makes perfect sense to use some of your blankets that way- what in the world would you do with 30 of them, otherwise?! I have to say I don't envy you all that cd laundry though!
    @marriedandlovingit: My brother missed a call from DH today and was convinced it was The Call:)
    @Nskillet: That's reassuring re size, I guess they can have growth spurts in utero too!

  15. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I was SO tired today, came back from my OB and went right to sleep on the couch until DH came home! Induction date is likely a week from tuesday (April 24th), my OB is away, so she spoke to the OB on call that day about me, so there is always a chance I could be delayed due to the difference in physician. I will have a BPP and NST prior to tuesday, and had blood work and will have a 24 hour urine as well. I am glad we have a week to get ready, we are going to kick baby prep into high gear!

    @Goldilocks1107: Glad to hear that your doctors office re-assured you. I have had some shabby vag pain lately - no fun at all!

    @aunt pol: Wow! Those are some good sized babies you are growing. Good for you!

    @jennylynn: Good to hear from you! Hope you and baby are settling in well!

    @winniebee: I think I would have your DH go, 2 hours isn't really that far away, especially if your Mom stays with you.

    @Mrsdaredevil: Good news about your BP and NST! Your body is certainly being kind to you all of a sudden after all you have dealt with during your pregnancy!

    @Nskillet: The shower was a crazy feeling! It is weird to know that next weekend is probably our last weekend with just the 2 of us to think about. We are going to do something special I think. My name is Jennifer.

  16. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @duckduckkristen: to be on the safe side, ANY oil or cream can give you buildup issues. I'd rather not have to strip. But some people don't use liners and say their diapers are fine. I'm just going to play it safe. Oh, and people say most of the time with cloth diapers you don't actually need to use any bum cream....just use it if they get irritated.

  17. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @jennylynn: Beautiful birth story, congratulations!

    @Mrsdaredevil: That is AWESOME news on your NST and BP - you must be so thrilled! At one point, you were worried about induction pre-week 37 and now you could actually make it to your DD with a med-free birth like you wanted!

    @marriedandlovingit: YES! My husband doesn't like it when I call and don't leave a message, either. So, if I want to get ahold of him, I've taken to texting him so he doesn't see a missed call and freak out!

    @Nskillet: I'm Erin : )

    @aunt pol: I'm fine with having a little peanut - my DH and I were only 5 and 6 pounds when born and we're just 5'2 and 5'6 so if they told me I was having a 9 pound baby that would be just odd.

    @MsMini: A week!?!? Crazy! I just can't believe how fast this has gone. I hope you guys do something really fun this weekend, too.

    Thanks for all of your comments about DH's fishing trip. He hasn't decided if he is going to go, yet, but if he does, my mom will stay with me.

  18. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @aunt pol: I'm ready to be done, but at 35 weeks, I figure it's good that she's staying put a little longer! And we don't have daycare until Sept. 1 so I'd hate to have to find "filler" spots earlier.
    But after yesterday's insane movement, BH contractions and stabby pains, I can officially say the ninth month sucks!
    I did finally get a decent nights' sleep last night. Not great, but decent. I'm not sure if it was sitting on the exercise ball, not going to the gym or the massage from DH that did it, but I'll take a semi-pain free night!
    @Mrsdaredevil: That's great news on the BP front! And exercise balls really are the greatest. I wish my office would let me use one at work. Then I'd be in heaven.
    And . . . I'm Sarah!

  19. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    So I was thinking, that it might make the threads more manageable if we start a May 2012 babies thread once the babies start rolling in ... since we are likely to be 25 pages plus by the time that happens! Since we can search to the date twins pages it shouldn't make following 2 threads that difficult, I wouldn't think.

  20. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: Or we could just start a new thread and everyone start posting on the new thread?

  21. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    I think starting a new thread now would be fine. It's what we did on WB, so it wouldn't be different at all. Right now, I just remember that I'm current up to page 22 of the posts

  22. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @winniebee: That might be a good idea! This one has a lot on it already!

  23. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @mrsdaredevil: Great news about your numbers! That had to feel like a victory!

    @marriedandlovingit: DH & I don't talk during the day so its not a concern. I would have to call the school office & get transferred to him and then he WOULD freak. I did it when I was laid off and I had to tell him right away that the baby was fine.

    @Aunt Pol: Wow! Good size babies! I can't believe that you're lugging around 2 that are both the same size as my 1 right now. I am in awe of you!

    @nskillet: so funny to see everyone's real names. Mine is Jacque (Jackie).

    Disappointing doctor's appt yesterday, I've gained 10lbs in only 6 weeks! My overall weight gain is fine (28lbs) but I was hoping not to break that 30lb mark and I don't think that's happening. I know it's good for the baby but it can be frustrating.
    I also decided that if she wants to come early, I am totally OK with that. We are traveling 8 weeks after EDD and the older she can be for that trip, the better. My back to work date is pretty much set, so I'd love to have more time at home too. Of course, she better stay put for another 2 weeks or so, but any time after that!
    So Big Sister class might have been more useful than I originally thought. DD spent the entire weekend doing things with "Baby Sister", her new imaginary friend. Everything she did, Baby Sister had to do too. Baths, diapers, I even had to brush Baby Sister's hair! It's cute, and hopefully a good sign that we won't have much jealousy to deal with!

  24. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    So . . . travel restrictions. I've emailed my OB about this, but was curious what your rules are for the 3rd trimester. Do you have any travel restrictions? If so, what are they?

    My grandfather isn't doing well and we're anticipating he'll pass away in the next week or so. Since the funeral would be 4-5 hours by car (not factoring in bathroom/stretch breaks), I'm not planning to go because I'd be 36+ weeks and my health care plan has a fairly limited geographical reach, so if I went into labor outside the network it would be very costly to DH and me.
    But I figured I would double-check with my OB on her recommendations so when my parents get asked why I'm not there, they can say my doctor told me I can't travel.

  25. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    I love the idea of a May Babies board! This is going to be such an important place for me to come when feeling overwhelmed of confused!

    Hello Sarah, Jaque, Erin, Jennifer and anyone else I missed!

  26. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: So sorry to hear about your grandfather. I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow and I am currently on vacation that's a 4 hour drive from home. I saw my midwife 2 days before I left but didn't tell her I was going away. My practice doesn't like for us to travel more than an hour from home in the last month. I was a little nervous about traveling so close to my due date but I haven't had any contractions or anything. I guess it just depends on how comfortable you are with it and what your OB says.

    I'm Kristen, btw.

    @marriedandlovingit: DH used to get really concerned every time I called him earlier in the pregnancy, but now he's a little more laid back about it. I still try to tell him really fast why I'm calling so he doesn't worry, but usually I just email him instead.
    I'm figuring baby will be a little late anyways. He's due the 9th, but I had a dream he came the 13th, but I'm sure I'll be sitting around at least a week after my EDD waiting for him!

  27. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @volksgirl64: that's so cute! Sounds like she's excited and ready for a little sister!

  28. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Sorry to hear about your grandad. It would be nice if he had a little recovery and stayed around a while to meet his great-grandchild.
    I'm Rachel, btw;)
    Anyone know where I can get plus size, button through nightshirts? Google is being most unhelpful!

  29. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    I'm Liz!

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather!

    My Dr didn't allow any air travel after my 33 week trip. I am not sure if there would be the same restriction for land travel.

    @volksgirl64: That's sweet hearing of your daughter's excitement for her little sister!

    As long as the dr isn't concerned, then no worries about the weight gain. I'm all for not knowing how much I weigh. It has helped me, as I am obsessed over weight.

  30. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    Thanks ladies! He had a brief recovery this weekend, but started going downhill again and signed a DNR. So we're all just getting prepared for the inevitable at this point.

    @aunt pol: What about looking for nursing pajamas? I'm guessing that's why you want the buttons in the front. Maybe Amazon will have some (I'm just not sure the best way to search for places that will ship internationally).

  31. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I thought I'd hedge my bets and grab some nighties as well- regular button pjs should do the job ok, I just thought a few nighties would be handy too, what with doctors peeping under sheets randomly:) At least when we get home I don't have to worry about it!

  32. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: Your dog is too funny! Someone's not going to like sharing the attention! My cats have been doing the same thing. I washed the fabric for our portable bassinet from our PnP, next thing I know the cats are in it and its full of hair. Boo.

    @goldilocks1107: I love the name Audrey, so pretty! Really, Natalie is too! You can't go wrong. Very sorry to hear about your grandfather. If your Dr gave you the ok to travel, would you feel comfortable going?

    @winniebee: Wow, only two weeks to go! I know it probably sounds a lot longer to you, but I bet they'll be over before you know it. I'm a little late chiming in, but I think as long as I was feeling well and not having too many contractions etc. I'd be okay with letting DH go. Good plan to play it by ear, and he'll obviously be glued to his phone so I'm sure it will work out for you!

    @MsMini: Sounds like you had your shower just in time! Great to hear you're home safe and were properly spoiled. How exciting you're in your last week. I feel like I'm going to be such a sap in my last week... it kinda makes me miss my husband already!

    @aunt pol: Great news from your appointment! You're doing amazing and sounds like you have yourself to happy little (not not too little) babes!

    @jennylynn: Thanks for sharing your story and congrats again!

    @Mrsdaredevil: That's so awesome you get to enjoy the last weeks of your pregnancy without having to worry about all the stresses you've had up until this point. I hope the trend continues and you get the birth you've hoped for! (I'm totally writing this while parking my fat ass on my swiss ball, its a dream!)

    @cvbee: Good idea/use for your surplus of receiving blankets! How many covers/liners etc do you recommend having in a CD stash?

    @marriedandlovingit: Pfft... my husband is convinced we're going late. I could probably call him and tell him its time and he wouldn't believe me. That said, the other day he tried calling the house from work and I didn't answer and he went crazy lighting up my cell with calls and messages... so maybe he's coming around!

    @volksgirl64: I had another big weight gain this week too. My midwife said its likely because I'm constipated... it sounds like a bit of a stretch, but at this point I'm willing to believe her I'm so glad you feel the Big sister classes were worth while, your DD sounds too cute. I'm sure she'll be so excited to meet her little sister!

  33. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Nskillet: I am Heather!!!

  34. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    Everyone has such pretty names!

    @goldilocks thinking of you and your family

  35. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather : ( I never had any discussions w/ my OB about car travel in the last month or so. Isn't it crazy how we relish in "ok" sleep these days?

    @volksgirl64: Ugh re: the weight gain. I had a month like that too - but then oddly I balanced out the next visit and hadn't gained anything. So I think with all the water weight, bloat, and other weird stuff going on you can really fluctuate. Sounds like DD is getting ready to be a big sis! My niece absolutely loved her baby sister from the get-go and there are only 20 months between them.

    @aunt pol: I was going to suggest Amazon or Zappos?

  36. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @LAGS: Just heard back from my OB - she doesn't advise traveling more than 1 hour after 32 weeks. That's a lot more restrictive than I expected!

    I've decided to stop hopping on the scale at home. Like @winniebee: said, between the water weight and everything else, I feel the scale just doesn't give an accurate representation of what's going on with my body. I WILL eat that cookie dough ice cream if i want it and refuse to feel bad

  37. jennylynn

    persimmon / 1134 posts

    thanks for all of the well wishes ladies! I finally got caught up on the boards, and some of you are getting so close! Being a momma is the best feeling ever! I'm so excited for you all!

  38. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I don't even own a scale, oops! I won't get weighed for another 2 weeks and want to turn around for the weigh in. My stomach (and bum) has grown what seems like crazy over the past few days!

  39. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: My dress pants are definitely fitting a little tighter in the tush these days. So I just wear more dresses and leggings!

  40. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Wow, that is super strict! Please stop weighing yourself! It only makes you go crazy. I felt so much better when I stopped weighing myself.

    @winniebee: I turn around for the weigh in at my appts. Scales are evil lol

    I had my 38 week appt today. My Dr told me that my cervix is still closed. I am going to get an ultrasound at next weeks appt to see how big he is and the fluid level.

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